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India can wipe Pakistan out of the map: Major General (R) G. D. Bakshi.

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May 3, 2009
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Watch all videos first.

PS: I do hope that Indian top brass is as moronic as Gen Bakshi , they won't need anymore enemies.

BTW there is another thread running about how Indian threat to Pakistan is a "myth" -- very contradictory aye ? & yea we are not stupid enough to believe that - we know you (Indians) to your core :coffee:


About the bold parts, personal views does not matter, there are many in Pakistan who also has views like nuking India.
What matters is stand of the country, which is clear.
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These are the kind of over the top generals on both sides who in their bravado have kept the hostilities going for over 60 years, amazingly, completely overshadowing the initial disagreement over Kashmir...it is not about kashmir anymore, it is essentially a competition of whos more of a "man"...its quit pathetic, no one gains anything from Pakistani and India prolonging conflicts more than the military men.
I am sure India can wipe Pakistan off the map and Pakistan can return the favour and then itll be really cool...for the couple of million people left on each side of the border, who'll probably live a nomad existence in a highly radio active area...keep it up guys...Europe learned to put aside their differences for the greater good...wed rather continue to waste valuable time on false bravado.
I am so sick of this press (and now some retired fellows) always talking about what we can do to Pakistan and vice versa from there... India TV and Aaj Tak have a PhD in that subject... Don't they have something better to do? $crew em!
LOL..yeah.. contradictory indeed..but I guess he's just saying this in context of a nuclear attack from Pakistan.

P.S: He is furious.

---------- Post added at 10:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:25 PM ----------

LOL..yeah.. contradictory indeed..but I guess he's just saying this in context of a nuclear attack from Pakistan.

P.S: He is furious.
Not really. He is confident about India's second strike capability and the delivery system. Each Country has such people who hate the other country to the hilt. Such bravado is shown by several Pakistanis from time to time. This is not something new for both sides.
These are the kind of over the top generals on both sides who in their bravado have kept the hostilities going for over 60 years, amazingly, completely overshadowing the initial disagreement over Kashmir...it is not about kashmir anymore, it is essentially a competition of whos more of a "man"...its quit pathetic, no one gains anything from Pakistani and India prolonging conflicts more than the military men.
I am sure India can wipe Pakistan off the map and Pakistan can return the favour and then itll be really cool...for the couple of million people left on each side of the border, who'll probably live a nomad existence in a highly radio active area...keep it up guys...Europe learned to put aside their differences for the greater good...wed rather continue to waste valuable time on false bravado.

So well said... Can't agree more with you... WW II taught us so many preceious lessons about who gains from wars and what it leads to... But, these folks just refuse to learn!

Don't want my future generations to be born under these kinds of intelligentia and a nuclear cloud... What's the point of such a rant by a responsible army officer (retd)...?
Not really. He is confident about India's second strike capability and the delivery system. Each Country has such people who hate the other country to the hilt. Such bravado is shown by several Pakistanis from time to time. This is not something new for both sides.

But isn't it provocative in a way? What's the point of even raising such a bogey when your neighbor is in the middle of a massive internal conflict... Is that responsible Journalism? and for a trained officer... i am sure... the replies can be articulated much better... Can't they? and that is what irks someone common as me...
Bakshi has not said anything unusual.

He is merely analysing.

The net net he is trying to state is that it is a waste that there is war.

Destruction of both side guaranteed, but more of Pakistan owing to less land space than India.

Don't go by his imposing moustache or his loud voice. As a Punjabi, it is his birthright.

Go by what are the scenarios!
Lol..I don't know why I'm still not able to stop laughing at the presentation. Aak Tak is getting shitty with each passing day! LOL
Bakshi has not said anything unusual.

Means talking sh!t about Pakistan on mass bharti media is "usual" ? Ironic :rolleyes:

He is merely analysing.

His analysis is as faulty as your spelling.

The net net he is trying to state is that it is a waste that there is war.

One has to be a fool or hungover to believe so after watching those vids.

Destruction of both side guaranteed, but more of Pakistan owing to less land space than India.

Its called MAD in military terms (Mutually assured destruction) - Bakhsi should not be that stupid to say these sort of stuff over the TV as this propaganda is being fed to your 10 year olds since there is no age classification system available in Indian TV. He is passing his moronic fantasies to the new Indian generation.

Imagine a 15 year old Jingoistic Indian Kid listening to a "Retired Youdh veteran of Bharti Sena " - he/she will simply take this poison in without any critical thinking. Now multiply that with a few million !

Don't go by his imposing moustache or his loud voice. As a Punjabi, it is his birthright.

We are not scared by Mustache neither his voice , he has to do better than that - though i believe that he might wet himself by the sound of his neighbors' horny cat mewyoing to her male mate.

Go by what are the scenarios!

Its all full of jingoistic - non sense -- i have watched all videos for three times.
Collectively this moronic general makes up the majority of your state policy. No need to explain. At least we are doing something to fight back invasions.
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