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India bats for Russia interests

no body making ultra emotional dramatic statements here... 65 and chinese war is different. . because we never interested 3rd party intervention in specific issues. . there is no big threat in those situations. . 71 is whole some different story. .
if USSR didn't confronted USN... that will become disaster. .. may be an invasion. .. our Foriegn will be dictated by US...
and Kashmir with Pakistan. ..so and so... Ussr or Russians never tried to intervene in our internal issues like US does... at the last an US puppet. ..

Yea right.....you think Russia would sit idly. Haven;t you heard of covert tactics? Russia doesn;t have to interven openly.....when it can do under the radar
Russia is the only language i'm most comfortable with. After it, Punjabi, English (which sucks big time for me, as I face difficulties while comprehending) & then comes hindi. :)
I think you have not seen my English you would find yourself much much much better.....
What did Russia do in 1962 against China ? What has Russia doesn't to prevent Chinese incursions into India recently ? What has Russia done to force Pakistan to shut down terror activities against India ?

In fact USA has done more in this regard. I too like Russia and support Russia in this like most Indians but this ultra-emotional melodramatic talks from some Indian members , I don't understand.

We should support or not support them depending on what we get out of it. This is how they have dealt with us always. They are not emotional fools like us Indians.

It is our GoI problem.Not Russians.If our govt cant stand up with good spine then how the hell Russians will help us?.
Our GoI stand up with steel backbone in 1971 war under the leadership of Indira Gandhi.And Russians helped us by sending their submarines.Otherwise Royal Navy in Arabian Sea and USN 7th fleet in the Bay of Bengal will humiliate and destroy us.

India heavily dependent on trade with the West, India won't destroy their fragile economy to fully support Russia in this conflict, other than issue statement side with Russia, what are the concrete steps India will take to stand along side of the Russian? There aren't anything India can do to legitimite Russian cliam of Crimea or vice versa.

WoW.... American.Dont need to talk too much against India.We will find another ways to increase our growth and we can.
After all we also resist these so called sanctions several times.And last time it was in 1998.And someone in West came here with so called 'nuke deal' just after 7 years.
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What did Russia do in 1962 against China ? What has Russia doesn't to prevent Chinese incursions into India recently ? What has Russia done to force Pakistan to shut down terror activities against India ?

In fact USA has done more in this regard. I too like Russia and support Russia in this like most Indians but this ultra-emotional melodramatic talks from some Indian members , I don't understand.

We should support or not support them depending on what we get out of it. This is how they have dealt with us always. They are not emotional fools like us Indians.

Russia has done a lot, starting from Soviet veto over UNSC resolution on Kashmir.
Its America's fault , they have been peddling their ego and nonsense for a while now and its getting back at them ...
New Delhi, March 6: India has said Russia holds “legitimate interests” in Ukraine, becoming the first major nation appearing to publicly lean towards Moscow at a time it is largely isolated internationally over its military intervention in the Crimean Peninsula.

India’s first official response came on a day Crimean MPs voted to secede from Ukraine and join Russia, prompting the US to activate some sanctions.

National security adviser Shivshankar Menon has said India wants the confrontation between the West and Moscow over Ukraine resolved peacefully. But he added that it also hoped that the interests of Russia and other stakeholders were taken into account.

“We hope that whatever internal issues there are within Ukraine are settled peacefully, and the broader issues of reconciling various interests involved, and there are legitimate Russian and other interests involved…. We hope those are discussed, negotiated and that there is a satisfactory resolution to them,” Menon said today.

Menon’s reference to Russia’s “legitimate interests” sparked a sharp diplomatic response from Kiev. “We are not sure how Russia can be seen having legitimate interests in the territory of another country,”,Roman Pyrih, the media secretary at the Ukrainian embassy in New Delhi, said. “In our view, and in the view of much of the international community, this is a direct act of aggression and we cannot accept any justification for it.”

The US, UK, Canada, Germany, France, Italy and Japan — the seven G8 nations other than Russia — have criticised Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to send troops into Ukraine’s southeastern Crimean Peninsula.

“There are principles of international law, and Russia violated these in entering the territory of another nation,” Pyrih said. “If there are any legitimate interests, those can be discussed diplomatically, not by sending in troops.”

The larger G20 grouping of the world’s 20 largest economies is not as united in its criticism of Russia, and includes several key allies of Moscow. But even South Africa and China, which have close economic ties with Russia, have so far only issued relatively anodyne public statements seeking a peaceful solution to the Ukraine crisis.

“China believes that Russia can coordinate with other parties to push for the political settlement of the issue so as to safeguard regional and world peace and stability,” the Chinese foreign ministry said in a statement this week after Putin phoned Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Russia is India’s largest defence supplier — and an ally that stood by New Delhi in times when much of the rest of the world treated it as a pariah, like when India tested nuclear weapons in 1974 and 1998. But Menon’s statement and New Delhi’s reluctance to criticise Putin stem also from a deeper concern.

