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India can wipe Pakistan out of the map: Major General (R) G. D. Bakshi.

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Not exactly, its a hypothetical question even though if one assume it. India can surely wipe out pakistan because of the small size of pakistan and its densely populated areas are located near India.

But pakistan can't do the same:

1.) Just look at the size and scale of India its an continent in itself.

2.) India is developing balletic missile defense shield and advance SAM systems.

And you can't debate on the issue that India have more access to high technology from Israel, USA, France, Germany etc.

Also on the point that India have many times more money then pakistan to spend on SAM's etc.

Realistically in a Nuclear war pakistan will be completely wiped out and 10-20% of India can be damaged.

Pakistan isn’t a small country by any measure. Yes it’s smaller than India, but not geographically when compared to many states in the world, it comes in at 36 on landmass size in the world, 307,374 square miles to be precise.

Also SOME densely populated areas are near the border namely Lahore and to a lesser extent Rawalpindi and Karachi. But 72% of the population live in rural areas and not dense urban centres. Mountainous terrain and plateaus also make up 58% of our landmass, some of the highest in the world, which also act as natural barriers against radiation and other effects of fallout.

India’s size isn’t a problem for Pakistan, that’s the reason for having a higher number of warheads than you do (110 v 60-70) and the production of those is set to increase dramatically and eventually become the fourth largest arsenal in the world, more warheads to cover all the landmass of India, quite simple really.

Yes India is developing an anti ballistic system but the success of such systems is heavily criticised, even the US system has come under fire. As for India having “access” to more technology, Pakistan can also purchase such a system as they are defensive in nature. China, whose missile defence program is the most advanced, after the US’s is also striving hard in this field and wouldn’t have a problem in Pakistan benefiting from it.

As for your assertion that Pakistan will be wiped out and India suffering 10% damage is the most ridiculous assertion I have ever seen made. In depth research on this scenario does not agree with you, read this;

NRDC: The Consequences of Nuclear Conflict between India and Pakistan
How can any sensible person talk about wiping out a nation of millions?
this general is no different than OBL...
The people of Pakistan can never be our enemy.
I challenge Major General (R) G. D. Bakshi if he can enter and conquer ONLY TWO localities in Karachi namely Layari and Liaqutabad, i haven't bothered talking about Al-Asif square and other areas. If he manages to do that i am willing to drop my pants off and walk down the zamzama lane.

Itnay jotay parain gai chootar par inhi du areas sai kai aglay daas saal tak potty bhi sahi nahin aaye gi Major General sb ...
^^ Don't kid yourself..the first missile you tested ever back in 1980s outranges your new missile .

As far as firing a tactical nuke on an IBG is concerned...India's nuclear doctrine is cleared about this point.

"Any nuclear attack on Indian cities or Indian forces deployed anywhere will be responded massive nuclear retaliation."

Hence as soon you fire a Nuke on Indian forces ..we give a massive nuclear repsonse against your nuclear sites, armed forces,missile installations. etc ..deteriorating your second strike capability(as it is you don't have much, second strike capability)...making sure..we suffer least amount of damage(in nuclear terms)

This you are saying after watching videos of your own media? So, how are you going to attack Pakistan, by what means? And what you think will happen to you, ever though about it? Let's be honest, no chance of you ever launching any misadventure against Pakistan, period.
I think this interview was an indirect way to inform that while Pakistan has developed the Tactical Nuke to be used for Cold Start for which India can do nothing about, it should not be mistaken that the 'No first Strike' Doctrine only pertains to Strategic Nuclear Strike and instead means any nuclear weapon, be it Tactical or Strategic, if used would be taken as First Use by the adversary and would meet with a nuclear response as the Second strike!

well, we will see when the time comes, but you guys are forgetting one simple thing. I also wrote, depleted Uranium ammunition, that is not classified as Nuclear weapons, your big daddy USA and UK are using it regularly in Iraq and Afghanistan. We can destroy your weapons and your formations with depleted uranium tipped ammunition.
well, we will see when the time comes, but you guys are forgetting one simple thing. I also wrote, depleted Uranium ammunition, that is not classified as Nuclear weapons, your big daddy USA and UK are using it regularly in Iraq and Afghanistan. We can destroy your weapons and your formations with depleted uranium tipped ammunition.

You are making a mistake.

USA is not India's Big Daddy.

USA is dictating what Pakistan must do and your Govt and Army are just obeying their orders blindly!!!

So, don't you think that the US is the Big Daddy tag is rightfully and legally that of Pakistan?

You could use DU, but do you know what the DU does?

It is not some super shell, in case you did not know!!

Understand things and then jump around like this :jump: :taz:

Think globally.

Act locally!

what a shame, you cannot take care of Pakistan locally, so to speak. The thorn on your side, in your plans to bully its smaller neighbors. Guess what, your time is coming to an end guarantee. I can clearly see, India in deep crisis once Americans gone from Afghanistan. You have hedge your bets wrong way.

