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IAEA, Hypocrisy and Israeli Nukes.

I know how voices can be duplicated, Mossad has the technology and the expertise, so I won't be surprised if you come up with one. Whatever the case, israel simply does not have any excuse to possess nukes.

OK, then publish a link of any Iranian official says that they want to live in peace with Israel and denies any intention to destroy it.

If the case is that Iran wants to destroy Israel and there is a consensus about it in the Arab societies and you have Arab factions (Syria, Hamas, Hizbuallha) which try to do it with violent means - then Israel has to do whatever necessary to deter any attempt to eliminate it.
I know how voices can be duplicated, Mossad has the technology and the expertise, so I won't be surprised if you come up with one. Whatever the case, israel simply does not have any excuse to possess nukes.

Is this fiction fabricated by Mossad?

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Is this fiction fabricated by Mossad?

Who has done the translation? Is it the correct translation? And then according to it Ahmadinejad is saying that people are saying, 'death to israel'. If the leader in Burma says death to BD could that be an excuse for BD to acquire nukes?
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Who has done the translation? Is it the correct translation? And then according to it Ahmadinejad is saying that people are saying, 'death to israel'. If the leader in Burma says death to BD could that be an excuse for BD to acquire nukes?

The Iranian President chose to quote the slogan "death to Israel" because he believes in it. He described Israel as a Satanic tool.

If you do not trust the translation, ask someone who knows Farsi to translate it for you, please let me know if what Ahmanedinijad really saying is that he wants to join the Zionist movement, I will spread the word in Israel.

What exactly is your argument? That it is a joke? That Ahmadenijad decided to declare "death to Israel" because he wants to have peace with Israel? Why do you deny what the Iranians never bother to deny?

You should understand by now that the current Iranian regime wants to eliminate Israel without any connection to the question if Israel developed nuclear weapons or not. Even if Israel declared tomorrow morning that it not only dismantle its alleged WMD but also its entire military capabilities, the Iranian regime would still aspire to eliminate Israel: this is its ideology (like almost all the factions of Arab societies).

If the leaders of Burma declared that they want to destroy Bangladesh and supported terror organisations which murdered thousands of Bangalis would you not take them seriously? If Burma developed a nuclear programme with missiles that can hit any place in Bangladesh and threatens to use it against Bangladesh would you not think it might be a good idea that your country can deter Burma from executing its intentions?
The Iranian President chose to quote the slogan "death to Israel" because he believes in it.

People frequently quote others but that does not make them the source of the quotations.

He described Israel as a Satanic tool.

What do you expect when you describe him as something worse than that.

If you do not trust the translation, ask someone who knows Farsi to translate it for you, please let me know if what Ahmanedinijad really saying is that he wants to join the Zionist movement, I will spread the word in Israel.

We know that you're a proud zionist and perhaps that is the reason why Ahmedinejad describes you the way he does. To some morons zionism may be the beacon of light but to those who are sane it is same as nazism.

What exactly is your argument?

You're smarter than that.

If the leaders of Burma declared that they want to destroy Bangladesh and supported terror organisations which murdered thousands of Bangalis would you not take them seriously? If Burma developed a nuclear programme with missiles that can hit any place in Bangladesh and threatens to use it against Bangladesh would you not think it might be a good idea that your country can deter Burma from executing its intentions?

Israel started the nuclear arms race, not the other way round.
People frequently quote others but that does not make them the source of the quotations.

What do you expect when you describe him as something worse than that.

We know that you're a proud zionist and perhaps that is the reason why Ahmedinejad describes you the way he does. To some morons zionism may be the beacon of light but to those who are sane it is same as nazism.

You're smarter than that.

Israel started the nuclear arms race, not the other way round.

You conveniently ignore the situation between Israel and Iran. Israel is ready for full normalisation with Iran and for a peace agreement that will remove any concern in Iran about Israel because Israel has no conflict with Iran and never had. The problem is Iran's reactionary regime which reject any recognition in Israel - and the link to the video clearly exemplify it.

You persistently trying not to comprehend that no matter what Israel will do or not do the current Iranian regime would still aspire to destroy it because it believes (like most of the people in the ME) that there is no place to a Jewish-nation state in this region. So, your talking about a nuclear arms race are just empty words: even the Iranian regime does not say that if Israel is nuke-free than it will abandon its intentions to eliminate it.

