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If Pakistan 'splinters' | Indian Defense Review

Bharat verma and IDR huh enough to ignore his day dreaming.

I am working on something aqnd i thought damn somneone from IDR had beaten me writing it already however, reading bharat verma's name, i said sigh.
But again tried to find out may be this time he got matured enough to write something worth reading BUT look what he said with disintergration of Pakistan "The Union of India’s consolidation and integration as a nation will get a new fillip"

what an irony Indian integration as a nation hangs on Pakistan's disintegration :)

BTW the fillip part is repeated by bharat verma in his same article which shows his mind is too much filled with dreams to break Pakistan.

bharat uncle needs a fling to have some fillip 

The only issue of Indian majority is that secularism phrase have been stuffed down their throats.

The reality is India is a Hindu state and one way or the other it exhibits this traits and they must adopt their true identity. Nothing wrong in my opinion

Religion can become madness some times if things are not under control, Religion is between GOD and Human nothing to do with state and its matters.
How many of them are strict followers of religious codes?? Almost NIL, there are things which are not allowed in religious books like watching TV's (Islam), travelling on seas (hinduism). But Modern day humans are evolving not based on religion but based on "technology and innovation".

Yes religion can be an Identity, I agree with that But Religion not be the only identity. India is a Hindu Majority country where people follow Dharmic life, But India also has other religions.
India has to strike a right balance here :cheers:
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First I hope Pakistan does not balkanize. For both humanitarian reasons as well as an useful buffer between the Jihadis and our motherland.
But one question begs an answer - What if Taliban actually takes over your state?

Don't reply that India is sponsoring it and so on. US can, but India just can't afford to. No Taliban(good/bad/average) can ever have any love for India. Besides they are too close for comfort.
What makes you think that Taliban can actually take over our state?? Yes there was a slight danger before the Swat operation in 2009, when all the Western media was whining, crying that Islamabad is only 60 kilometers away, but Pak army did beat the hell outa them. Do you think that bunch of retarded paid assassins do have a chance to take over a state armed with a huge professional army and airforce?? Absolutely zero, so all they can actually do is to spread terror with their shameful acts. When it comes to Pakistan, their is a hell of difference between the reality and perception, perhaps brother, you need to improve your perception closer to the reality.
What if I told that Indian intelligence agencies are financially paying the taliban? India already has a mutual defence pact with wahabbi qatar ,a big state sponsor of terror.
What makes you think that Taliban can actually take over our state?? Yes there was a slight danger before the Swat operation in 2009, when all the Western media was whining, crying that Islamabad is only 60 kilometers away, but Pak army did beat the hell outa them. Do you think that bunch of retarded paid assassins do have a chance to take over a state armed with a huge professional army and airforce?? Absolutely zero, so all they can actually do is to spread terror with their shameful acts. When it comes to Pakistan, their is a hell of difference between the reality and perception, perhaps brother, you need to improve your perception closer to the reality.
I don't want Taliban to come to power(because I don't like committing suicide). Kill them all - Good luck.
First I hope Pakistan does not balkanize. For both humanitarian reasons as well as an useful buffer between the Jihadis and our motherland.
But one question begs an answer - What if Taliban actually takes over your state?

Don't reply that India is sponsoring it and so on. US can, but India just can't afford to. No Taliban(good/bad/average) can ever have any love for India. Besides they are too close for comfort.
Taliban cannot and dont give too much importance of these wishful maps of western dreamers. Our ISI has already failed this dream of west. Actually such type of maps first appeared in 94 when they were saying in 2005 there will be balkanization of pak then that date changed to 2015 then 2025 like in this map and now that latest is 2045. But on the otherside now there is a power vacuum left in the world as now following Pak even smaller countries r creating problems with them. On the otherhand pak has drastically improved its relations with regional power like China, Russia and Iran so now after 2014 when America leaves this region there is really no further hope that this plan will execute realistically.

As for Taliban, well just a decade ago they were ruling some 18-19 districts inside Pak but after that decade of 2000s now that has reduced to just 1 ie North Wazristan, Swat has been cleared, South Waziristan has been cleared, Bajour, Dir has been cleared. So for them to take our state will only happen if they gain territory to eventually reach upto Islamabad. Even in Syria the Syrian army is gaining territory against terrorists who r clearly supported by Israel and west.

