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India helped in our liberation war for India’s interest

Wikipedia is not a reliable source for information. Every tom and jerry can edit the contents of the article on Wikipedia.

So apart from the Indians (tom, dick and Harry), I think Pakistanis can also change...

We have equal rights on wiki..so why dot you use it to your benefit rather than crying foul when it is taken as a reference..

I mean we Indians did not ask you not to modify wiki...did we?
Is there any doubt about the tittle? Why Hindu India would come to the rescue of Muslims when the same Muslims separated from India 1947 based on two nation theory and lets not forget Muslim from bengle were forefront for the cause of Pakistan. Only the fool, ignorant box mentality people will believe that India helped east Pakistani form Sheer love. It was India's interest to break Pakistan for it's own strategic gain. We screwed up and our enemy succeed. only hope here is that Bangladesh still exist today as Muslim majority state with Islamic identity.

Now that we know India drag itself into sovereign territory of Pakistan than it's a fare game for Pakistan to take revenge when rite time arrive..

Cometh the hour cometh the man ...

the famous Urdu, Arabic and Farsi speaker from Bangladesh....
I thought it was because Pakistan had Indian POW's in the West and this was an exchange.

Are you sane Munshi?

India had decided at the highest level not to hand over a single Pakistani Army man to the Bangladeshis.

It was nt an Army decision taken by JFR JAcob or Aurora or Sam..it was taken at the highest level of political leadership...

You know the obvious reasons...

Now coming to what you are saying...93,000 Pakistani Prisoner sof War in exchange for How many Indian Pows???

???? Even it it was 500 \, Indian Army could have given away 92,500 Pakistani Army men to Bangladeshis for a GALA feast ...

And could have retained 500 to trade with Pakistan...

Are you smoking some high quality stuff Munshi ?

I swear I do not get this quality in Calcutta or even in India....

Can I have you address please..wanna order some for myself...
Firstly I will not get into the dynamic of the 1965 war as it has nothing to do with the topic. Ill save that for another day but alittle word of advice, even a minimal academia has no respect for wikipedia so why shall we. Should we as grown people steep down to a website used by middle school childeren to cheat teachers???

LEIN :wave: firstly i would like to say that these debates on who won the war would be stupidity on our part i truly believe that we are of the same stock and there is no need to prove that who is superior.i am an atheist so please spare me from religion lectures (if you believe in those stuff).some of the members fight over race, colour their ethnicity and i feel like vomiting.i mean how the hell can somebody be so stupid.they talk about history of their glorious religion and which religion is superior even here we are talking about indias intrest in liberating bangladesh not once is it mentioned that even though india had its own political intrest the average indian had a sense of brotherhood for bangla brothers even if you call it indian propaganda what an average indian believed was that they were liberating bangla brothers from evil pakistan.

Basic human traits no matter how much of atheist you may claim to be youll still stand up for india just as Ill stand up for my country. Its only natural that both sides of the camp will screw history for their own advantage. Im trying to present a clear moderate view of the bangladeshi issue in the context that most people forget that it was a integral part of pakistan and all actions the national govt took are justified. Just as India took action in punjab during the 80's to quell a small successionist movement pakistan did the same but, no one will forget the fuel that was added to the fire inpart by india

as for india ,pakistan,bangladesh,china in a sense we are diffrent sovereign countries in reality we are the hoars which were f*£$ed brutally by the west and thrown away as trash when they were done.
and to add to the humiliation we still are fightig among ourselves on petty stuff and that too with the help of western nations.
in the 1965 war we were fighting among ourself with

Trust me the white people will get whats comming to them its only a matter of time and reverse colonization

american,french,british weapons.i see a lot of pakistani talking about how americans betrayed and are not worthy of friendship i mean how the hell can you even expect friendship from someone who raped your country.we need to understand that we are in this together no one care about our nationality for them we are just south asian or asian its time for us to rise again and rule the world and f&%k the whites.:tup

Saying it is easier than taking actions. All the indians that ive met in the US are easy going people who speak like this, but how could I be so sure the same could be said about those in india? Especially when India has been after pakistan since day 1. Regardless of what you say India's general policy is to try to spread its influence to its neighbors (none of india's neighbors have a good view of india). Once the indian govt matures up like you then maybe the kashmiri issue could be put on the back burner for another day and we could move forward with economic development and feeding our people but I dont see that happening any time soon
You unlawfuly attacked Pakisan for your requirment so when we will do the same i hope you will have some guts not to cry foul.

Little advise for ya. Defend Pakistani people from US drone attacks first then think about attacking or defeating India.

