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India developing sub-sonic 1,000-km range cruise missile 'Nirbhay': DRDO chief

yes but due to the insanely high cost, 25x that of the american model, it has only equipped the 2 052C destroyers. this was achieved in 2004. apparently, the cost has still not gone down, which would explain why we cannot build any more 052Cs even though we desperately need them.

Due to Brahmos's supersonic speed it has to fly higher, at around 20m above the water surface. This makes it easier to detect by radar. The Nirbhay however could be wave-skimming at 5m, which is below the height of the radar. It could also maneuver more easily.

Despite Nirbhay being inferior to other similar cruise missiles it is a huge step forward for india. For india, 1000 km range is more than enough and would make the nirbhay functionally the same as any other cruise missile.

why is the 348 radar so expensive? Does it have any american parts that is very difficult to get?
why is the 348 radar so expensive? Does it have any american parts that is very difficult to get?

no, it is expensive because our electronics industry at the time was behind the US and the MMICs had to be custom made.

in fact, if the MMICs were imported from the US, they would cost only 500 dollars each, 25x less than if they were made in china.

but of course you can't ever depend on foreign suppliers for your best equipment, so the Navy used our expensive, but superior radar. It's not like the US would ever sell the AN/SPY-1 and there is no other radar in the world that can match its range, so we made our own.
no, it is expensive because our electronics industry at the time was behind the US and the MMICs had to be custom made.

in fact, if the MMICs were imported from the US, they would cost only 500 dollars each, 25x less than if they were made in china.

but of course you can't ever depend on foreign suppliers for your best equipment, so the Navy used our expensive, but superior radar. It's not like the US would ever sell the AN/SPY-1 and there is no other radar in the world that can match its range, so we made our own.

The Indian guys in here keep on saying that its Barak system is superior to the 348 radar. What is the basis of this claim? Is there any chart that compare the two radar system?
The Indian guys in here keep on saying that its Barak system is superior to the 348 radar. What is the basis of this claim? Is there any chart that compare the two radar system?

I never did that...and I didnt even know that type 348 existed till morning. And have been searching for the spocs all this time and havent found any reliable source...even CD dosent have a credibile one.
barak is a missile type, its not a radar so its not in type 348's league. only AN/SPY-1 is.

indian navy Delhi class uses Fregat MAE 3-d search radars which have 300 km range.
The Indian guys in here keep on saying that its Barak system is superior to the 348 radar. What is the basis of this claim? Is there any chart that compare the two radar system?

It is very hard to compare two systems that are ever unlikely to be placed side-by-side for comaprison. There are factors like the radar's resistance to jamming, its all-weather capability and reliability, its resistance to electronic countermeasures etc that cant be really compared on paper.

It is possible to put together a chart that compares target acquisition range and the cost of the two radars, but the more important aspects of the radar, like the ones mentioned above, can't be compared unless experts from both sides assess each radar. And i dont see that happening.
It is very hard to compare two systems that are ever unlikely to be placed side-by-side for comaprison. There are factors like the radar's resistance to jamming, its all-weather capability and reliability, its resistance to electronic countermeasures etc that cant be really compared on paper.

It is possible to put together a chart that compares target acquisition range and the cost of the two radars, but the more important aspects of the radar, like the ones mentioned above, can't be compared unless experts from both sides assess each radar. And i dont see that happening.

AESAs like 348 have an inherited resistance to jamming. The Chinese EW suite is still on India's to-design-list.

I can't believe how India has the audacity to compare their soviet-era ships to the likes of 052C destroyers and 054A frigates. Moreover, India wants a carrier when it doesn't even have any operating S-300/PAC-3/HQ-9 systems or any BMS/NAS in inventory, while the commies have been building them for years. No one likes the Chinese, but come on, the Indian navy, simply fails... I'm not even going to start on how Indians blames the US embargo that delayed the Tejas, which was also placed on China, only a decade before and on a larger scale... Oh yeah, only the chassis of Arjun is made in India.
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AESAs like 348 have an inherited resistance to jamming. The Chinese EW suite is still on India's to-design-list.

I can't believe how India has the audacity to compare their soviet-era ships to the likes of 052C destroyers and 054A frigates. Moreover, India wants a carrier when it doesn't even have any operating S-300/PAC-3/HQ-9 systems or any BMS/NAS in inventory, while the commies have been building them for years. No one likes the Chinese, but come on, the Indian navy, simply fails...

I read two days back - China received shipments of S-300 from Russia.

Source - China buys air defense systems from Russia - Yahoo! News

What's that for - a free gift ,
bcoz china has been building these since many years before ,Just above i learnt Chinese "have been building them for years"

Dosen't makes sense, may be i am confused just like "Indian Navy is a Failed case ".
Somewhere i learnt VARYAG was brought from Soviet era only. May be wrong source cant trust Jane's weekly you know
I read two days back - China received shipments of S-300 from Russia.

Source - China buys air defense systems from Russia - Yahoo! News

What's that for - a free gift ,
bcoz china has been building these since many years before ,Just above i learnt Chinese "have been building them for years"

Dosen't makes sense, may be i am confused just like "Indian Navy is a Failed case ".
Somewhere i learnt VARYAG was brought from Soviet era only. May be wrong source cant trust Jane's weekly you know

You don't mount S-300 on ships, buddy. China bought those for Taiwan. Dude, HQ-9 is 1997. It's all about the HQ-9B, which India fails to design.

Oh by the way, let's not even talk about India's 28,700 ton, which was, umm, WW II?
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Why is it that only now indians staretd to get lucky in technology already possesed by Pakistan?
Last time it is AQ Khan and Sharif who leaked our nuke technology to indians and now it seems it is Zaradri and party getting rich.
You don't mount S-300 on ships, buddy. China bought those for Taiwan. Dude, HQ-9 is 1997. It's all about the HQ-15, which is in service and which India fails to design.

Oh by the way, let's not even talk about India's 28,700 ton, which was, umm, WW II?

You mentioned S-300 being built by China for ages , simple .
Now tell me why are you buying it from Russia then.

If India purchases AEGIS or something like that , dont come crying that its a US weapon and non-indigenous.

If you are still buying S300 like system ,
India is also learning to build BMS - whats wrong .
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You mentioned S-300 being built by China for ages , simple .
Now tell me why are you buying it from Russia then.

If India purchases AEGIS or something like that , dont come crying that its a US weapon and non-indigenous.

If you are still buying S300 like system ,
India is also learning to build BMS - whats wrong .

I mentioned S-300 after stating navies in the previous sentence. You need a firmer grasp of the English command.

How do I know why the Chinese bought it? Unlike you, I don't care what the Chinese buy but what they make.


India = buy Aegis | China = make Aegis

India = no SBM, no, NAS, no SLBM | China = yes BMS, yes NAS, yes MIRV SLBM.

...I don't see your point.
This is what you wrote-

India wants a carrier when it doesn't even have any operating S-300/PAC-3/HQ-9 systems or any BMS/NAS in inventory, while the chinese have been building them for years.
I can't believe how India has the audacity to compare their soviet-era ships to the likes of 052C destroyers and 054A frigates. Moreover, India wants a carrier when it doesn't even have any operating S-300/PAC-3/HQ-9 systems or any BMS/NAS in inventory, while the commies have been building them for years.

Please, open your dictionary.

Going to sleep...
Please, open your dictionary.

Going to sleep...

pure Troll.nothing else

On one hand you are saying "You have been building those system (S300 and eq) for years" how come suddenly, need arose to buy from Russia.
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