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Imperial America's Next Target India

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haha! India is safe till the fall of China. damn sure usa will not care about india once there is no china.
I am not the author of that article whose excerpts have been taken out. However, the article in parts and in essence is relevant to the topic we are discussing.


I am sorry, but I just read 5 pages of garbage.

OBL died 2 months ago in Pakistan. How does "I" set a criteria for the US to invade other countries? How does wearing a turban have to do with being a terrorist?

Pakistan is a US ally, but not a trusted one. Are you aware of the comments made by A.Q Khan in regards to the 1971 Liberation war? But then, who cares?

India is the world's largest democracy. Sure it's not perfect, but it is still a democracy. Does the Mumbai hotel raid ring any bells? At least, apparently?

Since when did the USA lecture present-day India on democracy?

Commies lost the WB election. Anyways, they don't call any shots in the global political stage.

The Cold War ended 20 years ago. Explain the American offers of military equipment to India? C-17s? C-130s? F-16s and F-18s on offer in the recent MMRCA event? The P-8Is? EXPLAIN.

What!? WTF?! Women in Bangladesh wear saris. Always there during weddings and special occasions. Does that make them 'uncivilized'? Hindus don't 'worship' cows. They respect them because they do a lot of work in farming.

So? I don't recall the US suffering from hyper-inflation.

Your point being? I think your knowledge in business and economics is very limited.

Since when? India boasts some of the best business schools in Asia. Are their any signs of racial and caste discrimination in those institutions? Those institutions have facilities overseas as well.

So? Different cultures come and go in America. Your point being?


Question: Is there any such thing as Imperial America? Does the USA have a king or monarch or something? I think Jignostic is a more appropriate term. But then, there are better things to celebrate in life.

That makes more sense. Probably a comical article intended as a joke at best.
I am not the author of that article whose excerpts have been taken out. However, the article in parts and in essence is relevant to the topic we are discussing.

What is there to discuss about the article? Telling jokes? Just look at the replies lasting 6 pages.
1. Throughout history imperial/colonial powers have craved Indes'/Hindustan's fabled wealth. Except the Romans and Huns no one left India unattended. They conquered even for the sake of conquest. They invaded to loot. They came to stay.

2.Imperial America is now power drunk. See the revelry after killing a dead Shaykh. They want more.

3. There are other reasons too. India has been trying to toe somewhat independent line when America called. This was not appreciated. ME wars and Afghan conquest are examples when India refused base facility to USA. India is an irritation to US planners, diplomats and conquerors. Lately she has demanded a permanent seat in UNSC. She is getting too large for her boots.

4. USA must be watching India's industrial growth, rise in the highly qualified personnel,tremendous growth of the private sector throwing up couple of US$ billionaires. Is she getting out of control, thinks Uncle Sam?

5. India has been developing her massive mily at a fast pace. Particularly her navy has become source of concern for littoral states of Indian Ocean and S Pacific. Australians are openly distrustful. India is looking for bases all over. She has something in Antarctica also.

6. WCC need a compliant India, not a cocky one. Her vast manpower should be available to slave in WCC's factories, industries and farms. Her soldiers should willingly die for America as they did for Imperial Britain. Her resources should be available to WCC to exploit.

7. But the most important of all is conversion to Christianity. The last pope had famously said, "The first millennium was Europe, second Africa and in this third millennium it will be Asia."And soon thereafter, an unknown Albanian nun was given the Noble and became the famous Mother Teressa. According to activist Tariq Ali, she is still little known in the slums of Kolkata. Vatican has been upset over recent spate of attacks on nurses and killings of priests and nuns covertly and cleverly converting people to their faith.

8. Where WCC went they carried the sword and the bible. They literally destroyed cultures, civilizations and massacred practically the entire population. We in Asia haven't experienced even a percent of what Africans, N and S Americans, Australians, Micronesian or even the Moriscos of Al Andalusia have been through. The missionary, with a pasted false smile, come to us as a teacher, doctor or an NGO these days, never revealing his true mission - conversion through various ruses and tricks and monetary benefit. The pace of conversion, and even forced conversion, in SA shot up in 1858. S Asian communities were divided and subdivided into ethnic and linguistic groups, and the Muslims and Hindus at large were put on a clash course. A good example is Indian film. The bad guy is always a Hindu or a Muslim and a padre is the person they come to for refuge/advise/assistance. Christianity emerges as the Good. And the converting padre reaped the benefit, and continues so.

9. I have been to Arubindo's Island off Kanya Kumari. When looking N to SA in the morning sky, I was shocked to see only tops of churches in India. There was no mosque or 'mandir' that I could make out. Leading schools and hospitals in India are run and owned by missionaries. Christian endowments are v rich. Sonia is a Catholic who had married Rajiv firstly according to Catholic rituals. Rahul was christened by a padre when born, and named Raul Gandhi. So WCC is already in.

10. EHMs (Economic Hit Men) are getting into place. Manmohan Singh - with his IMF background, is said to be one. WB has by now got a good hold of Indian economy. MNCs are in. So the stage is set.

This guy is probably a member of the Bangladesh Awami League. Awami politicians have this kind of world opinion. Before they make this kind of comment or report they usually take quite a few round of hard liquor or dopes, it clarifies their vision of the world.
1. Imperial America's Next Target India

St. Paul Pioneer Press (Minnesota)
Neocon Logic Makes India the Next Target for U.S. War
by Har N. Shukla
Shukla of Shoreview, Minnesota immigrated to the United States from India. He is a real estate agent and retired engineer.

2. The Writing on the Wall: India Checkmates America 2017
General S. Padmanabhan, PVSM, AVSM, VSM (Retd.)

Manas Publishers, New Delhi, 2004

Pages: 300
Price: Rs. 595
3. Shukla and Paddy are both Indians. I doubt they could be BAL members. I myself am not. And I am not the author of these articles. At least read the thread before jumping in to pass caustic remarks.
1. Imperial America's Next Target India

St. Paul Pioneer Press (Minnesota)
Neocon Logic Makes India the Next Target for U.S. War
by Har N. Shukla
Shukla of Shoreview, Minnesota immigrated to the United States from India. He is a real estate agent and retired engineer.

2. The Writing on the Wall: India Checkmates America 2017
General S. Padmanabhan, PVSM, AVSM, VSM (Retd.)

Manas Publishers, New Delhi, 2004

Pages: 300
Price: Rs. 595
3. Shukla and Paddy are both Indians. I doubt they could be BAL members. I myself am not. And I am not the author of these articles. At least read the thread before jumping in to pass caustic remarks.

So after Afghanistan it was Pakistan, then India and after India will it be Bangladesh?
They are right. I already have my plantation in Southern India picked out. I'm gonna sit on the porch, drink mint juleps and listen to those old Hindu spirituals!
i thought this was a joke thread....but it's still fresh n running... lol
So after Afghanistan it was Pakistan, then India and after India will it be Bangladesh?

after bangladesh ,nepal,buthan,china,indonesia,combodia,thailand,sri lanka,mayanmar,korea's,japan,russia then finally American will again start to invade America.. lol hahahaha
after bangladesh ,nepal,buthan,china,indonesia,combodia,thailand,sri lanka,mayanmar,korea's,japan,russia then finally American will again start to invade America.. lol hahahaha

I don't know...we will put up stiff resistance!
India is the next target?

Please give us your hacking of the US administration so that we are ready.

Thanks for your yeoman's service to India.
Oh, what is this? 6 pages of jokes! :rofl:
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