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Imran Khan's contradictions

These contradictions are there because many Pakistanis themselves are conflicted about what approach to take against militants and Muslim extremists in general.

Imran Khan has put in one thing. Insaf. Go wherever Insaf takes you.

There has been intentional idiotification of the Pakistani where they have been made to choose either to be with America or to be with the Mullahs. Think about it, the only solution and the only justice is to fight both the unjust Americans and the unjust Mullahs. Both want you to remain idiots and subservient to them. Think independently and there will be no contradiction.

It is fully justifiable to fight every wrong person or wrong doer within Pakistan. Wrong doers in Pakistan: GHQ, Government, America, Mullah and even the mindsets of the local awaam. Don't accept anything wrong, no matter what the costs. That is the only way to proceed forward. In Imran Khan we are offered something closest to this MANDATORY defiance.

I have mentioned many times about how Pakistan must NOT be subservient to the US, & must form close alliances with China, Russia, Iran & others to reduce its dependencies on the US. But that does not mean there isn't a war being fought in Pakistan right now. Pakistan must learn to isolate the elements that are anti-state, & those which are not. Imran Khan's policies of making "peace" with anti-state elements (Al-Qaeda, TTP etc), & leaving them at the behest of the tribal people is bound to fail. Even if Pakistan is not subservient to the US, these anti-state elements will still try to 'topple' the people. We have already seen what has happened in Swat (& to the people there) & other areas where "peace" was made with such militants. Which is why we still need the Army in these areas.
Bilal Bahi, believe it or not but I had the same exact thoughts as you in my mind. I support Imran Khan over PPP and others but this guy will seriously need another 10 years to understand politics. I don't think he will be able to handle the current situation of Pakistan very well. I think it's time that we need Musharaf back

sorry no chance there.. the best Musharraf can expect is the Political life of SahabZada Nasr-ullah Khan or Asghar Khan from drawing room (no disrespect meant) there is too much hatred for Mushy for many wrong reasons. the current political Hyenas are waiting for his return so that they can arrest him and make a big news out of it to divert the attention from their own shameless performance. (lets leave Mushy out of the discussion)

IK has matured a lot in the beginning I couldn’t stand that guy specially when he used to call TTP as (apnay log) he has changed that over time and his venom for the Army has come down too. hell its the same institution he will be commanding if he comes to power, what the point of hating it?

Bilal has valid concerns and that what make people like me think as well. specially there are some very odd people who are supporting IK for their own wrong reasons (the ones that fanatically support Taliban and Lal Masjid people). I can only hope that Imran doesn’t share their ideas and these people will either leave him or correct themselves.
Oye teri... another thread on Imran Khan?

People, stop treating/expecting Imran Khan to be someone from Mars... he's a human being and is bound to make mistakes - there's no success without mistakes. IK is not a Jaahil Gawar, he knows what he's up to and if there're any inaccuracies in his approach he'll definitely make it corrected - with the passage of time of course. So give this guy a break, let him come into power - and if there's anything wrong with his Governance, we've every right to whine... Don't we?
Imran has never called TTP apnay log. What Imran said was, that Taliban consists of many groups and not all groups are fighting against Pakistan. We have to isolate and eliminate the ones supporting terrorist activitites and war against Pakistan. He was and is agaisnt the bombings by PA that has killed many innocent FATA ppl in the name of war of terror. The consequence of the killings is the reason that many tribesmen has joined the ranks of groups like TTP.

Bilal Haider: Imran has never said that he wants peace with antistate elements like Al Qaeda or TTP. Please show me any quote to support your claim. As you say yourself"Pakistan must learn to isolate the elements that are anti-state" that is what he has been repeating over and over again. Peace is essential in order to identify friends and foes and first thereafter we can have a strategy with the tribesmen how to eliminate the miscreant elements.
Bilal Haider: Imran has never said that he wants peace with antistate elements like Al Qaeda or TTP. Please show me any quote to support your claim.

Imran Khan has repeatedly said he is against military operations inside Pakistan, as sufficed by his claims about 1971, FATA, Balochistan, & even Karachi. He also needs to think about his viewpoint over Kashmir twice.

Peace is essential in order to identify friends and foes and first thereafter we can have a strategy with the tribesmen how to eliminate the miscreant elements.

The tribals cannot be left at the behest of the brutality of the militants, which Imran Khan wants to do (he wants to stop military intervention there, & leave the tribals alone in fighting the militants). The support of the tribals & the tribal Lashkars for the Pakistan Army against the militants is proof of that. It was the neglect of the Pakistan government that the militants managed to get a grip over the FATA in the first place. There must be development in the FATA, greater government focus there, & a will to integrate FATA into mainstream Pakistan, so that it doesn't fall under the control of the terrorists.
Well, he can be sometimes a bit Naive in his approach towards this issue, but if he comes into power, the COAS and the military setup will advise him as well, and things might change!
Bilal: True he is against military actions inside Pakistan, but please show me some proof to support your claim, that he has stated anywhere that he wants peace with Al Qaeda and TTP!!

