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India: another great illusion?

@aryan plzz get a damm life. the whole world affairs section is full of indian poverty articles started by u. is this and average pakistani's world?? its very unfortunate that u cover ur own dismal situation by using india.

I dont enjoy reminding you we are in similar mess but if some of your mates want what can i do

soo remind urselff then post abt pakistan. its ur national defence website.
I really like this part:hang2::hang2:

Is this the reason USA enjoying hospitality in south China sea .... Or China can not touch any of their neighbour because of US base ????

Dude, we evil chineses are innocents :lol:..you should show some appreciation for author who has so much passion writting on India, you Indians want attention, you got attention.

As for China's neibors...why touch them when we have trade surplus with them...such our lovely India as neighbor :lol:...US has been in Asia for century, if they enjoy hospitalty from these countries...we has nothing to lose neither why being bothered with it... :lol: US played on our backyard...we played on their...it's part of the game.
Oh and who were you before you got banned and reincarnated

an indian in pakdef..and I didnt reincarnated..thats what GOD does.i'm merely a human,more presisely "a mundane".but your ignorance may help you to achieve you place of GOD between trolls.Indian govt before 1947???best joke ever heard.
why do we keep making fun of Indians? this flame war back and forth thing does no good to anyone except to relieve some stress. If they want to brag, let them brag. Indians, objectively speaking, work very damn hard. only their 1% babus don't.
i guess, news from blogs are not allowed..... Bunch of idiotic combinations R n G......what dirty attitude such nieghbors had. They keep barking like d... Still pretending like .......itching ppl.......this forum becoming dirty day by day......lolz....


Seems you are not up to date !

I am getting tired of daily insults to Pakistan. First go on one forum then come back here to hear the Indian members having a party. Najam Sethi is a twisted man who imagines things like Tarek Fateh.

I will bring you up to date:

Indian poverty levels higher than Pakistan's, says UN report​
India, the world's second fastest growing economy, has been ranked as poorer than its blighted enemy Pakistan in a United Nations report on global poverty.

The report also finds more 'gender equality' in conservative Pakistan than in 'tolerant' India.

Its findings amount to a wake-up call for a nation which has taken great pride in its rapid economic growth and the increasing clout of its billionaire business leaders but has failed to share the spoils with its poor. Britain's Department for Internmational Development has pointed to this chequered progress to justify its continuing aid to India.

The Human Development Report reveals that while India ranks slightly above Pakistan in its level of 'human development' – based on life expectancy, schooling and per capita income – its wider poverty level is worse than Pakistan's.

In absolute terms, 41.6 per cent of India's 1.1 billion people earned less than 78 pence per day compared with 22.6 per cent of Pakistan's 173 million.

The report quotes its 'multi-dimensional poverty index' which includes measures of schooling, child mortality, nutrition, access to electricity, toilets, drinking water, and hygienic living conditions, and reveals India is poorer.

It found 53.7 per cent of Indians suffering from this broader kind of poverty, compared with 49 per cent of Pakistanis.

More surprisingly, India is ranked below Pakistan and Bangladesh on gender equality which reflects maternal death rates, teenage pregnancies, access to education, and the number of women parliamentarians and in the workplace.

India's rural development minister Jairam Ramesh said the report highlighted the prevalence of poverty in the midst of economic growth and the possibility that "actually economic development may lead to retrogression of social indices." Priya Subramanian of Save the Children said India's poor ranking reflected a lack of political will to tackle poverty.

"It is things like healthcare and education which have India lagging behind Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka. These countries are well on track and India, with its fast growing economy, has still not got its act together," she said.

"While we have a new band of millionaires, on the other side people continue to suffer endlessly. Millions still live below the poverty line and go to sleep hungry. The [economic] growth has not flowed towards them," she added.
Indian poverty levels higher than Pakistan's, says UN report - Telegraph

Indians should concentrate on eradicating poverty in their nation and stop pointing their fingers at others and trying to find excuses to insult others.

South Asia is a region beset by extreme poverty, where people kill themselves of hunger. Its shameful how some upper class indians who happen to be the richer classes just because of their parents do nothing but take potshots at other Nations

Over the past 15 years, a scourge of suicides has claimed the lives of an estimated 250,000 farmers in India.

