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India has become safer under Manmohan Singh.

OK so mecca masjid blasts were done by aliens? stop insulting my intelligence.

Have they been convicted ?

Does your intelligence know the existence of a concept called "innocent until proven guilty" ?

prima facie seems to be work of hindu extremists, read the news enuf said

Enough is not said.

Indian courts go by the dictum "innocent until proven guilty" NOT "guilty until proven innocent".
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Pakistani/foreign terrorists in this case may have fought in the name of Islam but kashmiri terrorists did fight for their freedom as Tamils have done. I would want to remind you that even Kashmiri people are also a ethnic group...

One small problem here.
When you say kashmiri people, it includes every kashmiri i.e. muslims, pandits, sikhs, godras etc..
apparantely non-muslims, hindus and sikh kashmiris have no problem with kashmir being a part of India, only kashmiri muslims do.
The reasons are obvious.
So yes kashmir struggle is also a religious struggle and not a ethnic one.
The link you have posted is just an opinion piece of a journalist who is considered unreliable by your very own people.'[/url]

I thought you dont believe in 'Hindutva' sources or is that cherry picking ?

Praveen Swami is a prominent left-of-center journalist (maybe thats why he was not considered reliable for his bias), but when even a left-of-center journalist says there is a problem, then that only gives/increases credibility to the article. So instead of blind denying I would like you to introspect on that.

His reporting has also been criticized by Indian army...

There is a difference between news reporting and Op-Eds. This was an Op-Ed. Please understand the difference.

BTW did you even read the article or this was a blind reflexive reply ?

One small problem here.
When you say kashmiri people, it includes every kashmiri i.e. muslims, pandits, sikhs, godras etc..
apparantely non-muslims, hindus and sikh kashmiris have no problem with kashmir being a part of India, only kashmiri muslims do.
The reasons are obvious.
So yes kashmir struggle is also a religious struggle and not a ethnic one.

Brother it is a Kashmiri Sunni muslim problem. Even the Shias of kargil want to be with India.
I thought you dont believe in 'Hindutva' sources or is that cherry picking ?

Praveen Swami is a prominent left-of-center journalist (maybe thats why he was not considered reliable for his bias), but when even a left-of-center journalist says there is a problem, then that only gives/increases credibility to the article. So instead of blind denying I would like you to introspect on that.

There is a difference between news reporting and Op-Eds. This was an Op-Ed. Please understand the difference.

BTW did you even read the article or this was a blind reflexive reply ?

I don't believe in Hindutva sources but I thought you believed in them, Is that not the case??

Praveen Swami is a prominent left-of-center journalist??? May be in your view but not everyone considers so...

An excerpt from one the source:
"An apt example is Praveen Swami, a terrorism expert cited by everyone writing about the IM. Swami is to print media what Arnab Goswami (of Times Now) is to Indian TV: Their views are rabidly nationalist, some might even say Islamophobic."

Source: The (in)visible in Indian terrorism - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Jamaat-e-Islami considering legal action against journalist Praveen Swami | Jamaat e Islami Hind

The Hindu Eager to drag Al-Qaeda to India

I do understand the difference b/w Op-Eds and news reports but I fail to understand how can you expect me to believe in an Op-Ed of a "prominent left-of-center" journalist who can't even report things properly...
I'm going to send woooManmohan Singh a box of bangles for his retirement present. :enjoy:
India has become safer under Manmohan Singh.
Mar 3, 2013

Under Manmohan Singh, terrorism has decreased in India and Indians have become safer.

In the eight years the Congress has governed India, terrorism has declined each year, according to data from KPS Gill’s South Asia Terrorism Portal (Terrorism | South Asia Terrorism Portal). Deaths from terrorism have fallen from 3259 in 2005 to 804 last year.
The other aspect is that almost all of these deaths are from Maoist violence and from army operations in the Northeast and Jammu & Kashmir, not violence by what are called Islamists.

And even in these three areas, the number of Indians being killed is in sharp decline. Deaths in Maoist violence were 367 last year (of whom 117 were terrorists, according to SATP). This is down from 602 in 2011 and 1180 the year before that.
Jammu & Kashmir saw 117 deaths last year (of which 84 were terrorists), down from 183 in 2011 and 375 (including 270 terrorists) the year before that.

