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IAF pilots to evaluate Boeing's F-18 warplanes

A.Rahman said:
in one report Nigeria owns 8 patents, but this dosnt means that nigeria is better then IRAN who have N/A.
New tech = New Patents. Its a very simple reasoning. It is much more accurate to the point rather than saying India cannot develop new technologies. Do you have any concrete proof to say that?

N/A is not available, it would be ridiculous to query the USPTO for Iranian patents.
Munir said:
Well India has the largest IT slaves in the world does that mean it is a superpower? Nopes. Let me put it simple. A nation starts developing new technology in weapons and then there are new products.
Cut down the insults, Pakistan does not even have those slaves and yet they claim to be at par with India, which is equally ridiculous.

Looking at Indian successes (Arjun, Arkash, LCA, Agni, and the list is long and notorious). Compare that with Pakistan. Less cash, less pr but better products that are exported... There will be more industry.
New tech <> New weapons. What ever weapon systems you have quoted is either in development, some are already in field trials and some are already inducted. If thats your arguement to support your claim below, I find it humorous.

Originally Posted by Munir
But I do not see India being capable in producing new technology. Even with so many engineers...

One other thing is that besides internet nerds that post arrogant and crappy posts that are 100% anti pak is that these days BBC is crowded with Indians that are so India loving that we might end puking.
Dont thread crap and I dont give a damn about your opinion. Open a new thread about BBC and the Indians, not in this one.

Let me remind you that Arjun was called superduper. LCA was in the same class as f22. The Indians will be on the moon within years. And at the same time Fc1 was paperplane. Al Khaled was a toy. Mushaq was very simple. Pakistan has no cruisemissile. Pakistan would never got F16 block 10... Yet we all know the reality now. Indians, and their president included, are busy with pathetic pr to mark Pakistan as a terrorist or suporter of terrorism while all we see is the opposite...
Blah blah blah, after cutting down your rambling I realized that there is nothing to reply.

You claim that India cannot/did not produce new tech. You havent provided one single arguement to substantiate your claims, all I see is insecure diatribes against Indians and some of the weapon systems they are building.

A good indication on new technology is the number of patents Indian scientists received over all.
Munir said:
Well India has the largest IT slaves in the world does that mean it is a superpower? Nopes. Let me put it simple. A nation starts developing new technology in weapons and then there are new products.
LOL, so much for your slaves comment..:lol: One up..

Compare that with Pakistan. Less cash, less pr but better products that are exported... There will be more industry.
Now pray tell me why would you want Pakistan to be compared with India. Insecurity?? More industry?? Like what?? :idiot:

Sample this - the Intel team in Bangalore is developing microprocessor chips for high-speed broadband wireless technology, to be launched in 2006; at GE's John F Welch Technology Centre in Bangalore, engineers are developing new ideas for aircraft engines, transport system and plastics.

Be it Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Gurgaon, a 'weighty' amount of intellectual property is being created for US companies here.

Indian units of Cisco Systems, Intel, IBM , Texas Instruments, GE have filed 1,000 patent applications with the US Patent Office. Texas Instruments has 225 US patents awarded to its Indian operation.

It's the Year of the Idea, and the newest and busiest hub for innovations and intellectual property is India. Indians are parenting patents like never before in 200 R&D labs.

"India is the new hub for patents, and soon, the world will be outsourcing R&D from India," says P Gopalakrishnan, director, IBM India Research Lab, IIT.

Here's a list of patents passed in India: a moulded toothbrush with flexible bristles; a process for preparing a cell culture composition; a safety device for motorised two-wheelers with shock absorption; a process for isolation and purification of protein P17 for HIV.

Intel, Bangalore has photographs of company engineers who have applied for patents hanging on the wall of fame. "We're making innovations in Bangalore, like we would in the Silicon Valley," says Siddhartha Das, Intel Technology India Pvt Ltd.

"Our 1,400 engineers are constantly innovating chip hardware design, communication technologies. Now, we even have a well-developed Intellectual Property strategic program. In 2003, we made 125 invention disclosures and several patent filings from India," he says.

There's even a BPO for patents - Evaluserve in Gurgaon.

"We file patents for Fortune 500 companies across the world. But even Indian companies are waking up to the Big Idea. More and more companies are inviting us to evaluate innovations and file patents," says Ashish Gupta, COO, Evaluserve. "Indians want to be creators of intellectual property and not just own it."

NewsDate : Jan-20-2004
Source : The Economic Times
Jay_ said:
New tech = New Patents. Its a very simple reasoning. It is much more accurate to the point rather than saying India cannot develop new technologies. Do you have any concrete proof to say that?

N/A is not available, it would be ridiculous to query the USPTO for Iranian patents.

