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IAEA, Hypocrisy and Israeli Nukes.

Shylock, calling people anti-semite won't stop them from calling israel what it is, a rogue state.

Yada Yada Yada.

Did you find other oppressive animals out their that their rights are jeopardised in Israel - Goats? Sheep? Duck-sons?

Maybe you should expand your struggle to the right of plants too - what about the poor begonia of Israel? Fight for their rights too!
You are a Zionist waste of space. Sorry to say but you seem a bit dim as well. your posts are also aggresive and bully like. We would not be allowed on the idf webpage and do what this forum allows you to do.There is no point in arguing or rationally discussing anything with you. You pepper your posts and label people as racist calling them anti semites that do not agree with you.Yet the religion you follows is not egalitarian it does not welcome non jews and your rabbis teach that killing a non jew is the same as swatting a fly. Islam on the other hand welcomes anyone into its fold. In fact the more I think about it there is a strong case that hinduism and the jewish religion are racist,

I advise you not to discuss Jewish religions. I am not a religious myself, but you clearly do not understand anything about it.

This is a thread in Israel's so called nukes, let's stick to that. You say that I am a bully, try me: post whatever you want on the subject in a polite and rational way and see my reply. I only condemn people like the buster(ed) who treat others in a humiliating manner. You can follow back the thread and see what I am talking about.

If you post a reply which is rational and logic and you are willing to listen and to discuss, you should not have any problem with me, even if I disagree with you. You can try and see for yourself - I am here to discuss not to troll or spread hate, like our rude friend.
So are you admitting that the world knew since ages that Israel had nukes, but continues to remain silent on this issue? It only exposes western hypocrisy, and all the more reason for these states to develop nukes to preserve their territorial integrity.
Did Israel ever violate airspace of Cyprus and Ethiopia? the answer is NO. So here goes you analogy right in the dustbin :tdown: .
Isarel and her territory? :lol: Biggest joke ever, we all know how territories become Israeli; By forceful evacuation of Palestinians. So lets not go there and stick to the topic at hand.
O waoo! our nuclear programme has not been penetrated by any means, you have no idea what you are blabbering about, so can you provide me the exact figures and locations of Pakistani nuclear stock pile?
Few months back some American descent terrorists were caught from the outskirts of sargodha, that was miles away from cantt area? and you are saying that they have been penetrated lol please keep your subjective judgments out of this arguement, we developed nukes in mid 80's but the world came to knew about them in late 90's, we smuggled nuclear technology from Canada, USA, Germany, Netherlands, so we can't send that to our neighboring country? :rolleyes: Think twice, you are living in a delusional world.

It is a common knowledge that Israel has nukes since 1967, and still no country in the ME was threatened by Israel's nukes until today!

The approach of US and Europe are quite reasonable in light of the circumstances. It is quite complicated and it is not the issue of this thread. It can be said that particularly since the end of the Cold War (but also earlier) the US is concentrated on preventing rogue states from acquiring nuclear weapons, countries which might use these capabilities to destabilise the international system and threat other countries. Iran answer to the definition, like Venezuela, Myanmar, Sudan, Libya, and North Korea. In all these countries you have dictatorial/authoritative regimes which oppress their own people and have some ambitions to destabilise their own region and global order.

Israel does not answer to the definition because it do not use its WMD to threaten its neighbours, does not launch terror attacks, and does not interfere in theirs internal affairs. And no, Israel's policies on the Palestinian issue are not terror, I can argue about that but that is not the topic of this thread.

so the West is less worried about Israel, like it was less worried about India and its nuclear weapons programme even back in the 1970's and 1980's when it was hostile to the US in light of its Non-Alignment policy. It only sanctioned India when it conducted nuclear tests in 1998.

Regarding your claim about air violation, I am not familiar with any such thing, please post your evidence - I hope it would not turn out as the nuclear submarine nonsense... Anyway, air violations are not a strong enough reason to develop nuclear weapons. The fact remains: Israel has no conflict with Iran like it has no conflict with Ethiopia, so the Iranian try to deceive in the propaganda about Israel as a threat. And some people (apparently, like yourself) choose to believe these ferry tales.

If you do not think that Israel is entitle for its own territory, e.g. has the basic right of every country to exist and defend itself, so what do you want to discuss with me exactly? If you do not recognise my country's right to exist, there is no bases for our discussion.

Sorry to disappoint you, but there are evidence that Pakistan's nuclear programme is penetrated by intelligence services. Of course I do not know the details (and if I did, I would not publish it...), however a lot of Pakistani officials were recruited by foreign spy agencies, including military officers (just see the last example of an army major who worked for the CIA and helped to capture OBL). Furthermore, the US and other countries watch Pakistan with satellites, and especially its nuclear facilities and nuclear weapons - for example, the Americans knew that Pakistan moved its nuclear weapons during the Kargil crisis in 1999. Furthermore, there are much more evidence about the intelligence penetration into Iran's nuclear programme.

