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In a first in India, 40,000 troops launch mammoth anti-Naxal operation

I dont think we shud equate Naxalism to Terrorism if we dont understand human values.

I think the biggest reason for Naxalism has been Corruption and outdated Laws.

With Refroms which are happening and eradication of basic Corruption, these tribals will get along with mainstream Indian. Afterall Tribals too are Indians but the problem is they are not and were never treated as one. Hope with growing economy, even these people will be catred to and get rightful returns to their property and mining sites worth of crores and crores of rupees.

Guyz, just imagine how Big Corporations by bribing our corrupt politicians for their PARTY FUNDS :pleasantry:, bypass these owners of Land just to save buck, coz these son of soil are weak. Its convinient for politicians to term someone terrorists just coz they stand against getting landless, pennyless, jobless. ie. Lifeless.

Its high time in this campaign against corruption, naxalism root causes are addressed (I wud like to see APP attitude towards this issue). Its high time we apply LAND ACQUISI'TION LAW with full force and invest in those mining regions for the localites first and then into corporations.

ITS FOOLISH TO SEE INDIANS CHANTING 'KILL EM KILL EM' without even knowing the real problems of our country and attitute towards finding right solution. Now since we in recent years have acted with Reforms, its time we tame these insurgents with optimism of reforms and not by guns.
If you had understood my post properly, you would not have thought that I skipped anything. My point was that your analogy itself is wrong, or that that is not how I see it. You compared naxalites to the body part that needs to be cut off, and said that we wouldn't be happy while doing it. My response was that I see them not as a body part, but as a cancerous growth in my body, or cancerous cells. We are all happy to have cancerous cells or tumors removed.

I hate talking in analogies and metaphors, but since you started it, let me go the same way. Hope you read poperly this time.

The proper analogy is that the nation is a collection of 1.2 billion people, and a human body is a collection of trillions of living cells. Some of those humans pick up arms against the state, and some of our cells become cancerous. The analogy then is that if the body is the nation, then cells are citizens, and limbs or organs are various organs of the state, like police judiciary, ministries, parliament etc.

If some of our cells become cancerous and threaten the existence of the bdy, we mercilessly and gladly kill the cells, using radiation or chemo or a knife. Nobody mourns the death of cancer cells. Similarly if naxals threaten the existence of the nation, you can understand why people are happy to kill them. If foreign bodies like viruses and bacteria threaten our body, we kill them with antibiotics. It doesn't matter whether we are threatened by foreign cells or our own - we will kill them happily.

To stretch the analogy, an amputation of a body part is a sad affair, and that can be compared to ceding a state or territory to the insurgents. We hope that it will never come to that. We hope that we can kill all insurgents before we lose a state to them, just like we hope we cn kill all canceer cells before we lose a limb to them.

So your analogy of limbs or organs to naxals was wrong. The proper analogy is cancerous cells are naxals, limbs are states or organs of govt. If you had understood this point, you would not have thought that I ''smartly skipped'' anything.

Tell me very objectively whether you try your best to save your limbs before amputation or you go trigger happy in getting your part removed?

If your answer is "Yes, I will try my best to sustain my all body parts, but if I fail, I will get it removed to save myself", then, tell me did our government ever did an honest attempt to curb this menace or the current situation is just due to sheer negligence?

My analogy holds, you are just missing "the honest try before amputation" part. No one disagree that you will go ahead with amputation as "last resort" not the only and first option.

Since, I believe, we were not honest to them, I anguish the poor fate of those people who could have been saved. I am lamenting the amputation of my that part which I could have saved.
Tell me very objectively whether you try your best to save your limbs before amputation or you go trigger happy in getting your part removed?

If your answer is "Yes, I will try my best to sustain my all body parts, but if I fail, I will get it removed to save myself", then, tell me did our government ever did an honest attempt to curb this menace or the current situation is just due to sheer negligence?

My analogy holds, you are just missing "the honest try before amputation" part. No one disagree that you will go ahead with amputation as "last resort" not the only and first option.

Since, I believe, we were not honest to them, I anguish the poor fate of those people who could have been saved. I am lamenting the amputation of my that part which I could have saved.

I can't spend more time on it if you apply willful blindness to my posts. I told you clearly, several times, that I am comparing naxals as cancer cells, not as a body part. And I gave you the reasoning in some detail.

