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India bats for Russia interests

Alright. But I doubt if Putin will take a chance with those Ethnically Ukrainian but Russian speaking areas, They are not asure fire as Russian majority Crimea, I think.
Putin warned the junta that he will protect Russians and Russian speakers.

Go invade Poland again and see what happens.
And why Russia need Poland? It is now your problem - feed them and sponsor them.
Don't worry, when all this is done and settle, the US will remember india for this.
:rofl: seen everything USA can do to us in past...."when Asia rise, west cries" :big_boss:.........you guyz are strong enough coz we have a real good habit to fight among us:pissed:...Here you go, we have unleash a dragon to show u how we gonna roll from now in the world. "USA dayz" long gone My Frrrand.
:rofl: seen everything USA can do to us in past...."when Asia rise, west cries" :big_boss:.........you guyz are strong enough coz we have a real good habit to fight among us:pissed:...Here you go, we have unleash a dragon to show u how we gonna roll from now in the world. "USA dayz" long gone My Frrrand.
he is chinese :partay:


mauling ill trained and ill equipped ARABs is one thing and taking battle to "armed to teeth" big , brutish and very very powerfull bear just owt of "hibernation" is a different thing all together ... good luck USA/NATO u will need it than anything else
Putin warned the junta that he will protect Russians and Russian speakers.

And why Russia need Poland? It is now your problem - feed them and sponsor them.

Even if Russia invade Poland , NATO will do nothing except sanctions.That I am sure of since the Georgian war .Unless NATO wishes to start WW3 and commit suicide. Note here ,Russia has a massive civil defence capability to enable 40-60% population survival in event of nuclear war,something that west don't possess at all.
Massive Pro Russian protests today in Donestsk , Kharkiv, Odessa

Percentage of Russian-speakers among populations of the following regions:
Odessa - 85% Russian speaking
Crimea - 97%
Dnepropetrovsk - 72%
Donetsk - 93%
Zoporozhie - 81%
Lugansk — 89%
Nikolaev — 66%
Kharkov — 74%

Even if Russia invade Poland , NATO will do nothing except sanctions.That I am sure of since the Georgian war .Unless NATO wishes to start WW3 and commit suicide. Note here ,Russia has a massive civil defence capability to enable 40-60% population survival in event of nuclear war,something that west don't possess at all.

From what i remember they have like 10,000 nuclear bunkers
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Need to look into the history properly, At the time of the Chinese aggresion it was height of cold war- to be exact Cuban missile crisis. Recent incursion has nothing to do with Russia. For all small matters we dont need anyones help.
I wonder what has US done in this regard except send a CBG to IOR to facilitate the Genocide

what is this?that is not my post.that is nick indian post.what just happened?
Massive Pro Russian protests today in Donestsk , Kharkiv, Odessa

Percentage of Russian-speakers among populations of the following regions:
Odessa - 85% Russian speaking
Crimea - 97%
Dnepropetrovsk - 72%
Donetsk - 93%
Zoporozhie - 81%
Lugansk — 89%
Nikolaev — 66%
Kharkov — 74%

From what i remember they have like 10,000 nuclear bunkers

that is in moscow 12,000 of them. then there are 4873 in st.petersburg also. plus hundreds of them in smaller tier-2 cities like tver,vladivotok,novosibirsk etc.
what is this?that is not my post.that is nick indian post.what just happened?
Sorry bro

What did Russia do in 1962 against China ? What has Russia doesn't to prevent Chinese incursions into India recently ? What has Russia done to force Pakistan to shut down terror activities against India ?
In fact USA has done more in this regard. I too like Russia and support Russia in this like most Indians but this ultra-emotional melodramatic talks from some Indian members , I don't understand.
We should support or not support them depending on what we get out of it. This is how they have dealt with us always. They are not emotional fools like us Indians.
Need to look into the history properly, At the time of the Chinese aggresion it was height of cold war- to be exact Cuban missile crisis. Recent incursion has nothing to do with Russia. For all small matters we dont need anyones help.
I wonder what has US done in this regard except send a CBG to IOR to facilitate the Genocide.
Well done, a friend in need is a friend indeed, Russia has always supported and backed up India internationally in every issue. And India respect Russia for that.

New Delhi, March 6: India has said Russia holds “legitimate interests” in Ukraine, becoming the first major nation appearing to publicly lean towards Moscow at a time it is largely isolated internationally over its military intervention in the Crimean Peninsula.

India’s first official response came on a day Crimean MPs voted to secede from Ukraine and join Russia, prompting the US to activate some sanctions.

