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IAEA, Hypocrisy and Israeli Nukes.

A terrorist state like israel must not be allowed to possess nukes. Isreal's nukes are a threat to the entire world. The topic here is israel's WMD not Iran's. Israel is expert in false flag operation like the USS Liberty incident.

The topic is indeed Israel's allegedly nuclear weapons. However, you need to establish the bases for the discussion and explain why Israel need to be single out and not any other nuclear weapons state.

You said - Israel "terrorises" the Palestinians, but you ignore the human rights violations of other nuclear countries.

You said - Israel is a threat to the entire world, but most of the countries do not develop nukes against Israel.

You said - Iran is not Israel because Iran is intimidated by Israel, but Israel has no conflict with Iran and if Iran avoids developing nuclear weapons, it would significantly lower the risk of a military attack against it.

You support the dictatorial regime of Iran which murders its own people in his nuclear ambitions, but against nuclear Israel - hypocrisy at its peak.

Your last resort was to argue that Israel is a unique and exceptional like Nazi Germany, but you did not present any proof for this argument - which points to you as a philistine who knows so little about human history and the Nazi regime.

In conclusion, easily I disqualified all your arguments against Israel, and all you can do is to repeat your illogic claims over and over with no ability to defend them.

I am quite please that anyone who is interesting in this issue could see in his own eyes the hypocrisy of a brained-wash anti-Semite like yourself who cannot cope an open debate without lies and mendacity, and could not give any rationale to the flaws in his pathetic arguments.
The topic is indeed Israel's allegedly nuclear weapons. However, you need to establish the bases for the discussion and explain why Israel need to be single out and not any other nuclear weapons state.

You said - Israel "terrorises" the Palestinians, but you ignore the human rights violations of other nuclear countries.

You said - Israel is a threat to the entire world, but most of the countries do not develop nukes against Israel.

You said - Iran is not Israel because Iran is intimidated by Israel, but Israel has no conflict with Iran and if Iran avoids developing nuclear weapons, it would significantly lower the risk of a military attack against it.

You last resort was to argue that Israel is a unique and exceptional like Nazi Germany, but you did not present any proof for this argument.

In conclusion, easily I disqualified all your arguments against Israel, and all you can do is to repeat your illogic claims over and over with no ability to defend them.

I am quite please that anyone who is interesting in this issue could see in his own eyes the hypocrisy of a brained-wash anti-Semite like yourself who cannot cope an open debate without lies and mendacity, and could not give any rationale to the flaws in his pathetic arguments.

If the topic is isreal's WMD let's stick to that, let's not involve Iran in it just to serve your wicked purpose!

If the topic is isreal's WMD let's stick to that, let's not involve Iran in it just to serve your wicked purpose!

Wicked? Am I an evildoer?

You do not have answers, so you again change tactics. It did not bother you for the last 2 pages that we talked about Iran.

We are talking about Israel and trying to find out what is so unique and so different in its case vis-a-vis other nuclear weapons countries and countries (like Iran) which pursue the option of nuclear weapons.

As I said, all your arguments have been a total absurd and did not explain how can you expect that international attention to be focused specifically on Israel, while there are more troubling nuclear cases out there.

Why Israel needs to be judged on a more severe scale than other countries which are involve in the nuclear weapons business like Pakistan, North Korea and Iran?
Wicked? Am I an evildoer?

We are talking about Israel and trying to find out what is so unique and so different in its case vis-a-vis other nuclear weapons countries and countries (like Iran) which pursue the option of nuclear weapons.

As I said, all your arguments have been a total absurd and did not explain how can you expect that international attention to be focused specifically on Israel, while there are more troubling nuclear cases out there.

My argument is okay, it's your argument which is based on deceit and lies. Three fourth of the world condemns israel at the UN for its terrorism and you say that the israeli nukes are not a threat. You israelis are worse than the Nazis.
My argument is okay, it's your argument which is based on deceit and lies. Three fourth of the world condemns israel at the UN for its terrorism and you say that the israeli nukes are not a threat. You israelis are worse than the Nazis.