“On average, one farmer commits suicide every 30 minutes in India,” said Smita Narula, director of the CHRGJ and co-author of the report,

Every 30 Minutes an Indian Farmer Commits Suicide, Biotech Is Not To Blame - Forbes

My point is anyone can bash the other country. Instead we should be focusing on development and growth. The Indian government instead of pouring money into the mouths of people who later come to foreign forums to bash Pakistan should instead spend the money on its poor.

Of course Pakistan is no different. We have to concentrate on the poor. This childish behavior by some RSS, Shiv Sena, VHP supporting terrorist Indian members is greatly reducing the quality on this forum.
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i guess, news from blogs are not allowed..... Bunch of idiotic combinations R n G......what dirty attitude such nieghbors had. They keep barking like d... Still pretending like .......itching ppl.......this forum becoming dirty day by day......lolz....

Dude, what you mean new from blogs are not allowed??? This guy exposed the "Truths" of india, why denied it?
if this blog is written by Chinese...than you can consider as "non-serious" or bluffing but this came from westerner...you Indians have shown so much appreciation for them...why not this one? there I remind you of several truthssss that he wrote:

The truth is that many more people are killed by terrorists of various factions in India than in the other emerging powers.

The truth is that India still has a caste-based system that has created incredible social injustice.

The truth is that India, unlike China, Brazil and Russia and virtually any other emerging country, is a federation of linguistically and ethnically different states, a fact that could potentially derail the union.

The truth is that it is the largest Muslim country in the world (or second largest after neighboring Pakistan), a fact that constitutes a perennial threat to its identity.

The truth is that, unlike China, Russia and Brazil, who are unlikely to go to war with any of their neighbors, India is in a constant state of alert along the border with Pakistan, a nuclear enemy.

The truth is that corruption in India is more widespread than even in Russia (see for example for example).

The truth is that this year 27 million babies will be born in India (versus 10 million in China and 4 million in the USA): India needs to create an improbable number of jobs to improve the conditions of its population, or even to keep it where it is and avoid social unrest.
why do we keep making fun of Indians? this flame war back and forth thing does no good to anyone except to relieve some stress. If they want to brag, let them brag. Indians, objectively speaking, work very damn hard. only their 1% babus don't.
making fun of us...my foot..i don't hate anyone let it be pakistani or chinese, when i read news about China i felt good because one of our neighbor growing fast and once i liked chinese art or culture..now...i pitty on your culture and way of your behaviour to others, who is thinking of super power , we want to be developed nation. So we moving towards it planning for it. You guys keep barking in every thread that we wanna be super power, did GOI anounced it or Indians anounced...don't talk **** guys. .... If any body have money than us or weapons my foot who cares them....if any body blackmailed you with weapons to attack your family members. Will you leave them alone to save your self... I don't know about you, but i wont waste 1sec to save my family or my country....
why do we keep making fun of Indians? this flame war back and forth thing does no good to anyone except to relieve some stress. If they want to brag, let them brag. Indians, objectively speaking, work very damn hard. only their 1% babus don't.
making fun of us...my foot..i don't hate anyone let it be pakistani or chinese, when i read news about China i felt good because one of our neighbor growing fast and once i liked chinese art or culture..now...i pitty on your culture and way of your behaviour to others, who is thinking of super power , we want to be developed nation. So we moving towards it planning for it. You guys keep barking in every thread that we wanna be super power, did GOI anounced it or Indians anounced...don't talk **** guys. .... If any body have money than us or weapons my foot who cares them....if any body blackmailed you with weapons to attack your family members. Will you leave them alone to save your self... I don't know about you, but i wont waste 1sec to save my family or my country....
The truth is that, unlike China, Russia and Brazil, who are unlikely to go to war with any of their neighbors, India is in a constant state of alert along the border with Pakistan, a nuclear enemy.


Lol...what about India, Taiwan, Tibet, Vietnam, Japan & US? You have been doing pretty enough to keep the rivalry alive with all these countries....
The truth is that, unlike China, Russia and Brazil, who are unlikely to go to war with any of their neighbors, India is in a constant state of alert along the border with Pakistan, a nuclear enemy.


Lol...what about India, Taiwan, Tibet, Vietnam, Japan & US? You have been doing pretty enough to keep the rivalry alive with all these countries....
why do we keep making fun of Indians? this flame war back and forth thing does no good to anyone except to relieve some stress. If they want to brag, let them brag. Indians, objectively speaking, work very damn hard. only their 1% babus don't.

yes you are right we should let them brag. after all if they have wet dream in the morning they will have solution in their hand??

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