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IAF- New Airbase Near China Opened Today

guided missile ,guided bomb just like we bomb at kargil war:cool:

doesn't work that way they generally bomb the bridges and tunnels in mountaineous and Plateau regions.If they build a track on perfafrost then they are in big ****.
how can you bomb a railway around the mountains .......bag the bomb and cross the border?missile? it's not the airport,huge target

Sir india the first ever country that used guided bomb from great heights in kargil war. India the country which can hit moving targets. Is targeting railway line will be tough for india sir? Railway line not safe even old days. As u have seen old time wars on tv. Railway lines gets hit first. That's the rule in military book. Cut off supply. Destroying roads are difficult. Railway lines are easy target sir.
doesn't work that way they generally bomb the bridges and tunnels in mountaineous and Plateau regions.If they build a track on perfafrost then they are in big ****.

not just china have the these things.....and india not have much to bomb....
last time i check ,china have much more missiles:cheesy:

Sir china has everything more but please dont compare it with india. We dont believe in number. For us accurasy more important then having stuffs in large number. Thats why india said most russian missiles are duds. Intrestingly china and russia uses same or copied but they never says that. We believe in having deadly accurate stuffs rather then hiding them and saying to country keep guessing. Right now only one difference between china and india is ONE perticular missile and that's we dont have 5000plus KM missile. 2010 would be india's year and the gap between china and india would come close as our Agni-V Will be in position to hit china anywhere sir. Thank you.
We have Plains on our side of the border,terrain comes to play and we have a friendly population to deal with unlike in Tibet

plains is the easiest terrain for any army........easier supplies maybe,but it won't work if the infrastructure is suck,"friendly population to deal with unlike in Tibet"?you really believe what that old "slaveholder" said....
In india mountains are next to god. Our lord shiva lives on mountain. Its most powerful god and symbol of power. Nuclear weapons are useless against mountains.

Why is a Mountain next to god?

A mountain can neither benefit you, nor harm you. It has been created by God, and nothing is "next to god", The Great.

When Pakistan decided to conduct a nuclear test on a mountain, the mountain was helpless:


The mountain could neither prevent the test, nor could it save itself.

I urge you to worship God alone, with no partners, with no Images or Idols, as none are like unto Him. Worship the creator, and not the creation.

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plains is the easiest terrain for any army........easier supplies maybe,but it won't work if the infrastructure is suck,"friendly population to deal with unlike in Tibet"?you really believe what that old "slaveholder" told you ....

I said google for SFF.Who told you the Infrastructure is suck
Why is a Mountain next to god?

A mountain can neither benefit you, nor harm you. It has been created by God, and nothing is "next to god", The Great.

When Pakistan decided to conduct a nuclear test on a mountain, the mountain was helpless:


The mountain could neither prevent the test, nor could it save itself.

I urge you to worship God alone, with no partners, with no Images or Idols, as none are like unto Him. Worship the creator, and not the creation.

pvIDiVmH4Wc[/media] - Pakistan Nuclear Test 1998

Sir only i see is dust flying and nothing else. You consider that as mountain? Seen himalaya yet? Better go and see it. Even your nukes cant harm tiny mountain that u posted here. By the way sir dont drag our gods in your stupidity. i have said nothing against islam and your god. Got my point sir? Thank you.
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By the way sir dont drag our gods in your stupidity. i have said nothing against islam and your god. Got my point sir? Thank you.

I have not insulted you, or your faith in any way, sir.

I simply invited you towards the truth with wisdom - think about what I said.

Worship He who created you, and not the creation.
Please brag when you had Agni V operational.

Sir wait till 2010 and am sure you gotta search new way to taunt india. Am advice would be after agni-v test start making fun of india's poverty. That's only u will be left with. Oh yes one more thing. The BOLLYWOOD. i mean apart from it china wont have much to say against india. Agni-V And anti-missile AAD is the answer to your glittery china sir. Agni-V And AAD will work hand in hand. One drops missiles while other glitter china by melthing china's glittery infrastructure sis. 2010 and 2011 aint good for china. i hope u will enjoy it sir.
ISRO2, I would request you to stop calling every one "SIR"...Pls
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