Couple of things here, First I think you guy's were absolutely right in breaking away from Pakistan. I only wish it had been done in the manner that British do things. Have a look at how they left British India. Music, flags and salutes.
Second thing. I am jealous how you guys have managed to build a secular edifice. Bravo to you guys. Please do not ever let the Mullah or Islamist near power. Or it will be road to perdition.
Third thing. The real job of a state is physical and economic well being of citizens. Rest of it is just smokescreen by the elite to screw the poor. You guy's have got that right as can be seen in how your indicators starting from basketcase standards are now near or overtaking Pakistan.
Fourth thing. If all this keeps up Bangladesh might be South asia's success story. Two decades ago I would have laughed that off but now I can see that possibility.
Fifth thing. Whatthe hell is differance between a lunghi and dhoti that I keep reading about in PDF?
Finally I saw the most prettiest girl I have seen this year coming out of a Bangali food store. her crushing stare almost caused me to have a accident couple of days ago. I only wish I was two decades younger then even if I crashed I could have asked her for help. Every time I picture you I shall think of her