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India helped in our liberation war for India’s interest

The questions do not go away, and I acknowledged them in my previous post, but the impact that the Indian involvement and the Mukti Bahini atrocities had on inflaming the situation cannot be ignored either. The events in 1971 were a SUM of all of these factors.

I must remind you that many nations have suffered through internal strife due to their own making. The example of the most successful and powerful nation in the world, the US, comes to mind. Slavery and segregation for hundreds of years - the conditions in East Pakistan do not even come close to the treatment meted out to the African Americans, yet the people, society and nation evolved and have overcome the worst of that legacy.

Pakistan never got that chance in East Pakistan, and the deliberate role played by Indian in ensuring that cannot be ignored, it was an integral part of the dynamics in East Pakistan leading to the horrible events of 1971.

wow wow wow...
There was no Mukti Bahini before 25th march 1971.
India did not go to West pakistan barrac and asked Bengali soldiers to defect but they did. This is the WP which created all these mess. When a army itself breaks up how a country can hold up???

And why you comparing EP with African American. get your language right first. We created that Pakistan nobody else so we needed our voice in how Pakistan should be run, and which was not given and respected. So there is no question of staying with Pakistan up to that point.

Regarding Mukti Bahini??? they did not go to WP and do anything there. We kept our fight confined in and within our own territory and WP was considered as intruders here. So be it and lets move on!!!
I am a conservative and follow deeply Zainal Abedin??? :crazy:

That is a very big presumption on your part. In fact, the style of your post is disgraceful and I believe utterly disrespectful to the freedom fighters and the ethos of 1971. Why should Zainal Abedin prove that he is a freedom fighter. This has never been contested in Bangladesh and who are you to dispute it? What is your qualification and background to do so? What makes you think I follow him deeply just because I post an article by him? That displays your shallowness and your agenda in posting on this forum.

Clearly your India bias is shown by your implication that I belong to the pro-China faction. Can someone not criticize India just on the evidence? Why does that person have to be pro-China to criticize India? I strongly believe that I am being pro-Bangladesh by criticizing India since they continue to harm our national interests and security. One does not have to be pro-China to find Indian expansionism and hegemony distasteful. One is in fact being patriotic by criticizing India since they are doing us immense damage and this needs to be expressed and fought against.

Read my post carefully.It was an assumption from my part,not a conclusion.

My attitude towards '71 ethos disrespectful ?
My question to you,do you strongly belive in secular Bangladesh,one of the things BD fought for? I guess not.Have your family suffered in '71? I also don't think so.

You seemed to be too sorry that Bangladesh somehow managed to get liberated.

There are lot of books out there about '71..from Siddique Salik to General Jacob.Read those before belittle our freedom struggle and indirrectly feeling sorry for united Pakistan.
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How many here think, it behoves Munshi to talk of respect and grace!

Munshi, you have exactly the same attitude to the generous help by India in the 1971 events and the creation of your country. That help is well documented and no one can deny it.

On the other hand, no one knows of this Zainal guy and he has every right to question his credentials and motives. Especially given the fantastic assertions made in the article!

I think the word behoves is too big a word for you to use. It just sounds so hypocritical when it comes from your mouth.

The help India provided in 1971 came at a cost. It was not done out of charity. Bangladesh has repaid 10 times over but India insists on extracting more.

In Bangladesh Zainal is very well renowned and he wrote the ground breaking 'RAW in Bangladesh' in 1995. He is a pioneer on the subject.
Read my post carefully.It was an assumption from my part,not a conclusion.

My attitude towards '71 ethos disrespectful ?
My question to you,do you strongly belive in secular Bangladesh,one of the things BD fought for? I guess not.Have your family suffered in '71? I also don't think so.

You seemed to be too sorry that Bangladesh somehow managed to get liberated.

There are lot of books out there about '71..from Siddique Salik to General Jacob.Read those before belittle our freedom struggle and indirrectly feeling sorry for united Pakistan.

You again make a lot of assumptions. Bangladesh was never an issue before or during the war. This was made up only after 1971 and at the insistence of India. If secularism was so important why did Sheikh Mujibur Rahman attend the OIC summit immediately on gaining independence?Why did he go to brotherly Pakistan and patch up thing with Bhutto? Clearly secularism was not foremost on his mind but the Indians pressured him and were not happy when he went closer to the Islamic world so they let him die.

Many in my family were freedom fighters but they did not fight to become subservient to India.

I have read extensively and intensively on 1971 since I have also written a book called The India Doctrine (1947-2007).
Read my post carefully.It was an assumption from my part,not a conclusion.

My attitude towards '71 ethos disrespectful ?
My question to you,do you strongly belive in secular Bangladesh,one of the things BD fought for? I guess not.Have your family suffered in '71? I also don't think so.

You seemed to be too sorry that Bangladesh somehow managed to get liberated.

There are lot of books out there about '71..from Siddique Salik to General Jacob.Read those before belittle our freedom struggle and indirrectly feeling sorry for united Pakistan.

I am also conservative Muslim and don't believe in secular Bangladesh regardless what you said about motivation behind separation. I think Bd got separated from west to have more leverage on governance and economy and it got nothing to do with secularism. Bd actually more conservative and Islamic today than during east Pakistan time thanks to general zia-ur-Rahman for buried secularism deep in Bay of Bengal . Thanks to Allah that we are discrediting Hindu Musriki culture that has been infiltrate in Islamic culture in the name of Bengalism. I strongly believe Islam is the only element that guarantee bd's sovereignty. If Bd become full secular than it will loose sovereignty faster than you say independent so therefore be careful what you wish for.

