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I can not agree it.
Education is the first, that is no doubt!
Even if people starve to death, not let the children do not read book!

When the Korean War has just ended in China, When most Chinese people are still hungry, China began implementation of free education.

Then surely you know how bad education became during the cultural revolution. Good education is not something that can stand alone. It needs security, it needs social equality (we need both boys and girls in school), it needs research infrastructure (the only way, to learn how to research is to do research.)
We have an Indian author writing about India overtaking China in the next 9 years. No Indian believes this. China has a tremendous head start over India in almost all areas. China also has a system of governance which despite its other flaws, permits a single minded pursuit of national goals and land marks which is difficult if not impossible to emulate. Moreover, Indians do not think in terms of overtaking China. We wish to follow China's example to accelerate our growth and advancement. China and the USA are the two examples sited by Indians in India seeking excellence, a higher degree of professionalism and competence in their organisations. China has been our role model for many years now.

Obviously, the thread starter himself does not believe in the contents of this article. I am sure he knows that by and large, Indians too do not believe it or think it possible. Why then did he post such a meaningless article? Following possibilities come to mind:-
1. An immature person with nothing better to do with his time thought to have some fun at the expense of Indian members by posting a ridiculous article which would then draw out the Chinese members and their Pakistani friends in an all out India bashing session.
2. He was so taken in by the 'impeccable' credentials of the author that he believed at least partially in what the guy had to say and so wanted to initiate a meaningful discussion on the matter.

I am of the view that it was Option 1 which is closer to the truth.

Really? I am dead sure that I've use Made in China HPLC's before. MS is probably not something Chinese companies can do yet.

I check this out alot, can't find a single made in China HPLC.

I've found stand alone GC with FID, X-ray diffractors, laser welders, electron beam welders and NMRs. I have not found any photolithography equipment, MS of any sort, electron microscopes or STMs.

We have an Indian author writing about India overtaking China in the next 9 years. No Indian believes this. China has a tremendous head start over India in almost all areas. China also has a system of governance which despite its other flaws, permits a single minded pursuit of national goals and land marks which is difficult if not impossible to emulate. Moreover, Indians do not think in terms of overtaking China. We wish to follow China's example to accelerate our growth and advancement. China and the USA are the two examples sited by Indians in India seeking excellence, a higher degree of professionalism and competence in their organisations. China has been our role model for many years now.

Obviously, the thread starter himself does not believe in the contents of this article. I am sure he knows that by and large, Indians too do not believe it or think it possible. Why then did he post such a meaningless article? Following possibilities come to mind:-
1. An immature person with nothing better to do with his time thought to have some fun at the expense of Indian members by posting a ridiculous article which would then draw out the Chinese members and their Pakistani friends in an all out India bashing session.
2. He was so taken in by the 'impeccable' credentials of the author that he believed at least partially in what the guy had to say and so wanted to initiate a meaningful discussion on the matter.

I am of the view that it was Option 1 which is closer to the truth.


I also do not think this was a useful thread. It is no more than an opportunity to insult another country.
We have an Indian author writing about India overtaking China in the next 9 years. No Indian believes this. China has a tremendous head start over India in almost all areas. China also has a system of governance which despite its other flaws, permits a single minded pursuit of national goals and land marks which is difficult if not impossible to emulate. Moreover, Indians do not think in terms of overtaking China. We wish to follow China's example to accelerate our growth and advancement. China and the USA are the two examples sited by Indians in India seeking excellence, a higher degree of professionalism and competence in their organisations. China has been our role model for many years now.

Obviously, the thread starter himself does not believe in the contents of this article. I am sure he knows that by and large, Indians too do not believe it or think it possible. Why then did he post such a meaningless article? Following possibilities come to mind:-
1. An immature person with nothing better to do with his time thought to have some fun at the expense of Indian members by posting a ridiculous article which would then draw out the Chinese members and their Pakistani friends in an all out India bashing session.
2. He was so taken in by the 'impeccable' credentials of the author that he believed at least partially in what the guy had to say and so wanted to initiate a meaningful discussion on the matter.

I am of the view that it was Option 1 which is closer to the truth.


You are right.
We have an Indian author writing about India overtaking China in the next 9 years. No Indian believes this.

It begs the bigger question , then why was the article even written & published ?
Surely SOME Indians believe that India can actually overtake China...at the very least the original Author ?
It has been reported widely that India will eventually overtake China in growth in the next few years.

India has a high chance of overtaking China in the next few years, due to some simple facts:
- India's population is acceleration faster than China's
- India's population is younger than China's
- India does not have a one-child policy, therefore is able to sustain population growth

I have deleted the last two points he claimed as those were false.

Rest the above remaining points make a sense. specially the second point. See your younger generation is the one that is going to take the future lead. with one child policy China is going to have more aging population and less youngsters or to say the time kids are grown the older population will be too elderly to pass on anything.

I have noticed the same in Japan it was surprising to all elderly or middle age population and less children .

China has to look into it
It has been reported widely that India will eventually overtake China in growth in the next few years.