For the last time - I would not be happy to amputate a limb. But I would be very happy to kill cancer cells with extreme prejudice, so that I would not have to amputate a limb.

Similarly I am happy to kill all armed seperatists before we have to cede our territory to them.
I can't spend more time on it if you apply willful blindness to my posts. I told you clearly, several times, that I am comparing naxals as cancer cells, not as a body part. And I gave you the reasoning in some detail.

For the last time - I would not be happy to amputate a limb. But I would be very happy to kill cancer cells with extreme prejudice, so that I would not have to amputate a limb.

Similarly I am happy to kill all armed seperatists before we have to cede our territory to them.

Can you explain why are they Cancer cells and not Body cells? Hope u have a logical reason. You mean to say they r not Indians or ur version of Body Cells?
Can you explain why are they Cancer cells and not Body cells? Hope u have a logical reason. You mean to say they r not Indians or ur version of Body Cells?

That's not an either-or. Cancer cells are also body cells, not foreign cells. Some cells in your body start mutating cancerously, and those cells are the ones which we try our best to kill. Cancer cells do not come from outside, like bacteria or viruses. They are born in our own bodies. It is our own cells that turn cancerous. Hence the analogy.

Read post #58 for a detailed explanation of the analogy. Anyway analogies and metaphors can only get you so far, as I said earlier. I don't really like thinking in terms of analogies, I only corrected the one the other person gave.
That's not an either-or. Cancer cells are also body cells, not foreign cells. Some cells in your body start mutating cancerously, and those cells are the ones which we try our best to kill. Cancer cells do not come from outside, like bacteria or viruses. They are born in our own bodies. It is our own cells that turn cancerous. Hence the analogy.

Read post #58 for a detailed explanation of the analogy. Anyway analogies and metaphors can only get you so far, as I said earlier. I don't really like thinking in terms of analogies, I only corrected the one the other person gave.
Alrite. got ur point. But again, Why do we want to point guns at weak tribals and not the govt who simply want to kick these tribals out of their land without providing any compensation just to please international corporations in name of FDI. I mean, why shudnt our politicians be blamed for their greed?
Alrite. got ur point. But again, Why do we want to point guns at weak tribals and not the govt who simply want to kick these tribals out of their land without providing any compensation just to please international corporations in name of FDI. I mean, why shudnt our politicians be blamed for their greed?

I don't. I made that clear, and I think I speak for everybody else when I say that nobody wants to kill all tribals. We only want to kill people who have taken up arms against the state, and vowed to bring down the state. The highly trained and armed naxals who have chinese AK-56 rifles, and military training, cannot be called "weak".

I only want combatants and insurgents to be killed, nobody else. Not even intellectuals who support them ideologically, which many others on this board seem to want. Insurgents have to be put down, that is standard practice in any nation-state.
I don't understand why people have these love for Naxals .

If the reason is because they are Indians , then so was Afsal Guru , memebers of IM , ULFA , etc .

The moment we start romancing with terrorists , our doom will start .

Look at what is happening in Pakistan .
I also feel that the insurgents should not be shown sympathy.

they should be given the chance to surrender though.

But those who do not leave weapons should not be spared.

Anyhow if their fight is only for justice, then why they do not let rest of Indians know what are their demands??? What do naxals want??

A) now if they say they want to overthrow the govt. and put in place their govt. then I say they are just terrorists and govt is right to eliminate them as they should do to any separatist/anti national movement.

B) But if they say they would give up weapons if they get development grants and more investments in their areas, then I want GOI to take action and ensure development in those areas. But if they get the support from GOI then with time they should leave the weapons and can form political parties and be part of the mainstream.

Now the only question is what do the naxals want? A or B.

If they want A, then its very dangerous to take them lightly or not to take action against them. But even when action is being taken, they should be given the chance to surrender and leave violence. that option should sincerely be open to anyone always at all times.
I don't understand why people have these love for Naxals .

If the reason is because they are Indians , then so was Afsal Guru , memebers of IM , ULFA , etc .

The moment we start romancing with terrorists , our doom will start .

Look at what is happening in Pakistan .

Its not love of Naxals , when the govt. throws you out of your own land for some foreign company and the pathetic judicial system makes it impossible for you to get justice , then what do these people do ? .Naxals are getting recruits because of lack of development and education. These people fight because they have been left with no choice ... Development, education and increased standard of living will destroy the Naxalites and their ideology .