You may disagree with me but your entitle to your choosing....
I am also conservative Muslim ......entitle to your choosing....
As a matter of fact, here in US, I have found Bangladeshi Muslims much more practicing as compared to the Pakistani or Indian Muslims. I have always noticed that Bangladeshi women have maintained their traditional Islamic attire whereas we, the Pakistanis, have lost it in the persuit of 'secularism' or what I call 'liberal fascism'.
I have read extensively and intensively on 1971 since I have also written a book called The India Doctrine (1947-2007).
Oh, you are Barrister M.B.I. Munshi. It is really a pleasure having you here on this forum. I have read excerpts from you book.
Oh, you are Barrister M.B.I. Munshi. It is really a pleasure having you here on this forum. I have read excerpts from you book.

The pleasure and honour is all mine. Nice to be making your acquaintance.
As a matter of fact, here in US, I have found Bangladeshi Muslims much more practicing as compared to the Pakistani or Indian Muslims. I have always noticed that Bangladeshi women have maintained their traditional Islamic attire whereas we, the Pakistanis, have lost it in the persuit of 'secularism' or what I call 'liberal fascism'.

So nice of you sir but I also encounter a lot of pak brother and sisters very religious and conservative. I happen to grow up in pak community. You know there are secular element in Pak and Bd.

Let us work together as one to make a better future....:cheers:
I think the word behoves is too big a word for you to use. It just sounds so hypocritical when it comes from your mouth.

Being copycat, are we? ;)

The help India provided in 1971 came at a cost. It was not done out of charity. Bangladesh has repaid 10 times over but India insists on extracting more.

How exactly is that? What exactly is it that you have "repaid"! Not that we asked anything in the first place.

What is the value you have put on the lives saved in your country, the honor of your countless women that was saved, the very birth of your country!

What can you possibly repay that will be a small fraction of that, let alone 10 times.

In Bangladesh Zainal is very well renowned and he wrote the ground breaking 'RAW in Bangladesh' in 1995. He is a pioneer on the subject.

That explains some things. ;)
You again make a lot of assumptions. Bangladesh was never an issue before or during the war. This was made up only after 1971 and at the insistence of India. If secularism was so important why did Sheikh Mujibur Rahman attend the OIC summit immediately on gaining independence?Why did he go to brotherly Pakistan and patch up thing with Bhutto? Clearly secularism was not foremost on his mind but the Indians pressured him and were not happy when he went closer to the Islamic world so they let him die.

Many in my family were freedom fighters but they did not fight to become subservient to India.

I have read extensively and intensively on 1971 since I have also written a book called The India Doctrine (1947-2007).

I do make a lot of assumptions,but usually do make right ones:).

Look at your first line.Bangladesh was never an issue during or after war??? I now got that what kinds of freedom fighters were there in your family.May be pro-Pakistani freedom fighters?

My take on Zainal Abedin was that he was a fake freedom fighter until proven otherwise.He is simply a right wing fundoo.Used to write in monthly 'Muslim Jahan'...a nonentity fundamentalist mouthpiece.He was also involved with 'Inqilab'...Razakar(BD Collaborator with Pak Army in 1971) Moulana Mannan's newspaper.His mentor was Moulana Mohiuddin khan.There are still lot of species in BD like Zainal Abedin
.It's all Sheikh Mujib's fault.He pardoned most of razakars as none of his family member died in '71.How would he know the pain?Fortunately,Bangladesh is going to take care of Pakistani collaborators' war crime soon with help of UN.

Mr.Munshi,i do understand you don't know or understand the spirit of '71 war poster that says 'Bengal's Hindu,Christian,Buddist or Muslims..our identity is that we are all Bengalis'.The whole world knows that Bangladesh is product of economico-linguistic movement,but maybe u think it was a religious movement...simply funny.Sheikh Mujib's participation in OIC was a bare balancing act.Also,as we needed recognition of muslim countries,it can be termed very practical step from his side.

Mr. Munshi,i know about ur book.I do appreciate that effort as a few things depicted there seem to be right.A good effort.Need to be more informative though.
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Pakistan’s attitude towards Bangladesh even after separation has always been friendly and since 1971 we have always tried to have brotherly relations with Bangladesh. No matter how hard India try to portray itself as the savior of Bangladeshis but they helped them because they wanted a weaker East Pakistan which cannot become a threat for them.

We will always consider Bangladeshis as those who helped us in getting our freedom from British and Hindu domination and that is enough to maintain relationship between the two countries. It is enough that even after separation we are known for our struggle called ‘Pakistan’.
If you think we are not acknowledging India's support,then you misunderstood.What we are saying here is that,India's indirect support was enough to win freedom.We are off course grateful to Indian army's contribution during 1971.

This is the disadvantage of seeking help from your enemy. You can claim about the atrocities committed by Pak army but they were your own. Whereas you can see how India wants you to remain grateful to them while they had done nothing in 1971 war and want to be declared victorious. They were badly beaten by United Pakistan in 1965 and they were keen to take the revenge and we provided them the opportunity to do so.

Moral of the story is that India is a common enemy and we due to our beliefs are still one even after separation.
How exactly is that? What exactly is it that you have "repaid"! Not that we asked anything in the first place.

No India just took it. They unscrewed everything put it in a truck and left. Since then they have put up trade barriers and tariffs so business is all one way and this reduces our foreign exchange. Then there is the cost in life with BSF shooting and killing our nationals.
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