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India can wipe Pakistan out of the map: Major General (R) G. D. Bakshi.

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where on earth I said killing innocents is bravery what i am saying is that your government and you Indians say that was done by Pakistan or Pakistan was involved that if that is your though than show guts come and take revenge if you have guts or if your are capable enough

I already told , its not only Guts, or courage.. Its more about strategic gain... Since many year you are showing guts and courage against India, what you got??? did you got anything??? you fought (Not we) many war with us and shown your courage , what you achieved???

@Attacking Pakistan: Do you think we can attack now in pakistan when USA is there??? US drones are in Pakistan, US army are there in pakistan, wont they kick our back??? Our dependency is more on USA, we need their Dollars.. We need their BPO. We need their KPO. If we attack you now, they will put sanction on us.

Attacking Pakistan will be a big loss for India (We don't care how much loss pakistan will suffer... )

But if some one ask stupid question, answer will be stupid only, thats what the general did, he answered stupid to a stupid question...
I already told , its not only Guts, or courage.. Its more about strategic gain... Since many year you are showing guts and courage against India, what you got??? did you got anything??? you fought (Not we) many war with us and shown your courage , what you achieved???

@Attacking Pakistan: Do you think we can attack now in pakistan when USA is there??? US drones are in Pakistan, US army are there in pakistan, wont they kick our back??? Our dependency is more on USA, we need their Dollars.. We need their BPO. We need their KPO. If we attack you now, they will put sanction on us.

Attacking Pakistan will be a big loss for India (We don't care how much loss pakistan will suffer... )

But if some one ask stupid question, answer will be stupid only, thats what the general did, he answered stupid to a stupid question...

So you agree that the person asking a question was 'stupid' and the person replied was 'stupid' as well.

I dont think that on media there should be such stupid persons talking about the foreign affairs.
So you agree that the person asking a question was 'stupid' and the person replied was 'stupid' as well.

read it properly.. he never called any person stupid.. he meant it for the question and answer.
I told you.. turn the Conspiracy Theory Mode off.
read it properly.. he never called any person stupid.. he meant it for the question and answer.
I told you.. turn the Conspiracy Theory Mode off.

Dont be the devil's advocate, if you have to say anything please contemplate and Stop trolling. That will soon turn you into PINK.
Dont be the devil's advocate, if you have to say anything please contemplate and Stop trolling. That will soon turn you into PINK.

So don't go round and round.. get the actual meaning of the sentence and understand the real meaning.

now tell me this.. where did he call anyone stupid? did you read that properly?
So you agree that the person asking a question was 'stupid' and the person replied was 'stupid' as well.

I dont think that on media there should be such stupid persons talking about the foreign affairs.

It is stupid Chanel, It talk stupid, so don't give more importance... If you ask such question answer will be same...

watch what ur Ex prez saying...

"if you strike us, we will strike you back"
It is stupid Chanel, It talk stupid, so don't give more importance... If you ask such question answer will be same...

watch what ur Ex prez saying...

"if you strike us, we will strike you back"

You're great bro.. your patience is amazing. I saw them getting wrong meaning out of your sentence but you're still very calm. I'm proud of you man.. But why do I have a feeling that they'll get the wrong meaning again from this statement also..
Stupidity from one side doesnt give the licence of Stupidity to other side.

Read what he says, strike against strike. But he didnt inflated the baloon that we will WIPE out India.

He was talking to NDTV not Aaj-Tak... Why are you giving him such importance??? These Chanel are famous for their non-sense.. Some example

1. Aliens abducting Cows, do they drink milk??
2. Himesh reshamiya is an alien
3. Rahul ate puri bhaji at poor house and so on...

There is no doubt now Indians are rattled since the test firing of “Nasr” short range, battle field nuclear capable missile.

There dreams of attacking Pakistan using convention arms with nuclear hang over are gone with the wind. Pakistan does not have to resort to nuking Indian cities in the event of conventional war, as were the assessments earlier.