India, officials said, is convinced that the West’s tacit support for a series of attempted coups against democratically elected governments — in Egypt, Thailand and now Ukraine — has only weakened democratic roots in these countries.

“We are watching what is happening in Ukraine with some concern,” Menon said. The foreign ministry, later in the day, issued a statement adding that the presence of “more than 5,000 Indian nationals, including about 4,000 students, in different parts of Ukraine” had left India “concerned” at the “escalation of tensions”.

On Friday, when Russian troops were entering Crimea, the Ukrainian ambassador to India, Oleksandr Shevchenko, met external ministry affairs officials at South Block and sought New Delhi’s support. Shevchnko, Ukrainian officials said, left without any commitments. Shevchenko has also asked for a meeting with Menon. But Menon has not yet given Shevchenko time, Pyrih said.

India bats for Russia interests

This stand is contradictory to India's long stated position .

are we legitimizing Russian aggression on Crimea ?

I would have expected NSA to keep quite on such contentious issue rather blurt out something which is going to make us appear opportunistic ....

Well done India. :cheers:

I hope my own Government takes a stronger stance in favour of Russia here, instead of just saying "We hope for a peaceful solution". EVERYONE wants a peaceful solution, including the Russians themselves, so what's the point in such a statement.

If the West tries to sanction Russia, I want China to increase our orders of oil/gas through our Russia-China pipelines, as well as massively increasing trade. Even though the Western countries have already indicated they are not interested in sanctioning Russia in any case, I think it would be prudent to make such an offer anyway.

Legitimizing Russian aggression on Crimea on pretext of protecting rights of Russian speaking Ukrainian residents is a dangerous precedent ....

I am condemning this Russian action despite being staunch Pro Russian person ....
This stand is contradictory to India's long stated position .

are we legitimizing Russian aggression on Crimea ?

I would have expected NSA to keep quite on such contentious issue rather blurt out something which is going to make us appear opportunistic ....

Legitimizing Russian aggression on Crimea on pretext of protecting rights of Russian speaking Ukrainian residents is a dangerous precedent ....

I am condemning this Russian action despite being staunch Pro Russian person ....

Agression ? not a single person has been killed after the Russian intervention , nor have they been attacked...its not an aggression its an uncontested arrival.. and the fact is , Crimea is far more stable and peaceful than the current Mainland Ukraine .. Go check the videos on how Russian soldiers have been dealing with the population and even Ukrainian soldiers . Keep in mind most of them have defected to the Pro Russian Crimean govt.

Massive Pro Russian uprising in Donetsk after a pro Russian leader arrested ... Eastern Ukrainian cities will fall soon .. Odessa is next in line ...
Agression ? not a single person has been killed after the Russian intervention , nor have they been attacked...its not an aggression its an uncontested arrival.. and the fact is , Crimea is far more stable and peaceful than the current Mainland Ukraine .. Go check the videos on how Russian soldiers have been dealing with the population and even Ukrainian soldiers . Keep in mind most of them have defected to the Pro Russian Crimean govt.

So what ?

It was still Ukrainian territory ....

Hitler too grabbed whole of Austria and Czechoslovakia without firing a single bullet ....through coercion.

Does that make it right ?
So what ?
It was still Ukrainian territory ....
Hitler too grabbed whole of Austria and Czechoslovakia without firing a single bullet ....through coercion.
Does that make it right ?

IT does, there will be a referendum in March 16nth where people choose to decide Russia or Ukraine ... and you must Understand . Ukraine is not just another country for Russia . Ukraine is were Russia was born and Putin is one guy who wants Ukraine back . I don't think he bothers weather its right or wrong .. For all it matters i will strongly back Russia ..

America made this happen after forcing a govt. change in Ukraine " Check the "**** the EU" Video where US state representatives admit to spending $5billion in Ukraine and openly discussing who should replace the Ukrainian govt. NATO also had plans to put a missile defense system in Ukraine . Russia had no choice it was a national security threat . America was plying in internal affairs of Ukraine for its own advantage that too in Russia's backyard, well...Russia has to act ...
So what ?

It was still Ukrainian territory ....

Hitler too grabbed whole of Austria and Czechoslovakia without firing a single bullet ....through coercion.

Does that make it right ?

Let me make it more clear since the western media will not tell you this..

When Ukrainian govt. fell and replaced , it was replaced by the opposition , basically the President did not Resign as per previous revolutions, they were chased away by mobs of armed men . This is clearly a coup and hence any govt. in place is unconstitutional , their actions are hence illegal . This lead to a Pro Russian govt. being formed in Autonomous region of Crimea , The illegitimate govt. of Ukraine can claim the illegitimacy of the govt. of Crimea , but its laughable . The Pro Russian Crimean govt. called for help from Russia . After which Russian parliament approved military intervention in Crimea. Technically Yanukovich is the legitimate govt. of Ukraine and he has approved Russian forces to enter Crimea. SO its not an invasion or an itnervention , call it a peace keeping force...
IT does, there will be a referendum in March 16nth where people choose to decide Russia or Ukraine ... and you must Understand . Ukraine is not just another country for Russia . Ukraine is were Russia was born and Putin is one guy who wants Ukraine back . I don't think he bothers weather its right or wrong .. For all it matters i will strongly back Russia ..

