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In Islamabad, it’s always the Year of the Pig

Islam asks us to not consume swine, it doesn't say that you gotta hate the animal and make it feel bad. The poor animal doesn't know that it's Haram. :P

Instead of mindlessly killing them; carve out some land to establish pig farms if need be, set up a plant, issue some licenses and start exporting them to the countries where it is in demand.
Back in the day, once upon a time, it was great fun to go wild boar hunting (with the first batch of US personnel accompanying the first F-16s), followed by a campfire and much roasting and camaraderie. Those times are long gone.

May be it can be sold as an outing to the many foregners in Islamabad?

i know a man who killed a few pigs one night and then called the chinese resturant

they immediately came and took the pigs with them. My friend asked What you Chinese do with them

He replied "Pakistanis come to our restaurant to eat them"
Here you go

Islam Question and Answer - Is it permissible to sell haraam things like pork to non-Muslims?

Selling pork is haraam whether it is sold to a Muslim or to a kaafir. The evidence for that is as follows:

1 – Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Say (O Muhammad): I find not in that which has been revealed to me anything forbidden to be eaten by one who wishes to eat it, unless it be Maytah (a dead animal) or blood poured forth (by slaughtering or the like), or the flesh of salcohol (pork); for that surely, is impure or impious (unlawful) meat (of an animal) which is slaughtered as a sacrifice for others than Allaah (or has been slaughtered for idols, or on which Allaah’s Name has not been mentioned while slaughtering”

[al-An’aam 6:145]

And the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) taught us an important principle when he said: “When Allaah forbids a thing, He (also) forbids its price.” Narrated by Abu Dawood, 3488; classed as saheeh by Shaykh al-Albaani in Ghaayat al-Maraam, 318.

2 – It was narrated from Jaabir ibn ‘Abd-Allaah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that he heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say when he was in Makkah at the time of the Conquest: “Allaah and His Messenger have forbidden the sale of alcohol, dead meat, pork and idols.” It was said: “O Messenger of Allaah, what do you think of the fat of dead animals, for ships are caulked with it and animal skins are daubed with it, and the people use it to light their lamps?” He said: “No, it is haraam.” Then the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “May Allaah curse the Jews, for when Allaah forbade them animal fat, they melted it down and sold it, and consumed its price.”

Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 1212; Muslim, 1581.

Al-Nawawi said:

With regard to dead meat, alcohol and pork, the Muslims are unanimously agreed that it is haraam to sell all of these.

Al-Qaadi said: This hadeeth indicates that whatever we are forbidden to eat or make use of, we are also forbidden to sell, and it is not permissible to consume its price, as in the case of the animal fat mentioned in this hadeeth.

Sharh Muslim, 11/8

Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali said, after quoting the ahaadeeth about the prohibition on alcohol:

The conclusion we may draw from all these ahaadeeth is that whatever Allaah has forbidden us to make use of, it is also haraam to sell it and consume its price, as is stated clearly in the hadeeth: “When Allaah forbids a thing, He (also) forbids its price.” This is a general, comprehensive phrase which applies to everything which is intended to be used in haraam ways. These fall into two categories:

(i) Things which are to be used and will remain as they are, such as idols. The purpose for which they are used is shirk or association of others with Allaah, which is the greatest of all sins. We may add to that books of shirk, witchcraft, innovation (bid’ah) and misguidance, forbidden images, forbidden means of entertainment and also buying slave women who will serve as singers.

(ii) Things which are to be used and which will be used up. If in the majority of cases a thing is used for haraam purposes, then it is haraam to sell it. For example, it is haraam to sell pork, alcohol and dead meat even though they may – on rare occasions – be used for a permissible purpose, such as eating dead meat for those who are in extreme need, or using alcohol to stop oneself choking or to putt out a fire, or using pig hairs for beading, or making use of the hair and skin of a pig – according to those who approve of that. But because these are not the reason for which these things are produced, and the usual use for pigs and dead meat is to eat them, and the usual use for alcohol is to drink it, so no attention should be paid to these reasons, and it is haraam to sell these things.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) indicated this when it was said to him: “What do you think of the fat of dead animals, for ships are caulked with it and animal skins are daubed with it, and the people use it to light their lamps?” He said: “No, it is haraam.”