Indians assessments were if they try any smaller conventional misadventure against Pakistan. Pakistan may be stopped by using international pressure for use of nuclear option or due to the “MAD” doctrine.

But with introduction of “Nasr” the game has changed, Pakistan can obliterate Indian military formations without restoring to nuking Indian cities and scenario of “MAD” coming in to play.

My information are Pakistan not only have the capabilities of battlefield specific miniaturisation of nuclear arms which is proven from “Nasr” test but it is working and succeeding in producing “depleted uranium” ammunitions. Game is changed irrecoverably; India no more has any option at all against Pakistan without suffering untold and unimagined loss of life and complete annihilation of its army.

No wonder Bakshi is hilariously trying to use deception for the benefit of domestic audience. Now, it wouldn’t be Pakistan but Indian who would be restoring to “MAD” scenario after inhalation of its army units on the battlefield. Imagine what few “Nasr” could do to its formations on the border, if they try to be funny with Pakistan.

Despite, the boosting of Indian participants on this forum, Indian feels insecure now from Pakistan’s rapid advancement in nuclear field. Pakistan always had these options available. But were keeping themselves in check, but the nuclear deal between India and USA have changed the planning within Pakistan. Pakistan would strengthen itself before any meaningful impact of the Indian USA deal on the balance of power.

Bakhsi, I wouldn’t call him a General, he is a retired insane fool, is threatening Pakistan on the basis of what actually? Doesn’t he know the reality of Indian missiles? Has he seen reports on Indian media about their duds? Here is a reminder for him and Indian participants on the forum.

Isn’t he talking about Agni missiles to attack Pakistan? He should convince his own media first. What a cheap propaganda.

Indians failures are so spectacular that even “Fox” network ended up using an incredible excuse for Indian’s failures. The presenters say “Don’t jump to alarm” “apparently this was planned” “it is kinda par for the course”. So Indian plans their failures? This must be the first. But when you know a channel like “Fox” is trying to defend your failures in funny way, you are in deep deep dodo.

And let’s look at the report of Indian Accountant general how ready India is for war?

I am convinced, once Americans are gone, which would be very soon, every indication is there that withdrawal will start soon. The India’s number is coming. It has to be done, Kashmir liberation is must, especially the “water games” played by India means a decision has to be taken.

India is a bully and a threat to its neighbours and to his own people. India wouldn’t give freedom to Kashmir because if Kashmir is liberated from Indians, then India would be decimated in to smaller states, which it was before it was gifted to Hindu zealots by the British.

India has liberation movements in its 7 eastern occupied states. And then there are Naxalities spread from north to south in the East.

Here is a video from Manipur, proof of Indian brutality against the people of illegally occupied land.

Indian thugs against the people of Manipur, demanding their independence from illegal occupiers.

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^^ Don't kid yourself..the first missile you tested ever back in 1980s outranges your new missile .

As far as firing a tactical nuke on an IBG is concerned...India's nuclear doctrine is cleared about this point.

"Any nuclear attack on Indian cities or Indian forces deployed anywhere will be responded massive nuclear retaliation."

Hence as soon you fire a Nuke on Indian forces ..we give a massive nuclear repsonse against your nuclear sites, armed forces,missile installations. etc ..deteriorating your second strike capability(as it is you don't have much, second strike capability)...making sure..we suffer least amount of damage(in nuclear terms)
There is no doubt now Indians are rattled since the test firing of “Nasr” short range, battle field nuclear capable missile.

There dreams of attacking Pakistan using convention arms with nuclear hang over are gone with the wind. Pakistan does not have to resort to nuking Indian cities in the event of conventional war, as were the assessments earlier.

Indians assessments were if they try any smaller conventional misadventure against Pakistan. Pakistan may be stopped by using international pressure for use of nuclear option or due to the “MAD” doctrine.

