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IAEA, Hypocrisy and Israeli Nukes.

OK, so? We all know now that you know how to do copy and paste on your computer. Is there any argument?

---------- Post added at 02:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:27 PM ----------

Why it is a lie? Because you say so?

It is a lie because we can see that it is a lie.
It is a lie because we can see that it is a lie.

What a well presented argument, you should be in the debating society of Harvard or Oxford.

Well, until you explain why it is a lie, it is a valid fact that Israel's allegedly WMD is no threat to anyone.

If it is a lie you should not have any problem to explain why. If you cannot, I suggest the moderator to close this thread.
What a well presented argument, you should be in the debating society of Harvard or Oxford.

Well, until you explain why it is a lie, it is a valid fact that Israel's allegedly WMD is no threat to anyone.

If it is a lie you should not have any problem to explain why. If you cannot, I suggest the moderator to close this thread.

I've explained to you that WMDs in the hands of a terrorist state like israel is a threat, there's nothing more to explain to a zionist.

I've explained to you that WMDs in the hands of a terrorist state like israel is a threat, there's nothing more to explain to a zionist.

You did not explain anything.

You did not explain how Israel is a terrorist state and why it is a terrorist state while other nuclear weapons countries are not - like Pakistan, China, and North Korea. And if they are also terrorist states, why you only against Israel.

You did not explain why you support Iran's nuclear ambitions although it is a human rights violator.

And you did not explain what is the threat of WMD in the hands of Israel.

Unlike you, I referred to all the above points and gave detailed explanations.

If all you can do is shouting slogans and not to explain them I think if it would be best that the moderator would close this thread for conversation - because no conversation is taking place.

BTW, I am proud to be a Zionist who can refute the lies of anti-Semites so easily.
You did not explain anything.

You did not explain how Israel is a terrorist state and why it is a terrorist state while other nuclear weapons countries are not - like Pakistan, China, and North Korea. And if they are also terrorist states, why you only against Israel.

You did not explain why you support Iran's nuclear ambitions although it is a human rights violator.

And you did not explain what is the threat of WMD in the hands of Israel.

Unlike you, I referred to all the above points and gave detailed explanations.

If all you can do is shouting slogans and not to explain them I think if it would be best that the moderator would close this thread for conversation - because no conversation is taking place.

BTW, I am proud to be a Zionist who can refute the lies of anti-Semites so easily.

I've explained and I repeat it, isreal is a terrorist entity and there lies the threat.

I've explained and I repeat it, isreal is a terrorist entity and there lies the threat.

You did not explain anything, you just keep repeating your old slogans.

Why Israel is a terrorist entity, and Iran? Or North Korea? Why it is a threat?
You did not explain anything, you just keep repeating your old slogans.

Why Israel is a terrorist entity, and Iran? Or North Korea? Why it is a threat?

Israelis live in the stolen homeland of the Palestinians and they enjoy murdering Palestinian children and freedom fighters, that's why israel is a terrorist entity.
Israelis live in the stolen homeland of the Palestinians and they enjoy murdering Palestinian children and freedom fighters, that's why israel is a terrorist entity.

There is not one word of truth in what you wrote.

No one murdering children. If by freedom fighters you mean suicide bombers, then they kill themselves. If you mean other terrorists who attacks innocent women and children, then they should be killed before they slaughtering more civilians. Israel did not steal anything from the Palestinians - you just do not know the history of the conflict. And of course you do not have any valid proof for your claims, only slogans.

All these issues are not part of this thread. We can discuss them on other relevant threads of your choice.

Let us continue with your rationale that Israel is a terrorist state and thus a threat. However, even you admit that its allegedly WMD are not in use in its "terrorism". So, what difference that it makes? Even without WMD Israel can "terrorise". What good would come out to disarm Israel while it can still "terrorise"?

You did not answer why you are focused on Israel and ignore all other cases of grossly human rights violations in Iran, Pakistan, China, and North Korea. If you are so concerned about human rights in Israel, you should equally be concerned with human rights in these countries. Why you cannot tolerate Israel with WMD, but you support the barbaric regime of Iran in its nuclear aspirations? Why you do not call Pakistan, China and North Korea to disarm?

No matter how you twist it, you failed to answer simple questions and by that to explain your obsession with Israel.
There is not one word of truth in what you wrote.

No one murdering children. If by freedom fighters you mean suicide bombers, then they kill themselves. If you mean other terrorists who attacks innocent women and children, then they should be killed before they slaughtering more civilians. Israel did not steal anything from the Palestinians - you just do not know the history of the conflict. And of course you do not have any valid proof for your claims, only slogans.

All these issues are not part of this thread. We can discuss them on other relevant threads of your choice.

Let us continue with your rationale that Israel is a terrorist state and thus a threat. However, even you admit that its allegedly WMD are not in use in its "terrorism". So, what difference that it makes? Even without WMD Israel can "terrorise". What good would come out to disarm Israel while it can still "terrorise"?

You did not answer why you are focused on Israel and ignore all other cases of grossly human rights violations in Iran, Pakistan, China, and North Korea. If you are so concerned about human rights in Israel, you should equally be concerned with human rights in these countries. Why you cannot tolerate Israel with WMD, but you support the barbaric regime of Iran in its nuclear aspirations? Why you do not call Pakistan, China and North Korea to disarm?