India has a high chance of overtaking China in the next few years, due to some simple facts:
- India's population is acceleration faster than China's
- India's population is younger than China's
- India does not have a one-child policy, therefore is able to sustain population growth
- India has a head start in entrepreneurial capabilities
- India has more freedom in both economics and speech


India to overtake China in 2020: Swaminathan Aiyar - The Times of India
In the past decades, India has been world number one in starvation deaths, foreign aid and bribery. In the 2000s, it was transformed from a chronic under-performer to a potential superpower. Here are eight predictions of what it will look like in 2020:

India will overtake China as the fastest-growing economy in the world. China will start ageing and suffering from a declining workforce, and will be forced to revalue its currency. So its growth will decelerate, just as Japan decelerated in the 1990s after looking unstoppable in the 1980s. Having become the world's second-biggest economy, China's export-oriented model will erode sharply - the world will no longer be able to absorb its exports at the earlier pace. Meanwhile, India will gain demographically with a growing workforce that is more literate than ever before. The poorer Indian states will start catching up with the richer ones. This will take India's GDP growth to 10% by 2020, while China's growth will dip to 7-8%.

India will become the largest English-speaking nation in the world, overtaking the US. So, the global publishing industry will shift in a big way to India. Rupert Murdoch's heirs will sell his collapsing media empire to Indian buyers. The New York Times will become a subsidiary of an Indian publishing giant.

In the 2000s, India finally gained entry into the nuclear club, and sanctions against it were lifted. By 2020, Indian companies will be major exporters of nuclear equipment, a vital link in the global supply chain. So, India will be in a position to impose nuclear sanctions on others.

India, along with the US and Canada, will develop new technology to extract natural gas from gas hydrates - a solidified form of gas lying on ocean floors. India has the largest gas hydrate deposits in the world, and so will become the biggest global producer. This will enable India to substitute gas for coal in power generation, hugely reducing carbon emissions and making Jairam Ramesh look saintly.

India will also discover enormous deposits of shale gas in its vast shale formations running through the Gangetic plain, Assam, Rajasthan and Gujarat. New technology has made the extraction of shale gas economic, so India will become a major gas producer and exporter. Meanwhile, Iran's mullahs will be overthrown, and a new democratic regime will usher in rapid economic growth that creates a shortage of gas in Iran by 2020. So, the Iran-India pipeline will be recast, but in reverse form: India will now export gas to Iran.

More and more regions of India will demand separate statehood. By 2020, India will have 50 states instead of the current 28. The new states will not exactly be small. With 50 states and a population of almost 1.5 billion, India will average 30 million people per state, far higher than the current US average of 6 million per state.

China, alarmed at India's rise, will raise tensions along the Himalayan border. China will threaten to divert the waters of the Brahmaputra from Tibet to water-scarce northern China. India will threaten to bomb any such project. The issue will go to the Security Council.

Islamic fundamentalists will take over in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The US will withdraw from the region, leaving India to bear the brunt of consequences. Terrorism will rise in India, but the economy will still keep growing. How so? Well, 3000 people die every year falling off Mumbai's suburban trains, and that does not stop Mumbai's growth. Terrorism will bruise India, but not halt its growth.​

Indian media one of leading yellow media in the world, following track of Washington Post, New york times & other western media, hypothesis at its best. Even we can't say Hypotheses.
I have deleted the last two points he claimed as those were false.

Rest the above remaining points make a sense. specially the second point. See your younger generation is the one that is going to take the future lead. with one child policy China is going to have more aging population and less youngsters or to say the time kids are grown the older population will be too elderly to pass on anything.

I have noticed the same in Japan it was surprising to all elderly or middle age population and less children .

China has to look into it

1#. China really has aging population trouble.
2#. Too little population is not good, Too much population is also not good, China wants the population to adjust to the most appropriate.
3#. The advantages and disadvantages of family planning, we are well aware. We have prepared it. We do not worry.
It begs the bigger question , then why was the article even written & published ?
Surely SOME Indians believe that India can actually overtake China...at the very least the original Author ?

lots of things are written and published in media..it's up to every individual to get information check it with other sources,ground realities,credibility of the source etc and analyse the possibility of the news/ article/ being true or false.some get it right and others get it wrong depending upon their analytical skills, convincing power author, natural bias of readers mind towards the news etc.
some times the author himself may not believe in what he written. reasons can vary from propaganda, political pressure,money,popularity, give what people want to hear etc.
lots of things are written and published in media..it's up to every individual to get information check it with other sources,ground realities,credibility of the source etc and analyse the possibility of the news/ article/ being true or false.some get it right and others get it wrong depending upon their analytical skills, convincing power author, natural bias of readers mind towards the news etc.
some times the author himself may not believe in what he written. reasons can vary from propaganda, political pressure,money,popularity, give what people want to hear etc.

Think this article is a case of the last point.
1#. China really has aging population trouble.
2#. Too little population is not good, Too much population is also not good, China wants the population to adjust to the most appropriate.
3#. The advantages and disadvantages of family planning, we are well aware. We have prepared it. We do not worry.

The one child policy was probably the right thing to do. A fast expanding population would have ate into improvements to the standard of life gained through growth, but I wonder maybe it's time to just do away with it.

Maybe there will be a decision soon after the census data is tabulated.
Hasn't been the China like India in past or it was a born supreme???
If yes then why you guys are laughing? sign of arrogance.
Hasn't been the China like India in past or it was a born supreme???
If yes then why you guys are laughing? sign of arrogance.

We find self-congratulation and delusions of grandeur funny.
Hasn't been the China like India in past or it was a born supreme???
If yes then why you guys are laughing? sign of arrogance.

We had 2 advantages over india even when we were dirt poor:

gender equality and low rates of sanitary diseases.

with its high rape rate and frequent crimes against women, how can india develop using the brains and muscles of only half its population?
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