If you are equating Naxalites with Terorrists then you can't tell the difference , Terrorists just want to increase their narrow minded religious views and get 72 women , these people fight because their plight has been ignored by the Indian govt.

If this offensive is backed by proper development , education jobs etc...then its good , otherwise you will simply endup fighting the same problem after 5-10 years under a different name....

I have sympathy for the Tribals and other locals who join them because of the incompetence of the Indian govt. Give them a chance to surrender and make their lives better , but you have to destroy the Naxals and Maoists , kill/capture their leaders force them to disband the organization....
Its not love of Naxals , when the govt. throws you out of your own land for some foreign company and the pathetic judicial system makes it impossible for you to get justice , then what do these people do ? .Naxals are getting recruits because of lack of development and education. These people fight because they have been left with no choice ... Development, education and increased standard of living will destroy the Naxalites and their ideology .

If you are equating Naxalites with Terorrists then you can't tell the difference , Terrorists just want to increase their narrow minded religious views and get 72 women , these people fight because their plight has been ignored by the Indian govt.

If this offensive is backed by proper development , education jobs etc...then its good , otherwise you will simply endup fighting the same problem after 5-10 years under a different name....

I have sympathy for the Tribals and other locals who join them because of the incompetence of the Indian govt. Give them a chance to surrender and make their lives better , but you have to destroy the Naxals and Maoists , kill/capture their leaders force them to disband the organization....

that is the question. what do naxals want?

Devleopment, Schools , Education, Jobs.


To overthrow the govt, and set up their own govt in India.

Why don't they put forward their demands openly. If they plan to overthrow the govt. and would accept nothing less then it, then you cannot convince them by development etc. Then there is only one way left and that is to kill them all.
Let us Hope that it will be a well conceived mission. Forces would have gathered all the information so that coletral damage can be minimized. Use small UAVS to gather real time information. Use train forces with best weapons.
that is the question. what do naxals want?

Devleopment, Schools , Education, Jobs.


To overthrow the govt, and set up their own govt in India.

Why don't they put forward their demands openly. If they plan to overthrow the govt. and would accept nothing less then it, then you cannot convince them by development etc. Then there is only one way left and that is to kill them all.

Naxals as an organization wants to overthrow the govt. They are getting recruits because of the lack of jobs,development,education and govt. ignorance .... you start developing and providing them jobs and increasing standard of living the then Naxals will loose their support base...
I don't understand why people have these love for Naxals .

If the reason is because they are Indians , then so was Afsal Guru , memebers of IM , ULFA , etc .

The moment we start romancing with terrorists , our doom will start .

Look at what is happening in Pakistan .
Now you start with wrong comparisions. All other u mentioned want to bring a nation down but Naxals just want their rights. Why cant a democratic state give its people their rights? There must be some problem right?
Naxals as an organization wants to overthrow the govt. They are getting recruits because of the lack of jobs,development,education and govt. ignorance .... you start developing and providing them jobs and increasing standard of living the then Naxals will loose their support base...

Now that means that their agenda is not developmental needs of their region. If they seek to overthrow the govt. then naxals should be classified as terrorists.

Even to develop the area it is important to free that area of the naxals. like us naxlas also know that development would take aways their recruits, naxals would always be anti development.

I think then its fair only that GOI eliminates the naxals. Even though I agree that many of their recruits may be under the influence of naxals propaganda.

But then you cannot seek peace with a brainwashed fellow with a AK 47. You can see he is brainwashed and he is young and innocent but if you cannot convince him, then you can only kill him. But you cannot let lakhs of such innocent and brainwashed fellows to run freely and try to seek to overthrow the govt.

Naxals as an organization wants to overthrow the govt. They are getting recruits because of the lack of jobs,development,education and govt. ignorance .... you start developing and providing them jobs and increasing standard of living the then Naxals will loose their support base...

Now you start with wrong comparisions. All other u mentioned want to bring a nation down but Naxals just want their rights. Why cant a democratic state give its people their rights? There must be some problem right?

I have quoted two of your posts above.

you say, "Naxals just want their rights"

you also say, "Naxals as an organization wants to overthrow the govt."

Now I hope you do not mean, that to overthrow the govt. is a right of Naxals?
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