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IAEA, Hypocrisy and Israeli Nukes.

You proved you are anti-Semite.

Only an anti-Semite like yourself has double standards regarding Israel and the Jewish people:

You singled out Israel as the only country in the world which is not allowed the have WMD, while you support tyrant regimes like the Iranian one and their right to have nukes.

You compared Israel to Nazi regime, although by any standard Israel is a liberal democratic country which preserve human rights and has a responsible policy, far better of most countries in the world, including Bangladesh.

And worst than anything: you think that the Jewish people do not deserve an independent state like all other nations, probably because you convinced yourself that they are inferior, particularly vis-a-vis Muslims and Arabs who has more rights on the Jewish historic homeland. I bet you are even an holocaust denier who think it is all a conspiracy for oppressing the Arabs/Muslims, like you friend, the villain who is now known as the Iranian President.

This is why you are anti-Semite. I do not why you are so insulted, you are in a good company with most of the crooks and degraded scams of our world.

Furthermore, you are a deceiver who cannot defend his own argument and chose to escape from any direct question. You really are one of the most pathetic anti-Semites I ever had the displeasure to encounter.

You've proven that you're Shakespeare's shylock. You hypocrite complain about Iran's nuclear programme while running a WMD's factory at full speed. BTW those who steal the homeland of others are more than tyrants, they are heinous criminals.
You've proven that you're Shakespeare's shylock. You hypocrite complain about Iran's nuclear programme while running a WMD's factory at full speed. BTW those who steal the homeland of others are more than tyrants, they are heinous criminals.

As I thought, you admit that you are anti-Semite and racist. Thus, your preachings are a waste of time. I have no desire to continue to debate with someone who says he is a degenerate with no moral values.

If I were you, I would wish that "Nazi" Israel occupies all the Muslim countries because Muslims in Israel enjoy more political freedom and economic prosperity that in any other Muslim country. You should beg Israel to conquer Bangladesh, but what country would want as a citizen a mentally challenged anti-Semite like yourself.

I presented my case and you clearly failed to present yours. I am here to improve my thinking by discussing the issue with people with some intellect while you have none. You are here only to spread your lies and mendacity. Unless you reply to the questions you were formerly asked and provide proofs to your ridiculous arguments, there is no way to progress from here. All you did is exposing yourself as a challenged individual who has no basic skills for debating.
As I thought, you admit that you are anti-Semite and racist. Thus, your preachings are a waste of time. I have no desire to continue to debate with someone who says he is a degenerate with no moral values.

If I were you, I would wish that "Nazi" Israel occupies all the Muslim countries because Muslims in Israel enjoy more political freedom and economic prosperity that in any other Muslim country. You should beg Israel to conquer Bangladesh, but what country would want as a citizen a mentally challenged anti-Semite like yourself.

I presented my case and you clearly failed to present yours. I am here to improve my thinking by discussing the issue with people with some intellect while you have none. You are here only to spread your lies and mendacity. Unless you reply to the questions you were formerly asked and provide proofs to your ridiculous arguments, there is no way to progress from here. All you did is exposing yourself as a challenged individual who has no basic skills for debating.

And you're admitting that you're the dirtiest villain, just like Shylock! You can dream of occupying the entire Muslim World but your Nazi dream won't come true, before that the israeli WMDs will be handed over to a new world body for safe keeping.

And you're admitting that you're the dirtiest villain, just like Shylock!

Unlike yourself I did not admit any of your nonsense, while you are proud of your anti-Semitism.

Israel will continue to prosper and gain one success after the other, while you and your country will stay behind, with your envy and hate. Israel is the strongest country in the ME, and has no problem to overcome rotted scams like yourself. Continue to scream your hatred, we could not care less.

You even lie to yourself with hallucinations about dismantling Israel. Keep dreaming, that what this scenario would stay. Your kind have no power to influence anything regarding Israel, so you are focused in spreading your hatred.

You could only aspire to live in "Nazi" Israel and not in the failed state of Bangladesh.
Unlike yourself I did not admit any of your nonsense, while you are proud of your anti-Semitism.

Israel will continue to prosper and gain one success after the other, while you and your country will stay behind, with your envy and hate. Israel is the strongest country in the ME, and has no problem to overcome rotted scams like yourself. Continue to scream your hatred, we could not care less.

You even lie to yourself with hallucinations about dismantling Israel. Keep dreaming, that what this scenario would stay.

You could only aspire to live in "Nazi" Israel and not in the failed state of Bangladesh.

