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India has a long term plan to annex Bangladesh in a way or other in future.

Swamy is a Tamil Brahmin who is basically a BJP stalwart and Modi apologist. Being a Brahmin upper class person and a beneficiary of the status quo by oppressing the lower castes (a tradition of five millenia), he or his BJP cohorts would be the last people to advocate for the lower castes, schedule castes or women.
Not valid.
He's a man who opposes caste system. watch this video.

However the number of toilet-less houses in India is 55%. In Bangladesh it is 8%.
I hope you know this a banned topic.
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You being a woman are not concerned that Bangladesh being a Muslim country has more girls than boys in school while India doesn't? That this education has caused fertility to drop much lower than in India
Yes this was true for 1980's and 1990's. We now have new effective laws to deal with women related issues, but any law takes time to produce tangible results.
And next time do not pull blanket statements. I belong to a state which was a matriarchal society so I know for sure that there are many states in India where girls outnumber boys in schools and colleges.
Do you discuss these facts in the RSS Shakha meetings?
I hope you know I'm anti-RSS. Do not try old hats on me. lolz
And he is an educated Nobel Prize winner. He could care less about what you thought of him personally. He is more concerned about what you all are _not_ doing in India as far as HDI. Personal Attacks are the typical low-brow Indian approach to diss an opponent.

Maybe the conservatives in India don't like him because he says things the BJP/Shiv Sena/Sanghis don't like to see trumpeted. But these things do exist and conditions are that bad. Just trying to muzzle him does not make these problems go away.
pure rant!
But these things do exist and conditions are that bad. Just trying to muzzle him does not make these problems go away.
Yes, conditions are bad. But not as bad its projected by foreign media. For some reality check, I suggest you to visit India.

In any case all of this is off topic and let's open a separate thread if you want to discuss this.
Sorry i was not here to discuss toilets- you were the one who took off on a tangent.
I hope next time you will come up with a better reply rather than resorting to rants and mud-slinging.
I belong to a state which was a matriarchal society so I know for sure that there are many states in India where girls outnumber boys in schools and colleges.

Don't say that.That guy is not just Indophobic,but is Malayali-phobic too..
Don't say that.That guy is not just Indophobic,but is Malayali-phobic too..
why so??
Yes this was true for 1980's and 1990's. We now have new effective laws to deal with women related issues, but any law takes time to produce tangible results.

We are improving.Or are we doing better ?

School enrollment, primary (gross), gender parity index (GPI) | Data | Table

School enrollment, tertiary (gross), gender parity index (GPI) | Data | Table

why so??

Believe me,I have a lot of experience in dealing with this guy...

We are improving ofcourse.
But we are sitting on a ticking bomb called population. :tsk:
And since Indian GDP per capita and tax to GDP ratio are much higher yours

Saw the GDP per capita comparison coming, but what's it worth if you're women are afraid to step outside their house? When people are forced to take a dump in the open? When female babies and minorities are put to death with no law enforcement repercussions?

Statistical averages do not always reflect the ground realities! Reminds me of this joke: There was a statistician that drowned crossing a river... It was 3 feet deep on average. :D
Saw the GDP per capita comparison coming, but what's it worth if you're women are afraid to step outside their house?


When female babies and minorities are put to death with no law enforcement repercussions?

Meh...I belong to minority community.

Statistical averages do not always reflect the ground realities!

Of course,with idiots who believe that Bangladesh even has more 'cars' than India :lol:

Pakistan faces the same dilemma. Gazwa-e-Hind is almost ready, just trying to figure out what to do with 1.2 billion Indians. :sarcastic:

Oh, just shoot us already. :D

Look at the developed countries, it does seem to be higher in places where women are not scared to report rape cases. In India, rape victims are often punished by village elders for making a fuss over it.
In India, rape victims are often punished by village elders for making a fuss over it.

Utter BS.
Let's not deviate from the topic. :P
But this thread I must say is super funny. :lol: :lol:

I don't think so.
We already have many internal issues to be dealt with.
Annexing a Muslim majority country would be like adding fuel to fire in India.

I am sorry I do not fall in that category.
I don't need to stare at girls. :)

Sir, could you prove that???
Afaik India is first in global jute production and shares 63% of global textile and garment market. India is 2nd in global textile manufacturing and also 2nd in silk and cotton production.

Pre-71 almost all jute mills around Calcutta had been closed for non-availability of raw jute. In early 1950's E Pak Govt had launched Op Jute under Gen Omrao Khan, then GOC. Omrao Khan was a no nonsense strict soldier who had stopped smuggling of jute overnight. Indian mills had to shut down, and had remained so till 1972.
Pre-71 almost all jute mills around Calcutta had been closed for non-availability of raw jute. In early 1950's E Pak Govt had launched Op Jute under Gen Omrao Khan, then GOC. Omrao Khan was a no nonsense strict soldier who had stopped smuggling of jute overnight. Indian mills had to shut down, and had remained so till 1972.
Thank you sir. But I can not take your words as god's words. I had asked for proof.
Let me guess @Mike_Brando ???
Mikey lil bro was that you??? :lol:
Yup,didi it was me;) but let me clarify the fact that i still haven't been able to identify the actual gender of our resident lungi Maira/Apu due to some unknown reasons:D,so while he/she claims to be a boy i have got some serious doubt on his/her structural orientation:coffee:
Couple of things here, First I think you guy's were absolutely right in breaking away from Pakistan. I only wish it had been done in the manner that British do things. Have a look at how they left British India. Music, flags and salutes.

Second thing. I am jealous how you guys have managed to build a secular edifice. Bravo to you guys. Please do not ever let the Mullah or Islamist near power. Or it will be road to perdition.

Third thing. The real job of a state is physical and economic well being of citizens. Rest of it is just smokescreen by the elite to screw the poor. You guy's have got that right as can be seen in how your indicators starting from basketcase standards are now near or overtaking Pakistan.

Fourth thing. If all this keeps up Bangladesh might be South asia's success story. Two decades ago I would have laughed that off but now I can see that possibility.

Thanks we are working on project jamaat annihilation. Wont spare any single jamaati. Its our long term goal.

We want only the land, not their peoples. :D

India already hosting our 100 million pop. 50 million Muslims 50 million hindus and negligible Paharis.
I thought BB got those plans to annex BD....***Bay of Bengal-BB...
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