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India 'incomplete' without Pakistan's Sindh: BJP patriarch LK Advani

He's out of his mind. Virtually no one in Sindh wants that. It's disturbing that a man of his stature would make such a statement.
It is just the personal opinion of Mr. Advani that Sindh should join India which is not shared by the majority of Indians. In the same way the Ex-Nawab of Junagarh Muhammed Jahangir Khanji who is staying in exile in your Karachi wants Junagarh to be a part of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Now also there is a Junagarh house in Karachi. I would say that neither Sindh would be part of India nor Junagarh would be a part of Pakistan. Both Mr Advani and the Ex Nawab Muhammed Jahangir Khanji are insane people.
I just remeber one point from Jinnah's 14 points.
"Sindh should be dissociated from Bomaby as a separate province"
What was the time of Rangeet singhs Rule???
I knew u would ask me this question. Ranjit Singh came to power in the early half of the 19th century, and his empire existed from 1799 to 1849. The Mughal rule in India lasted for 7 to 8 centuries but before the Mughal rule, India was ruled by Hindus and Buddhist rule for thousands of years.
He's out of his mind. Virtually no one in Sindh wants that. It's disturbing that a man of his stature would make such a statement.
Agree, but it is not a view shared by many, in fact we could even say that virtually no one in India wants that.
did india have 1mn more solders to control only liyari and kacha :D:lol:
Is Advani ethnically Sindhi?

He was born in hyderabad sindh ,there is a place in hyderabad called 'advani chari`(chari is a local slang for a steep road) . advanis were in ample quantity before partition . he had his schooling years in st.patricks karachi .
I knew u would ask me this question. Ranjit Singh came to power in the early half of the 19th century, and his empire existed from 1799 to 1849. The Mughal rule in India lasted for 7 to 8 centuries but before the Mughal rule, India was ruled by Hindus and Buddhist rule for thousands of years.
If you are prepared to return India to those Hindus I can provide you the descends of those Hindus as well??
Is Advani ethnically Sindhi?

He was born in hyderabad sindh ,there is a place in hyderabad called 'advani chari`(chari is a local slang for a steep road) . advanis were in ample quantity before partition . he had his schooling years in st.patricks karachi .
yes, that surname is a dead giveaway.
If you are prepared to return India to those Hindus I can provide you the descends of those Hindus as well??
I fail to understand your logic, infact u have nothing left to return.
Before 1947 in Pakistan many of the rich wealthy merchants were Hindus and Sikhs. U have the Soojan Singh Haveli in Rawalpindi, infact it is said that Soojan Singh owned half of Rawalpindi.I have read it somewhere Tommorrow if the Great Grandson of Soojan Singh approaches and demands his share of property,will u oblige
yes, that surname is a dead giveaway.
You want to know who else was Sindhi?
Well he is crying because he cudnt finish his agenda of akhand bharat
Are you basing everything on perception? if so delusions my friend is a word that is thrown at will for everything on this forum. It neither portrays or accurately reflects the wonderful load of garbage that is used to describe India, or Indians or The Indian institution as a whole.

are your the official arbitrator of PDF?
I'm just pointing out that u are defending him on something where he was wrong. Do u agree that Hindustani is a race? If u have anything to contribute then respond otherwise don't bother to quote me and talk irrelevant stuff.
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