India liberated Bangladesh for a reason and tell me howmany Bangladeshis dont like to live under their own flag???
By Mohammad Zainal Abedin

What language, Pinak Ranjan Chokrabartee, the Indian High Commission in Bangladesh, who has already been branded by some analysts as Indian Governor in Bangladesh, for his naked and direct dictation to Bangladesh, should use condemning Indian plunder in Bangladesh in 1971? He said Bangladesh could not get its independence so early lest India militarily involved itself in our war of liberation. Through its participation in our war of liberation India, in the truest sense of the term, as if, restarted the Maratha cavalry attacks of 18th century Bengal. India now repeats the same in Bangladesh. It only changed the version and technique of plundering Bangladesh. Maratha cavalry attacked Bengal in broad daylight and looted, but modern Indian bandits loot Bangladesh under the cover of friendship.

Pinak claimed that without Indian military involvement Bangladesh liberation war could be prolonged. I fully agreed with his comment. But Indian policies and activities over the last 37 years uncovered the truth that India militarily involved in our war of liberation not for our sake, but entirely for the sake of India?s hegemonic and economic interest. The events and incidents that occurred since 1972 prove that it could be better for Bangladesh if we could liberate our country ourselves. India did not allow us to be liberated without Indian assistance.

Indians do not have any legal and moral rights to claim that it liberated Bangladesh. When we were on the verge of victory and liberated about 99 per cent portion of Bangladesh, except some pockets of urban areas, India declared war against Pakistan. When we, the freedom fighters, made the defeat of the Pakistan forces inevitable, India, for a number of ulterior reasons, directly involved in this war under the disguise of so-called allied forces. India earlier fought twice with Pakistan, but suffered shameful defeat.

In 1971 India though claimed its victory over Pakistan in Bangladesh, its forces could not capture even a district in West Pakistan, rather hundreds of thousands of Indian soldiers were captured by Pakistani troops and many Indian soldiers surrendered to Pakistan. So the so-called victory of Indian army in Bangladesh against Pakistan was possible due to the Bangladeshis in general and the freedom fighters in particular. Pinak directly admitted that the freedom fighter could liberate the country, however, later on. Yes, we the freedom fighters desired so. We never wanted India’s direct military involvement in our war of liberation.

Our leaders failed to foresee the ultimate outcome of Indian friendship would be so sour, bitter and suicidal. If they could anticipate in
what treacherous way India, in the name of friendship, would behave with us they would prefer to die, rather agreeing to take India’s military assistance. It is now known to all that India compelled the then revolutionary government of Bangladesh, exiled in India, to sign in an uneven agreement that paved the way for India to invade Bangladesh under the cover of allied forces. Our fake friends now through their overt and covert designs and hegemonic policies dream to make us their slaves. We are going to lose our independence to India.

During Pakistan period we could raise slogans against Pakistani exploitation and we could demand to stop such exploitation. Now India not only exploits us more nakedly, but also ruins our country applying many-fold designs. Our leaders could not imagine that after the dismemberment of Pakistan, India would pose to become our master under the cover of friendship and conspire to annex our country to India.

If we were allowed to liberate our country ourselves, India would not get the chance to loot our country after 16th December that included machineries and accessories of jute mills, textile mills, sugar mills, steel mills and their raw materials stored in the godowns, food, banks, markets, schools, colleges, universities, even residential houses and offices, even toilet materials of worth Tk. 90,000 crores. On the other hand, India misappropriated cash money and relief materials like food, baby food, clothes, blankets, medicines, etc., that were donated by several international agencies and groups for the Bangladeshi refugees sheltered in India in 1971. India took away all the arms and ammunitions, equipment and military-related materials to India which, were later distributed among the three branches of Indian armed forces. Poor India boomed within years with the money that the Indian army looted after 16th December. India arrested all the 93,000 soldiers of Pakistan to India and used them as tool to release the Indian soldiers arrested in Pakistan in 1971.

Besides, India compelled Pakistan to sign uneven treaty in exchange of releasing Pakistani troops from Indian jails. It is difficult to calculate how many billions of dollars India looted from Bangladesh through monopoly business since 1972. Through the independence war of Bangladesh India was immensely benefited economically, militarily, strategically, and internationally. So India involved in our war of liberation was for Indian interest, not for us.