I have never questioned Indian-intellect.
Patents simply imply that research is still alive in the country.
A.Rahman said:
I have never questioned Indian-intellect.
Patents simply imply that research is still alive in the country.
You never but apparently the other did, you could see his diatribe against Indians in his post talking about Indian IT slaves.

You will also agree that new technology that he claims does not sprout on tress, rather it comes thro R&D, which is live and kickin in India .
Shiv Aroor

New Delhi, July 20: Deeply aware of a rapidly depleting fleet that will pull down the IAF&#8217;s strength to a shocking 28 fighter squadrons by 2012, IAF chief Air Chief Marshal SP Tyagi for the first time spoke out on Wednesday on the critical threats to the country&#8217;s fighter strength.

In an exclusive interview to The Indian Express, Tyagi said that since it would take 15 years for the 126 new fighters under consideration to be fully inducted and operational, Air Headquarters has told the government that it needs an immediate stopgap acquisition of fighters to tide over the crisis.

&#8216;&#8216;The 126 new fighters will take 15 years. We cannot afford to wait that long. Numbers are falling. We absolutely have to increase the number of aircraft. Our only option is to get something in a hurry. We are looking to order more aircraft of the types we already operate and have told the government,&#8217;&#8217; Tyagi said.

The IAF has a sanctioned squadron strength of 39.5 squadrons but currently operates just 32. If that number hits the 28 figure, it would be the force&#8217;s lowest ever below sanctioned strength.

Tyagi has his reasons for urgent acquisition. He indicated that Pakistan would soon have new American F-16s and from next year, would begin inducting Chinese-made JF-17 aircraft in large numbers. If things don&#8217;t go the IAF&#8217;s way, he said, Pakistan will have greater fighter density for a country its size compared to India.

The IAF&#8217;s proposal is to scan the international defence market for new or good condition second-hand fighters, including Mirage-2000s &#8212; a proposal to buy some from Qatar fell through recently &#8212; and MiG-29s.

Tyagi said it was imperative that a few squadrons were quickly acquired to save the force from hitting unacceptably low numbers.

It has also emerged now that the request for proposal (RFP) for 126 new fighters is still not complete, and is undergoing scrutiny at the Law Ministry. The request, incidentally, includes an IAF &#8216;&#8216;formula&#8217;&#8217; through which it will not be as simple as picking the cheapest eligible contender, but place greater emphasis on long-term ownership costs.

&#8216;&#8216;We are buying 80 helicopters, six mid-air refuellers, three AWACS and I need to plan for all this. But I still need more fighters. There is an argument that we could buy fewer but more capable aircraft...(but) there is absolutely no substitute for numbers.&#8217;&#8217;

The IAF is also unhappy with progress on HAL&#8217;s indigenous Light Combat Aircraft (LCA Tejas), which it feels will be obsolete by the time it becomes part of the fleet, possibly as late as 2015.

Air Chief US-bound

Air Chief Marshal S P Tyagi leaves on a week-long tour of the US on August 20, where he will become the first Indian services chief to get a full-fledged classified tour of the American military space set-up and the complex network-centric operations set-up that facilitates strategic force and reach across the services. He will also visit the Nellis Air Base in Nevada to pitch India's keenness to be part of the multinational Red Flags air exercise and Honolulu for operational discussions with the US Pacific Command.

As Salam oAlaikum Guys.
I dont know about you but the Indian procurement plans look to be in shambles. They are looking at 126 new fighters but want to buy second hand fighters in the interim!!They are looking at F18s with a budget of $6.2 Billions!!! Considering their present inventory they are in for a mother of all headaches with the establishment of setup for a new fighter. They are looking at 2nd hand Mirage 2000s, HOLY SUGAR----the french will eat them alive!! Their most viable option is Mig 29, so why the heck are they delaying. Seriously, I dont know but these guys dont appear to know what they want to do!! If they are trying to fool Pakistan, they are not being very successful here.
Wa Salam
I think they might be offered US military aid package for any procurement of US fighter jets.
Averröes said:
I think they might be offered US military aid package for any procurement of US fighter jets.
US offering military aid to india is not a possibility.. but stuff like selling of equipment to indian military at cost its sold to american military can be possible
LOL, so much for your slaves comment..:lol: One up..

