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Imran condemns indian army's brutality on Kashmiris

As for 2 policemen. They are not killed in an insurgency genius. I am sure many other police offers were killed in different part of inida for many reasons other than insurgency.

The same can also be said about the 2 SPO's killed in Kashmir as after all no militant group like HM,LeT,JeM,Al-Badr or others have accepted responsibility of the attack.
The same can also be said about the 2 SPO's killed in Kashmir as after all no militant group like HM,LeT,JeM,Al-Badr or others have accepted responsibility of the attack.

According to Indian media, militants were behind the attack. ;)
Love your obsession with our country and this website. Browsing even when away from home. As for referendum. We are ready for it. Ask UN for help in this case. It is only you ****** who are against any third party interference in Kashmir issue

Obsession: :omghaha:. The forum has Indian Defence section, go ask management to Remove it :sarcastic:. Rest you can dream of Kashmir till eternity and ask eternity for Help, as you won't get Single inch of it. Your Army and Freedom Fighters couldn't do a jack.:sarcastic: :rofl: :cray::omghaha:
Nice try Imran ji... this will increase your chances to be the PM of Pakistan soon.
And @Flamingo - Pakistan objected to the unilateral withdrawal of her forces from Kashmir because we believed that you wouldn't adhere to the rest of the Resolution after we had withdrawn & that in the presence of the Indian Armed Forces no referendum could be held that would be free & fair !

Therefore Pakistan had proposed a simultaneous withdrawal of both Indian & Pakistani forces from Kashmir & this was also something that was proposed by GENERAL A.G.L. McNAUGHTON PRESIDENT OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED NATIONS in his Proposal to the UN where he says :

There should be an agreed program of progressive demilitarization, the basic principle of which should be the reduction of armed forces on either side of the Cease-Fire Line by withdrawal, disbandment and disarmament in such stages as not to cause fear at any point of time to the people on either side of the Cease-Fire Line. The aim should be to reduce the armed personnel in the State of Jammu and Kashmir on each side of the Cease-Fire Line to the minimum compatible with the maintenance of security and of local law and order, and to a level sufficiently low and with the forces so disposed that they will not constitute a restriction on the free expression of opinion for the purposes of the plebiscite.

The program of demilitarization should include the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and Kashmir of the regular forces of Pakistan; and the withdrawal of the regular forces of India not required for purposes of security or for the maintenance of local law and order on the Indian side of the Cease-Fire Line: also the reduction, by disbanding and disarming, of local forces, including on the one side the Armed Forces and Militia of the State of Kashmir and on the other, the Azad Forces.
The "Northern Area" should also be included in the above program of demilitarization, and its administration should, subject to United Nations supervision, be continued by the existing local authorities.

(Source - http://www.kashmiri-cc.ca/un/sc22dec49.htm )

His Proposal was accepted by Pakistan & embodied by the UN in its subsequent Resolution 80 that served as a revision to the earlier Resolution ! It reads : Calls upon the Governments of India and Pakistan to make immediate arrangements, without prejudice to their rights or claims and with due regard to the requirements of law and order, to prepare and execute within a period of five months from the date of this resolution a program of demilitarization on the basis of the principles of paragraph 2 of General McNaughton proposal or of such modifications of those principles as may be mutually agreed;

(Source - http://www.kashmiri-cc.ca/un/sc14mar50.htm )

Incidentally, it appears, the UN had passed 4 new Resolutions after the Resolution you quoted, talking about synchronous (simultaneous) withdrawal of troops by both India & Pakistan !

Incidentally still, till this date UN Arbitrators have put forth 11 different proposals for the demilitarization of the region, all of them have been accepted by Pakistan but rejected by India.

You can read them here : Kashmir in the United Nations

So you tell me - Who is acting malafide & who bonafide ?

I'm sure @dabong1 can add more to this !
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Obsession: :omghaha:. The forum has Indian Defence section, go ask management to Remove it :sarcastic:. Rest you can dream of Kashmir till eternity and ask eternity for Help, as you won't get Single inch of it. Your Army and Freedom Fighters couldn't do a jack.:sarcastic: :rofl: :cray::omghaha:

Nope it also has a funny from all over the world thread. that's why you clowns are here.

About the bold part. It is funny when you read such rants and then realize it is the same army and freedom fighters who snatched AJK and GB from the jaws of India. :lol:
And @Flamingo - Pakistan objected to the unilateral withdrawal of her forces from Kashmir because we believed that you wouldn't adhere to the rest of the Resolution after we had withdrawn & that in the presence of the Indian Armed Forces no referendum could be held that would be free & fair !