You know perhaps better than I do about the wide spread of corruption in Pakistan's government and military, and intelligence services could exploit it.

BTW, the US knew that Pakistan is developing nuclear weapons already in the 1970's! And Pakistan's nuclear smuggling were exposed a very short time after they took place. You can send your nukes to Iran, but it would be revealed quite quickly, and Pakistan would pay the price
It is a common knowledge that Israel has nukes since 1967, and still no country in the ME was threatened by Israel's nukes until today!

The approach of US and Europe are quite reasonable in light of the circumstances. It is quite complicated and it is not the issue of this thread. It can be said that particularly since the end of the Cold War (but also earlier) the US is concentrated on preventing rogue states from acquiring nuclear weapons, countries which might use these capabilities to destabilise the international system and threat other countries. Iran answer to the definition, like Venezuela, Myanmar, Sudan, Libya, and North Korea. In all these countries you have dictatorial/authoritative regimes which oppress their own people and have some ambitions to destabilise their own region and global order.

Israel does not answer to the definition because it do not use its WMD to threaten its neighbours, does not launch terror attacks, and does not interfere in theirs internal affairs. And no, Israel's policies on the Palestinian issue are not terror, I can argue about that but that is not the topic of this thread.

so the West is less worried about Israel, like it was less worried about India and its nuclear weapons programme even back in the 1970's and 1980's when it was hostile to the US in light of its Non-Alignment policy. It only sanctioned India when it conducted nuclear tests in 1998.

Regarding your claim about air violation, I am not familiar with any such thing, please post your evidence - I hope it would not turn out as the nuclear submarine nonsense... Anyway, air violations are not a strong enough reason to develop nuclear weapons. The fact remains: Israel has no conflict with Iran like it has no conflict with Ethiopia, so the Iranian try to deceive in the propaganda about Israel as a threat. And some people (apparently, like yourself) choose to believe these ferry tales.

If you do not think that Israel is entitle for its own territory, e.g. has the basic right of every country to exist and defend itself, so what do you want to discuss with me exactly? If you do not recognise my country's right to exist, there is no bases for our discussion.

Sorry to disappoint you, but there are evidence that Pakistan's nuclear programme is penetrated by intelligence services. Of course I do not know the details (and if I did, I would not publish it...), however a lot of Pakistani officials were recruited by foreign spy agencies, including military officers (just see the last example of an army major who worked for the CIA and helped to capture OBL). Furthermore, the US and other countries watch Pakistan with satellites, and especially its nuclear facilities and nuclear weapons - for example, the Americans knew that Pakistan moved its nuclear weapons during the Kargil crisis in 1999. Furthermore, there are much more evidence about the intelligence penetration into Iran's nuclear programme.

You know perhaps better than I do about the wide spread of corruption in Pakistan's government and military, and intelligence services could exploit it.

BTW, the US knew that Pakistan is developing nuclear weapons already in the 1970's! And Pakistan's nuclear smuggling were exposed a very short time after they took place. You can send your nukes to Iran, but it would be revealed quite quickly, and Pakistan would pay the price

It is a common knowledge how the israeli argument works, the way israel and the west arm themselves do not threaten anyone but when others arm themselves to preserve themselves that threatens the west and israel. Shylock, you can try for million years to sell this hypocrisy but it won't sell here anymore, enough of your wicked logic, everytime you post your wickedness you can be sure of an appropriate reply, I personally give you that assurance. So far have I turned you down? Now, you can post whatever you want from your evil empire but you'll get a reply, be sure of that.

It is a common knowledge how the israeli argument works, the way israel and the west arm themselves do not threaten anyone but when others arm themselves to preserve themselves that threatens the west and israel. Shylock, you can try for million years to sell this hypocrisy but it won't sell here anymore, enough of your wicked logic, everytime you post your wickedness you can be sure of an appropriate reply, I personally give you that assurance. So far have I turned you down? Now, you can post whatever you want from your evil empire but you'll get a reply, be sure of that.

Now I am scared: oh no, the anti-Semite buster(ed) will publish his foolish replies, what will I do? Help!

What is your next step to harm yourself? If I dismiss your pathetic threat you will expose yourself not just as a degenerate anti-Semite, but also as an infantile?

You can continue with your stupidity and mendacity, be my guest, I could not care less.
Now I am scared: oh no, the anti-Semite buster(ed) will publish his foolish replies, what will I do? Help!

What is your next step to harm yourself? If I dismiss your pathetic threat you will expose yourself not just as a degenerate anti-Semite, but also as an infantile?

You can continue with your stupidity and mendacity, be my guest, I could not care less.