In conclusion, on one side you have a regime in Iran which rejects any recognition of Israel even if there be a Palestinian state and even if Israel is without nuclear weapons. Iran's nuclear programme is hardly a nuclear arms race but developing doomsday means by a regime which destabilise the region and wants to eliminate a legitimate country. On the other hand, Israel never used any WMD in order to destabilise Arab regimes or threatened to eliminate any country in the ME, and is ready for normalisation with Iran.

As for Zionism, you clearly do not understand what it means and feed from cheap anti-Semite propaganda. In short, Zionism is giving the Jewish people the right for self determination (which is the right of any nation in the world) in his historic homeland. Comparing Zionism to Nazism is not just a degraded lie but it is revolting and say more about the one who makes this accusation than on Zionism.
You conveniently ignore the situation between Israel and Iran. Israel is ready for full normalisation with Iran and for a peace agreement that will remove any concern in Iran about Israel because Israel has no conflict with Iran and never had. The problem is Iran's reactionary regime which reject any recognition in Israel - and the link to the video clearly exemplify it.

You conveniently ignore that along with Iran most of the world view the israeli government as a 'reactionary regime' with nukes.

You persistently trying not to comprehend that no matter what Israel will do or not do the current Iranian regime would still aspire to destroy it because it believes (like most of the people in the ME) that there is no place to a Jewish-nation state in this region. So, your talking about a nuclear arms race are just empty words: even the Iranian regime does not say that if Israel is nuke-free than it will abandon its intentions to eliminate it.

Instead of painting hypothetical scenario eliminate your nukes and then see what happens. Deeds are what counts, words are of little value.

In conclusion, on one side you have a regime in Iran which rejects any recognition of Israel even if there be a Palestinian state and even if Israel is without nuclear weapons. Iran's nuclear programme is hardly a nuclear arms race but developing doomsday means by a regime which destabilise the region and wants to eliminate a legitimate country. On the other hand, Israel never used any WMD in order to destabilise Arab regimes or threatened to eliminate any country in the ME, and is ready for normalisation with Iran.

As for Zionism, you clearly do not understand what it means and feed from cheap anti-Semite propaganda. In short, Zionism is giving the Jewish people the right for self determination (which is the right of any nation in the world) in his historic homeland. Comparing Zionism to Nazism is not just a degraded lie but it is revolting and say more about the one who makes this accusation than on Zionism.

I'm sure the Nazis said the same thing about Nazism.

You conveniently ignore that along with Iran most of the world view the israeli government as a 'reactionary regime' with nukes.

Instead of painting hypothetical scenario eliminate your nukes and then see what happens. Deeds are what counts, words are of little value.

In conclusion, on one side you have a regime in Iran which rejects any recognition of Israel even if there be a Palestinian state and even if Israel is without nuclear weapons. Iran's nuclear programme is hardly a nuclear arms race but developing doomsday means by a regime which destabilise the region and wants to eliminate a legitimate country. On the other hand, Israel never used any WMD in order to destabilise Arab regimes or threatened to eliminate any country in the ME, and is ready for normalisation with Iran.

I'm sure the Nazis said the same thing about Nazism.

It is very simple:

I argued that Iran wants to eliminate Israel without any connection to the nuclear issue. Prove me wrong.

If you can't and I am right, then your argument that Israel encourage a nuclear arms race is completely false.

You suggestion that Israel should dismantle is absurd: Iran wants to destroy Israel and develops nuclear weapons, and you believe that if Israel gives up its main deterrence against Iran that would convince Iran to dismantle too. Why exactly?
It is very simple:

I argued that Iran wants to eliminate Israel without any connection to the nuclear issue. Prove me wrong.

If you can't and I am right, then your argument that Israel encourage a nuclear arms race is completely false.

You suggestion that Israel should dismantle is absurd: Iran wants to destroy Israel and develops nuclear weapons, and you believe that if Israel gives up its main deterrence against Iran that would convince Iran to dismantle too. Why exactly?

What I said prove that it isn't so, or else I'm right!
Sorry to disappoint you, but I am not going anywhere. I meant that your replay was even more unintelligibly than usual.

Since you're nowhere near proving me wrong your theory proves me right! It's time to demolish the israeli nukes.

Since you're nowhere near proving me wrong your theory proves me right! It's time to demolish the israeli nukes.

Proving that you are completely wrong was a child play. Making you listen and overcome your sense of denial is a completely different game.
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