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India builds detention camps for up to 1.9m people ‘stripped of citizenship’ in Assam

I was also talking about the same people protesting in the video and why they are protesting.
they don't want any detention camp in ASAAM an give illeagal Muslim immigrants citizenship as early/quickly as indian govt can so they can save their Assamese cultures/languages according to the lady that interviewed by local press
they don't want any detention camp in ASAAM an give illeagal Muslim immigrants citizenship as early/quickly as indian govt can so they can save their Assamese cultures/languages according to the lady that interviewed by local press

Then what was the reason for conducting NRC in Assam? No other state did or plans to do an NRC at this point of time.

Assam is the only state that is constructing the detention camps.

The whole Assam agitation back in the 1970s resulted in Assam accord which promised and led to NRC in Assam which was completed recently.

Without CAA all illegals in Assam will be put in the detention camps.

CAA brought by the central government will prevent 99% of the illegals from being put in the detention camps.
Then what was the reason for conducting NRC in Assam? No other state did or plans to do an NRC at this point of time.

Assam is the only state that is constructing the detention camps.

The whole Assam agitation back in the 1970s resulted in Assam accord which promised and led to NRC in Assam which was completed recently.

Without CAA all illegals in Assam will be put in the detention camps.

CAA brought by the central government will prevent 99% of the illegals from being put in the detention camps.
you're worthless troller, i am not interested your rants, according to this clip they protesting because of CAA and construction of detention camps, you're gets 8 negative ratings because of your baseless troll and rants against Pakistan and Islam
you're worthless troller, i am not interested your rants, according to this clip they protesting because of CAA and construction of detention camps, you're gets 8 negative ratings because of your baseless troll and rants against Pakistan and Islam

CAA was only passed few weeks ago while detentions camps in Assam were in construction for many months now.

Now tell me why there were not protesting against detention camps prior to CAA?
CAA was only passed few weeks ago while detentions camps in Assam were in construction for many months now.

Now tell me why there were not protesting against detention camps prior to CAA?
i don't know go ask the protesters, you troll
i don't know go ask the protesters, you troll

I do not have to ask anyone since I know the facts.

The fact is they are protesting now to ensure illegals who obtain citizenship under CAA would not be allowed to live in Assam.
I do not have to ask anyone since I know the facts.

The fact is they are protesting now to ensure illegals who obtain citizenship under CAA would not be allowed to live in Assam.
Your ,mental disease has no cure go to nearest mental rehabilitation center as early as you can

When was the West a vanguard of Muslim suffering around the planet??

Just be glad that they spoke up against the Chinese on the Uyghur issue....otherwise no one would know about it.

At least we have Muslims themselves standing up for Kashmirs.

Oh & here you go:




"The West" is more impartial in its new media than any single country on the planet. But pro-Chinese people like you will always find a fault with the West...


https://nyti.ms/2rTmNWi :D

Why would the West (US and slaves) tarnish the image of India, their puppet and the best friend of their illegal spawn (Israel?)

Putting pressure on China makes sense as it is their major geopolitical enemy and rival today.

Nightmares of an Islamic, Chinese alliance sends shivers down the backs of the West. They will try everything they can to undo it, and even invent lies and propaganda in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

For us Muslims, we have been given a golden chance to recover our lost dignity and independence by allying with China against the known occupier and destroyer of our brethren all over the world (Western alliance).

China will sort its own country and citizen out for benefit they see as fitting. China will wait until Islam groups in different middle eastern countries finally have no more arguments and war. We will not support clearly any one side or group and thinking against another. It is like brothers and sisters fighting because parents are away. We are a different family as your neighbor so we don't want to touch your argument.

As soon as middle east is stable from Egypt to Iran, then China I think will be very happy to say Special Administration Region for Xinjiang if there is definitely no danger of resources being used in wrong way or groups who want to totally become new country or if there is groups promoting and using terrorism. I bet China will be happy to go with this option if it means stable and can use those resources to develop Xinjian further and all of central Asia and Middle East. Stable central asia and middle east is our fucking dream! We can all cooperate and trade and improve to get wealthier. Share ideas, technology and do joint programs to solve our engineering and economic problems. CCP leaders still have some belief in socialist ideas. Our history have proved to us getting rich while neighbors are poor is dangerous and not good long term. Cooperation and sharing is much better idea. Of course no businessman does anything for free but by that time, without any politics in the way, we will all cooperate on different level and then prove truly and finally if China wants to do colonialism like westerners in past. In my opinion this is so bullshit if you compare England from 1700 to 1900 and China today. A few bad small examples with how England raped the world for 200 years.

Who do you think doesn't want that for us?! Who wants middle east and central asia in future to become warzone from beautiful cities and history to destroyed buildings like Syria today?

Sorry I don't control CCP's decision but whatever they really are doing if it's truly that bad like western media and people says, then it is CCP's decision and right unfortunately because we live in country that not just must have CCP but also most people like CCP. We have come from 100 years of being murdered by Japanese and westerners and bullied to another 100 years and arguing and fighting between ourselves. Now we have some stability and improved.