What is the matter with you. Are you above criticism for the war crimes of idf. On almost every time I see your posts you are calling people names like anti semites. I have been on the israeli defence forum and you know so much for free speech they wouldnt allow anyone speaking against israel justifiable or not. Shows how tolerant we are to other points of view and how intolerant you lot are.
Oh and by the way long live hamas the democratically elected representatives of the Palestinian people.
What is the matter with you. Are you above criticism for the war crimes of idf. On almost every time I see your posts you are calling people names like anti semites. I have been on the israeli defence forum and you know so much for free speech they wouldnt allow anyone speaking against israel justifiable or not. Shows how tolerant we are to other points of view and how intolerant you lot are.

What is the matter with you!

You decided to defend the troll who never answer or talk to point, who is proud in his anti-Semitism. I call him what he is proud to be.

What do you want from me? I am expressing my views in this forum, and I am ready to discuss them. As I suggest it to you before, try me. If your posts are logical and to the point, you would not have any problem with me.

I am not responsible for the Israeli forum or whatever it is, so you came to the wrong address. Regarding freedom of speech, as you could witness, the buster(ed) threatens to annoy me for expressing my opinion - not that it made any impression on me, by you are defending him! You are not doing me a favour by letting me writing my opinion, so it is quite absurd that you expect me to be grateful for that. I have the same rights as you in PDF.

If you want to discuss IDF, this is not the proper thread, I have no problem to discuss it with you in the appropriate thread, just let me know. Same goes for your enthusiasm from the Nazi organisation known as Hamas. This is a thread about Israel allegedly nuclear weapons, so stick to the issue.
Now I am scared: oh no, the anti-Semite buster(ed) will publish his foolish replies, what will I do? Help!

What is your next step to harm yourself? If I dismiss your pathetic threat you will expose yourself not just as a degenerate anti-Semite, but also as an infantile?

You can continue with your stupidity and mendacity, be my guest, I could not care less.

Listen shylock, you're such a coward that when people expose your hypocrisy you resort to playing the victim game, you feel threatened at every step but don't see the threat coming from the lies of people like you. People like you think that their country has the right to build every kind of WMDs but others don't and then you go on screaming 'where is my hypocrisy?' You're without shame and those who are like you are disgrace to mankind.

Listen shylock, you're such a coward that when people expose your hypocrisy you resort to playing the victim game, you feel threatened at every step but don't see the threat coming from the lies of people like you. People like you think that their country has the right to build every kind of WMDs but others don't and then you go on screaming 'where is my hypocrisy?' You're without shame and those who are like you are disgrace to mankind.

How can I be threatened by a little anti-Semite weasel like yourself? You are no challenge to debate because you afraid of the truth and run from any confrontation.

All you can do is repeat you nonsense I already refuted and blame me for not pretending to agree to your crap, like that every country in the world has the right for WMD except Israel. Now, a defender of human rights as yourself, is trying pathetically to intimidate me to stop expressing my opinion, is not that another hypocrisy of you? You cannot handle my arguments, so you are trying to hash me.

After all your deceits and lies reality did not change: Israel is lesser threat to the world than Bangladesh, and you have double standards for asking Israel to abide rules you do not ask other nuclear weapons countries, and while you support Iran in its objective to break the same rules you expect Israel to preserve. Hypocrisy at its best.
Get off the forum and go do your day job killing innocent defenceless arab women and children
How can I be threatened by a little anti-Semite weasel like yourself? You are no challenge to debate because you afraid of the truth and run from any confrontation.

All you can do is repeat you nonsense I already refuted and blame me for not pretending to agree to your crap, like that every country in the world has the right for WMD except Israel. Now, a defender of human rights as yourself, is trying pathetically to intimidate me to stop expressing my opinion, is not that another hypocrisy of you? You cannot handle my arguments, so you are trying to hash me.

After all your deceits and lies reality did not change: Israel is lesser threat to the world than Bangladesh, and you have double standards for asking Israel to abide rules you do not ask other nuclear weapons countries, and while you support Iran in its objective to break the same rules you expect Israel to preserve. Hypocrisy at its best.

Make up your mind, first you say I threatened you then you say how can I be threatened, shylock you've lost it, you're having a stroke, your evilness has let you down, go see a psychiatrist.

Make up your mind, first you say I threatened you then you say how can I be threatened, shylock you've lost it, you're having a stroke, your evilness has let you down, go see a psychiatrist.

You should know better than me about psychiatrists.

Now you lie about what you already said? how lower can you go further?

You did threaten to prevent me from saying my opinion, but your threat was so pathetic, like your anti-Semite opinions.

I know that truth hurts to you and your kind, but I am going to continue to express it! Israel allegedly WMD are a lesser threat to the world than Bangladesh.
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