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India builds detention camps for up to 1.9m people ‘stripped of citizenship’ in Assam

Indians do not like or care for Muslims . I doubt there would be any Indians that would pretend being Bangladesh to defend Uyghurs.

This forum has had plenty of false flaggers, mostly Indians and sometimes Israelis or Arab supremacists.

I can come up with no other reason why this ID keeps tagging me to set me up against other Muslims.

Let's watch him for now.
This forum has had plenty of false flaggers, mostly Indians and sometimes Israelis or Arab supremacists.

I can come up with no other reason why this ID keeps tagging me to set me up against other Muslims.

Let's watch him for now.
I see a lot of Chinese false flag mate. But yes, a bunch of Indian false flaggers too.
This forum has had plenty of false flaggers, mostly Indians and sometimes Israelis or Arab supremacists.

I can come up with no other reason why this ID keeps tagging me to set me up against other Muslims.

Let's watch him for now.
Why don't we ask the mods to check my IP location?It's now honestly getting a bit tiring to hear the same thing over & over. @waz @Dubious @The Eagle
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I see a lot of Chinese false flag mate. But yes, a bunch of Indian false flaggers too.

Regardless of our open political stances on this issue, we Turk and Pakistanis are brothers, and same goes for Uyghurs. We should not let any third party turn us against each other.

When I first came to this forum, I argued fiercely for independent East Turkestan, and in some ways I still believe in it as an eventuality albeit in a more peaceful and opportune time, preferably with China's blessing.

As time went on and I did research, I realized that many lies and exaggerations have been mixed up in the propaganda against China in Xinjiang.

Therefore I agree with Imran Khan's statement that we simply do not know the exact reality and if we are to discuss it, we should do it as friends and not enemies of China.
As time went on and I did research, I realized that many lies and exaggerations have been mixed up in the propaganda against China in Xinjiang.

Nah bro lol

China has done a lot of atrocities in Xinjiang starting from the Qing Empire and before...the whole area of Xinjiang was never part of China. It was mostly independent throughout history with small periods of Chinese control until the 18th/19th century when the Qing established control over it.

We just don't know about the Uyghurs since no one bothers about it, including our Muslim nations. Only recently did we get to know about them and that too cuz of Western media.
Nah bro lol

China has done a lot of atrocities in Xinjiang starting from the Qing Empire and before...the whole area of Xinjiang was never part of China. It was mostly independent throughout history with small periods of Chinese control until the 18th/19th century when the Qing established control over it.

We just don't know about the Uyghurs since no one bothers about it, including our Muslim nations. Only recently did we get to know about them and that too cuz of Western media.

Do you know the history of Tarim Basin and the former name of Xinjiang, when it was known as Dzungaria? The fate of the Dzungars after the Chinese-Uyghur alliance defeated them, and how the Chinese settled Uyghurs on their lands?

Interesting history there.

Why don't we ask the mods to check my IP location?It's now honestly getting a bit tiring to hear the same thing over & over. @waz @Dubious @The Eagle

Stop tagging me. I don't have time for your anti-Pakistanism.
Do you know the history of Tarim Basin and the former name of Xinjiang, when it was known as Dzungaria? The fate of the Dzungars after the Chinese-Uyghur alliance defeated them, and how the Chinese settled Uyghurs on their lands?

Interesting history there.

Well, Dzungaria was only the northern part of Xinjiang, which was formed by unifying the Dzungaria & the Tarim Basin.

The Dzungars themselves had killed many Uyghurs when they ruled over them and it made the Uyghurs ally themselves with the Qing, who did the genocide of the Dzungars, not the Uyghurs themselves. ;)

But you're right in saying that Uyghurs settled on Dzungar land but that too only after the genocide by the Qing, in which upto a million Dzungars are said to have been killed and equally many fled to Russia, Mongolia or Kazakhstan (back then part of Russia too).

The Uyghur resettlement is similar to Indian Muslims who came from present day India into Pakistan established themselves in the homes of Hindus that had fled Pakistan to India.

One of my great grandfathers fled India and resettled in Gujranwala in a former Hindu home but he never touched the money & other materials locked up inside the house & even donated it to the newly formed Pakistani government in his time.

