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Imran Khan's contradictions

Bilal, the problem with IK is, he feels more secure by implying Arithmetic’s and in its too more so only subtraction or addition than anything else that’s why he’s most elementary in all his approaches i.e. we will abolish this, we will abolish that…just recently he quipped to abolish “Patwarkhana” in seconds for peoples relief...:rofl:

In all your three quoted policy statements from IK we see this behavior explicitly.

US WOT: Subtract Pakistan
FATA, Balochistan issues etc.: Subtracts Pakistan Army
Relations with India: Subtracts militants groups

His simplicity in answering any question is beyond imaginations, and actually very much depends upon the person or institutions perceived approval in accepting them the moment they asked.

I’m sure if above policy statements needs to be deliver to any die hard American media, ISPR or the audience of any militant organization from him respectively his answers will have an exact 180 degree u-turn what they are at the moment.

Bcz basically he doesn’t want to make ripples anywhere to obscure his chances of PMship from any quarters than anything else concrete or a mature way forwards he believes throughout the experience of his life or on the guidance of any think tanks accompanying him.:hitwall:

No doubt, the majority and core of his loyalists are consists of “Bachcha Logs” of various campuses throughout the country and abroad.:P
Another Biased view of N League supporter first ask corrupt Nawaz to bring back his money in country and also stop insuring American Ambassador that he is pro American and at least Imran Khan has some policy and Nawaz has none because he and his brother are busy in doing corruption
In my opinion you have to keep in the mind the fact that no individual is perfect and no political leader can deliver everything you want or take a position acceptable to everyone on every single issue.

Oppose his policies and views where necessary, and support him when you agree.

The potential he offers, in terms of reform in governance on the domestic front, far outweighs the issues I may have on things like the WoT, Balochistan, Kashmir etc.

Please keep in mind the fact that no government will succeed with a military operations policy in FATA and Balochistan, without the civilian side also keeping pace through effective rehabilitation programs, development, good governance etc.

Our military has demonstrated that it can 'clear an area', but our civilian governments (PPP, PML_N) have not demonstrated an ability to govern, over multiple stints in power, even in areas where there is no violence and insurgency.

Sir, I agree with you. I don't have any ill-feelings towards Imran Khan, & I wish him all the best if he manages to become the PM of Pakistan. I still think he will to do a much better job than the PPP/PMl-N if he comes into power, & I would definitely want him to get his chance to prove himself. But there is no excuse for compromising Pakistan's position internationally, even if he manages to do a much better job in Balochistan & FATA/KPK. He needs to learn the art of guile & tact that every politician needs, & it would be sad if he manages to do a good job domestically (the harder part, which previous governments have failed to do), but fails internationally (the easier part) in terms of compromising Pakistan's image & position worldwide. Both things have to go hand in hand. Pakistan must not suffer the same fate as Iran is facing right now, being poor diplomatically on the international front, & isolated from the rest of the world.
Sir, I agree with you. I don't have any ill-feelings towards Imran Khan, & I wish him all the best if he manages to become the PM of Pakistan. I still think he will to do a much better job than the PPP/PMl-N if he comes into power, & I would definitely want him to get his chance to prove himself. But there is no excuse for compromising Pakistan's position internationally, even if he manages to do a much better job in Balochistan & FATA/KPK. He needs to learn the art of guile & tact that every politician needs, & it would be sad if he manages to do a good job domestically (the harder part, which previous governments have failed to do), but fails internationally (the easier part) in terms of compromising Pakistan's image & position worldwide. Both things have to go hand in hand. Pakistan must not suffer the same fate as Iran is facing right now, being poor diplomatically on the international front, & isolated from the rest of the world.

Pakistan can only become stronger on the international stage, in a sustained and consistent manner, when it becomes stronger domestically and addresses domestic issues of poor governance, poor economic growth and development etc.

If he can deliver on even half of what he is promising on the domestic governance side, the impact, domestically and on the international stage, will be manifold.
Pakistan can only become stronger on the international stage, in a sustained and consistent manner, when it becomes stronger domestically and addresses domestic issues of poor governance, poor economic growth and development etc.

If he can deliver on even half of what he is promising on the domestic governance side, the impact, domestically and on the international stage, will be manifold.

Absolutely correct.
A playboy cricketer with a brain of an earthworm is now our "ONLY HOPE".

Just shows how screwed our country has become. When a country hopes that a sportsman is going to deliver good governance, then I can safely assume that the END IS NIGH.
Imran has a good understanding and foresight of what is happening in and around Pakistan. He is a honest peace loving and patriotic personality. He has right reasoning in his point of view.