What can be said about a country whose judges sentence a dog to death. To the Great Satan it may be okay but to the world it is a no no if it possesses nukes. If the judges of this country can have such hatred towards a dog much worse can be expected from its warmongering generals and politicians. Nukes are definitely not safe in the hands of these monsters. Here's the link, shylock:

Jewish court sentences dog to death by stoning - Telegraph

What can be said about a country whose judges sentence a dog to death. To the Great Satan it may be okay but to the world it is a no no if it possesses nukes. If the judges of this country can have such hatred towards a dog much worse can be expected from its warmongering generals and politicians. Nukes are definitely not safe in the hands of these monsters. Here's the link, shylock:

Jewish court sentences dog to death by stoning - Telegraph

There are more intellectual headless chickens than yourself.

This is all you got? A ridicules story about a dog from which you arrive to conclusions about Israel's allegedly nukes?

Try to find about the rights of parrots, African swallows and seamy cats in Israel - who knows, maybe you would be able to understand better the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Even if you are an anti-Semite, a layer and a villain you do not have to be so obtuse.
There are more intellectual headless chickens than yourself.

This is all you got? A ridicules story about a dog from which you arrive to conclusions about Israel's allegedly nukes?

Try to find about the rights of parrots, African swallows and seamy cats in Israel - who knows, maybe you would be able to understand better the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Even if you are an anti-Semite, a layer and a villain you do not have to be so obtuse.

Yeah, you're right I'm indeed a villain to you just as Antonio was to Shylock.

Yeah, you're right I'm indeed a villain to you just as Antonio was to Shylock.

I see that this time you did not have link to the rights of the porcupines in Israel and how it illustrates Israel military and its foreign policy.

You really are dumb as a doorknob. Next time avoid any participation in discussions on important issues like this thread, you will save yourself the embarrassment. Focus on threads which discuss animal rights.
I see that this time you did not have link to the rights of the porcupines in Israel and how it illustrates Israel military and its foreign policy.

You really are dumb as a doorknob. Next time avoid any participation in discussions on important issues like this thread, you will save yourself the embarrassment. Focus on threads which discuss animal rights.

You know shylock, I would like to give you my thanks for giving me this rare opportunity to contribute something to the welfare of mankind. It gives me immense pleasure knowing that at least one shylock is getting the share of my boots to his rear. Mankind will definitely pray for me for this contribution.
You know shylock, I would like to give you my thanks for giving me this rare opportunity to contribute something to the welfare of mankind. It gives me immense pleasure knowing that at least one shylock is getting the share of my boots to his rear. Mankind will definitely pray for me for this contribution.

Boots? What boots?

Your evasive manoeuvres?

Your hatred?

Your anti-Semitism?

Your limited intellectual capacity?

Your double standards?

Continue to occupy yourself with threads about the rights of camels in inner Mongolia, stay away from important and complicated issues that you have no skill to understand.

I know you are praying every day that Israel will take control over Bangladesh and save you from yourself. However, we are not interesting in anti-Semite, racist, intellectual challenged like yourself.
Boots? What boots?

Your evasive manoeuvres?

Your hatred?

Your anti-Semitism?

Your limited intellectual capacity?

Your double standards?

Continue to occupy yourself with threads about the rights of camels in inner Mongolia, stay away from important and complicated issues that you have no skill to understand.

I know you are praying every day that Israel will take control over Bangladesh and save you from yourself. However, we are not interesting in anti-Semite, racist, intellectual challenged like yourself.

OOOOOOh Shylock, can your hear me laughing at your distress? I just can't resist the pleasure of grilling a vermin like you. You know, you deserve it. Just tell your politicians to dump the WMDs and we'll be all friends, we'll even get you an invitation card from Ahmedinejad to attend a dinner with the Ayatullah, how about that?

OOOOOOh Shylock, can your hear me laughing at your distress? I just can't resist the pleasure of grilling a vermin like you. You know, you deserve it. Just tell your politicians to dump the WMDs and we'll be all friends, we'll even get you an invitation card from Ahmedinejad to attend a dinner with the Ayatullah, how about that?

Distress? You are having hallucinations again. Take the blue pill, not the yellow one before you login to PDF.

Finally a great idea - we could dump WMD... on you!

With friends like that who needs enemies. I leave you to enjoy their company. After all you and they are anti-Semites with no moral values, you would have so much to discuss- all the success of both countries. Oh well, that would be a very short conversation...

You might interest the Iranians with your deep concern to the rights of the ants in Israel.

---------- Post added at 09:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:35 PM ----------

Israel: an Impediment to Nuclear-Free Middle East

Kourosh Ziabari

You might have frequently heard of the Western mainstream media’s claims that Iran is pursuing a military nuclear program which is aimed at developing atomic weapons. Actually, spreading falsehood and untruth about the nature of Iran’s peaceful nuclear program has been a constant, unchanging and recurring theme of the Western corporate media’s coverage of Iran’s events.

Over the past years, the world mainstream media, funded and fueled by certain Western governments to derail Iran’s sublime position in the international community through their unyielding black propaganda have laboriously and persistently attempted to pretend that Iran’s nuclear program poses a serious threat to the global peace and security and that Tehran is taking steps to create atomic bombs to drop on Israel and European countries.

