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Imran Khan sets 30 days deadline over US drone strikes

Well done Pakistani brothers and keep it up! No one has the rights to bomb a soveriegn country and kill its civilians.

It is against the UN resolution if it's against the will of the people and itd government. The government needs to listen to the people and put an end to this barbaric American act. The sooner the aggressor leave the better it is for Pakistan and the ME. Heck, they should fight their own war!
It was them who started it and it should be them who needs to finish it alone. The burden of their so called 'war on terror' shouldn't be placed upon others and they have no rights to bomb the country which is helping them, regardless of the carrot on the stick financial aids offered.

This is the perfect time to force an American U-turn because Obama is going to run for a re-election. So if he wants to paint a good clean image of himself (cough nobel peace prize winner) he would have to do something about these illegitimate drone attacks.
Your thoughts are giving me a sense of how weak GOP actually is. Drone attacks are infact an attack on sovereignity and respect of Pakistan. Afterall its innocent citizens are dying. Do GOP require an excuse such as these dharnas to protest against U.S? Despite of its willingness to curb these attacks it needs some sort of public help.
Yes you are right in saying that GOP will use this protest to save it a$$ from U.S pressure and diplomats but doesn't it reflect the impotency of GOP?

This may come as a surprise to you, but GOP doesn't have much credibility in Pakistan. People are past the point of caring whether it's incompetence or complicity. And that's not just this government; it's the whole lot of feudal politicians.

Do you want Taliban style civil disobedience when tribes get bombed or you want PTI style of civil disobedience? Your choice. And BTW if want to call a democratic protest a civil disobedience than its your choice. Be it Civil Disobedience, we want change....!

Civil disobedience is a Good Thing.

That's what Gandhi did. And Martin Luther King, Jr. And Nelson Mandela.

They will have both because it just does not make sense to have only one.

The Drone strikes ARE the war and the NATO supplies are for that war in Afghanistan.

One without other is simply waste.

NATO is a declared war; the drone strikes are an undeclared war on Pakistan.
The US cannot afford to declare war on Pakistan. The reasons are not military, of course, but geopolitical and domestic.

And yes, it will not take much time for US to buy out ONE MORE leader in Pakistan.

We all know that. That's why this is civil disobedience. They can buy all the politicians in one basket -- they all have no credibility anyway -- but they can't silence 180 million people.
I hope this man delivers what he says - last speech of the Dharna.

This is what IK said on his twitter page,
Congratulations to everyone for the record crowds despite the searing heat - the time for change has come
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Imran Khan sets 30 days deadline over US drone strikes

Peshawar, Apr 25(ANI): Tehreek-e-Insaf chief Imran Khan has said that if the Pakistan People's Party (PPP)-led federal government fails to stop US drone strikes within 30 days, protesters will block all NATO supply routes across the country.

Imran also warned that protesters would march to Islamabad to force the government to take a stand on the issue if drone strikes continue.

"The government has failed to stop the US strikes which kill innocent people including women and children," the Nation quoted Imran, as saying.

The PTI had earlier arranged a two-day sit-in against drone strikes in Peshawar during which a road, which acts as the main supply route for NATO, troops in Afghanistan was totally blocked.

Over 900 people were killed in drone attacks in Pakistan's tribal areas, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) had earlier said in its annual report.

The US does not confirm the drone attacks, but its military and the CIA operating in Afghanistan are the only forces that deploy the unmanned aircraft in the region.

Pakistan officially protests the strikes as violations of its sovereignty, but its security agencies are believed to secretly cooperate with the programme.
The sh*t is just about to get real. The next protest after 30 days will separate the true patriots from the internet warriors. I was not able to go to the Dharna but I have applied for a leave to participate in whatever happens after a month. I just hope that regardless of what happens, the end result is Pakistan emerging as more stronger and united than ever. No one person, even Imran Khan is more important than the country. This is the second independence movement and just like before, the youth needs to play a very crucial part to ensure the survival of our country.