Numbers show that the period under Manmohan Singh has been relatively safe. AP
The problem area is the northeast, which we don’t usually think of when we say terror because it is so violent all the time. Here also the trajectory of violence is downward.The number of deaths are 317 last year (including 209 terrorists), 246 in 2011, 322 the year before that, 852 in 2009 and 1051 in 2008. The most violent state in India is actually Manipur, and most of the ‘terrorism’ related deaths there are from exchanges between army and militants.

The last full year Atal Behari Vajpayee was in power, 2003, as many Indians were killed in terrorist incidents (3702) as the total for the last three years under Manmohan. How many times have you heard that said before?

This is even more remarkable when we learn that the figures under the BJP excluded all Maoist violence because that wasn’t compiled under ‘terrorism’ till 2004, when Singh came to power.

Now let us turn to Islamist, Hindutva and other terrorist attacks in our cities. This is the subject the media has been writing and broadcasting about since the Hyderabad attacks a few days ago. How unsafe are our cities?

Outside of the three areas that we looked at, the total number of Indians killed in all the other states of India is already low and it is falling.

Last year there were only three deaths (all three terrorists, no civilians) from terrorism in India. That is fewer than those killed in terrorism in the United States that year. In 2011 there were 42 deaths in India, in 2010 there were 25, and only eight in 2009.

To put this in some perspective, last year there were 6211 deaths from terrorist violence in Pakistan, including the killings of 3007 civilians and 732 security forces personnel. That wasn’t exceptional and there were 6303 deaths the year before that, and 7435 the year before that.

Pakistan is exceptional. But in all the nations of Western Europe, whose combined population is 400 million, or one third of India’s, the total number of fatalities in terrorist incidents in 10 years after 9/11 was 439. This is not too different from the number for India, excluding those three areas that are disturbed, and even there, as we have seen, India is becoming more peaceful every year.

It is correct to say that Indian citizens are as safe as the citizens of Europe and America against Islamist terrorism.
You would think that a performance so demonstrably successful would earn Manmohan and his team applause. Instead we have the inane commentaries that issue from a media that is convinced the Congress is doing something wrong here.

The numbers indicate that the Congress government is doing something spectacularly right, and it was actually the BJP that was soft on terror.

After the violence of 2002 in Gujarat, there began a spate of attacks against Gujaratis in Bombay. There were bombings in Zaveri Bazaar and Ghatkopar. The man investigating these, Rakesh Maria, told me then that the attacks would continue for a very long time. He worried that because there was such anger among Muslims for what was happening in Gujarat, ordinary people were taking to violence. But this violence soon stopped, It did because there is also another side to India, the larger side, which is inclusive and secular. It cancelled out the viciousness of Gujarat, and it always will.

India has become safer under Manmohan Singh | Firstpost

Rather than thanking weak Indian PM....I think Indian GOV should thank Musharaf as he was anchor for stopping tap of funds for terrorist funds...
Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy informed the state assembly Monday that India would go to any length to see that the two Italian marines were brought back to stand trial for killing two Indian fishermen.

Chandy spoke in response to an adjournment motion that was moved by the Left opposition in the state assembly.

"Prime Minister Manmohan Singh last week informed both houses of parliament that the government would go to any extent to see that the two marines are brought back to face trial. Please see the tough stand that both the centre and our government has taken towards this, whenever this issue came up in the courts in the country," Chandy said.

Meanwhile, leader of opposition V.S. Achuthanadan created a flutter in the house when he mentioned that Italy has always taken us for a ride in the past; the treasury benches were up in arms when he said that right from the time Rajiv Gandhi became prime minister, there have been Italian deals like Westland Helicopters, Bofors and the recent scam of the helicopter deal.

Speaker G. Karthikeyan was seen asking the CPI M veteran to refrain from mentioning Rajiv Gandhi's name because this was not the issue of the adjournment motion.

Later, the speaker pointed out that the reference made to Rajiv Gandhi by Achuthanandan would be expunged and will not find mention in the proceedings of the house.

Earlier, Chandy expressed his displeasure when CPI M member P.K. Gurudasan, while seeking leave for the motion, mentioned Sonia Gandhi in his speech.