Unfortunately, the people who believe such claims are credulously unaware of the fact that those who accuse Iran of trying to develop nuclear weapons are themselves the largest possessors of the state-of-the-art nuclear weapons and other types of weapons of mass destruction.

It should not be neglected that Iran has always been at the forefront of combating the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and also a victim of such weapons during the 8-year imposed war with the Ba’athist regime of Saddam Hussein which claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iranians, and it was the United States that equipped Saddam with such weapons to use against the Iranian people in an unequal and unjustifiable war in which the brutal Iraqi dictator was unconditionally supported by a strong coalition of the United States and its European allies.

Since the U.S.-manufactured controversy over Iran’s nuclear program was ignited in the early 2000s, the White House and its cronies successfully distracted the international attention from the illegal, underground nuclear activities of Israeli regime and helped Tel Aviv to secretively further its nuclear program and build atomic weapons.

According to the Federation of American Scientists, Israel now possesses up to 200 nuclear warheads and since it is not a signatory to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT), it cannot be held accountable over its military nuclear program.

The US Congress Office of Technology Assessment has recorded Israel as a country generally reported as having undeclared chemical warfare capabilities, and an offensive biological warfare program.

Since Israel started the development of nuclear weapons in early 1950s, it adopted a so-called policy of “deliberate ambiguity” and concealed its nuclear activities under this counterfeit label to enjoy immunity and avoid responsibility over its nuclear program, meaning that it neither confirms nor denies the possession of nuclear weapons, while even the U.S.-based scientific and research organizations have admitted that it has a perilous nuclear arsenal which is potentially able to evaporate the whole Middle East in a matter of seconds.

On June 19, 1981, the United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution which urgently called upon Israel to put its nuclear facilities under the comprehensive safeguards of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); however, Israel never heeded the calls of the UNSC and following that resolution, no significant decision was ever made to domesticate Israel and bring its dangerous nuclear facilities under control.

According to Nuclear Weapons Archive website, “the most specific and detailed information to be made public about Israel’s nuclear program came from a former mid-level nuclear technician named Mordechai Vanunu. Vanunu had worked at the Machon 2 facility, where plutonium is produced and bomb components fabricated, for 9 years before his increasing involvement in left wing pro-Palestinian politics led to his dismissal in 1986. Due to lax internal security, prior to his departure he managed to take about 60 photographs covering nearly every part of Machon 2.”

He made contact with the London Sunday Times and began to write an exclusive story about the details of Israel’s nuclear program. Unfortunately for Vanunu, “the Israeli government had found out about his activities and the Mossad arranged to kidnap him and bring him back to Israel for trial,” the report added.

Now, Iran has hosted dozens of representatives and experts from over 40 countries in the Second International Nuclear Disarmament Conference in Tehran to discuss the most important nuclear threats which jeopardize the international peace and security.

Last year, Iran had hosted the first Nuclear Disarmament Conference under the title of “Nuclear Energy for All, Nuclear Weapon for None.”

According to the scholars and experts who took part in this years conference, the possession of nuclear weapons by the five permanent members of the UN Security Council along with Israel which is the sole possessor of nuclear weapons in the Middle East are among the main concerns of international community which not only thwart the creation of a nuclear-free Middle East but also portray an unquestionable exercise of double standards by the Western powers.

The Tehran conference on nuclear disarmament has concluded that all of the non-NPT members should ratify this treaty and allow the inspection of their nuclear facilities. It has also proposed that Israel should be disarmed as soon as possible, because it’s the only owner of nuclear weapons in the Middle East.

Even as even the U.S. intelligence services have confirmed that Iran does not intend to produce nuclear weapons, Tehran is lethally under the pressure of the United States and its European friends over its civilian nuclear program. This is while 9 countries in the world own more than 20,000 nuclear warheads and this leaves us with a basic question: who poses the real threat to international peace and security?

---------- Post added at 09:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:36 PM ----------

Iran: Israel nuclear threat to Mideast - Israel News, Ynetnews
Distress? You are having hallucinations again. Take the blue pill, not the yellow one before you login to PDF.

Finally a great idea - we could dump WMD... on you!

With friends like that who needs enemies. I leave you to enjoy their company. After all you and they are anti-Semites with no moral values, you would have so much to discuss- all the success of both countries. Oh well, that would be a very short conversation...

You might interest the Iranians with your deep concern to the rights of the ants in Israel.

Hey shylock, you are no victim, no matter how you put it, you're the perpetrator of the Shatila massacre and many more like that.

Hey shylock, you are no victim, no matter how you put it, you're the perpetrator of the Shatila massacre and many more like that.

Me? Personally? What about the last tsunami in Japan - is it my fault too?

You deviated from the topic, this is a threat about Israel's allegedly nukes. Can't you read?

BTW, how is your campaign for the rights of Israel's squirrels is going on?
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