1. Before the Operation Lal Masjid and entry of Pakistan Army in FATA there was no suicide attack menace in Pakistan. The tribals were leaving there own life and were serving as the protector of Pakistan on western borders. Interference policies of Musharraf made them furious and anti Pakistan as a whole and not just the militants. Most important thing is that the militants are calling for Sharia so the govt comes next to power should implement sharia law in Pakistan and take the air out of the militant baloon as there will be no cause to fight a pakistani govt following and implementing sharia law. Then there will be no reason for these militant to use force against Pakistani people or Armed forces and if they still fight then tribal people and rest of Pakistan nation can be uneted and fight against them in that scenario and will isloate them.
In both the cases (Balochistan and FATA), govt should start programs with high investments in fileds of job creations through industrial development (both areas having vast mineral resources), education, poverty elevation, infrastructure, good medical facilities etc to make the hearts of the people soft and to make them forget whatever wrongs happened in past. This will isolate the nationalists specially in Balochistan.
2. You must first differentiate between the terrorists and freedom fighters. Let fights in Kashmir is crystal clear but it is just accused fo involvement in Mumbai attacks. It's not yet proved. So I don't know how you as a Pakistani can accuse them. There is great chance that the attacks might have been carried out by the Fascist Mody govt and in reality the so called militants didn't came from Karachi but from Gujarat coast itself within India. About Kassab then the agencies can create tens of Kassabs by kidnapping them. Why India not providing free access to Pak agencies to talk Kassab face to face?
So Imran has concrete points in his talks n speeches.
.................. You must first differentiate between the terrorists and freedom fighters. ................

That is not always easy, or even possible:

"One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" - Gerald Seymour
A playboy cricketer with a brain of an earthworm is now our "ONLY HOPE".

Just shows how screwed our country has become. When a country hopes that a sportsman is going to deliver good governance, then I can safely assume that the END IS NIGH.
That crickter made you win the world cup that man with earth worm brain did something which no one in world has never done to this date that he made hospital for cancer which gives more than 75 % Patients every thing free and also now a University in a backward area of Pakistan also giving almost free education Sir
I am a doctor so I know that SHAM CHARITY hospital very well.


I give a damn to a world cup. I don't care if Pakistan wins a thousand of these world cups. It's just a stupid sports event, not some nobel prize.
I am a doctor so I know that SHAM CHARITY hospital very well.


I give a damn to a world cup. I don't care if Pakistan wins a thousand of these world cups. It's just a stupid sports event, not some nobel prize.
Nobel Prize is given to mostly western slaves and traitors of Islam and Imran Khan is none and at least he is an honest person and also has policy on Pakistan far better than old Mafia of Politicians
Khan is only giving the people what they want to hear, Only Option is Musharraf otherwise Pakistan might not even Survive beyond 2015, Jinnah words saying no power can undo pakistan might be a mistake the Pakistani people if they don't get their act together will undo it like East Pakistan.
Khan is only giving the people what they want to hear, Only Option is Musharraf otherwise Pakistan might not even Survive beyond 2015, Jinnah words saying no power can undo pakistan might be a mistake the Pakistani people if they don't get their act together will undo it like East Pakistan.
Sir Musarraf is the reason we are facing so much troubles his policies have destroyed Pakistan as far as 2015 is concerned Sir we are hearing these Jokes since creation of Pakistan since its creation and don't worry Pakistan is going no where
A playboy cricketer with a brain of an earthworm is now our "ONLY HOPE".

On top of it, The kids from kinder gardens now thinks they can devise the policies……:rofl: who on end of every argument just loves to runs towards the “wall” i.e. “IK is not tried yet”, IK win the WC, he WILL do this and that…!!:rofl::rofl:

Pakistan na ho-gya…inkee slaaaate ho-gaeee....Just Rub and draw thousands times in a second….!!:hitwall::hitwall:

P.S: MQM supporter here actually don’t exactly know what exactly the way forwards, they wants to pour scorns on IK as its hurting their support base as well but at the same time IK is more critical towards their sworn enemy NS so they don’t want his elimination either…i.e..Saanpp Kay Munh main Chipkalee…Na Ugla jaye; Na Nigla Jaye…!!:p:bunny:
Sir Musarraf is the reason we are facing so much troubles his policies have destroyed Pakistan as far as 2015 is concerned Sir we are hearing these Jokes since creation of Pakistan since its creation and don't worry Pakistan is going no where

A mix of good and bad however he is better then all the current politicians, East Pakistan was lost don't make the same mistake with pakistan ( baluchistan) and the radicalization of Pakistan.
On top of it, The kids from kinder gardens now thinks they can devise the policies……:rofl: who on end of every argument just loves to runs towards the “wall” i.e. “IK is not tried yet”, IK win the WC, he WILL do this and that…!!:rofl::rofl:

Pakistan na ho-gya…inkee slaaaate ho-gaeee....Just Rub and draw thousands times in a second….!!:hitwall::hitwall:

P.S: MQM supporter here actually don’t exactly know what exactly the way forwards, they wants to pour scorns on IK as its hurting their support base as well but at the same time IK is more critical towards their sworn enemy NS so they don’t want his elimination either…i.e..Saanpp Kay Munh main Chipkalee…Na Ugla jaye; Na Nigla Jaye…!!:p:bunny:
At least they don't support those who are involved in fake medicines which have scored a century of murders in Government hospitals at least what he says to American Ambassador in private is the same which he says in public at least he doesn't have his business outside and at least he pays Taxes
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