No matter how you twist it, you failed to answer simple questions and by that to explain your obsession with Israel.

There's no truth in what you say. It is not the topic but again you're the one who asked me to explain how israel was a terrorist entity and I showed you how. Go ahead, tell everybody that the israelis did not steal the homeland of the Palestinians. You eat lies, breathe lies, live lies. You're nothing but lies.

There's no truth in what you say. It is not the topic but again you're the one who asked me to explain how israel was a terrorist entity and I showed you how. Go ahead, tell everybody that the israelis did not steal the homeland of the Palestinians. You eat lies, breathe lies, live lies. You're nothing but lies.

As I wrote, I am in deep disagreement with your views about Israel, but I asked questions based on your own views - and you again failed to answer on them and preferred to stick to your slogans tactic:

If Israel is "terrorising" without WMD, what good would come out from its disarmament? It could still "terrorises".

If you are so concerned about human rights violations 4,000 Km away from your country, why you are not equally concerned about human rights violations by nuclear countries closer to you like Pakistan and China? Why you do not fight for their disarmament, only for Israel?

What about your support of Iran's nuclear ambitions although it has a barbaric regime?

Do the Iranians, the Chinese, the Pakistanis and the North Koreans deserve less than the Palestinians???

I have no problem to discuss the Arab-Israeli conflict and dismiss all your lies, like I did in this thread. In this thread I would not deviate from the topic. Choose any relevant thread you like, let me know and I will expose your deceitful arguments against Israel.
As I wrote, I am in deep disagreement with your views about Israel, but I asked questions based on your own view - and you again failed to answer even one of them and you stick to your slogans tactic:

If Israel is "terrorising" without WMD, what good would come out from its disarmament? It could still "terrorise".

If you are so concerned about human rights violations 4,000 Km from your country, why you are not equally and deeply concerned about human violations of nuclear countries closer to you like Pakistan and China? Why you do not fight for their disarmament only for Israel?

What about your support in Iran's nuclear ambitions while it has a barbaric regime?

Do the Iranians, the Chinese, the Pakistanis and the North Koreans deserve less than the Palestinians???

I have no problem to discuss the Arab-Israeli conflict and dismiss all your lies, like I did in this thread, but in this thread I would not deviate from the topic. Choose any relevant thread you like, let me know and I will expose your deceitful arguments against Israel.

What are my lies? Show me if you can, I've shown again and again that it is you who is the liar.

What are my lies? Show me if you can, I've shown again and again that it is you who is the liar.

You constantly avoiding any answer to my questions and do not discuss anything. Your position is flawed and has no logic rationale, and with your avoidance to answer my questions you prove it yourself - you cannot defend your arguments, thus they are lies!

As I said, I am not going to deal with your lies about Israel and its conflict in this threat which is dedicated to other issue. Pick a relevant thread, let me know, and I will see you there!
Because of the irrational antisemitism of many Muslims, and especially Israel's immediate neighbors, it is absolutely necessary for Israel to maintain the credible possibility of nuclear retaliation against any military threat to its basic existence. IF Muslim nations would abandon their total hostility to the existence of a Jewish nation on historically Jewish soil, then Israel would not need to maintain the threat of nuclear retaliation. Any fair minded person understands that Israel's "threat" is entirely a defensive one. Israel, in effect, only "threatens" a credible second strike. On the other hand, nations such as North Korea threaten first nuclear strikes and Iran threatens to use nuclear weapons to shield itself from retaliation over its many proxy aggressions in the region. Israel's very national survival requires it to have a credible nuclear second strike capability. The UN charter gives every member nation the right of self-preservation. The IAEA has no jurisdiction in the matter and no right to interfere.
You constantly avoiding any answer to my questions and do not discuss anything. Your position is flawed and has no logic rationale, and with your avoidance to answer my questions you prove it yourself - you cannot defend your arguments, thus they are lies!

As I said, I am not going to deal with your lies about Israel and its conflict in this threat which is dedicated to other issue. Pick a relevant thread, let me know, and I will see you there!

Shylock, you're avoiding my question. So, don't try to turn the table now, answer my question or accept that you're full of lies. Here's another proof of israeli crimes against humanity:

Last month, a report published in the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet, accused Israeli soldiers of kidnapping Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip for their organs, indicating a possible link between the Israeli military and the mafia of human organs detected in the US.
Because if the irrational antisemitism of many Muslims, and especially Israel's immediate neighbors, it is absolutely necessary for Israel to maintain the credible possibility of nuclear retaliation against any military threat to its basic existence. IF Muslim nations would abandon their total hostility to the existence of a Jewish nation on historically Jewish soil, then Israel would not need to maintain the threat of nuclear retaliation. Any fair minded person understands that Israel's "threat" is entirely a defensive one. Israel, in effect, only "threatens" a credible second strike. On the other hand, nations such as North Korea threaten first nuclear strikes and Iran threatens to use nuclear weapons to shield itself from retaliation over its many proxy aggressions in the region. Israel's very national survival requires it to have a credible nuclear second strike capability. The UN charter gives every member nation the right of self-preservation. The IAEA has no jurisdiction in the matter and no right to interfere.

Yeah, you're right IAEA has jurisdiction only over states the US considers as hostile. Israel's nuclear threat is a defensive one and Iraq's WMDs were an offensive threat. You're writing your own satanic verses. No wonder people call you the great satan.
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