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IAF pilots to evaluate Boeing's F-18 warplanes

Yes, The MKI's do not dominate the whole subcontinent. India only flies
about 60 SU 30's and a heck of alot of MIG 21's 23's and 27's plus
tons of Jaguars. LCA is a long time away and even if F-18's are ordered it shall
take them a lifetime to reach India while PAF is getting JF-17's, F-16's soon
and J-10's after 2010. Our destiny of glory awaits us same as our marvelous

After 2010 india will have confirmed 140 MKI,48 Mig 29,76 Mirage 2000H,169 Jaguars.thats a total of 433 aircrafts.And to add that are the 18 harriers and 46 Mig 29K with IN.

Now what would PAF have if you rule out the junk.96 F-16s and probably 100-JF 17.Thats just 196 BVR capable fighters to 496 BVR capable fighters of IAF!!!
To be honest, IAF's better bet would be induct a huge number of Mirage 2000s and upgrade them to -5Mk2 or -9 standards; while diverting their MRCAs to a single type - may it be Super Hornet, MiG-35, Rafale or Eurofighter.

very ture.
We are retiring the oldies as its not worth maintaing and also can afford to as we are in the process of inducting MKI,jaguars,Mig 29ks,and also are in pursuit of 40 mirages 2000 and 126-200 MRCAs.The MRCAs would take time,probably another 5-10 years,while the mirage 2000 would be inducted immediatly once agreed.
Now the numbers inducted doesnt match the ones written off and hence the fall in number of squadrons.But dont dicsount the usage of force multipliers with IAF.

Now whats PAF doing ? Its squadron strength would increase to 26 from 19 and thats without even retiring a single aircraft.So while India is retiring a similar plane,PAF continues to fly it even without a BVR.Why?bcoz they have no other choice.Other than 40 new F-16 and unknow number(200?) JF 17 there no other firm orders.J-10,grippen are all just wishfull thinking.

I am happy India is spending all that money on the military hardware. Firstly, it exposes the Indian design to dominate her smaller neighbours and secondly it illustrates her warmongering nature. I will be ecstatic if India purchases more and more US made hardware. During any war between India and Pakistan; US would put a ban on the sale of spare parts to both the countries and Pakistan would no longer be at the disadvantage which was the case during 65 and 71 wars.
The J-10 will be able to counter the MiG-35, Su-30MKI and F/A-18E/F Super Hornet if given the adequate avionics, ECM/EW suite and radar; as well as adequate weapon-systems and datalink w/AEW&C coverage. The J-10 is China's base concept for its future 4.5 Generation Super J-10/J-10C. However if IAF does procure Rafale or F/A-18E/F, then it is likely the PAF would take the financial risk and procure a limited number of Eurofighters or Rafales (like it did with the Mirage IIIs in the mid-1960s).

IF...thats a big if.An IF can be added to any argument to just pro0ve the point.

India wud be going in for Mig 29/35 to fill the 200 MRCA orders.US would be kept happy with the purchase of the P-8A maritime aircraft and purchase of more WLRs.

IF PAF takes the risk to buy eurfighters then its going to be a financial suicide,as you have mentioned in the post buying is job half done, maintaining it and getting regular flying hours on it is going to be equally costly.

Does Pakistan have the financial strength to do that?
The F/A-18 is one of the best Naval a/c's available today, and we have ordered around 200 a/c's. So maybe 126 mig 35 and the rest F-18 for the Navy! They are superb at the carriers and are ideally suited for that purpose.
Dont forget we also have a Carrier comming in with many Mig 29's upgraded! and we also have another carrier whose construction began ages back apart from the 1 Carrier that we already operate. So the F-18's maybe JUST what is required. So the ability to attack with lethality from the sea's too.

F-18s cant be operated from any carrier that In operates or plans to operate.We use the skydive mechanism while the F-18 uses the catapault system.

