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If Pakistan 'splinters' | Indian Defense Review

Didn't V.K. Singh recently admit that India provided financial aid to Baloch separatist groups?

And they are still hosting the Tibetan government in exile as well.

Though it seems they have stopped their training of the LTTE at least.

Do not fall into propaganda news, there were a thread about it in full length with twisting titles'.

V.K Singh was complaining of the closure of a unit in Indian Kashmir who well infiltrated into P0K militants deep inside and provides intel about upcoming terror attacks in Indian Kashmir.
This Indian "Think Tank" IDR was the same Think Tank that predicted China would collapse in the 2008 credit crunch, in an article called "The Fall of the Dragon".

And the author Bharat Verma was the same guy who famously predicted that "China would attack India before 2012".

Do these people have no shame, after all their predictions turned out wrong?
Good God Almighty!! And you take this clown Bharat Verma seriously? :blink: :sarcastic: This fellow should have retired gracefully and taken up hobbies like angling and bird watching instead of becoming a self styled analyst. The dribble he dishes out reflects his mind boggling intellectual bankruptcy.:cuckoo:
After reading the first few lines I realized that it is true, the diarrhea of mouth is the direct result of shits of brain. Funny how he is lecturing about Islam as well.
But Pakistan is fragmenting. And the reality is that it will serve China's interests to hold Pakistan together. Just by reading news from Pakistan Defense Forum, I would say that Pakistan is in a state of civil war with the TTP and with certain political groups also having armed themselves as gangs who control certain centres in Karachi and God knows where else. There also seems to be religious and sectarian intolerance on a wide scale in Pakistan. I have lived in various countries since my youth including in India. Reading the news here on Pakistan, I certainly wouldn't place it on the scale of a normal functioning country. Would you ?
After Pakistan splintering ,CIA-Mi6 and other western intelligence agencies that operate under the control of Trilateral commission or Bilderberg will redirect its total attention on splitting india. 
But Pakistan is fragmenting. And the reality is that it will serve China's interests to hold Pakistan together. Just by reading news from Pakistan Defense Forum, I would say that Pakistan is in a state of civil war with the TTP and with certain political groups also having armed themselves as gangs who control certain centres in Karachi and God knows where else. There also seems to be religious and sectarian intolerance on a wide scale in Pakistan. I have lived in various countries since my youth including in India. Reading the news here on Pakistan, I certainly wouldn't place it on the scale of a normal functioning country. Would you ?

Both China and India interests.
Question for Pakistanis.

If you are eventually swamped by the TTP and misc other mulla factions, will you turn to India for help?

Or will you accept the inevitable and become an extension of Afghanistan?
After Pakistan splintering ,CIA-Mi6 and other western intelligence agencies that operate under the control of Trilateral commission or Bilderberg will redirect its total attention on splitting india. 

Both China and India interests.

Yes perhaps they will. But for now my question was simply whether I was making the incorrect assumption in my post. I am hoping that Pakistani members will point out to my any inaccuracies in my assumption and you may choose to disbelieve this, I seriously do hope that I am incorrect since I certainly do wish peace and prosperity for every sovereign nation including Pakistan 
Question for Pakistanis.

If you are eventually swamped by the TTP and misc other mulla factions, will you turn to India for help?

Or will you accept the inevitable and become an extension of Afghanistan?

Did you and Manmohan Ji meet with the Afghan establishment and offer Pakistan to that government ? :D
Reading the news here on Pakistan, I certainly wouldn't place it on the scale of a normal functioning country. Would you ?
No! There are too many contradictions. Pakistan may fragment into parts and may look like this sooner than later - probably by 2025.....

Question for Pakistanis.

If you are eventually swamped by the TTP and misc other mulla factions, will you turn to India for help?

Or will you accept the inevitable and become an extension of Afghanistan?

There will be no extension .They will be balkanized and the new foot soldiers who will created will be used against india,with hope that india will be dragged into pakistan quagmire. Indian govt is on the payroll of Wahabbis and USA already.That is why the muted response of india on the NSA exposure .Indian intelligence and political parties are infiltrated already.
Question for Pakistanis.

If you are eventually swamped by the TTP and misc other mulla factions, will you turn to India for help?

Or will you accept the inevitable and become an extension of Afghanistan?

We will Give FATA to our Afghan brothers and expand our Eastern borders to Include Delhi in Pakistan:pakistan:
First I hope Pakistan does not balkanize. For both humanitarian reasons as well as an useful buffer between the Jihadis and our motherland.
But one question begs an answer - What if Taliban actually takes over your state?

Don't reply that India is sponsoring it and so on. US can, but India just can't afford to. No Taliban(good/bad/average) can ever have any love for India. Besides they are too close for comfort.
First I hope Pakistan does not balkanize. For both humanitarian reasons as well as an useful buffer between the Jihadis and our motherland.
But one question begs an answer - What if Taliban actually takes over your state?

Don't reply that India is sponsoring it and so on. US can, but India just can't afford to. No Taliban(good/bad/average) can ever have any love for India. Besides they are too close for comfort.

What if I told that Indian intelligence agencies are financially paying the taliban? India already has a mutual defence pact with wahabbi qatar ,a big state sponsor of terror.

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