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India in Afghanistan

but they were the ones that repeatedly wanted to split NWFP away from Pakistan

Hope you by now know who wants NWFP to be split from pakistan. but paksitan's policy have always been like to oppose those people who have no claim on nwfp.

;and Pakistan needs a Pakistan-friendly government that does not cause trouble to it.

If you mean the taliban then only time will tell. i personally believe if taliban succed to come to power again which is unlikely to me, they will turn their political and proxy guns towards pakistan, they will probably ask for another Emarat in pakistan and also want NWFP to be split, dont forget that the taliban in Afghanistan is attracting its support from one group. do you think the taliban will forget isi's doulbe stance with them?

All I'll say about Afghanistan is: forget Pashtunistan and all those things, Pakistan is too strong for that,

I ask you again not tell afghanistan, tell it those people want your peice of land, not all groups in afghanistan want it.

If you know how the situation in Afghanistan and the FATA regions work, they have no national law,

I dont know about FATA, but who told you afghanistan doesnt have national law? There is piece of law for everything like the other countries, law is not respected which is another matter.

only what the tribal leaders say, And provinces in Afghanistan are fragmented, because it is split up into different tribal areas governed by their respective tribal leaders.

Tribalism is common only among our pasthoon brothers in afghanistan, the rest of the country doesnt have tribal system.
With due respect Ejaz brother, in historical documents there is no time limit like 100 years for this durand line. Pashton Amir Abdul Rahman Khan, the butcher of Tajiks and Hazaras gave it away to the British, this issue of 100 years is raised by Pashtons in Afghanistan to make a poin, it does have no credibility. The same Amir gave the energy/ water resource rich areas of Afghanistan which is poplated by tajiks to the russians, but you have never seen a single tajik which now claims on those territories.

Thanks for pointing that out.

It seems that the original treaty between British India and the King of Afghanistan did not have any expiry date.

But I guess the point still holds that Afghanistan has still not recogised this border while the other boders are agreed upong. The agreement was between British and Afghans, not the govt. of Pakistan.

And until this is resolved, it will conitnue to be a source of tension. But there is no reason why this canbe managed.
Thanks for pointing that out.

It seems that the original treaty between British India and the King of Afghanistan did not have any expiry date.

Yes, that is right. There was no time limit to it, although some people claim of one century deal like the hong kong style, but that is not true, it is just a misleading propaganda.

But I guess the point still holds that Afghanistan has still not recogised this border while the other boders are agreed upong. The agreement was between British and Afghans, not the govt. of Pakistan.

And until this is resolved, it will conitnue to be a source of tension. But there is no reason why this canbe managed.

well, perhaps we never had a gov which represented all ethnic groups of the country, it was mostly dominated by one ethnic group that had interest in NWFP, rest of the country are not having issue with this non issue. As i said before, we lost significant and energy/water rich areas to the russians which is today part of tajikistan, the area is tajik populated, but these governts which claim on NWFP have never ever said anyting about these tajik areas which was lost to the russians, so this issue of NWFP in afghanistan is purely ethnic and not national issue, and it has nothing to do with us tajiks(uzbeks and harzars as well), we recognize it as part of pakistani soil.
@ Ahmed:

Actually, Pakistan has given the Tribal FATA areas of Pakistan full autonomy to do whatever they want. They refused to impose Pakistani laws there so they could appease the tribal areas, and have kept an open border with Afghanistan so that Pashtuns from Afghanistan and Pakistan could intermingle freely. They refused to intervene in their matters. Despite all this, Afghanistan was ungrateful and wanted to conspire against Pakistan to form "Pakhtunistan". Luckily, the Pakistani Pashtuns remained loyal to Pakistan despite Afghanistan's clever ploys to separate NWFP from Pakistan. In a way, I'm happy that Pakistan is treating Afghanistan like its playground, although I feel sad for the people there too: you tried to mess with Pakistan, and now you're just getting a dose of your own medicine. Over 5 million illegal Afghan refugees in Pakistan today refuse to go back to Afghanistan because they know they get treated better in Pakistan, and Pakistan is not forcing them to leave. Despite Afghanistan's evil intentions, Pakistan has always supported the Afghani people.

My friend you are ill informed and need to do research before you post garbage.

1) Pushtoons have always supported afghans be it pushtoon or other group, this due to our genes and heritage.

2)Open border with afghanistan is the demand of local clans, not tribes because a tribe is all same pushtoon, goverment has allowed them to govern them selves in return for loyalty and security to pakistan.

Also not to cause friction and involve the greater pushtoon and non pushtoon population of nwfp to demand independence.