And also ADS construction happened a couple of years back and not ages before.
Tell me this though, what chance does a fighter as large as the Su-30MKI have over Pakistani skies if it has to deal with closely linked low-altitude fighters armed with JHMCS/WVRAAM combo as well as BVRAAM backed Erieye? It does not matter if Su-30MKI is a mini-AWACS - because at the end of the day an AWACS will need protection from enemies. .

IAF operates other planes also,incase if u didn't know.

MiG-35 is a new version of MiG-29, there will be key differences - it is like the F-16C/D and F-16A/B; .

Its much more than,the engines are diff,its got thrust vectoring and avionics are different.

at the end of the day the IAF will have to construct new infrastructure for the MiGs due to new technology. Not to mention the fact that the IAF will have to build additional infrastructure to maintain additional MiGs..

So, whats the point?it will cost money so we should not induct any more.Our expenditure is still way below the 4% mark set by experts.

With regards to the Hornet, it is entirely new to the IAF maintenance and doctrine line - the IAF has NEVER operated an American fighter jet - let alone the Hornet series. .

So?Which chineese AC has PAF operated?

The budget hike will also have to deal with the maintenance of the incredibly expensive Flanker, a very large navy that has lots of acquisitions, the IAF's maintenance costs to keep the aircraft it has in service - it all drains down. What would depend is how much the Indian gov't is willing to allocate for future acquisitions, i.e seperate funds. Then provide the source..

Please surf thru BR or in the India's build up link on this forum.You will get the link there.

India might have four times the budget, but India also has to maintain an army which is twice the size of Pakistan's, an air force which is three times the size of Pakistan's, and a Navy which is five times the size..

three times the PN is a wrong way to compare,Pn is almost non existant other than 3 agostas it has.In is very small compared to what we can spen and maintain.

Maintenance costs drain up a lot of Indian Gov't's annual funds, not to mention logistical costs (due to India's large geographic size). So at the end of the day the Indian military does not end up with a lot to spend on additional procurements, and must request additional gov't funding through the MoD.

my dear it all adds upto only 2.7% of our GDP,while your army which is half our size,airforce which is a third of ours, and a navy which is a fifth of ours eats 4.2% of your GDP.So who is getting drained?
Plus, in past articles if u search the site, IAF has been having alot of problems
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Indian air force 'lacks planes' Neo
Pilot unrest in India's air force: At least 200 pilots want to quit! A.Rahman

Its a mind game played by the IAF to speed up the MRCA deal.There is no pilot unrest,it was a inflated report from B B C,as the booming civilian sector was running short of pilots.
I am happy India is spending all that money on the military hardware. Firstly, it exposes the Indian design to dominate her smaller neighbours and secondly it illustrates her warmongering nature. I will be ecstatic if India purchases more and more US made hardware. During any war between India and Pakistan; US would put a ban on the sale of spare parts to both the countries and Pakistan would no longer be at the disadvantage which was the case during 65 and 71 wars.

We are not ruled by d.u.m.b pakistani politicians who buys things without ToT.
right i'l try and put across ALL the points over here......

Yeah but what do you see being affordable to India? Technology would take its time. India tried its hand at spending money on technology, with the LCA. It's a blundering failure because its just not going to be inducted. The IAF even isn't so upbeat about it.

Basically India in the future is going to have plenty of Su-30s and one more new plane, either the F-18 or the new Mig29s. They still make it good since that combo restricts the PAF, even with the JF-17, new F-16s and the J-10s . But its nothing like the advantage IAF has today.

