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India builds detention camps for up to 1.9m people ‘stripped of citizenship’ in Assam

What if India attacks Bangladesh to create lebensraum for these stateless people?
O, or what if Bangladesh annexes Assam,Bihar,West Bengal & Odisha to create a safe zone for these people?
Akhanda Bangladesh looms near.We expect OIC to provide funds for this noble cause & Pakistan to provide nuke cover for this province of BD.
O, or what if Bangladesh annexes Assam,Bihar,West Bengal & Odisha to create a safe zone for these people?
Akhanda Bangladesh looms near.We expect OIC to provide funds for this noble cause & Pakistan to provide nuke cover for this province of BD.

Bengal can become a singular state after this crisis finally settles into conclusion.
Fair enough bro. I was the only one speaking out Rohingya genocide on this forum, it seemed no one else cared and now its the Uighurs.

You are not wrong to talk about the Uyghur situation, as I stated earlier Turks and Pakistanis have unique cultural and linguistic ties to Uyghurs. We also host the largest Uyghur refugee populations.

I will defend your right to speak about the issue as I believe it is advantageous for us to learn the facts and details.

However the West have ulterior motives for bringing up this situation, which is to weaken not only China but the rising Muslim countries like Turkey and Pakistan by preventing friendly ties. In the end they will abandon Uyghurs just like they did to Syrians and Libyans.

I don't buy Western media propaganda, but I do take serious Turkish, Pakistani media reports on the situation. I hope we get all the facts, so we can jointly do something about the situation if indeed there is foul play going on there.

Lastly, be careful of those who have vested interests of pitting Pakistanis, Turks, and Chinese against each other. As you have noticed, one troll kept tagging me here it make us fight against each other.

Although I see BD flags, I have suspicions this is an Indian ID in disguise.

As I quoted above, the West doesn't need to "tarnish" anyones image....all the media does is report, which it's supposed to do.

I have linked several Western news outlet that speak about the atrocities in India. The West also spoke up for the Uyghurs whereas our Muslims brethren (other than Turkey) choose to ignore their plight.

As for an alliance with China, it's a pipe dream. China only cares about China.....OBOR & CPEC are its way of claiming dominance in the region....it's a mutually beneficial economic partnership, not a military alliance.

NATO is a military alliance.

Also, this is what the common Chinese thinks of "allies":



See how he calls "allies" "bloodsuckers"??

That's the common Chinese pov....China plays alone and has played alone in the past too.

Same script different nation....I wonder where the Indians got the idea. :D

As Pakistanis, our media is covering the situation in India very keenly. Not to mention that Indian media is reporting on it.

Whatever oppression China is doing against Uyghurs pales in comparison to the full scale overt genocide going on in Occupied Kashmir and also to Indian Muslims all over India.

However the West has purposes to ignore Palestine, Kashmir, India, Rohingya, Yemen, CAR, etc. as it does not suit their interests.

In 10 years, Uyghurs will still be in China and thriving, but Kashmiris of Occupied Kashmir and the Muslims of India may be fully ethnically cleansed and the survivors made into refugees like Rohingya.

Chinese help is integral to stop this disaster from unfolding, as is that of Turkey, Malaysia, and Pakistan. We have to nip this evil in the bud.

Lastly, @beijingwalker made many statements on this forum, many of them contradictory, and I don't really want to comment on that as it has no bearing on China.
O, or what if Bangladesh annexes Assam,Bihar,West Bengal & Odisha to create a safe zone for these people?
Akhanda Bangladesh looms near.We expect OIC to provide funds for this noble cause & Pakistan to provide nuke cover for this province of BD.

That dream ended in 1971, enjoy the new fresh refugees coming your way. First Rohingya, now Indian Muslims. Seems every country wants to dump undesirables your way.

We are happy not to be a part of that.
Whatever oppression China is doing against Uyghurs pales in comparison to the full scale overt genocide going on in Occupied Kashmir and also to Indian Muslims all over India.

That's debatable...I reckon there are as many Uyghurs dead at the hands of Chinese (over the last 300 years) as much as Kashmiris dead at the hand of Indians in the last 70 years.

However the West has purposes to ignore Palestine, Kashmir, India, Rohingya, Yemen, CAR, etc. as it does not suit their interests.

The West spoke up for the Palestinian cause and still has although there is a divide....same for Yemen and Rohingyas & Kashmir. Although not as vocal as many Muslims.

In 10 years, Uyghurs will still be in China and thriving, but Kashmiris of Occupied Kashmir and the Muslims of India may be fully ethnically cleansed and the survivors made into refugees like Rohingya.

Again, debatable.

We can discuss the Uyghur issue in another thread but they're not living in paradise as many would claim so to be.

I'll stop talking about Uyghurs since I don't want to derail the thread...:enjoy:
nah, @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan is a ok dude...although others have called me that and worse before. :D

I will never criticize any Muslim for speaking up for Uyghurs. In an ideal situation, every Muslim majority region should be under Islam. However, I don't want to see Uyghurs suffer like Syrians, Yemenis and Libyans have.
nah, @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan is a ok dude...although others have called me that and worse before. :D
PDF banter aside,I actually have some respect for his views regarding Islamic unity & knowledge of Islam.:)
Allthough I dislike his willful blindness regarding Uyghurs.And of course,his habit of calling me a false-flagger.:D
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