So I guess that makes it okay since no one else would have claimed that house. Similarly, no one was going to live on the land since it's inhabitants had either fled or been killed.
That dream ended in 1971, enjoy the new fresh refugees coming your way. First Rohingya, now Indian Muslims. Seems every country wants to dump undesirables your way.

We are happy not to be a part of that.

You are right on. This bangla dude now trying to make china as culprit cuase of the uighurs. The funny thing is mostly extreme ideologist hindus do the same thing. They will say o why dont pak stand up for
uighurs...and that way to justify torture kashmir and now rest of indian muslim population. this bangla dude is trying to discredit china in the name of islam but he is cleverly acting as indian double agent. becuase of this type of fake double agent bd will face the final solution music. Just wait and watch what happen before india have another election. ultimate goal make bd even more of shit then it already is cause without china we wont even have any arms since they supply 80 percent of our equipment. Thats the ultimate dream of Shangis. at the end they want bd and pak ppl to hate china and guess who will be the biggest winner if that happen.
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You are right on. This bangla dude now trying to make china as culprit cuase of the uighurs. The funny thing is mostly extreme ideologist hindus do the same thing. They will say o why dont pak stand up for
uighurs...and that way to justify torture kashmir and now rest of indian muslim population. this bangla dude is trying to discredit china in the name of islam but he is cleverly acting as indian double agent. becuase of this type of fake double agent bd will face the final solution music. Just wait and watch what happen before india have another election. ultimate goal make bd even more of shit then it already is cause without china we wont even have any arms since they supply 80 percent of our equipment. Thats the ultimate dream of Shangis. at the end they want bd and pak ppl to hate china and guess who will be the biggest winner if that happen.

Chinese support is allowing Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan to evade UNSC resolutions against them. China is single handedly supporting Palestine and Kashmir in the UN.

Some people want us to believe China is anti-Muslim, with three diverse, thriving Muslim populations and Uyghur language in Arab/Persian script on all Chinese bank notes. Really?

I am praying for BD brothers and sisters, I hope the situation does not go as I am seeing. We always have a chance for another coup like the one which wiped of Mujib and his family, besides this Shaytaani Khatoon.

With rising water levels and less land, 2 refugee crises, drinking water shortage, overpopulation, and unequal distribution of wealth, BD has only one way to make it work.

Alliance with China would neutralize India's blackmailing and friendly relationships with Pakistan (and Turkey, Malaysia by extension) would make up for not having a Muslim neighbor.

Just makes logical sense, but then again the ghosts of 1971 must be buried.
I was talking about country wide NRC. Which is also BJP agenda.
Whats the problem if NRC is implemented. Will Indian government be able to throw more than 200 million Muslims out of India?? or can they keep such a large population at Bay.. May be the phobia is working quite well unfortunately.
Western Media its fake news..oh wait, it's India and not China.. Indian Muslims in camps and not Uighurs.. :lol:
Loving the Pakistan outrage now.:enjoy::pakistan:

If you will allow me, years ago I signaled how shitty Arabs were on here and got nothing but abuse and warning from Pakistanis and mods. I am now warning how shitty Chinese are and the same is happening.

I have faith that most Pakistanis will come around this time, as they came around about the Arabs.
Pakistanis are smart people, slow some times, but smart.
Have faith in us Bro.
If you will allow me, years ago I signaled how shitty Arabs were on here and got nothing but abuse and warning from Pakistanis and mods. I am now warning how shitty Chinese are and the same is happening.

I have faith that most Pakistanis will come around this time, as they came around about the Arabs.
Pakistanis are smart people, slow some times, but smart.
Have faith in us Bro.
we have exactly same in Turkey and rest of Muslim world though, not just Pakistan. Chinese don't even like Muslims, try speaking to them outside this forum and see for yourselves , but its like Muslims are desperate for a non-Muslim friend/ally and some willing to even ignore how much they dislike Islam.
Just crazy
Whats the problem if NRC is implemented. Will Indian government be able to throw more than 200 million Muslims out of India?? or can they keep such a large population at Bay.. May be the phobia is working quite well unfortunately.
Its your own matter but humiliating 200 million of your citizen is not good idea. This will have serious damage of india as a brand. If there are protests every day in coming months it will be headline news. Most indian muslims i meet here in canada seems very loyal to india its sad to see this is happening to them.
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