I remember student protest in 1989 and the fighting between students and soldiers. First the reports were accurate with a few dozens killed and hundreds injured. Then people talk and talk bullshit and spread lies and now the number is a few million killed and injured in 1989. Just like Uighur. I honestly believe the centers do not torture and murder people. Maybe several thousand must do it during the day and go home at night but definitely not the now over 1 Million Uighur lie the Indian and western countries keep ballooning. If CCP let foreign press attend and check, they will obscure things and use different context to promote their imagination and their purpose. No matter what truth really is, they will not show it that way and manipulate the photos and claims. There is no benefit for China to open and show and prove this, only supply our enemy with more ways to achieve their purpose.

With India, western press maybe report on this because they want to seem unbiased. But if it is China, it will not have four or five reports but forty or fifty for two or three years. Recycling same pictures taken from same time over many years to pretend it gets worse and worse.
China will sort its own country and citizen out for benefit they see as fitting. China will wait until Islam groups in different middle eastern countries finally have no more arguments and war. We will not support clearly any one side or group and thinking against another. It is like brothers and sisters fighting because parents are away. We are a different family as your neighbor so we don't want to touch your argument.

Who are you to speak on behalf of Chinese foreign policy? Your government is already actively involved in the Muslim world, mostly in Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia, CARs, Iran, Africa, and Gulf.

Who do you think doesn't want that for us?! Who wants middle east and central asia in future to become warzone from beautiful cities and history to destroyed buildings like Syria today?

If you believe for one second that we are alone responsible for this mess, you are solely wrong. There are powers who are manipulating civil wars, occupations, and genocide in our region to keep us divided and weak. It won't last for too long however.

Sorry I don't control CCP's decision but whatever they really are doing if it's truly that bad like western media and people says, then it is CCP's decision and right unfortunately because we live in country that not just must have CCP but also most people like CCP. We have come from 100 years of being murdered by Japanese and westerners and bullied to another 100 years and arguing and fighting between ourselves. Now we have some stability and improved.

Yes, China has come a long way and it should be admired. However, humility is the key to success, and as we see with the US, arrogance breeds a defeatist mindset.

If CCP let foreign press attend and check, they will obscure things and use different context to promote their imagination and their purpose. No matter what truth really is, they will not show it that way and manipulate the photos and claims. There is no benefit for China to open and show and prove this, only supply our enemy with more ways to achieve their purpose.

China will have no choice but to allay the fears of the Muslim countries. Right now, most Muslims are giving China a break, but soon the fire will be turned up by the West.

With India, western press maybe report on this because they want to seem unbiased. But if it is China, it will not have four or five reports but forty or fifty for two or three years. Recycling same pictures taken from same time over many years to pretend it gets worse and worse.

Yes, ofcourse there is bias. China is the enemy. Muslims are the enemy. Israel and India are friends to them.
Who are you to speak on behalf of Chinese foreign policy? Your government is already actively involved in the Muslim world, mostly in Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia, CARs, Iran, Africa, and Gulf.

I'm simply posting what I believe to be Chinese policy of non involvement. The trade being actively involved with Muslim countries is different to what I am saying. I am talking about not being involved politically with sides and supporting financially or with weapons any particular group. Weapons export to sovereign country is different to this and part of trade which of course yes China is heavily involved with Muslim countries.

If you believe for one second that we are alone responsible for this mess, you are solely wrong. There are powers who are manipulating civil wars, occupations, and genocide in our region to keep us divided and weak. It won't last for too long however.

That's not what I mean or saying. I am saying there is a mess. I didn't say who is responsible or created. Simply China is not willing to take take in any way in this manipulating civil war and create group fighting against group and all that.

Yes, China has come a long way and it should be admired. However, humility is the key to success, and as we see with the US, arrogance breeds a defeatist mindset.

Of course. Chinese usually have not good enough and can be improved thinking. But of course there are many who are also arrogant just like anyone else. I am saying finally we have come from the worst country in the world and scariest with murders and messy society out from being colonized country in certain parts. What I talked about was not pride but we are lucky to finally have stability and reasonable amount of peace between Chinese ourselves and with outside countries.

China will have no choice but to allay the fears of the Muslim countries. Right now, most Muslims are giving China a break, but soon the fire will be turned up by the West.

We will have to wait and see how things really go. I think West will continue the pressure for sure but how China works with Muslim countries has so far been very good and positive. Nothing is going to be perfect on earth so anyone can say look at this or something which is negative but overall and considering history, we are living in pretty good circumstances.
Its your own matter but humiliating 200 million of your citizen is not good idea. This will have serious damage of india as a brand. If there are protests every day in coming months it will be headline news. Most indian muslims i meet here in canada seems very loyal to india its sad to see this is happening to them.
Who is humiliating??
CAA bill has nothing to do with Indian Muslims or any citizen of India of any other religion of faith.
Who is humiliating??
CAA bill has nothing to do with Indian Muslims or any citizen of India of any other religion of faith.
Ok if everything is so rosey then how come so much protest and killings. India is all over the news even on western media for so much violence.
Ok if everything is so rosey then how come so much protest and killings. India is all over the news even on western media for so much violence.
People who are illegals and some liberals and some political parties who do vote bank politics have problem and they protest .the protests will die down and the illegals will go to the camps
Ok if everything is so rosey then how come so much protest and killings. India is all over the news even on western media for so much violence.

These BJP leaders are like monkeys with razors in their hands. We call it in Punjabi "Baandar Hath Ustra".:lol: Nothing good should be expected from this bunch of scoundrels and thugs.
Ok if everything is so rosey then how come so much protest and killings. India is all over the news even on western media for so much violence.
One question to those who are protesting, have they gone through the act???
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