3) The Clans have done all they promised, but however rise of nationalism and anti pushtoon feelings in the country, constant stereotyping, has changed the feelings not just in fata but in other parts of nwfp.

4) Why all this change, well mostly due to WOT where goverment of pakistan calls all its citizens equal, and offers protection to all, Yet that is not the case we see secret agreements for drone attacks, special operations, torture the so called Pak Army That models its self on the Islam and unity is killing Pakistani muslim citizens for Aid and Money In FATA and KP.

Now who is loyal to who, would the above same be permitted in Punjab and Sindh?
Thanks for pointing that out.

It seems that the original treaty between British India and the King of Afghanistan did not have any expiry date.

But I guess the point still holds that Afghanistan has still not recogised this border while the other boders are agreed upong. The agreement was between British and Afghans, not the govt. of Pakistan.

And until this is resolved, it will conitnue to be a source of tension. But there is no reason why this canbe managed.

No tension Boss, our border is from AMU DARYA to GANGES, slowly but surely.
My friend you are ill informed and need to do research before you post garbage.

1) Pushtoons have always supported afghans be it pushtoon or other group, this due to our genes and heritage.

2)Open border with afghanistan is the demand of local clans, not tribes because a tribe is all same pushtoon, goverment has allowed them to govern them selves in return for loyalty and security to pakistan.

Also not to cause friction and involve the greater pushtoon and non pushtoon population of nwfp to demand independence.

3) The Clans have done all they promised, but however rise of nationalism and anti pushtoon feelings in the country, constant stereotyping, has changed the feelings not just in fata but in other parts of nwfp.

4) Why all this change, well mostly due to WOT where goverment of pakistan calls all its citizens equal, and offers protection to all, Yet that is not the case we see secret agreements for drone attacks, special operations, torture the so called Pak Army That models its self on the Islam and unity is killing Pakistani muslim citizens for Aid and Money In FATA and KP.

Now who is loyal to who, would the above same be permitted in Punjab and Sindh?

Welcome to the forum ANP :)

your id just prompted me to say that ANP had also given a go head for many things in KP and FATA.

i agree with you drones' attack point
No tension Boss, our border is from AMU DARYA to GANGES, slowly but surely.

You mean border of Pukhtuns or Indians ? :azn: i am asking because some Indians claim Amu runs from India and Afghanistan belongs to bhartis :P
Thanks for pointing that out.

It seems that the original treaty between British India and the King of Afghanistan did not have any expiry date.

But I guess the point still holds that Afghanistan has still not recogised this border while the other boders are agreed upong. The agreement was between British and Afghans, not the govt. of Pakistan.

And until this is resolved, it will conitnue to be a source of tension. But there is no reason why this canbe managed.

It is resolved and an settled Issue. There is nothing to manage.

According to International Laws its internationally recognised international Border between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Welcome to the forum ANP :)

your id just prompted me to say that ANP had also given a go head for many things in KP and FATA.

i agree with you drones' attack point

Look Jana just like yourself, i wish for the development of PK FATA, but we wish to do that with dignity and no loss to our heritage and identity.

We are always for Education, Womens Rights, Equality, but how it is implemented differs from culture to culture, what you may implement on punjabis and sindhis may not be possible with Baloch and Pushtoons, due to different cultures,.

The struggle of our people is visible on daily basis, discrimination in education, jobs, and any other opporotunities, just take a look at karachi.

Unfortunately a pushtoons loyalty to pakistan earns you a reward of torture, whisked away to foreign prisions, detention without trial
and bullet in the head by Pak Army and bombs by its Partners.

We get people here jumping and down saying how they ruled India for 1000 years and this and that and show their hatred of Afghans but yet they try to cling to our history.
Look Jana just like yourself, i wish for the development of PK FATA, but we wish to do that with dignity and no loss to our heritage and identity.

We are doing it with dignity and nothing is obscure here.

We are always for Education, Womens Rights, Equality, but how it is implemented differs from culture to culture, what you may implement on punjabis and sindhis may not be possible with Baloch and Pushtoons, due to different cultures,.

I have Not seen anything being imposed on us viz a viz Education and our culture.

As far as woman rights are concerned i dont think so the State is imposing anything on us against our culture. BUT yes some NGOs are minting funds from foreigners by maligning us. But again these NGOs are full of our own people who are selling the name of Pukhtoons.

The struggle of our people is visible on daily basis, discrimination in education, jobs, and any other opporotunities, just take a look at karachi.

I dont agree with the phrase daily basis. Though there are grievances and its not only limited to Pukhtoon Pakistanis but also to other ethnic Pakistanis too.