I think you should read Dr Alvis article in The News to better understand PTI´s stand on this issue: Imran
Bilal: True he is against military actions inside Pakistan, but please show me some proof to support your claim, that he has stated anywhere that he wants peace with Al Qaeda and TTP!!

I think you should read Dr Alvis article in The News to better understand PTI´s stand on this issue: Imran

He wants no military actions inside Pakistan against Pakistani citizens, & TTP are Pakistani citizens as well. Umbrella groups of the Al-Qaeda like the LeJ contain Pakistani citizens as well. If you watch Imran Khan's interview with Karan Thapar, IK says that the Pakistan Army should stop its operations in FATA, & let the tribal people deal with the militants themselves.

Imran Khan thinks that Pakistan abandoning the WOT will solve the militancy issue inside Pakistan, & it might do that to an extent, but it won't completely resolve the issue. We also need to be mindful of Taliban getting their strongholds over larger areas of Pakistan, & the rise of extremism & sectarianism as a result of that. Imran Khan does not advocate any military operations inside Pakistan, which includes operations against terrorists.
Me too have now many doubts in my mind about PTI and Imran Khan. Shayad hamari qoum ki kismat mein change n devlopment hay he nahi
In my opinion you will be giving the wrong message by emphasizing on or even mention military actions against taliban or any particular group at this stage. We know that many maliks and sardars has contacted IK to mediate between government and tribesmen and their unilateral wish has been to stop **** military actions inside FATA which has killed many innocent ppl. Tribesmen has lost their confidence in civil government and PA and talking abt military actions will only be beneficial for terrorist organizations to spread the propaganda and recruit more tribesmen.The only way we can win their trust and heart is by initiating peaceful and meaningful dialogues. Then it will be easier for us to isolate the rogue elements. Once isolated then a strategy has to be laid on how to eliminate the terrorists which is both acceptable to government and the sardars/maliks. At this stage I am very sure that IK will not rule out military action. That is why we need to step out of this war to show we are serious and we would like to engage in peaceful and meaningful dialogue without being under pressure from US. Trustbuilding is the keyword right now and not military action.
I was an Imran Khan supporter, but now I am having second doubts. I would still take him over the PPP & PML-N in a heartbeat though, anything to disrupt the stranglehold of the feudals. But here are some of the contradictions in Imran Khan's arguments I have pointed out here:

1. No need to fight the US's WOT. Make peace in FATA, & let the tribals take care of the militants. Problem solved:

Imran Khan needs to be reminded what happened in Swat & the Malakand agency when the Pak Army made "peace" with the militants, & when the TNSM enforced Shariah there, & were brutal towards the people. The neglect from the Pakistan government for the tribals was the primary reason how the terrorists managed to grab a foothold in the FATA in the first place.

2. Army further aggravates the situation in FATA & Balochistan, & should not be involved there. If the Army stops its involvement there, both issues can be resolved:

Imran Khan forgets that there are many Baloch tribes besides the Marri, Bugti, Mengal tribes that are pro-Pakistan. Imran Khan forgets the innocent non-Baloch & Baloch people killed at the hands of the Baloch nationalist terrorists. Imran Khan forgets the foreign intervention aspect in FATA & Balochistan from Afghanistan. The Taliban don't have access to the SAMs that the BLA have access to. The safe havens in Kunar & Nuristan in Afghanistan play a major role in fueling the militancy in FATA. Furthermore, there are no Army operations in Balochistan, as only FC personnel are deployed there.

3. Won't allow terrorist groups to operate from Pakistani soil:

As Imran Khan is against Army operations inside Pakistan (judging by his comments on the FATA, Balochistan, Bangladesh), this can only mean that he will be willing to make peace with LeT. But that will not stop the LeT from infiltrating into India. There is no way Imran Khan can convince the LeT to stop infiltration into India, which is contradictory to his claims. How Imran Khan won't allow terrorist groups to operate from Pakistani soil without the use of the Army is a million dollar question.

The dangers Imran Khan's contradictions pose:

Imran Khan's approach towards the WOT can lead to Pakistan being declared a terrorist state in the international community, & also result in an increase of Taliban strongholds in more parts of the country (as terror groups can regroup easily). Pakistan can also see higher levels of militancy & sectarian violence following Imran Khan's thought process, & undo all the hard work done by the Army in dismantling countless terror networks over the years. As a result, Pakistan can become a target of both the international community (sanctions) & the militants (violence from terrorism, rise in extremism) simultaneously, which can further endanger Pakistan, in the form of a possible anarchy. Bending over to India to please them on the issue of Kashmir can also have dire consequences for his government & the nation as well.
In my opinion you have to keep in the mind the fact that no individual is perfect and no political leader can deliver everything you want or take a position acceptable to everyone on every single issue.

Oppose his policies and views where necessary, and support him when you agree.

The potential he offers, in terms of reform in governance on the domestic front, far outweighs the issues I may have on things like the WoT, Balochistan, Kashmir etc.

