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Imran condemns indian army's brutality on Kashmiris

Nearly 1500 people were killed in violent incidents in Karachi during the past six months.
717 people killed in terrorist attacks out of which 635 are Shi’a (834injured) during the past six months..
He 'Strongly condemn killing of 8' people by BSF who attacked BSF camp.​
by the way the actual figure is 4
Don't worry Indians, get ready for allll the attention to be on you.



Seven sister states



We are going cultivate these and more and rip you from your limbs.
Nearly 1500 people were killed in violent incidents in Karachi during the past six months.
717 people killed in terrorist attacks out of which 635 are Shi’a (834injured) during the past six months..
He 'Strongly condemn killing of 8' people by BSF who attacked BSF camp.​
by the way the actual figure is 4

So, since there is an internal conflict in some areas in Pakistan, Indian authorities have the full excuse to take it's savagery on Kashimiries? Have I put it right?
Don't worry Indians, get ready for allll the attention to be on you.



Seven sister states



We are going cultivate these and more and rip you from your limbs.

Maoists = Naxalites, you've mentioned them twice.

And by that logic, Indian funded terror groups are ripping apart your country already :)

We let East Pakistan go so they could have their own identity.

Something you don't understand the concept of in Kashmir.

Murdering barbarians.

You didn't let anything go, the IA and Mukti Bahani took it from you.
Nice to see you back.... btw, dont begrudge Pakistanis for venting out their frustration on Kashmir.. That's pretty much all they can do.. Dont make even that difficult

@A1Kaid My position is very simple.. We conquered Pakistani land and its ours now... What's your position ?

Pakistan conquered all of northern territories, western part of Kashmir + Aksai Chin. Pakistan managed to gain more territory overall in 1947 when you include the northern areas, Indian police and checkpoints and outposts were killed and smashed to make way for Pakistan. The rest of Kashmir will eventually be apart of Pakistan. Remember you were slaves for a thousand years you should know your history, you have never ruled Kashmir centuries ago its always been Muslim territory.
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Yawn...you care. We have what we want. You want what we have. Learn the difference. Don't worry about us, we will manage somehow. Come back after you improve your country or in 25 years which ever is earlier. We will bother with you then. Many countries coming forward to support you? :lol: That's a joke, who will come forward to support a country that can barely support itself...?

Your government still claims Pakistan's part of Kashmir as "Pakistan Occupied Kashmir" hence you still assert your claim on Pakistani controlled territory, so spare me your rubbish bs "we have what we want...". As I said whole region is playing out against you with China taking the leading role. Already you are withdrawing from your own held territory in Ladakh due to the PLA incursions.
you d0t heads havent even seen the half of it

as for FATA (from where i hail - you idiot) there are no "large swathes" of TTP control. In fact they operate only in tiny pockets and those too are constantly attacked by govt, pro-govt and other militias

So, world seventh largest Army takes help of militias for fighting TTP.
Then why not dissolve Army & outsource their work to militias who didn't ask for budget.
Nearly 1500 people were killed in violent incidents in Karachi during the past six months.
717 people killed in terrorist attacks out of which 635 are Shi’a (834injured) during the past six months..
He 'Strongly condemn killing of 8' people by BSF who attacked BSF camp.​

by the way the actual figure is 4

Hundreds of Indians die on the roads of India each day, hundreds if not more from murder each day, thousands die from accidents and violence every week in India.
India tops world murder count

NEW DELHI: India has earned the dubious distinction of being the country where maximum number of murders takes place in the world, three times more than its neighbour Pakistan and double the figures in United States.

There were more than 50 lakh incidents of crime reported in 2007-08 which included murder, rape and drug offences, a government report said. There were 32,719 incidents of murder recorded in India, whereas there were 16,692 in the US and 9,631 in Pakistan, the report compiled by National Crime Records Bureau and released by the Union Home Ministry, said.

India tops world murder count - Times Of India

See Indians, statistics even show you are murderers and rapists.


Imran strongly condemns the killing of 8 unarmed Kashmiris


Imran strongly condemns the killing of 8 unarmed Kashmiris > Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf > Insaf News

CbIrman khan bhai is in his element. Wasimbhai please get a cola bottle cork!
No one in Pakistan or much of the world cares what Indians think in regards to Kashmir. Many countries are coming forward supporting Pakistan's position on Kashmir. Everyone knows including you Indians that Kashmir was illegally taken and you are resented and hated by nearly every Kashmiri, another reason why you won't hold a plebiscite to resolve the issue. The Kashmiris themselves are killing your soldiers and police recently. Though of course you will never learn until its to late. Region will be transformed in the next 25 years with China becoming more hostile towards you and Pakistan's new government in power and improving the country, you can expect to have negative consequences.

Can you tell name of those countries who come forward to support you.
Is this how you justify murder and brutality?


You rape your own women.

You rape Kashmiri children and women.

Your society is sick.

I am ashamed of these numbers, no justification. But the stats you put are flawed, cause it is not the total numbers, but the counts per capita that judge the society. If you cannot understand the difference, then it is not worth arguing with you.
Is this how you justify murder and brutality?


You rape your own women.

You rape Kashmiri children and women.

Your society is sick.

That wasn't a justification even by a long shot..The poster was just pointing out the fallacy in your whining and "holier than thou attittude"..
And whats with "You rape blah blah blah.."..Its as fallacious as saying "pakistanis bomb each other every day".."Pakistanis honor kill their women","Pakistanis are sick and barbaric"..

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