Now pray tell me why would you want Pakistan to be compared with India. Insecurity?? More industry?? Like what?? :idiot:

I can answer your question.
India is a big economy but poverty there is huge. I mean huge. more then 400 miliion people live under the poverty line thats more people then all of USA and 4 times more people than Pakistan. Pakistan on the other hand does not have that big population so poverty is less. Standard of living in Pakistan is higher than India. Plus Pak military is much more trained and equipped than India. You can cry as much as you want you can scream about all the patents you want. you can cry about India becoming a super power in 10 years but we all know that that is your mentality. The world knows that India tried to invade pakistan and was dealt with iron hand. In 47,65 71 and later in 1999. Apart from Kargil, In 3 wars India was the aggressor wanted to conquor Pakistan. The point is that no matter what we do for good will, Indian will always hate Pakistanis speciaslly muslim. "Indian Muslims should learn a lesson from gujrat" Indian government minister said that. Muslims ruled India for thousand years. the Minority ruled the majority that is a fact too big for Indians so they wont let any opportunity to malign Pakistan pass them by. they have genuine hatred for Islam and Pakistan. And people who talk about unity with India should keep this in mind that getting united with India would only bring more pollution and poverty in Pakistan. If thats what is in the best interest of Pakistan?
US offering military aid to india is not a possibility.. but stuff like selling of equipment to indian military at cost its sold to american military can be possible

I do not think Indian Air force would Opt for American jets like F16. Pakistani air force has been flying American jets for last 50 years so they know them in and out. Heck they updated there F16 to make it nuke capable. Same goes with India. Pakistan was offered Su27 back in the late 90's from Ukraine but the PAF did not want to have a plateform on which Indians have better command at.
Just my 2 cents.
I can answer your question.
India is a big economy but poverty there is huge. I mean huge. more then 400 miliion people live under the poverty line thats more people then all of USA and 4 times more people than Pakistan. Pakistan on the other hand does not have that big population so poverty is less. Standard of living in Pakistan is higher than India. Plus Pak military is much more trained and equipped than India. You can cry as much as you want you can scream about all the patents you want. you can cry about India becoming a super power in 10 years but we all know that that is your mentality. The world knows that India tried to invade pakistan and was dealt with iron hand. In 47,65 71 and later in 1999. Apart from Kargil, In 3 wars India was the aggressor wanted to conquor Pakistan.
Since you have pushed the topic might as well reply to you. India does not have 400 million under the poverty line. The % of population BPL has come down to 20% in 2006. That's 220 million people. I do not know the corresponding figure for Pakistan though I heard it was 24%. The Indian per capita GDP(with PPP) is $3320 while that of Pakistan is $2653.
Its taken from the CIA world fact book.
I don't blame you for thinking Pakistani men are better trained than Indian ones. Every country believes its fighters to be the best trained.
1947 - Tribals actively supplemented by Pakistani regulars attacked the Raja's forces in Kashmir after which Indian forces were dispatched to Kashmir.
1965 - Read up about Operation Gibraltar and Operation Grandslam.
1971 - India did start this one by training the Mukti Bahini but the reason for it was a massive refugee problem caused due to excesses committed by the PA in Bangladesh(erstwhile East Pakistan).
1999 - Without any provocation, after a celebrated meeting of the countries' heads at Lahore, Pakistani regular forces masquerading as Kashmiri militants occupied vacated Indian posts along the Kargil-Drass belt sparking the Kargil war.
Indian Air Force RFPs for 126 fighter jets soon: Boeing
Press Trust of India
Nov 3, 2006 - 4:28:44 AM

Aircraft manufacturer Boeing is expecting the defence ministry to send out request for proposals (RFPs) to various companies within six-to-eight weeks for buying 126 fighter jets, a senior executive of the aerospace firm said today.

"I have internal planning right now. We have been talking to a number of people in Indian Air Force and the ministry of defence, and we are looking at the potential of an RFP before the end of this year," Chris Chadwick, vice-president and general manager (global strike systems) of Boeing, said.

Global strike systems is a division of the precision engagement and mbility systems business unit of Boeing, and is a major contender in the running for the multi-billion dollar contract.

Chadwick said he and his colleague Jerry C Vincent, who looks after business development -India (F/A-18E/F/G Super Hornet, Integrated Defense Systems) are very focussed on multi-role combat aircraft and on competition.

"I can tell you, in the US, the cost of an F-18 for Navy requirements is in the $50 million range," Chadwick said. "It's extremely competitive. Our cost, capability and value is very high," he added.

I can't believe u quoting wikipedia, that is such an unrelliable source, anyone can go in their and change things lol.

Plz..we all know u got pwned in wars , except the 71' which was a different scenario.
For the record, both Wikipedia and CIA Fact book show estimates based on 2005.
Real term GDP estimates for 2005 are $90 billion which translates in terms of PPP to a eqv of $2400 p/a.
The GDP figgure has been rectified by WB, ADB and other reknown institutes and stands at $125 billion in 2006.
Current GDP in PPP figure is not available yet, but it will be somewhere around $3300-3500.

Thats a fact!

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