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No one can predict the future. India may or may not only time will tell.

But why are the Pakistani members are jumping in joy for this? Its China and India which are fighting to be economic super powers not Pakistan. Pakistan is slipping into deep crises everyday .

I need Pakistani member's view on this question please (I am not trolling here just needs to clarify on this)

bwahahahah hey what arent you happy we are celebrating your Indian over taking China. you ungrateful neighbour :P
It has been reported widely that India will eventually overtake China in growth in the next few years.

India has a high chance of overtaking China in the next few years, due to some simple facts:
- India's population is acceleration faster than China's
- India's population is younger than China's
- India does not have a one-child policy, therefore is able to sustain population growth
- India has a head start in entrepreneurial capabilities
- India has more freedom in both economics and speech"


Angola has a high chance of overtaking Germany in the next few years, due to some simple facts:

- Angola's population is accelerating faster than Germany's

- Angola's population is younger than Germany's , much yonger actually.

- Angola does not have a one-child policy, therefore is able to sustain population growth; Germany's net birth rate is far lower than Angola's

- Angola has a head start in entrepreneurial capabilities: they sell AK47 allover the continenet just for an example.

- Angola has more freedom than Germany in both economics and speech - e.g. try say sth on Nazi and Holocaust in Germany, one wrong word you'll end up in prison for granted, which is not the case in Angola where you can say anything and everything.

Therefore, Angola HAS A HIGH CHANCE OF OVERTAKING Germany!

Oh, btw, the same can be said on Nigeria Vs. Japan; Republic of Congo Vs. Nederlands; Fiji Vs Singapore...etc., and of couse India Vs. China.

I love it when a troll comes together :P

Ok India will never take over China even past 2050, plus the India's population thing is not a plus but a minus, over populating a country leads to severe poverty throughout the country, the examples are out there today in China, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

India will undoubtly become a great power of the Wolrd in 2020 or 2030. But it won't be a super power. So this is the reason i would carry a Chinese flag rather than Indian one because CHINA BEATS EVERYONE IN EVERYTHING.

Yes, Indian can overcome everyone. Their dream is deeply bigger than god.

Here's overtaking world population.
This thread shows most of members don't even bother reading article and draw conclusions from the thread title itself ..It is clearly written some time near future ..India will overtake China to become fastest growing economy in the world..and why does it come a surprise to anyone ..it is common knowledge while Indian Gdp growth rate is picking up .. Chinese growth rate will start slowing down due to rapidly aging population.
This thread shows most of members don't even bother reading article and draw conclusions from the thread title itself ..It is clearly written some time near future ..India will overtake China to become fastest growing economy in the world..and why does it come a surprise to anyone ..it is common knowledge while Indian Gdp growth rate is picking up .. Chinese growth rate will start slowing down due to rapidly aging population.

You are ignorant in economy. Growth rate per se means nothing!

Everyone can achieve such a growth rate a la India Style, accompanied with double digits inflation, on both wholesale and retail levels.

Without worrying the inflation, CHina probably can grow 20 p.a. Yet Chinese economists arte not as diluted as M. Singh.

Growth rate is just like a gas pedal. One can always step on it to the end as Signh does. Who gives a damn if the auto go crushes, passengers will then suffer, not M. Singh and any other his close Indian pals with Swiss bank account.
This is what happens when everyone is busy settling for their own conclusion without bothering about the article.

A total of 45% of global investors have said they expect a financial crisis in China within five years, Bloomberg reported on Thursday (Jan. 27).

"There is no doubt that China is in the midst of a speculative credit-driven bubble that cannot be sustained," said Stanislav Panis, a currency strategist at TRIM Broker in Bratislava, Slovakia.

Bloomberg conducted a global poll of 1,000 Bloomberg customers including investors, traders and analysts between Jan. 21 and Jan. 24. Panis said the expected fallout in China would be like the aftermath of the US subprime mortgage meltdown.

An additional 40% anticipated a Chinese crisis after 2016 and only 7% of respondents said that they are confident that China will escape turmoil indefinitely.

China's National Bureau of Statistics reported on Jan. 20 that the country's economy grew 10.3% in 2010, the fastest pace in three years and up from the 9.2% growth recorded a year earlier, while GDP rose to RMB39.8 trillion (US$6 trillion).

The total value of China's exports and imports last year was US$3 trillion, of which 13% was between China and the United States. As of November, China also held US$896 billion in US treasury bonds. Trade and investment links between the two nations were underlined by Chinese President Hu Jintao's visit last week to Washington for meetings with US President Barack Obama.