If i tell you the details how our own party aka ANP blocked many educational projects for getting commission in the funds what will you say???

that too in Pukhtoon areas.

As far as Karachi is concerned it has hostage to MQM criminals who have terrorised everyone. Poor Sindhis who are real natives of Karachi have been sidelined and these MQM thugs are targeting Pukhtoons.

Unfortunately a pushtoons loyalty to pakistan earns you a reward of torture, whisked away to foreign prisions, detention without trial
and bullet in the head by Pak Army and bombs by its Partners.

ahh how easily you are singling only Pakistan :no:

Why Pakistan army was doing any operation all these decades in FATA? why only now?

Pakistan army if full of Pukhtoons and many brave sons have been killed by TTP terrorists again the Pukhtoons themselves.

In Afghanistan if not half but a majority in government and the a Pukhtoon president are with NATO/US bombing again Pukhtoons.

what do you say about that?

We get people here jumping and down saying how they ruled India for 1000 years and this and that and show their hatred of Afghans but yet they try to cling to our history.

:lol::lol: with few posts you seems an old member.

oh btw there is no hatred against Afghans
Look Jana just like yourself, i wish for the development of PK FATA, but we wish to do that with dignity and no loss to our heritage and identity.

We are always for Education, Womens Rights, Equality, but how it is implemented differs from culture to culture, what you may implement on punjabis and sindhis may not be possible with Baloch and Pushtoons, due to different cultures,.

The struggle of our people is visible on daily basis, discrimination in education, jobs, and any other opporotunities, just take a look at karachi.

Unfortunately a pushtoons loyalty to pakistan earns you a reward of torture, whisked away to foreign prisions, detention without trial
and bullet in the head by Pak Army and bombs by its Partners.

We get people here jumping and down saying how they ruled India for 1000 years and this and that and show their hatred of Afghans but yet they try to cling to our history.

Only a brainless guy will bring Karachi into this thread, Karachi issue is political base & fight between MQM & ANP occurs, let me tell you iam from Karachi & i am Urdu Speaker(Mahajir) but i have nothing against any of my brother from G-Baltistan KP to Gawadar & Kashmir to Karachi, & in my opinion any Pakistani have 100% right to live in Karachi if he dont mess there, Karachi is land of our Pakistan no one has owned it, all the land of Pakistan is for any Pakistani no matter what ethnic he belong, we also have extereme pain what is happening in KP & FATA,though we dont live there, why? cuz that areas are part of our Pakistan too. Be united dont bring politics everywhere, all polititions of Pakistan are cancer just like these cancer terrorists.

As for India in Afghanistan issue, its simple thing people cannot understand that india wants uprisings in Pakistan from there, cuz our western borders were unguarded from long time, but as soon as india enters lot of unrests is happening in western provence & territories. So Afghans should open eyes & dont let there country to be a base for creating problems & mess for Pakistan or other wise Pakistan government must take steps to make a wall & electric fences so any indian terrorists of RAW entering will taste death.
No tension Boss, our border is from AMU DARYA to GANGES, slowly but surely.

There are two nations called pakistan and india in between Amu darya and ganges..Good luck with invading all that to form pashtoonistan.
Yes, that is right. There was no time limit to it, although some people claim of one century deal like the hong kong style, but that is not true, it is just a misleading propaganda.

well, perhaps we never had a gov which represented all ethnic groups of the country, it was mostly dominated by one ethnic group that had interest in NWFP, rest of the country are not having issue with this non issue. As i said before, we lost significant and energy/water rich areas to the russians which is today part of tajikistan, the area is tajik populated, but these governts which claim on NWFP have never ever said anyting about these tajik areas which was lost to the russians, so this issue of NWFP in afghanistan is purely ethnic and not national issue, and it has nothing to do with us tajiks(uzbeks and harzars as well), we recognize it as part of pakistani soil.
Ahmad jan,
we had this kind of problems that we lost many areas to the russians
because of king who prefered to spend the money of selling lands ... for trips in Paris :D
How it came that you lost this land?

I wanted to ask you .. as you pashtoun?
all my friends in Iran are and all of them feel afghans and they didn't consider so much this durand line. of course there are tribes and they feel more owned by their own land than this line separating two countries.
it is strange to me when i compare to th enews here that specialists from us or europe always say abotu this pachtounistan ... which is not in the mind of my friends at least.
what is your experience and your advice about it?
There are two nations called pakistan and india in between Amu darya and ganges..Good luck with invading all that to form pashtoonistan.

You know something, in a way, Pakistan is providing India, the much needed safe and closed Khyber pass. :azn:
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