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IDEAS-2022 - Updates & Discussions

Some over looked new POF products:
- Air dropped 60/81mm mortar
- New APFSDS round with 650mm penetration
-35mm oarlikon ammunition (hope they also do AHEAD)
- 50BMG ammunition
- 556 ammunition (hope they also do 77grain)
- Collaboration for local assembly/parts manufacturing with Aimpoint.


this is cringe and some decent content.
Haven’t watched the video yet. But I’m assuming it’s locally made BTA4 for VT4, AK, T85, T80 etc since it’s poised to become the standard APFSDS for the PA. Only makes sense to make the ammo locally now that the VT4 is being made locally.
I’ll confirm later after watching.
Haven’t watched the video yet. But I’m assuming it’s locally made BTA4 for VT4, AK, T85, T80 etc since it’s poised to become the standard APFSDS for the PA. Only makes sense to make the ammo locally now that the VT4 is being made locally.
I’ll confirm later after watching.
Just watched it. Looks basically identical to BTA4, so it probably is that, might have some local changes since they say they “developed” it, but that could just mean local production because they claimed the original APFSDS/T which was just Chinese 125-I produced locally was also “developed” by POF. Either way, it doesn’t matter, all that matters is that we can produce it locally and now it’ll find its way to all of PAs MBTs, that’s the fourth time PA has upgraded its tank ammo in the time india has upgraded It once, and that one time they only caught up to what PA was using in the 90s.
Chinese Systems at IDEAS2022..
JY-27A VHF Radar
Z-9EC helicopter
SLC-2E Weapon Locating Radar
Golden Eagle Unmanned Helicopter..




Still not convinced it’s entirely local, could just be BTA-4 made locally, though they’re trying to sell the “locally developed” angle rather hard. Regardless, they’re being made locally, that’s what matters with tank ammo.
Is the 2nd piece a telescopic version of the Sejjeel or the propellent charge as the first piece is the penerator rod
It’s propellant charge.
POF Sejjeel 125 mm AT Ammo also used by T-80UD & Al-Zarrar of Pak Army . Also used into 60 mm & 81 mm Air Drop Bomb. ADB’s deployable with UAVs & lethal at 70m radius. Fuse have logistics safety & only functions on impact with target.


125 Sejjeel (125mm Anti-Tank Ammunition) 125 Sejjeel Anti-Tank Ammunition has been enhanced to penetrate 620 mm. A high-performance new generation of 125mm APFSDS ammunition fully compatible with all Main Battle Tanks of Pakistan Army including Al-Khalid, Al-Khalid-I, VT-4,

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