Approximately 53% of those surveyed said they believe that China's economy is a bubble, though 42%disagreed with this statement. 60% of Asia-based poll respondents identified a bubble in China.

Bloomberg quoted Jonathan Sadowsky, chief investment officer at Vaca Creek Asset Management in San Francisco, as saying that he is "exceptionally worried" that the Chinese would eventually face "major dislocations within their banking system."

Beijing raised interest rates twice during the fourth quarter last year to fend off inflation. China's National Bureau of Statistics said that food prices in China rose 7.2% last year.

Haroon Shaikh, an investment manager with GAM London Ltd, said that rapid wage inflation and soaring property prices are the chief concern of financial markets.

Economist Li Daokui, an adviser to China's central bank, said during an interview with Bloomberg that rising real estate prices are the biggest threat to the Chinese economy. The central bank should gradually increase rates in the first and second quarter of this year, Li said.

Bloomberg's poll discovered other signs of mounting investor caution regarding China, where three decades of market-oriented reform have obliterated the Maoist legacy of impoverishment.

Asked to identify the worst market for investment over the next year, 20% of poll respondents said China versus just 11% in the last poll in November. Almost half of those polled -- 48% -- said that a significant slowing of growth was very or fairly likely within the next two years.

Michael Martin, senior vice president of MDAvantage Insurance Company of New Jersey, said that the Chinese government has performed brilliantly in managing the country's economy so far. The government's capacity will be tested as the economy grows and becomes more complex, he said.

The majority of respondents remained confident of the Chinese government's ability to fend off demands for greater political liberalization. Just 1% expected a political crisis within the next year while 27% expected one within the next two to five years.

The poll was conducted for Bloomberg by Selzer and Co of Des Moines, Iowa, and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1%.

Investors Fear China Bubble Crisis Within Five Years: Bloomberg
This study was conducted by bloomberg, and it is referred as a reliable economic media by most global investors, dont know about the Chinese.
So you are saying, that earlier your economists were dumb, such that they wanted to become the fastest growing economy in the world and now suddenly they have had their brains knocked into them and want to slow down..hunh??

Besides India doesn't have double digit inflation.
Wondering why the OP has posted a year old article.

I remember reading it back then,most of the comments below too were criticizing that article.
So you are saying, that earlier your economists were dumb, such that they wanted to become the fastest growing economy in the world and now suddenly they have had their brains knocked into them and want to slow down..hunh??

fastest growing economy , yes! , but in a sense of having a manageable inflations at teh same time. China has done it, not India, though, as your recent years'high growths ( a temporar departure from your historical infamous " Hindu Growth Rate") have been beefed up artificialy by suicidal Indian Central Bank orchetrated by equally suicidal M Singh - a bit like dotcom era's Greenspan Policy in a nutshell. As I said previous elsewhere, wtf Signh cares in his advanced age? 80s-year-old last term PM won't think more than 2 years.

Singh's growth , yeah, that's stepping the gas pedal to the end on top of a cliff...

Besides India doesn't have double digit inflation.

no time to teach you how to do your homework...
Please, we have wasted too much time on this kind of topic. If Indian believe that they can overtake China in 10 years or 20 years, then let them prove it. Every country has its own problems. We Chinese should always look up, not down when comparing with other countries.
fastest growing economy , yes! , but in a sense of having a manageable inflations at teh same time. China has done it, not India, though, as your recent years'high growths ( a temporar departure from your historical infamous " Hindu Growth Rate") have been beefed up artificialy by suicidal Indian Central Bank orchetrated by equally suicidal M Singh - a bit like dotcom era's Greenspan Policy in a nutshell. As I said previous elsewhere, wtf Signh cares in his advanced age? 80s-year-old last term PM won't think more than 2 years.

Singh's growth , yeah, that's stepping the gas pedal to the end on top of a cliff...

no time to teach you how to do your homework...

As always you posts are high on hot air and low on substance.

India's inflation rate is 8.3% ..which as far as I know is not a double digit figure.

Here is Chinese inflation graph for last 5yrs..for all your claims of China achieving low inflation growth ..alas facts state otherwise.

China Inflation Rate
As always you posts are high on hot air and low on substance.

India's inflation rate is 8.3% ..which as far as I know is not a double digit figure.

Here is Chinese inflation graph for last 5yrs..for all your claims of China achieving low inflation growth ..alas facts state otherwise.

China Inflation Rate

Looks ok to me given China's growth. Rapidly growing economies inherently have higher average inflation. growing economy requires a expanding money supply.
Yes thats a given ..growth and inflation go hand in hand ..An Economy can inflate without growing, but it seldom grows without inflating.
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