If true, those criticisms does not mean they do not like it.
What is contained in that sophistication?
Artillery shells do not deploy decoys. At least not yet in this lifetime. So we can rule out sophisticated artillery shells.
For ground-ground rockets, and because rockets are generally unguided else they would be missiles, their accuracy and precision depends on design and manufacture. In descent, because a rocket is unguided, an accurate and precise rocket will have no 'trajectory perturbations'.
For example...
CiteSeerX — Particularity Concerning Evaluation of Unguided Rocket Trajectories Deviation under the Disturbance Factors Action
Launch malfunctions will create trajectory perturbations. Sophisticated missiles with flight controls mechanisms can often compensate -- depending on severity of malfunction. Unguided rockets will suffer.
Trajectory perturbations in flight will create
Sophisticated missiles with programmable flight controls can create
WANTED MANEUVERS to attempt to confuse the defense.
Both types of maneuvers can confuse the defense because the defense have no way of knowing at the intelligence of the attacker. So in order to have a defense, the defense method must be costlier and more sophisticated than the attacker. The analogy here is that body armor cost much more than the several bullets hitting it. So the calculus for the defense must be the value of what is worth defending and not how much it cost to build the defensive method.
Because an inaccurate and imprecise rocket maneuvers, those maneuvers actually renders it a sophisticated attacker as far as the defense goes. So if the intercept success rate is X for stupid attackers who just happens to maneuvers, there should be the same X success rate against smart attackers who also happens to maneuvers.