But with introduction of “Nasr” the game has changed, Pakistan can obliterate Indian military formations without restoring to nuking Indian cities and scenario of “MAD” coming in to play.

My information are Pakistan not only have the capabilities of battlefield specific miniaturisation of nuclear arms which is proven from “Nasr” test but it is working and succeeding in producing “depleted uranium” ammunitions. Game is changed irrecoverably; India no more has any option at all against Pakistan without suffering untold and unimagined loss of life and complete annihilation of its army.

No wonder Bakshi is hilariously trying to use deception for the benefit of domestic audience. Now, it wouldn’t be Pakistan but Indian who would be restoring to “MAD” scenario after inhalation of its army units on the battlefield. Imagine what few “Nasr” could do to its formations on the border, if they try to be funny with Pakistan.

Despite, the boosting of Indian participants on this forum, Indian feels insecure now from Pakistan’s rapid advancement in nuclear field. Pakistan always had these options available. But were keeping themselves in check, but the nuclear deal between India and USA have changed the planning within Pakistan. Pakistan would strengthen itself before any meaningful impact of the Indian USA deal on the balance of power.

Bakhsi, I wouldn’t call him a General, he is a retired insane fool, is threatening Pakistan on the basis of what actually? Doesn’t he know the reality of Indian missiles? Has he seen reports on Indian media about their duds? Here is a reminder for him and Indian participants on the forum.

Isn’t he talking about Agni missiles to attack Pakistan? He should convince his own media first. What a cheap propaganda.

Indians failures are so spectacular that even “Fox” network ended up using an incredible excuse for Indian’s failures. The presenters say “Don’t jump to alarm” “apparently this was planned” “it is kinda par for the course”. So Indian plans their failures? This must be the first. But when you know a channel like “Fox” is trying to defend your failures in funny way, you are in deep deep dodo.

And let’s look at the report of Indian Accountant general how ready India is for war?

I am convinced, once Americans are gone, which would be very soon, every indication is there that withdrawal will start soon. The India’s number is coming. It has to be done, Kashmir liberation is must, especially the “water games” played by India means a decision has to be taken.

India is a bully and a threat to its neighbours and to his own people. India wouldn’t give freedom to Kashmir because if Kashmir is liberated from Indians, then India would be decimated in to smaller states, which it was before it was gifted to Hindu zealots by the British.

India has liberation movements in its 7 eastern occupied states. And then there are Naxalities spread from north to south in the East.

Here is a video from Manipur, proof of Indian brutality against the people of illegally occupied land.

Indian thugs against the people of Manipur, demanding their independence from illegal occupiers.

and then u wakeup from ur dream...
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I think this interview was an indirect way to inform that while Pakistan has developed the Tactical Nuke to be used for Cold Start for which India can do nothing about, it should not be mistaken that the 'No first Strike' Doctrine only pertains to Strategic Nuclear Strike and instead means any nuclear weapon, be it Tactical or Strategic, if used would be taken as First Use by the adversary and would meet with a nuclear response as the Second strike!
Yes India can wipe out Pakistan however what General Bakshi did not mention is that Pakistan too can wipe out India.

Not exactly, its a hypothetical question even though if one assume it. India can surely wipe out pakistan because of the small size of pakistan and its densely populated areas are located near India.

But pakistan can't do the same:

1.) Just look at the size and scale of India its an continent in itself.

2.) India is developing balletic missile defense shield and advance SAM systems.

And you can't debate on the issue that India have more access to high technology from Israel, USA, France, Germany etc.

Also on the point that India have many times more money then pakistan to spend on SAM's etc.

Realistically in a Nuclear war pakistan will be completely wiped out and 10-20% of India can be damaged.
let me guess your plane become Indian Slaves am i right??????????????????

No I am going to go fight too, sword in one hand and a machine gun in the other.

First I kill the Indians, then I kill the Jihadis.

Win-win situation.
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