Dont u GET IT??? the LCA was the first plane....it was bound to be not as gd as teh rest...now BECAUSE OF THE TRAINING IN LCA, we can make OUR OWN planes that would be hell of a lot cheaper and save money.Damn, is that so bloody hard to explain that it does not F***ing MATTER if the LCA is a hit or not. We'r trying to make our OWN damn a/c. Pakistan CANNOT even DREAM to make its own aircraft....dont give the damn rhetoric that THE J-10 or JF-17 is Pakistani creation...all u did was give the damn money, its a chinese product...its a CHINESE plane, the same way we are starting to make an INDIAN plane. What you are doing with JF-17 or whatever NOW, we did AGES back with the Su-30MKI, and that is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar better than the JF-17/J-10. Get it now? the LCA was not needed to be hit,it was needed to learn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a completely NEW LEVEL in manufacturing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now the MRCA's that we induct most likely will be Mig 35! it will be modified so that its hell of a lot better than a regular Mig 35, a regular mig 35 can kick any F-16's a**. You say by the time we get the 200 MRCA's, u will already start deciding the 5th gen.....dammit...you will take as long as 5-10 years to induct your JF-17/J-10's and we are ALREADY DECIDING where to buy the 5th gen a/c's. Dont u see....we have A LOT OF MONEY...we are not limited like you that we need to wait till we get our planes to buy new ones. We can afford to BURN money on projects like LCA, if it gives us more training. We BUY all our stuff with ToT unlike YOU, so that incase of war we are NOT DEPENDENT on hte united states for the bloody spares.Stop moaning and saying PAF lost cuz of spares, etc etc....we dont care for that **** cuz we are prepared for such stuff.

Our squadron levels are DROPPING BECAUSE we are phasing out all our old planes and are buying these new ones instead which wil be better than any plane you CURRENTLY have. Whereas the PAF will GAIN in sqd level's BECAUSE it is getting new plnes as well as keeping OLD PLANES. If PAF also removed all its old planes, u would see that we are again WAAY ahead. Now, the bulk planes that we are buying can kill all your current aircrafts, so if u remove the old PAF planes as u very happily remove our old planes from your calculations while stating stuff, u see we still have the numerical advantage and because we are buying such excellent planes that alone can kill your current planes as well as one type of your future plane JF-17 i think, not J-10 as it is better(or maybe vice-verce as im not sure, which is better) and the QUALITATIVE or TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANTAGE IS ASTRONOMICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ON TOP OF THAT, we are already deciding NOW where to go for the 5th gen craft!...which u STATE u will think about by the time our MRCA's come in!!!!!
And we are also buying FORCE MULTIPLIERS....some of you say that your f-16's with erieye is invinceible or whatnot....what do u think our Phalcons will do while u send out your erieye's?? There is also the small fact of the Phalcons being the SUPERIOR AWACS by a GREAT DEAL than the Erieye. Dont even bother to dispute it...go read instead.

Now again, no matter how much wishing, fact is again Pakistan cannot buy teh same technologically advanced stuff as India, cuz it doesnt have as much money...Pakistan CANNOT buy decent numbers of Typhoon or Rafale...even by a miracle if it does, we will buy something BETTER to counter it...READ IT:


there was same article in DID, but cant find the link now.

Do u think the Russians will become your frnds if we buy US stuff?? think again...selling old outdates engines is diff than selling cutting edge technology. US is keen to sell us stuff, doesnt mean we are stupid to constantly buy their stuff like you WITHOUT ToT. We dont just BUY things from Russia anymore,,,we DEVELOP cutting edge technology with JV's. That means Russia needs OUR PERMISSION TO SELL THAT STUFF ANYWHERE!
US will be kept happy with SOME orders of the MRCA...and the P-8 MMA....again...its a league different than the P3C's.

End result is that if u remove the current PAF oldies and the current IAF oldies...the PAF is going for the JF-17 and J-10, whereas we are going for the 200 MRCA's to replace respectively....not calculate...all of you are smart...you can see that we still get the old numerical advantage...

now factor in the fact that all our MRCA's will most likely beat both your new inductions or atleast one and give the fight to the other! Now factor in that apart from these we already have/operate and are buying MANY MANY MORE Su-30 MKI's that IS A 4.5 Gen a/c, that is wayy out of the league of BOTH your new planes(both a pitiable 4th gen).now factor in that we are already deciding to go for a JV for 5th gen plane with Russia....you see that the technological advantage has INCREASED. Now calculate our force multipliers-Phalcons...much much better than yours and we will buy in much more numbers than you as we have more MONEY...and the fact that we may get P-8MMA, again wayyyyyy out of league of P3C orions. Also contemplate the fact that we are gonna BUILD the 5th gen craft with Russia like the MKI's and u see that all the posts stating that the force difference is decreasing is FOOLISH. It is our ACM's job to constantly bug the government that we are short of planes and this and that to get MORE planes and equipment, so dont quote the article to me. Remove PAF old planes too. Oh i FORGOT...these MRCA's are again independent of thje Gorshkov that we aregetting with ANOTHER COMPLEMENT OF Mig 29K's.