Ab Khud Kuch Karna Paray Ga, Hum Ko Jalna Paray Ga, Marna Paray Ga, Ab Khud Kuch Karna Paray Ga.
NATO is a declared war; the drone strikes are an undeclared war on Pakistan.The US cannot afford to declare war on Pakistan. The reasons are not military, of course, but geopolitical and domestic.

The 'undeclared' war is of prime importance if they have to win the 'declared war' and that has been openly ackowledged by all the top commanders in Afghanistan. You just cannot win if there are safe havens where the militants can take refuge if gets hot in Afghanistan.

End result - Drones will not stop.

We all know that. That's why this is civil disobedience. They can buy all the politicians in one basket -- they all have no credibility anyway -- but they can't silence 180 million people.

You are just hyping - this is just a one man show by Imran Khan and the moment he is bought (If he is bought)this movement will fizzle out.

Anyway the next 30 days is going to be interesting :pop:
Nice to see the public doing such a massive non-violent demonstration for once. Unfortunately, no major coverage in international news networks of this event.

Will Imran Khan take on the Army leadership as well on the drone issue? Its an open secret that the drones are happening with the Army's permission. The GoP can't really make any decision on the security side without PA's consent so without tackling both the GoP and the PA side of the drone issue, no forward movement will be seen.

All agreements related to drones should be made public by the GoP and PA.
I don't know what improvements for Pakistan Imran Khan will show IF he holds the power over Pakistan one day, but I have a very good feeling that this man is the only man who will 1000% work on better Pak-Afghan relationship. I might be wrong, but I got good feeling about this guy.
This may come as a surprise to you, but GOP doesn't have much credibility in Pakistan. People are past the point of caring whether it's incompetence or complicity. And that's not just this government; it's the whole lot of feudal politicians.

Why surprise?????Even in India ask any citizen and he will curse the govenment to death.
But the hard truth is Government exist and we select it one after another, sometimes with a change and many times not.
If GOP has lost relevence in Pak why there is no civil movement or "jihad" against them? Throw them out.
Nice to see the public doing such a massive non-violent demonstration for once. Unfortunately, no major coverage in international news networks of this event.

This is not the first peaceful massive movement by the Pakistani public man. The movement for the restoration of the Chief Justice was a prime example of the government crumbling under genuine peaceful public pressure. In the 60's, the people put up a mayhem, in a nice way, when the sugar prices went up by just a couple of Rupees.

Indians claim to be masters on everything related to Pakistan, it would not be a bad idea to do a little research on the topic you are commenting on. I am kinda sick and tired of Indians passing judgments on Pakistan like they live here, like they actually are in the GHQ or the President's house.

Either you guys are really misinformed about Pakistan, or just do not have the heart to say or accept anything good related to Pakistan.
I don't know what improvements for Pakistan Imran Khan will show IF he holds the power over Pakistan one day, but I have a very good feeling that this man is the only man who will 1000% work on better Pak-Afghan relationship. I might be wrong, but I got good feeling about this guy.

we have the same feelings as well.
I think he is inspired by Anna Hazare but anyway good move by Pakistan..!!

IK has often said that his ideals are Iqbal and Jinnah. he is a book reader, he didnt know Iqbal before coming to politics, nor he knew Jinnah, however he is impressed by abdullah gul, and Mahatir Muhammad as well for their devotion to their country's economy and integrity.
Lo kar lo gal!

Cricket khailnay walay miraasee ab NATIONAL INTEREST par AUTHORITY banay huay hain.

Kia pata kisi din filmstar Meera humara NUCLEAR DOCTRINE formulate kar rahee ho.

Kia woh M.A. journalism karnay walay urdu-medium PSEUDO-INTELLECTUALS kee kamee thee joh yeh joker (IK) apna naach dikhanay kay liyay aa gia hai.
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