And also our taliban only form 0.2% of our total population and they dont have any footing in public in the more populated areas so realistically its not possible because for that they need to gain territory and for that they need public support.
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Taliban cannot and dont give too much importance of these wishful maps of western dreamers. Our ISI has already failed this dream of west. Actually such type of maps first appeared in 94 when they were saying in 2005 thee will be balkanization of pak then that date changed to 2015 then 2025 like in this map and now that latest is 2045. But on the otherside now there is a power vacuum left in the world as now following Pak even smaller countries r creating problems with them. On the otherhand pak has drastically improved its relations with regional power like China, Russia and Iran so now after 2014 when America leaves this region there is really now further hope that this plan will execute realistically.

As for Taliban, well just a decade ago they were ruling some 18-19 districts inside Pak but after that decade of 2000s now that has reduced to just 1 ie North Wazristan, Swat has been cleared, South Waziristan has been cleared, Bajour, Dir has been cleared. So for them to take our state will only happen if they gain territory to eventually reach upto Islamabad. Even in Syria the Syrian army is gaining territory against terrorists who r clearly supported by Israel and west.

And also our taliban only form 0.2% of our total population and they dont have any footing in public in the more populated areas so realistically its not possible because for that they need to gain territory and for that they need public support.
Comprehensive answer indeed.
What makes you think that Taliban can actually take over our state?? Yes there was a slight danger before the Swat operation in 2009, when all the Western media was whining, crying that Islamabad is only 60 kilometers away, but Pak army did beat the hell outa them. Do you think that bunch of retarded paid assassins do have a chance to take over a state armed with a huge professional army and airforce?? Absolutely zero, so all they can actually do is to spread terror with their shameful acts. When it comes to Pakistan, their is a hell of difference between the reality and perception, perhaps brother, you need to improve your perception closer to the reality.

Syria is an example to how Jihadists can even fight a full fledged army - the sunni majority areas of Syria fell quickly to jihadists hands because of local support and belief in what they do - so its not an impossible task of the same happening in Pakistan or any other country if and when the Jihaadi machinery wishes.
Syria is an example to how Jihadists can even fight a full fledged army - the sunni majority areas of Syria fell quickly to jihadists hands because of local support and belief in what they do - so its not an impossible task of the same happening in Pakistan or any other country if and when the Jihaadi machinery wishes.
Is that your wishful thinking or do actually mean that??:crazy:
I think its a gift from their new Afghan friends - the Kandahar's finest ! :D

Not even worthy to comment on .
I'd like some of whatever Mr Varma smoked... seems like good stuff... The real question from this article is to investigate the genus and strain of the plant and how us commoners can have access to it...
What makes you think that Taliban can actually take over our state?? Yes there was a slight danger before the Swat operation in 2009, when all the Western media was whining, crying that Islamabad is only 60 kilometers away, but Pak army did beat the hell outa them. Do you think that bunch of retarded paid assassins do have a chance to take over a state armed with a huge professional army and airforce?? Absolutely zero, so all they can actually do is to spread terror with their shameful acts. When it comes to Pakistan, their is a hell of difference between the reality and perception, perhaps brother, you need to improve your perception closer to the reality.

Taliban does not need to take over Pakistan from outside, they can do it from inside the pakistan army.
But about splintering Pakistan, though as a dushmann I think it will be a good thing for India, I am sure practically it is not going to happen on its own, this is just daydreaming and wishful thinking.
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I can tell you but then I will be killed :D

Hint: Not very well written. But Sita Ram Goel has a more comprehensive book on the subject that even the Government could not ban.

I know , but I liked his way of analysis. Too bad ,congress rule has crushed the sikh's spirit and done the damage of divide and conquer b/w punjabi hindus and sikhs. There was a time we were united .Today, even sikhs have no unity.

I hope you pandits get united,because future seems dismal to me for north india. South india will always be better .They are united types.
Syria is an example to how Jihadists can even fight a full fledged army - the sunni majority areas of Syria fell quickly to jihadists hands because of local support and belief in what they do - so its not an impossible task of the same happening in Pakistan or any other country if and when the Jihaadi machinery wishes.
Syrian Army is on top there Dude. It is now again gaining territory. Read post#79 i have given comprehensive answer.
Aero .... hardly anyone reads the articles of IDR.... i used to for some time then i realised most of them are work of fiction or wishful thinking with out any base.... But there are some good articles written by good authors.......

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