also dont give the **** about pilot unrest...like i have said in my previous article about the aviation boom...we are damn short of pilots everywhere...so its natural for some AF pilots to want to shift...thats hell of a lot better than nothaving an aviation sector at ALL in your case...PIA banned from some EU countries i believe, safety prblems?? also bankruptcy?? Our pilots HAVE THE OPTION of going wherever they want...they dont so in pakistan.
read it:

fact of the matter is we have MUCH MUCH MUCH more money to burn on weapons than you have.We can burn money on LCA or whereever we please if we think it helps in future.And dont worry, the day Pakistan becomes techonologically capable to produce its own plane, it too will try and make its own LCA. Out next plane will be the one to watch for thee MCA.
And we spend a LESSER amount of our percentage GDP on defences. So all of those who give **** that India has this many poor people so gd its spendint so much on defence...it will kill the country...let me REMIND YOU...that we hav more poor people as we have more PEOPLE...we are also hell of a lot BIGGER...so OBVIOUSLY we will have more poor people...and the poverty levels have declined a LOT if u chk your stats...and say these stupid things to your own govt who spend a lot more than us wrt their GDP...

sorry for the outburst...but the amount of stupid stuff that was being written without even checking the facts got to me...pilot unrest, lack of supplies so india is therefore doomed.

"Its a mind game played by the IAF to speed up the MRCA deal.There is no pilot unrest,it was a inflated report from B B C,as the booming civilian sector was running short of pilots."

Are u on crack lol, ur Bhindistan news also reported this..


Pakistan didn't only contribute only money they worked on this plane aswell, ur Bhindi mind is just jealous ur tri-cycle can't take off.

And u say what we did u did with SU-30 long ago, lol moron that plane was already their with proven design all u did was add different avionics bought from 2 other different counttired and some by u.

"Do u think the Russians will become your frnds if we buy US stuff?? think again...selling old outdates engines is diff than selling cutting edge technology."

The engine given to us is an upgrade of RD-33 jahal hindu.

Also, what makes u think US would give ToT even if u go for their hardware lol, they barely given any ToTs away unless they are useless tech thats being given. U Bhindi's need to look at facts not us!

And again we are going to replace our old jets with FJ-17 and J-10, weren't going to keep them so get ur head straight!
You know what? I am getting a bit sick of this.......

I suggest to certain members if they can't discuss things civily that they go elsewhere......As far as I am concerned. The moment you start name calling you have lost the arguement.

You know what? I am getting a bit sick of this.......

I suggest to certain members if they can't discuss things civily that they go elsewhere......As far as I am concerned. The moment you start name calling you have lost the arguement.

Agreed, lemme read up. There's been a debate about this amongst the moderating team and the admin. We want to show leniency and thats why a lot of people keep getting off the hook on this. But leniency is not a grant or a license to lose civility.

"Its a mind game played by the IAF to speed up the MRCA deal.There is no pilot unrest,it was a inflated report from B B C,as the booming civilian sector was running short of pilots."

Are u on crack lol, ur Bhindistan news also reported this..

How hard is it, to say INDIA? We allow ZERO racial slurs.

Consider this as an official warning.
The IAF's decision making process is not an efficient one. It relies heavily on its surplus of money and is quite wasteful. It knows that if it makes a mistake, it can bank on the money to buy its way out.

But time is money too. And the more time we get out of IAF's inefficiency, what is unaffordable today would be affordable tomorrow as the economy improves.
Economically inefficient? Nothing to suggest that of late.
Of late they've not been able to choose MIG with confidence yet.
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