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India has become safer under Manmohan Singh.

Lies, damned lies and statisitics.

This is nothing but the 100 crore media package in action.

This comment from a poster captures that.

I just went to the satpDOTorg website you mentioned. Here are the REAL statistics.

For all terrorism related incidents outside Kashmir and North-east (and no numbers are listed for 2004). I have divided it into 2 periods 2000 to 2003 and 2005 to 2012.

2000-03: Civilian death=119, SecurityForce death=16, Terrorist death=7, Injured=547

2005-12: Civilian death=857, SecurityForce death=28, Terrorist death=16, Injured=2630

Now, let us compare like-for-like stats in the 2 periods:

1) Average Civilian deaths per year: 2000-03=29.8, 2005-12=107.1

2) Average SecurityForce deaths per year: 2000-03=4.0, 2005-12=3.5

3) Average Terrorist deaths per year: 2000-03=1.8, 2005-12=2.0

4) Average Injured per year: 2000-03=136.8, 2005-12=328.8

So, for the rest of the country excluding NE and Kashmir, NDA period was WAY BETTER than UPA.

There are no numbers on the site for north-east before 2005. Now let us come to Kashmir (there are only death figures and I have voluntarily excluded 2004 a half-n-half year)

2000-03: Civilian death=3406, SecurityForce death=2035, Terrorist death=9178

2005-12: Civilian death=1244, SecurityForce death=791, Terrorist death=3188

Now, let us compare like-for-like Kasmir stats in the 2 periods:

1) Average Civilian deaths per year: 2000-03=851.5, 2005-12=155.5

2) Average SecurityForce deaths per year: 2000-03=508.5, 2005-12=98.9

3) Average Terrorist deaths per year: 2000-03=1979.5, 2005-12=398.5

Yes, UPA has been better for Kashmir...but was this in the hands of the government?


From your statistics if you take the ratios,

1) 2000-03 : For every civilian death, 2.69 terrorists were killed and for every security force death 4.51 terrorists were killed

2) 2005-12 : For every civilian death 2.56 terrorists were killed and for every security force death 4.03 terrorists were killed

So the NDA govt's perfomance on terrorism front is still better when compared to UPA.

This is just taking into account the raw numbers without any context or the geo-political conditions that have influenced the terrorism in the subcontinent.
Guys we must not let our own political inclinations cloud out judgment on every issue. Credit where credit is due, the UPA is bound to have done some good somewhere, in the same way you have to give MMS a lot of credit for the 2008 nuke deal.

Just to be the devil's advocate I must say that this could be a simple case of corroboration doesn't equal causation. The UPA might have just had a good term on this front because of factors out if their control ie Pakistan looking more toward the Western front and to their own domestic issues and not looking at creating problems in India.

Addtionally it has to be said that as the majority of terror-related deaths came out of Kashmir, as violence has reduced in the Valley thanks mostly to the IA, JK police and CAPFs, then the picture inherently looks much rosier for the UPA.

If one wants to be more critical you could say the most audacious terror attack carried out since 9/11 happened on the UPA's watch.

All in all though I'd say it is irrelevant who is in power, most GoI have been far, FAR too weak on the terror front and this is an area all subsequent Govts need to seriously address. Terrorism is a bi-partisan constant in India and it will be present no matter who is in power.

And regardless of what you guys think, IMHO MMS is one of the finest PMs India has had since its creation. He has shown exceptional wisdom and vision throughout his career even before he was PM. I think we'd struggle to find a Prime minister in India's history who has contributed more to his nation consistantly throughout their professional career. He has always carried himself in a proffesional manner and has been an excellent ambassador to India on the world stage.

I'm sure we can all agree that if he had not been born, India would be poorer for it.
Guys we must not let our own political inclinations cloud out judgment on every issue. Credit where credit is due, the UPA is bound to have done some good somewhere, in the same way you have to give MMS a lot of credit for the 2008 nuke deal.

Nuclear deal - check. Good one from MMS. No one in their right mind can deny him that credit.

But unfortunately counter-terror has not been one of the strong points of UPA.

I will not go on to compare UPA and NDA in this post because just a mere look at numbers without accounting for the changed geo-political context where the world as a whole has become more attentive to the issue of terrorism (which was not true for much of the NDA regime) and also because of Pakistan's continued focus on its western front thus reducing its ability to meddle in the eastern front.

That being said, there have been more attacks in mainland India (excluding insurgent zones of Kashmir and NE) under the UPA and more casualties in that than during the NDA regime. That is a documented fact.

Repeated bomb blasts in Mumbai, blasts in Bangalore,Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Delhi and now Hyderabad. Also if you look at the conviction of terrorists then the terrorists in all high profile cases in NDA regime like Parliament attack, Akshardham attack have either been convicted or neutralised which I cannot say for the blasts in the UPA regime which has seen so few convictions.

And regardless of what you guys think, IMHO MMS is one of the finest PMs India has had since its creation. He has shown exceptional wisdom and vision throughout his career even before he was PM. I think we'd struggle to find a Prime minister in India's history who has contributed more to his nation consistantly throughout their professional career. He has always carried himself in a proffesional manner and has been an excellent ambassador to India on the world stage.

Unfortunately that is not the opinion in India, now. Every action of his has been stymied by the Sonia appointed NAC and even right now they are pushing for more populist, money sucking ventures that will crippling the economy.For example the massive Food Security Bill and this.

What vision you are talking about dude ? He might have all visions, but he does not have the power to carry out those visions. He is just guarding the seat for Rahul Gandhi or Rahul Gandhi's "Manmohan" to take over.
I don't belie we have this many comments on MMS ;) why not people choose MMS's way to respond..... Keep quiet :rofl:
Lies, damned lies and statisitics.

This is nothing but the 100 crore media package in action.

This comment from a poster captures that.

So the NDA govt's perfomance on terrorism front is still better when compared to UPA.

This is just taking into account the raw numbers without any context or the geo-political conditions that have influenced the terrorism in the subcontinent.
If you say geopolitical conditions are responsible for peace in Kashmir one could say that Geo Political reasons are responsible for increased bomb blasts during 2005-2008 as ISI had to use terrorists groups in India as it was longer capable of supporting the so called Kashmir Jihad in a large manner.
BTW if we compare UPA-2 with NDA we will see that in 2000-2003 119 died in terror attacks outside J&K and NE compared to 81 in terror attacks between 2009-Feb 2013.

Also the funniest part is NDA didn't regard casulaties in Maoist violence as deaths due to terror or insurgencies.:lol:
2012 saw 364 fatalities in Naxal violence which is the lowest in more than 12 years.

Bengaluru's Kengeri bus stand. Before and after BJP govt.

Delhi still has rape a minute.
Hundreds of scams.
Jai congress.


Situation at the busy Nayandahalli signal in Bengaluru before BJP govt and after BJP govt

Once BJP forms a government in 2014, this would be the number system to be taught to school kids.

Modi was presented with a US Congressional record copy, congratulating him. How many Indian CMs got such an applause?


This is what happens when people of Uttar Pradesh vote for the super "secular" Samajwadi Party
Of course India has become safer under MMS.

1. Safer for Terrorists.

2. Safer for Rapists.

3. Safer for Cross-border smugglers.

4. Safer for record current account deficit.

5. Safer for record fiscal deficit.

6. Safer for numerous Scams.

7. Safer for corruption.

8. Safer for high inflation.

9. Safer for weak value of Rupee against Dollar..................

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