Therefore Pakistan had proposed a simultaneous withdrawal of both Indian & Pakistani forces from Kashmir & this was also something that was proposed by GENERAL A.G.L. McNAUGHTON PRESIDENT OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED NATIONS in his Proposal to the UN where he says :

There should be an agreed program of progressive demilitarization, the basic principle of which should be the reduction of armed forces on either side of the Cease-Fire Line by withdrawal, disbandment and disarmament in such stages as not to cause fear at any point of time to the people on either side of the Cease-Fire Line. The aim should be to reduce the armed personnel in the State of Jammu and Kashmir on each side of the Cease-Fire Line to the minimum compatible with the maintenance of security and of local law and order, and to a level sufficiently low and with the forces so disposed that they will not constitute a restriction on the free expression of opinion for the purposes of the plebiscite.

The program of demilitarization should include the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and Kashmir of the regular forces of Pakistan; and the withdrawal of the regular forces of India not required for purposes of security or for the maintenance of local law and order on the Indian side of the Cease-Fire Line: also the reduction, by disbanding and disarming, of local forces, including on the one side the Armed Forces and Militia of the State of Kashmir and on the other, the Azad Forces.
The "Northern Area" should also be included in the above program of demilitarization, and its administration should, subject to United Nations supervision, be continued by the existing local authorities.

(Source - http://www.kashmiri-cc.ca/un/sc22dec49.htm )

His Proposal was accepted by Pakistan & embodied by the UN in its subsequent Resolution 80 that served as a revision to the earlier Resolution ! It reads : Calls upon the Governments of India and Pakistan to make immediate arrangements, without prejudice to their rights or claims and with due regard to the requirements of law and order, to prepare and execute within a period of five months from the date of this resolution a program of demilitarization on the basis of the principles of paragraph 2 of General McNaughton proposal or of such modifications of those principles as may be mutually agreed;

(Source - http://www.kashmiri-cc.ca/un/sc14mar50.htm )

Incidentally, it appears, the UN had passed 4 new Resolutions after the Resolution you quoted, talking about synchronous (simultaneous) withdrawal of troops by both India & Pakistan !

Incidentally still, till this date UN Arbitrators have put forth 11 different proposals for the demilitarization of the region, all of them have been accepted by Pakistan but rejected by India.

You can read them here : Kashmir in the United Nations

So you tell me - Who is acting malafide & who bonafide ?

I'm sure @dabong1 can add more to this !

Brother, @dabong1 is One of the sane Pakistani member who knows how to have Civilians discussions. I and my Kashmiri friend is debating with him on another thread.

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Brother, @dabong1 is One of the sane Pakistani member who knows how to have Civilians discussions. I and my Kashmiri friend is debating with him on another thread.


Who ! :what:

Which thread ? :undecided:

I know - Who else would post pictures of Kashmiri Chai & Wazwan with me in the tags ! :D
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Nope it also has a funny from all over the world thread. that's why you clowns are here.

About the bold part. It is funny when you read such rants and then realize it is the same army and freedom fighters who snatched AJK and GB from the jaws of India. :lol:

For me and my friends; YOUR Rants, denials and Constipatied Conspiracy Theories are Laughing stock/therapy which brings us college Students on PDF even when we are at college.:omghaha:. Your post is best example of it. :sarcastic:. When and how Pakistan snatched AJK and GB FROM THE JAWS OF India :omghaha:. History is Alien for Pakistanis :rofl:. How many inches Pakistan has snatched since 1948 :omghaha:

Who ! :what:

Which thread ? :undecided:

I know - Who else would post pictures of Kashmiri Chai & Wazwan with me in the tags ! :D

I'll mention you in the Thread and soon speak on Gtalk. Bye for the Moment :wave:.
Nobody can stand in Pakistani politics without the K word, finally Imran decided to go to ZH way ...cool..
Now Imran has passed test .... to rant about kashmir/palestine/syria and what not and forget about Quetta/Peshawar and Karachi.

Now Imran is eligible for Prime minister/President.

In India too some chief minister or local leader should condemn the violence in Balochistan or tribal areas by Pakistani army.
Now Imran has passed test .... to rant about kashmir/palestine/syria and what not and forget about Quetta/Peshawar and Karachi.

Now Imran is eligible for Prime minister/President.

In India too some chief minister or local leader should condemn the violence in Balochistan or tribal areas by Pakistani army.

Imran Khan condemns every inhumane incident.

And Tribal areas and Bstanarent disupted areas, and you cant put your head into another countries business

Nobody can stand in Pakistani politics without the K word, finally Imran decided to go to ZH way ...cool..

Cuz Imran Khan, really cares about what India thinks of him LOL
You need heartly support of civilians not by gun. In any civilized nation armed insurgency would be crushed by their armed forced, civilian should not allowed to took up weapon at any cost, this is the sole responsibility of armed forces & law enforcement agencies. Pakistan himself victim of these militias whom previously they supported. Same story would be repeated by current militias then what would you do, support another militias to crush them.
Its also attach with Kashmir issue because you also support militias to kick insurgency in Kashmir.

Juxtaposing TtP and like minded groups to Kashmiri Nationalists and mujahideen is intellectually lazy and invalid
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