"Please note that when your government was in office 2006-11 under Achuthanandan, there were three separate incidents of foreign vessels ramming into our fishing boats. In one incident, when one of our fishermen died after a Chinese vessel hit his boat, you collected Rs.2 lakh as compensation and did not care to even take the ship into custody. In another case, two fishermen continue to be missing. In that case too, you collected Rs.2 lakh each as compensation and did not make any arrest. There was also another hit and run case and you did nothing," pointed out Chandy.

Later Achuthanandan led the entire opposition out of the house after the speaker refused to discuss the motion moved by them.
One small problem here.
When you say kashmiri people, it includes every kashmiri i.e. muslims, pandits, sikhs, godras etc..
apparantely non-muslims, hindus and sikh kashmiris have no problem with kashmir being a part of India, only kashmiri muslims do.
The reasons are obvious.
So yes kashmir struggle is also a religious struggle and not a ethnic one.

It isn't that Kashmiri hindus don't entertain the idea of freedom but they have their own set of insecurities which are quite real. The following is an excerpt from an interview of Kashmiri Hindus:

"Tickoo disagrees and says self-determination is at the top of his list of priorities.

"I am a staunch Indian and we have a big relation [with India] but my identity is because of Kashmir, my identity is because of Jhelum," he says, gesturing at the murky green river behind us.

"My identity is not because of Jammu, USA, Rajasthan or Delhi ... I'm proudly saying that I am a Kashmiri, and a Kashmiri Pandit," he continues.

Tickoo says that if his political and social identity and rights could be guaranteed under majority rule, he would favour an independent Kashmir, but if he could only choose between India and Pakistan, he would most definitely choose India. It is a sentiment loosely corroborated by Monica, who despite harbouring thoughts of joining the Indian army, says that being able to decide their future is paramount for Kashmiris."

"You cannot differentiate a Pandit from a Muslim, culturally. Even in names of people, we often have [the] same names, [the] same sense of identity, style of living, and other things. And this is apart from India and the rest of the world. You can imagine that after a period of 22 years from migration, a Kashmiri Pandit living in Jammu is still totally different to a Jammu resident."

Source: Kashmiri Pandits: Why we never fled Kashmir - Kashmir: The forgotten conflict - Al Jazeera English
Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy informed the state assembly Monday that India would go to any length to see that the two Italian marines were brought back to stand trial for killing two Indian fishermen.

Chandy spoke in response to an adjournment motion that was moved by the Left opposition in the state assembly.

"Prime Minister Manmohan Singh last week informed both houses of parliament that the government would go to any extent to see that the two marines are brought back to face trial. Please see the tough stand that both the centre and our government has taken towards this, whenever this issue came up in the courts in the country," Chandy said.

Meanwhile, leader of opposition V.S. Achuthanadan created a flutter in the house when he mentioned that Italy has always taken us for a ride in the past; the treasury benches were up in arms when he said that right from the time Rajiv Gandhi became prime minister, there have been Italian deals like Westland Helicopters, Bofors and the recent scam of the helicopter deal.

Speaker G. Karthikeyan was seen asking the CPI M veteran to refrain from mentioning Rajiv Gandhi's name because this was not the issue of the adjournment motion.

Later, the speaker pointed out that the reference made to Rajiv Gandhi by Achuthanandan would be expunged and will not find mention in the proceedings of the house.

Earlier, Chandy expressed his displeasure when CPI M member P.K. Gurudasan, while seeking leave for the motion, mentioned Sonia Gandhi in his speech.

"Please note that when your government was in office 2006-11 under Achuthanandan, there were three separate incidents of foreign vessels ramming into our fishing boats. In one incident, when one of our fishermen died after a Chinese vessel hit his boat, you collected Rs.2 lakh as compensation and did not care to even take the ship into custody. In another case, two fishermen continue to be missing. In that case too, you collected Rs.2 lakh each as compensation and did not make any arrest. There was also another hit and run case and you did nothing," pointed out Chandy.

Later Achuthanandan led the entire opposition out of the house after the speaker refused to discuss the motion moved by them.

Kerala CM is just flirting with people...India and Congi GOV do not have the guts to save its friend in a small nation like Maldavies...Now he is talking that India will take on with Italy for 2 marines.....I think Kerala CM and puppet Congi Party should learn from the Italy GOV about they respect the value and importance of life of their citizen...
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