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India in Afghanistan


Did you know how Najibullah was killed? Please research on that as well. And that the entire Muslim world condemned his torture and killing. Including Ahmed Shah Masood and the top Taliban leadership.

A high ranking member of the Taliban militia, Mullah Mohammad Rabbani, said Najibullah deserved his fate. "He killed so many Islamic people and was against Islam and his crimes were so obvious that it had to happen. He was a communist," Rabbani said.

Mohammad Najibullah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And you completely ignored the context I mentioned Najibullah was the last hope. He was willing to resign from his post.

Any credible links for that? Seems like you're just spewing your baseless Indian propaganda without actually providing any credible proof.

His government was Communist only in name and was willing to negotiate with any of the mujaheddin factions to bring peace to Afghanistan.

Under Najibullah's control, it is claimed that secret police Khedamat-e Etelea'at-e Dawlati (KHAD) arrested, tortured and executed tens of thousands of Afghans.

Afghanland.com Afghanistan Dr Najibullah Ahmadzai

And obviously you still didn't get Ahmad's point that its the Afghan Pashtoons who are unwilling to recognize the Durrand line.

Of course I did. The Pakistani Pashtuns don't recognize the Durand Line either, it's an open border, but it is technically part of Pakistan, and Pakistani Pashtuns want to stay with Pakistan. There is a subtle difference between the two things, I think it's you who doesn't understand.

The AFGHAN LEADERSHIP however was more sinister in its plan to separate NWFP from Pakistan and form Pakhtunistan. Unfortunately, it is because of the inept Afghan leadership that Afghanis have to suffer. Pakistan has nothing but love for the Afghan people. The Afghan and Pakistani Pashtuns never had the dream of forming Pakhtunistan, despite the fact that they never accepted the Durand Line. Subtle differences my friend.
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Ahmad jan,
we had this kind of problems that we lost many areas to the russians
because of king who prefered to spend the money of selling lands ... for trips in Paris :D
How it came that you lost this land?

salam hussain bro, this cruel king lost Panj Deh and Pamir areas to the russians because the russians invaded and we couldnt defend it, that king was master of masacaring his opponents and those who didnt come from his ethnic group, but was totaly useless against the invaders. he also lost the NWFP to the british.

I wanted to ask you .. as you pashtoun?

not pashton, i am persian.

it is strange to me when i compare to th enews here that specialists from us or europe always say abotu this pachtounistan ... which is not in the mind of my friends at least.

this non issue of pashtonistan issue has always been a matter of ethno centrism, nothing to do with what wider public want, off course one group is keen on it, but not everyone.
how come Amu Darya is between india and pak?

Boss --- he meant ,for reaching Ganga in India you have to cross Pakistan and then India's border with Pakistan to reach the shores of the Ganga. :)
A high ranking member of the Taliban militia, Mullah Mohammad Rabbani, said Najibullah deserved his fate. "He killed so many Islamic people and was against Islam and his crimes were so obvious that it had to happen. He was a communist," Rabbani said.

the taliban have done much worse than that.
If I am not mistaken Amu Darya forms the Northern boundary of Afghanistan with Tajikistan. :azn:

that is my point, to reach india, he doenst need to go to amu darya, but anyways, not something important to talk about lol.
that is my point, to reach india, he doenst need to go to amu.

Arey ahmad what he meant is that the whole area between Amu Darya and the Ganges belongs to the Afghans (I presume he is one).

Ps.: Yes --- I doesnt matter what he thinks :lol:
but why did he mention amu darya?

He probably is faking his name and location :) If he was even from NWFP/KP he would have been knowing where is Amu and that this might darya had seen the fighters in first Afghan war pushing Russians the other side of Amu .
but why did he mention amu darya?

Ahmed,the guy to whom i was replying was claiming that their rightfull land(pashtunistan) extends between amu darya in afghanistan and ganges in central india.What i said was in between the rivers he mentioned,there lies two modern nations-pakistan and half of india.
He probably is faking his name and location :) If he was even from NWFP/KP he would have been knowing where is Amu and that this might darya had seen the fighters in first Afghan war pushing Russians the other side of Amu .

Quite the opposite Jana, you hardly know me yet you are swift to denounce and judge me.

When i say Amu Darya thats where the land of Afghans begins and ends at River Jehlum.

Why i say ganges well to there is pakistani land, and as we dont see a border between pak and afghanistan, then that means our border extends to Ganges.

Lets be clear I and the party i associate myself with is fully against TTP and other groups that use violence in the name of nationalism or religion, as we all know who they make their money from.

Indian investment and influence can not influence the people of afghanistan or kp to harm any Muslim Pakistani regardless of ethnic group.
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