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IAEA, Hypocrisy and Israeli Nukes.

Proving that you are completely wrong was a child play. Making you listen and overcome your sense of denial is a completely different game.

You live in a world of denial and your days of reckoning are not too far away, you don't have to wait too long to reap what you've sown. The days of israel's nuclear blackmail is almost over.
You live in a world of denial and your days of reckoning are not too far away, you don't have to wait too long to reap what you've sown. The days of israel's nuclear blackmail is almost over.

Clearly I touched a sensitive point about your denial situation, but let us get back to the issue.

It is very simple:

I argued that Iran wants to eliminate Israel without any connection to the nuclear issue. Prove me wrong.

If you can't and I am right, then your argument that Israel encourage a nuclear arms race is completely false.

Your suggestion that Israel should dismantle is absurd: Iran wants to destroy Israel and develops nuclear weapons, and you believe that if Israel gives up its main deterrence against Iran that would convince Iran to dismantle too. Why exactly?
Clearly I touched a sensitive point about your denial situation, but let us get back to the issue.

It is very simple:

I argued that Iran wants to eliminate Israel without any connection to the nuclear issue. Prove me wrong.

If you can't and I am right, then your argument that Israel encourage a nuclear arms race is completely false.

Your suggestion that Israel should dismantle is absurd: Iran wants to destroy Israel and develops nuclear weapons, and you believe that if Israel gives up its main deterrence against Iran that would convince Iran to dismantle too. Why exactly?

Not so fast, I say Iran's nuclear drive has nothing to do with eliminating the zionist nazi entity. Prove me wrong. Prove, if you can, that the israeli nukes have brought peace in the ME.

Not so fast, I say Iran's nuclear drive has nothing to do with eliminating the zionist nazi entity. Prove me wrong. Prove, if you can, that the israeli nukes have brought peace in the ME.

finally we are in agreement: you agree that Iran's nuclear programme is not specifically connected to Israel or its image as a nuclear weapons country. We are in disagreement about what they might do when Iran will have nukes.

Israel's image as a nuclear weapons country indeed brought more stability to the region: it made the Arabs think twice before waging another round of war against Israel.

The current instability in the ME and past instabilities have no connection with Israel so-called nukes. If you disagree please give just one example for a conflict or a war in ME which started as a result of Israel's nukes.
finally we are in agreement: you agree that Iran's nuclear programme is not specifically connected to Israel or its image as a nuclear weapons country. We are in disagreement about what they might do when Iran will have nukes.

Shylock, must you twist everything we say? I said, "Iran's nuclear drive has nothing to do with eliminating the zionist nazi entity," it has everything to do with countering the israeli nukes. Now, I know, you can never prove me wrong but you're definitely going to continue twisting the truth with your deceptions and lies. That's the only thing zionists like you are good at.

Israel's image as a nuclear weapons country indeed brought more stability to the region: it made the Arabs think twice before waging another round of war against Israel.

The current instability in the ME and past instabilities have no connection with Israel so-called nukes. If you disagree please give just one example for a conflict or a war in ME which started as a result of Israel's nukes.

A war is being imposed upon Iran and a zionist liar says israel's nukes have brought peace in the ME, now that is the height of treachery and we're not surprised by such treacherous statement from a zionist liar like you.

Shylock, must you twist everything we say? I said, "Iran's nuclear drive has nothing to do with eliminating the zionist nazi entity," it has everything to do with countering the israeli nukes. Now, I know, you can never prove me wrong but you're definitely going to continue twisting the truth with your deceptions and lies. That's the only thing zionists like you are good at.

A war is being imposed upon Iran and a zionist liar says israel's nukes have brought peace in the ME, now that is the height of treachery and we're not surprised by such treacherous statement from a zionist liar like you.

My little anti-Semite,

Please stop manoeuvring and give me just one tiny example how Israel's so-called nukes caused to a conflict or a war or anything like that.

As for Iran, you do not believe its leaders when they say they want to destroy Israel? Are they joking and I do not understand their sense of humour?

If a war broke out, it will be because of Iran's nuclear ambitions. As you clearly noticed, Iran's objectives are far greater than just eliminating Israel, but controlling the ME and its oil reserves. You prefer Iran with its murderous regime as a superpower with nuclear weapons. Forgive those of us who are a bit reluctant to live with a nuclear Iran spreading terror and hatred according to the values of its Islamic revolution.
My little anti-Semite,

Please stop manoeuvring and give me just one tiny example how Israel's so-called nukes caused to a conflict or a war or anything like that.

As for Iran, you do not believe its leaders when they say they want to destroy Israel? Are they joking and I do not understand their sense of humour?

If a war broke out, it will be because of Iran's nuclear ambitions. As you clearly noticed, Iran's objectives are far greater than just eliminating Israel, but controlling the ME and its oil reserves. You prefer Iran with its murderous regime as a superpower with nuclear weapons. Forgive those of us who are a bit reluctant to live with a nuclear Iran spreading terror and hatred according to the values of its Islamic revolution.

Shylock, as usual, you have shied away from the fact that Iran is trying to develop a deterrent to israel's nukes. Without any evidence you talk of iran's desire to control the ME when in reality israel with uncle sam's puppets is trying its best to control the ME. You talk of starting a war, well, the war never ended in the ME to begin with and the stakes are much higher now with the introduction of the israeli nukes in the ME. Don't take this forum as your regular Washington DC opera, you simply can't get away with your zionist lies.
Shylock, as usual, you have shied away from the fact that Iran is trying to develop a deterrent to israel's nukes. Without any evidence you talk of iran's desire to control the ME when in reality israel with uncle sam's puppets is trying its best to control the ME. You talk of starting a war, well, the war never ended in the ME to begin with and the stakes are much higher now with the introduction of the israeli nukes in the ME. Don't take this forum as your regular Washington DC opera, you simply can't get away with your zionist lies.