India now keeps Bangladesh economically poor and shaky and politically disunited and disturbed. India undertook many criminal policies in order to make Bangladesh initially a subservient country and finally a part of India. It is never possible to present statistics and the extent of property worth of how many billions dollars were damaged by India’s overt and covert subversive activities in Bangladesh. None has the actual records how many billions of dollars Bangladesh lost in its agriculture, fishery, communication, industry, health and housing sectors due to India?s blockade of water during the dry season and flooding it during the rainy season. It is equally difficult to enumerate how much amount of money Bangladesh lost over the years due to Indian sabotage and subversive activities. All these might not be possible, if we did not take Indian help in 1971. Pinak Ranjan or

Jacob or all other Indians should remain grateful to us as it was our liberation war that paved way for India to emerge economically solvent, militarily strong and regionally and strategically powerful.


Whether it was India interest or not, The thing is Bangladesh got independence, because of India.

Whether it was India interest or not, The thing is Bangladesh got independence, because of India.


as simple as that !!!!
first question these people need to ask i .. if they wanted independence in 1971 ? if yes.. why brag abt it .... be happy and develop.
Firstly I will not get into the dynamic of the 1965 war as it has nothing to do with the topic. Ill save that for another day but alittle word of advice, even a minimal academia has no respect for wikipedia so why shall we. Should we as grown people steep down to a website used by middle school childeren to cheat teachers???

lein i was just trying to make my point quickly.:whistle:

Basic human traits no matter how much of atheist you may claim to be youll still stand up for india just as Ill stand up for my country. Its only natural that both sides of the camp will screw history for their own advantage.
i said that i am an atheist and it does not hinder me from being a nationalist.

Im trying to present a clear moderate view of the bangladeshi issue in the context that most people forget that it was a integral part of pakistan and all actions the national govt took are justified. Just as India took action in punjab during the 80's to quell a small successionist movement pakistan did the same but, no one will forget the fuel that was added to the fire inpart by india
look first i will blame you for kargil then you will blame us for 1971 then i will balme you for 1965 then you will call the partition as partial and i will raise question on the creation of pakistan:undecided: this can go on for ever.

Saying it is easier than taking actions. All the indians that ive met in the US are easy going people who speak like this, but how could I be so sure the same could be said about those in india? Especially when India has been after pakistan since day 1. Regardless of what you say India's general policy is to try to spread its influence to its neighbors (none of india's neighbors have a good view of india). Once the indian govt matures up like you then maybe the kashmiri issue could be put on the back burner for another day and we could move forward with economic development and feeding our people but I dont see that happening any time soon
kashmir:hitwall: my friend i am spreading the message on my part you do yours :tup:.goverment policy will be the last one to change.
It is true India liberated you in its own interest but you would most likely had not succeeded with out foreign intervention. It is too late now for any regrets as Pakistan will not accept you back in any form of Union and Bangladesh will not desire it as well. You are not writing crap but India will not allow you to rise as a political or military power unless you have political or military relations with your other neighbours say Sri Lanka, China, Nepal and Pakistan.
To solve a problem you have to go to the roots of the problem. Eg Kashmiris want out of India how do you solve it. Give them more freedom, Independence, or kill them and oppress them?
For whatever reason, it's the facts that matter not theories.

India helped in our liberation war for India’s interest
To solve a problem you have to go to the roots of the problem. Eg Kashmiris want out of India how do you solve it. Give them more freedom, Independence, or kill them and oppress them?

In my opinion Indian Government should Deploy a strategy similar to the way Khalistan movement was Killed :hang2:.

Kill :sniper: the terrorists first.

Then work towards the development of the state..

Good education:tup:
Job Opportunities:tup:
Make sure all fundamental rights are honored.:tup:
This is hypocracy.

Pakistani members would go on talking about Kashmir but Indians are not supposed to be supporting the Baluch cause.
In my opinion Indian Government should Deploy a strategy similar to the way Khalistan movement was Killed :hang2:.

Kill :sniper: the terrorists first.

Then work towards the development of the state..

Good education:tup:
Job Opportunities:tup:
Make sure all fundamental rights are honored.:tup:

Keep it up, kill more and more kashimiri's. The khalistan movement was very small and was mostly attempted by singh exiles in the US and Britain. You might be suprised that ive seen quit a few bumper car stickers in the US labelled "free khalistan". The kashmiri's have local support so good luck on that but, before you go after them dont turn a blind out to the communist who control half of india's states
This is hypocracy.

Pakistani members would go on talking about Kashmir but Indians are not supposed to be supporting the Baluch cause.

Funny I never really heard of the baluch cause until a few years back when in memory I and every other indian I speak to could remember the kashmiri issue. It was only after 2001 that india entrenched itself into afghanistan in order to spread fire on the balochistan issue (which is relatively small).

You do know that there isnt a country in the world that doesnt have a independance movement be it turkey, iran, pakistan, or even the US
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