Please keep in mind the fact that no government will succeed with a military operations policy in FATA and Balochistan, without the civilian side also keeping pace through effective rehabilitation programs, development, good governance etc.

Our military has demonstrated that it can 'clear an area', but our civilian governments (PPP, PML_N) have not demonstrated an ability to govern, over multiple stints in power, even in areas where there is no violence and insurgency.
Me too have now many doubts in my mind about PTI and Imran Khan. Shayad hamari qoum ki kismat mein change n devlopment hay he nahi

I don't see how his positions on tackling the Taliban threat and dealing with India over Kashmir indicate an inability to reform governance and bring about development.
Well, i don't like IK now (for obivous reasons). But I do believe this millitency started when initially Musharaf bombard the Wazaristan, and people started to make some stories about the dead bodies of the people. TTP is not Taliban, they are the group of people who was paid from some WoT starters. And they used PA's actions in there own favors which is why we have such a huge militancy problem. Swat was different as there was two groups involved and raise the confusion. And many criminals (which were previously involved in smugling and criminal activities like kidnape) joined together and tried to toke advantage of the situation, which made things worst.

Pakistan has enemies, but they are not Taliban, but those one who are using Taliban's name on the back USA and some other countries. So best is to deweaponize them rather then kill them.

I believe this is IK's approach, which I do support for.
I was an Imran Khan supporter, but now I am having second doubts. I would still take him over the PPP & PML-N in a heartbeat though, anything to disrupt the stranglehold of the feudals. But here are some of the contradictions in Imran Khan's arguments I have pointed out here:

1. No need to fight the US's WOT. Make peace in FATA, & let the tribals take care of the militants. Problem solved:

Imran Khan needs to be reminded what happened in Swat & the Malakand agency when the Pak Army made "peace" with the militants, & when the TNSM enforced Shariah there, & were brutal towards the people. The neglect from the Pakistan government for the tribals was the primary reason how the terrorists managed to grab a foothold in the FATA in the first place.

2. Army further aggravates the situation in FATA & Balochistan, & should not be involved there. If the Army stops its involvement there, both issues can be resolved:

Imran Khan forgets that there are many Baloch tribes besides the Marri, Bugti, Mengal tribes that are pro-Pakistan. Imran Khan forgets the innocent non-Baloch & Baloch people killed at the hands of the Baloch nationalist terrorists. Imran Khan forgets the foreign intervention aspect in FATA & Balochistan from Afghanistan. The Taliban don't have access to the SAMs that the BLA have access to. The safe havens in Kunar & Nuristan in Afghanistan play a major role in fueling the militancy in FATA. Furthermore, there are no Army operations in Balochistan, as only FC personnel are deployed there.

3. Won't allow terrorist groups to operate from Pakistani soil:

As Imran Khan is against Army operations inside Pakistan (judging by his comments on the FATA, Balochistan, Bangladesh), this can only mean that he will be willing to make peace with LeT. But that will not stop the LeT from infiltrating into India. There is no way Imran Khan can convince the LeT to stop infiltration into India, which is contradictory to his claims. How Imran Khan won't allow terrorist groups to operate from Pakistani soil without the use of the Army is a million dollar question.

The dangers Imran Khan's contradictions pose:

Imran Khan's approach towards the WOT can lead to Pakistan being declared a terrorist state in the international community, & also result in an increase of Taliban strongholds in more parts of the country (as terror groups can regroup easily). Pakistan can also see higher levels of militancy & sectarian violence following Imran Khan's thought process, & undo all the hard work done by the Army in dismantling countless terror networks over the years. As a result, Pakistan can become a target of both the international community (sanctions) & the militants (violence from terrorism, rise in extremism) simultaneously, which can further endanger Pakistan, in the form of a possible anarchy. Bending over to India to please them on the issue of Kashmir can also have dire consequences for his government & the nation as well.

Bilal, the problem with IK is, he feels more secure by implying Arithmetic’s and in its too more so only subtraction or addition than anything else that’s why he’s most elementary in all his approaches i.e. we will abolish this, we will abolish that…just recently he quipped to abolish “Patwarkhana” in seconds for peoples relief...:rofl:

In all your three quoted policy statements from IK we see this behavior explicitly.

US WOT: Subtract Pakistan
FATA, Balochistan issues etc.: Subtracts Pakistan Army
Relations with India: Subtracts militants groups

His simplicity in answering any question is beyond imaginations, and actually very much depends upon the person or institutions perceived approval in accepting them the moment they asked.

I’m sure if above policy statements needs to be deliver to any die hard American media, ISPR or the audience of any militant organization from him respectively his answers will have an exact 180 degree u-turn what they are at the moment.

Bcz basically he doesn’t want to make ripples anywhere to obscure his chances of PMship from any quarters than anything else concrete or a mature way forwards he believes throughout the experience of his life or on the guidance of any think tanks accompanying him.:hitwall:

No doubt, the majority and core of his loyalists are consists of “Bachcha Logs” of various campuses throughout the country and abroad.:P

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