As long as you reply, I can get away with everything. You never prove anything nor confront any of my arguments with facts, only with anti-Semite slanders

if you want to know more about Iran's desire to control the ME just go to your Arab friends and they tell you all about it. Just see how Iran try to undermine Arab regimes in Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, and Bahrain, How Iran supports the murderous regime of Syria which butcher its own women and children. You should ask KSA and Egypt why they so afraid from Iran and its ambitions, they should turn to you and realise that their fears are for nothing.

If you are so confident in your belief that Israel's alleged nukes are the source of instability in the ME, then why it is so difficult for you to give a single evident for that? If you think that Iran's nuclear programme is only to deter Israel, then why Iran was Israel's ally until 1979 when Israel was already considered as a nuclear weapons state, and Iran did not even imagine to deter Israel?
As long as you reply, I can get away with everything. You never prove anything nor confront any of my arguments with facts, only with anti-Semite slanders

if you want to know more about Iran's desire to control the ME just go to your Arab friends and they tell you all about it. Just see how Iran try to undermine Arab regimes in Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, and Bahrain, How Iran supports the murderous regime of Syria which butcher its own women and children. You should ask KSA and Egypt why they so afraid from Iran and its ambitions, they should turn to you and realise that their fears are for nothing.

If you are so confident in your belief that Israel's alleged nukes are the source of instability in the ME, then why it is so difficult for you to give a single evident for that? If you think that Iran's nuclear programme is only to deter Israel, then why Iran was Israel's ally until 1979 when Israel was already considered as a nuclear weapons state, and Iran did not even imagine to deter Israel?

Shylock, just show how I never prove anything, you cannot. You just twist and spin to get away from the facts. You're a classic coward who thinks that the world is blind to the threat posed by the zionist nukes.
Shylock, just show how I never prove anything, you cannot. You just twist and spin to get away from the facts. You're a classic coward who thinks that the world is blind to the threat posed by the zionist nukes.

Your reply is a perfect example for your cowardice. You did not confront any of my arguments or answered any of my questions.

You just like to lie and to slander, so enjoy yourself.
Your reply is a perfect example for your cowardice. You did not confront any of my arguments or answered any of my questions.

You just like to lie and to slander, so enjoy yourself.

Yes, I enjoy telling the truth on the face of a lying zionist. With all your lies deceit you cannot hide the terrible threat posed by the israeli nukes!

Yes, I enjoy telling the truth on the face of a lying zionist. With all your lies deceit you cannot hide the terrible threat posed by the israeli nukes!

I cannot hide something which does not exist, enjoy swimming in your own drivel.
I cannot hide something which does not exist, enjoy swimming in your own drivel.

In 1967 the west claimed that the israeli nukes did not exist but it did. What is non-existent is what you portray as a threat. The west says that the israeli nukes do not pose a threat because they are not pointed towards them. Just as india sees the Chinese nukes as a threat to it, Iran and other Arab states see the israeli nukes in the same light. You do understand it, but then again, you wouldn't remain a lying zionist if you accepted the truth. So, we don't give a damn to what a zionist like thinks or says.

In 1967 the west claimed that the israeli nukes did not exist but it did. What is non-existent is what you portray as a threat. The west says that the israeli nukes do not pose a threat because they are not pointed towards them. Just as india sees the Chinese nukes as a threat to it, Iran and other Arab states see the israeli nukes in the same light. You do understand it, but then again, you wouldn't remain a lying zionist if you accepted the truth. So, we don't give a damn to what a zionist like thinks or says.

Israel is the only country which is perceived as a nuclear weapons state which not only never threatened to use nukes against any of its neighbours, but even never admitted that it has nukes. So how countries in the ME can be threatened without any threat? Again just give me one example of Israeli use of its WMD to pressurise one of its neighbours or Israeli nukes as the reason for a conflict or a war in the ME.

You constantly avoiding delivering any example because you know the truth (and making all the lyings just to cover it): Israel and its so-called nukes are the smallest problem of the ME.

BTW, the West did not claim anything in 1967. Actually the US pressurised Israel to dismantle its nuclear programme, but you did not know this because instead of educating yourself you prefer to tell blunted lies.
Israel is the only country which is perceived as a nuclear weapons state which not only never threatened to use nukes against any of its neighbours, but even never admitted that it has nukes. So how countries in the ME can be threatened without any threat? Again just give me one example of Israeli use of its WMD to pressurise one of its neighbours or Israeli nukes as the reason for a conflict or a war in the ME.

You constantly avoiding delivering any example because you know the truth (and making all the lyings just to cover it): Israel and its so-called nukes are the smallest problem of the ME.

BTW, the West did not claim anything in 1967. Actually the US pressurised Israel to dismantle its nuclear programme, but you did not know this because instead of educating yourself you prefer to tell blunted lies.

I have given example of your lies in the last post as well, but of course, what is it to a liar? You say israel has never threatened to use its nukes and then you say israel has never admitted that it possessed nukes. Do I have to go any further to show what a great liar you are, shylock?
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