America made this happen after forcing a govt. change in Ukraine " Check the "**** the EU" Video where US state representatives admit to spending $5billion in Ukraine and openly discussing who should replace the Ukrainian govt. NATO also had plans to put a missile defense system in Ukraine . Russia had no choice it was a national security threat . America was plying in internal affairs of Ukraine for its own advantage that too in Russia's backyard, well...Russia has to act ...

will this referendum be valid after occupation of Crimea by Russian militia ?

will we agree with referendum conducted on Azad Kashmir even after it remains occupied ?

I know the history and precedents of current crisis in Crimea well.

all I am saying that India should not have justified this Russian action because it negates our stand on Kashmir ....

Let me make it more clear since the western media will not tell you this..

When Ukrainian govt. fell and replaced , it was replaced by the opposition , basically the President did not Resign as per previous revolutions, they were chased away by mobs of armed men . This is clearly a coup and hence any govt. in place is unconstitutional , their actions are hence illegal . This lead to a Pro Russian govt. being formed in Autonomous region of Crimea , The illegitimate govt. of Ukraine can claim the illegitimacy of the govt. of Crimea , but its laughable . The Pro Russian Crimean govt. called for help from Russia . After which Russian parliament approved military intervention in Crimea. Technically Yanukovich is the legitimate govt. of Ukraine and he has approved Russian forces to enter Crimea. SO its not an invasion or an itnervention , call it a peace keeping force...

You can call it by any name ...
If it was a peace keeping force why Russian militia opted not to go to Crimea without its official insignia and uniforms ?
will this referendum be valid after occupation of Crimea by Russian militia ?

will we agree with referendum conducted on Azad Kashmir even after it remains occupied ?

I know the history and precedents of current crisis in Crimea well.

all I am saying that India should not have justified this Russian action because it negates our stand on Kashmir ....

You can call it by any name ...
If it was a peace keeping force why Russian militia opted not to go to Crimea without its official insignia and uniforms ?

check post number 55 .. Azad Kashmir is a separate issue as the demographics of both sides have Kashmir has been changed and hence a referendum is not valid ..

Crimean govt. asked Russia for help and the legitimate Ukrainian president Authorized it ... The Current Ukranian govt. came into power by a coup and not by any democratic process...

There is no occupation
check post number 55 .. Azad Kashmir is a separate issue as the demographics of both sides have Kashmir has been changed and hence a referendum is not valid

I no referendum is not valid ....that's the point after occupation the referendum can't be valid .

will Russian agree for referendum under UN observers ?
will it withdraw its forces from Crimea ?

If not ...then talks of referendum are as empty as talks of referendum in Azad Kashmir .

My intention is not drag Kashmir .,. but just to show how India stand can be exploited by other party and how it can boomerang on us .

besides for all our principled stand in international politics ...it is not good for us to support Russian action even in mere statements.

We should have kept quite ...

It was uncalled for ...
So what ?

It was still Ukrainian territory ....

Hitler too grabbed whole of Austria and Czechoslovakia without firing a single bullet ....through coercion.

Does that make it right ?
Don't think so much about morality. In this age it's all about national interests, good to see India supporting Russians, they have saved our *** many a time
I no referendum is not valid ....that's the point after occupation the referendum can't be valid .
will Russian agree for referendum under UN observers ?
will it withdraw its forces from Crimea ?
If not ...then talks of referendum are as empty as talks of referendum in Azad Kashmir .
My intention is not drag Kashmir .,. but just to show how India stand can be exploited by other party and how it can boomerang on us .
besides for all our principled stand in international politics ...it is not good for us to support Russian action even in mere statements.
We should have kept quite ...
It was uncalled for ...
Did you ignore my entire post and then come to conclusion that its an occupation ??? Stop cherry picking my posts and read the entire 2-3 posts to understand the context of my statements

You did Drag Kashmir without understanding whats going on ..... Azad Kashmir has been Pakistani territory for 60 years , demographics have changed thats not the case of Crimea or Ukraine . Referendum is will of the people , if people decide to vote in favor of Russia who the heck is anyone else to interfere ? The Entire situation is completely different and is in no way similar to whats going on in Ukraine .. Pakistani Army is there by force unlike the Russians who came in after the request of the Crimean govt.

Your opinions are based on ideas you do not have a clue about , sorry but the fact that you equate Azad Kashmir to Crimea proves that you neither know whats going on in Kashmir nor you know whats going on in Crimea ...
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