You are fool to think, Pakistan is totally with USA. Even the Americans have realised now. They bid their time, USA failed if not completely lost in Afghanistan. That had been the plan from the start, even Musharaf had similar plan, even though I personally call him a traitor.
You should realise Pakistan have successfully stopped two superpowers, what is India in comparisons? Think what I am saying, your number is next. Read and analyse the events. Stop boosting, make Kashmir free, no other option for India.
what a shame, you cannot take care of Pakistan locally, so to speak. The thorn on your side, in your plans to bully its smaller neighbors. Guess what, your time is coming to an end guarantee. I can clearly see, India in deep crisis once Americans gone from Afghanistan. You have hedge your bets wrong way.

Actually, it will be silly to take on Pakistan in a war.

The terrorists are already sorting you out, so why should we waste effort?

More than half your population feels that the terrorists are killing Pakistani Muslim and they are doing a Task assigned by God!! If they did not feel so, they would have given the Terrorist and Taliban the kick they so richly deserve for killing innocent Pakistani Muslims in the bazaar or the Mosque when they are praying!!

You are fool to think, Pakistan is totally with USA. Even the Americans have realised now. They bid their time, USA failed if not completely lost in Afghanistan. That had been the plan from the start, even Musharaf had similar plan, even though I personally call him a traitor.

Oh wow!!

The US is bidding their time?

Are you aware of 'enduring bases' of which Gates spoke about?

Please bone up and then we could have a discourse.

Can't really keep up with your juvenile fantasies prompted by abysmal ignorance of the issue!

You should realise Pakistan have successfully stopped two superpowers, what is India in comparisons? Think what I am saying, your number is next. Read and analyse the events. Stop boosting, make Kashmir free, no other option for India.

Pakistan stopped two Superpowers?

Are you on hashish or something more stronger?

US is lambasting and riding you right now.

And what is more they are ordering around as if you were some helper of theirs!!
This you are saying after watching videos of your own media? So, how are you going to attack Pakistan, by what means? And what you think will happen to you, ever though about it? Let's be honest, no chance of you ever launching any misadventure against Pakistan, period.
If you are foolish enough to launch a single nuke against IBG (as per your new found strategy) hoping India will not give a nuclear response ..our massive nuclear retaliation will make sure that you will be not be capable launching any more nukes..as it you have a almost non existent secondstrike capability.
and then u wakeup from ur dream. Pulsar

hmmmmmm, did you failed to notice, all the videos are from you own networks based on your own Army’s reports?
So, you agree, your media and military is helping in your day dreaming.:yahoo:
This is indian inferiority complex at its best ;)
You should realise Pakistan have successfully stopped two superpowers, what is India in comparisons? Think what I am saying, your number is next. Read and analyse the events. Stop boosting, make Kashmir free, no other option for India.

May be you're referring to some video game in which you successfully stop some cartoon superpower. Please prove me wrong and tell me which 'superpower' have you successfully stopped and in which manner?
And India is next? I would give you a benefit of doubt here with reference to your video game obsessions.
If you are foolish enough to launch a single nuke against IBG (as per your new found strategy) hoping India will not give a nuclear response ..our massive nuclear retaliation will make sure that you will be not be capable launching any more nukes..as it you have a almost non existent secondstrike capability.

No, your ex-general is foolish enough to think India can wipe out Pakistan. This thread if you have still failed to notice, is on the boosting of the Indians. We do not boost, we will take care of you, when you get involved in misadventure.

Secondly, you think, Pakistan would be sitting back, if it uses the nuclear tipped missiles on your formations. You don't think some medium range would be on their way at the same time to destroy Delhi, Mumbai, Calcutta, Chennai, Banglore etc, your leadership, your command and controls and your nuclear installations?

But we are not the ones boosting. It is your foolish media, who after Mumbai attacks put computer simulation of 10 steps to destroy Pakistan completely, and now this Insane Bakshi.:disagree:
May be you're referring to some video game in which you successfully stop some cartoon superpower. Please prove me wrong and tell me which 'superpower' have you successfully stopped and in which manner?
And India is next? I would give you a benefit of doubt here with reference to your video game obsessions.

Ha ha , now if ever find a funny response this is the one. Where you had been, sleeping in a cave for last 30 years?:cheesy:

As for computer games, go and tell your media not to play computer simulated games for the destruction of Pakistan in 10 steps. You Indians are incredible, incredibly foolish and in self denials due to your false sense of perceived superiority.
Ha ha , now if ever find a funny response this is the one. Where you had been, sleeping in a cave for last 30 years?:cheesy:

As for computer games, go and tell your media not to play computer simulated games for the destruction of Pakistan in 10 steps. You Indians are incredible, incredibly foolish and in self denials due to your false sense of perceived superiority.

You still haven't told us.. which are the 2 superpowers you've successfully stopped? If you can't answer this then simply go to sleep.
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