National security adviser Shivshankar Menon has said India wants the confrontation between the West and Moscow over Ukraine resolved peacefully. But he added that it also hoped that the interests of Russia and other stakeholders were taken into account.

“We hope that whatever internal issues there are within Ukraine are settled peacefully, and the broader issues of reconciling various interests involved, and there are legitimate Russian and other interests involved…. We hope those are discussed, negotiated and that there is a satisfactory resolution to them,” Menon said today.

Menon’s reference to Russia’s “legitimate interests” sparked a sharp diplomatic response from Kiev. “We are not sure how Russia can be seen having legitimate interests in the territory of another country,”,Roman Pyrih, the media secretary at the Ukrainian embassy in New Delhi, said. “In our view, and in the view of much of the international community, this is a direct act of aggression and we cannot accept any justification for it.”

The US, UK, Canada, Germany, France, Italy and Japan — the seven G8 nations other than Russia — have criticised Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to send troops into Ukraine’s southeastern Crimean Peninsula.

“There are principles of international law, and Russia violated these in entering the territory of another nation,” Pyrih said. “If there are any legitimate interests, those can be discussed diplomatically, not by sending in troops.”

The larger G20 grouping of the world’s 20 largest economies is not as united in its criticism of Russia, and includes several key allies of Moscow. But even South Africa and China, which have close economic ties with Russia, have so far only issued relatively anodyne public statements seeking a peaceful solution to the Ukraine crisis.

“China believes that Russia can coordinate with other parties to push for the political settlement of the issue so as to safeguard regional and world peace and stability,” the Chinese foreign ministry said in a statement this week after Putin phoned Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Russia is India’s largest defence supplier — and an ally that stood by New Delhi in times when much of the rest of the world treated it as a pariah, like when India tested nuclear weapons in 1974 and 1998. But Menon’s statement and New Delhi’s reluctance to criticise Putin stem also from a deeper concern.

India, officials said, is convinced that the West’s tacit support for a series of attempted coups against democratically elected governments — in Egypt, Thailand and now Ukraine — has only weakened democratic roots in these countries.

“We are watching what is happening in Ukraine with some concern,” Menon said. The foreign ministry, later in the day, issued a statement adding that the presence of “more than 5,000 Indian nationals, including about 4,000 students, in different parts of Ukraine” had left India “concerned” at the “escalation of tensions”.

On Friday, when Russian troops were entering Crimea, the Ukrainian ambassador to India, Oleksandr Shevchenko, met external ministry affairs officials at South Block and sought New Delhi’s support. Shevchnko, Ukrainian officials said, left without any commitments. Shevchenko has also asked for a meeting with Menon. But Menon has not yet given Shevchenko time, Pyrih said.

India bats for Russia interests
There is nothing legitimate or illegitimate, nor there's absolute morality or immorality. What ever serves the purpose of self and allies is legitimate and moral, what not, is illegitimate and immoral and for which there is no concern, is internal matter of third party (s) for which those party (s) need to resolve the issue through peaceful dialog and maturity.
As far as matter of Kashmir is concerned, well, it’s matter of federation of renegade provinces (RIP *) trying to get more land from mother dominion and mother dominion is trying to prevent this, if not throttling renegasy and putting back those provinces under its legitimate administration.

So, in this matter, no outside intervention is required; even of close friends and allies.

* RIP: Renegade Islamised Provinces: These are provinces west and east of current mother dominion administrated regions. And consist of following provinces:

1) West Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, South Kashmir, Upper Kashmir, East Kashmir (excluding valley and adjoining areas). These have come together forming a federation having a renegade council (most times consisting of military and sometimes civilians) as their government.

2) East Bengal. This has its own renegade council as government after 1971.

Base of this renegasy is religion, i.e. separate land for people trying to follow Islam.

This renegasy happened due to tutelage of British for their own long term strategic vested interest and foolishness of politicians of renegade provinces and of mother dominion of that time.
India said Russia has legitimate interests in Ukraine , which clearly means what ever Russia is doing in Crimea and Ukraine is legitimate as per India;s views which is a direct backing to Russia...stop hiding behind someone else's comment . Why should i not talk about BRICS ? you asked me where is the proof i showed it to you , now you are telling me to not talk about things which prove you wrong ? Am not sure why you are so desperate ...

The very second you brought in Kashmir, it was crystal clear your comments where based on your lack of knowledge of the situation

I did not brought up Kashmir neither I compared it .
You are putting words in my mouth .

I am saying that stand India has taken negates its position on Kashmir .

Learn to understand difference between two !

You have been posting videos of protests in Moscow under guise of Pro- Russian protests elsewhere

that puts a big question mark over your credibility and impartiality !
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