Jaami’ al-‘Uloom wa’l-Hukam, 1/415, 416

The Standing Committee was asked: Is it permissible to deal in alcohol and pork if one is not selling them to a Muslim? They replied: It is not permissible to deal in foods and other things that Allaah has forbidden, such as alcohol and pork, even if one is selling them to kaafirs, because it is proven that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “When Allaah forbids a thing, He also forbids its price.” And because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed alcohol, the one who drinks it, the one who sells it, the one who buys it, the one who carries it, the one to whom it is carried, the one who consumes its price, the one who squeezes (the grapes, etc) and the one for whom it is squeezed.
now im getting a bit ''old'' -- i appreciate you sharing the article

to be honest, i get the impression after reading it that selling pork (the meat -- after animals been slaughter) is haram....but what about selling the alive animal?

As I said, I am no expert.

Although , IMO, transportation of that animal, and transportation solely, can be done.

Trying to find an answer to that as well.

---------- Post added at 11:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:37 PM ----------

It seems to me that it is also Haram, because the animal is still forbidden.
non-Muslims can handle the logistics then....its better to export them than to just leave them there. If they are shot dead, someone still has to handle them na? We cant leave dead pig/boar carcasses
Back in the day, once upon a time, it was great fun to go wild boar hunting (with the first batch of US personnel accompanying the first F-16s), followed by a campfire and much roasting and camaraderie. Those times are long gone.

May be it can be sold as an outing to the many foregners in Islamabad?

wild boar (and negligence on the part of the Commander Sarghoda AB) caused us to lose a Falcon. After that, the gloves came off. Pakistani servicemen handed some firearms at their friendly American counterparts and they both went hunting. The Americans did campfire and consumed it afterwards.

Kirana Hills which is nearby is notorious also for these wild animals...
non-Muslims can handle the logistics then....its better to export them than to just leave them there. If they are shot dead, someone still has to handle them na? We cant leave dead pig/boar carcasses

Valid point. Non-muslims handle the logistics, we get the profit.

But a pimp does that as well. SO is that not haram?

BTW, the way you said 'na' reminded me of Keralite Indians who frequently use it at the end of their sentences and make me laugh!!!:lol:

Dont take it seriously or in a bad sense.;)
well if ur comparing me to a keralite indian then yes, i will take it in a bad sense ;)

by the way, how can you compare a pig/boar to a prostitute? :laugh:
well if ur comparing me to a keralite indian then yes, i will take it in a bad sense ;)

by the way, how can you compare a pig/boar to a prostitute? :laugh:

Well, you are a Pakistani.....or are you?:P

Well, coming on topic, I don't have much knowledge on the issue, but on the link I posted a few posts back, I think it does state that transporting can be done, but not trade.

Through trade, a Muslim earns money by trading forbidden items. And it would be considered bad as well in these parts!
There should be a in-house islamic scholar on PDF huh?
wild boar (and negligence on the part of the Commander Sarghoda AB) caused us to lose a Falcon. After that, the gloves came off. Pakistani servicemen handed some firearms at their friendly American counterparts and they both went hunting. The Americans did campfire and consumed it afterwards.

Kirana Hills which is nearby is notorious also for these wild animals...

I heard that bang; heck ALL of Sargodha heard it! That bird had a ton of ordnance on it too.
What incident are you people referring to?

Can you post a link or something here?
was you there


Once upon a time, in a land far far away ........

Those times are gone for good!

---------- Post added at 03:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:02 PM ----------

What incident are you people referring to?

Can you post a link or something here?

Here you go:

from: Boar Reportedly Ruins Pakistani F-16 Jet - Los Angeles Times

Boar Reportedly Ruins Pakistani F-16 Jet
January 03, 1987|Associated Press
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — A Pakistan air force F-16 exploded after hitting a wild boar on the runway during takeoff, The Nation newspaper said Friday.

The accident happened Thursday at the air force base at Sargodha, 120 miles southeast of Islamabad, the English-language newspaper said. It did not say whether the pilot survived.

The Nation said the fighter plane's nose wheel was knocked off after hitting a wild boar. The plane skidded along the runway, caught fire, "turned into a fireball and was destroyed," the newspaper said.

A Pakistan military spokesman said the report was incorrect but refused to elaborate.

Pakistan has acquired 40 F-16s from the United States to boost its defense force because of the massive Soviet military presence in neighboring Afghanistan.
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