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ICBM's (Intercontinental ballistic missiles)

Just need to use a little common sense here, France is a US ally or friend or whatever, while Iran and NKoreans are'nt.:rolleyes:
North Koreans have helped Iranians in their missile quest.
Ps: you didnt understand my point, What i meant is why does a country have to act like North Korea and Iran, which are oppersive countries, Why cant it be like France which opposes US imperailistic policies and same time remain very civilized and secular
Well US wont like us having ICBM but we dont give a $hit.
If you have read wing of fire book, our PSLV can be converted in not-somobile isbm within 2 years.

personally i think no need of ICBM till forex reserve reaches 2 trillion dollar mark.
atleast next 15 years.

We have enough to worry about a good 6k range IRBM and a SLBM.
yeah they could just simply do that.but then 90% of the merchandise sold in most Arab nations is made in usa billions of dollars worth of oil revenue is deposited in usa banks.wait a minute what would happen to all that without iraqi kuwati iranian oil the price of oil would be about $1000/brl. i wonder what would happen to usa economy let me take a wild guess .CRASHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

yeah i can see Americans nuking the Arabs it makes sence for them.:toast:

How old are you? is this the only you know how to debate. Which school did you study in.

Anyways i was just expressing their superiority in firepower, not trying to analyze wether that is righ course of action.
yeah they could just simply do that.but then 90% of the merchandise sold in most Arab nations is made in usa billions of dollars worth of oil revenue is deposited in usa banks.wait a minute what would happen to all that without iraqi kuwati iranian oil the price of oil would be about $1000/brl. i wonder what would happen to usa economy let me take a wild guess .CRASHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

yeah i can see Americans nuking the Arabs it makes sence for them.:toast:

wtf? Well what fuel does the other economies in run on?

If oil price zooms to 100 US a barrel who will get more affected?
US or China or India ???
North Koreans have helped Iranians in their missile quest.
Ps: you didnt understand my point, What i meant is why does a country have to act like North Korea and Iran, which are oppersive countries, Why cant it be like France which opposes US imperailistic policies and same time remain very civilized and secular

The very civilized and secular France does posses nukes and the ICBM's to carry them any where in the world. And US has nothing to say about their nuclear program.

Iran and NK are actually trying to exist by developing the very same weapon, just imagine if iraq would have had some nuclear weapons and the missiles to carry them, US would'nt had attacked them.

Back again......, So i was meant to say that these nuclear programs of both countries are for defensive purposes, in order not to become a victim of US or any other country just like Iraq. And the question about using those weapons against US or any other country (pointing to the statements made by Iranian president), no one is D umb enough to really use them to wipe out itself and the other.
How old are you? is this the only you know how to debate. Which school did you study in.

Anyways i was just expressing their superiority in firepower, not trying to analyze wether that is righ course of action.

May be u wanna learn to talk like grown ups and actually say what u mean i love this every time you say some thing but thats not what you mean to say.:rofl:
wtf? Well what fuel does the other economies in run on?

If oil price zooms to 100 US a barrel who will get more affected?
US or China or India ???

If you are d.u.m.b enough not to understand that .iam sure as hell not going to waist my time explaining it to you.:wall:
France, is a declared Nuclear Power,
India and Pakistan is not signed to NPT, so their Nuclear explosions are legal,
Iran and North Korea are signatory's to NPT, so what they are doing is illegal
France, is a declared Nuclear Power,
India and Pakistan is not signed to NPT, so their Nuclear explosions are legal,
Iran and North Korea are signatory's to NPT, so what they are doing is illegal

Now this is the valid point you've just mentioned, according to which, it is illegal to develope nukes.
but when it comes to defence and security of one's nation i think its totally legal to break that agreement to secure ur self from any threat. At the moment both these nations thinking of having a possible threat from US.

Question remain about the France, they already have the capability to hit back and can deny US while having super grown economy.
North Korea, is a threat to japan, Australia and South Korea, therefore an enemy of US. Its not about ICBM's, accepting a opinions of countries like North Korea and Iran when they have thier present leaders is a big mistake, they are way to idiotic and ruthless
North Korea, is a threat to japan, Australia and South Korea, therefore an enemy of US. Its not about ICBM's, accepting a opinions of countries like North Korea and Iran when they have thier present leaders is a big mistake, they are way to idiotic and ruthless

Well i do accept that, they make foolish statements sometimes, but there is a difference in making statements and actually acting on them, do u think it is that easy to use nuclear weapons against any one?

North Korea is not only a threat to japan, Australia and South Korea but a threat to whole world who doesnt possess nukes, only if u link this threat with nukes. Similarly any nation possessing nuclear weapons including, US, Russia, China, Pakistan and India can be a threat to a "nuke-less" country.
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