Three forth of the world is like Bangladesh: a bunch of impoverished failed states which envy the success of other countries and instead of improving their situation with a honest day work find the unbelievable insolence to lecture other nations. I could not care less about what your country and these failed states have to say about Israel.

Your arguments are ridiculous and you prove it again and again: you cannot defend them in a direct discussion, only to repeat the same lies.
Three forth of the world is like Bangladesh: a bunch of impoverished failed states which envy the success of other countries and instead of improving their situation with a honest day work find the unbelievable insolence to lecture other nations. I could not care less about what your country and these failed states have to say about Israel.

Your arguments are ridiculous and you prove it again and again: you cannot defend them in a direct discussion, only to repeat the same lies.

What else could a zionist say, after all, most of the countries call israel what it is, a terror outfit with nukes.
What else could a zionist say, after all, most of the countries call israel what it is, a terror outfit with nukes.

Only Arab and Islamic countries. The rest have full diplomatic, trade and economic ties with the country and recognize it fully. Take the foreign relations of Israel Map and see for yourself if you don't want to believe it. And trust me, they really don't really miss you guys in their list. Go on. Internet is your friend. Google it out.
My argument is okay, it's your argument which is based on deceit and lies. Three fourth of the world condemns israel at the UN for its terrorism and you say that the israeli nukes are not a threat. You israelis are worse than the Nazis.

Dude you seriously have no idea about Nazis then if you think Israel is Nazi. Really. Since your government doesn't want you to see the reality it has banned you to go there. If you have any other nationality, use that passport and go to Israel. You'll see for yourself. Even the so-called oppressed areas are far more advanced than most of our south Asian countries' peaceful areas and there is a lot of peace there. I know people who've been there.
Dude you seriously have no idea about Nazis then if you think Israel is Nazi. Really. Since your government doesn't want you to see the reality it has banned you to go there. If you have any other nationality, use that passport and go to Israel. You'll see for yourself. Even the so-called oppressed areas are far more advanced than most of our south Asian countries' peaceful areas and there is a lot of peace there. I know people who've been there.

I have plenty of knowledge about the Nazis and that's why I can see how the israelis are using the same technique against the Palestinians. The Nazis needed breeding space so they invaded their neighbours; the israelis need breeding space so have grabbed the lands of the Palestinians. The comparison is quite appropriate but you won't see it for you're blinded by your love of the israelis and hatred for the Muslims. BTW you've deviated from the topic, it's about the israeli WMDs.
I have plenty of knowledge about the Nazis and that's why I can see how the israelis are using the same technique against the Palestinians. The Nazis needed breeding space so they invaded their neighbours; the israelis need breeding space so have grabbed the lands of the Palestinians. The comparison is quite appropriate but you won't see it for you're blinded by your love of the israelis and hatred for the Muslims. BTW you've deviated from the topic, it's about the israeli WMDs.

You deviated too.

If this is your comfort, so be it. I would not take away your little pathetic fantasies that bring joy to an anti-Semite like yourself. And it seems you really need them - after all, you are from Bangladesh.

The minute you really want to face reality and discuss it, just post it on this thread. Until then all you did prove is your ignorance about Israel, and your deceitful character as you only can lie and scream in order to cover for your incapability to defend your arguments. And fortunately, everyone could witness that.

BTW, your hallucinations about a breeding race and a breeding space are disconnected from the reality of Israel's withdrawal again and again (in 1978-1982, 1994-1999, 2000, and 2005) for receiving a bit of peace with its Arab neighbours.
You deviated too.

If this is your comfort, so be it. I would not take away your little pathetic fantasies that bring joy to an anti-Semite like yourself. And it seems you really need them - after all, you are from Bangladesh.

The minute you really want to face reality and discuss it, just post it on this thread. Until then all you did prove is your ignorance about Israel, and your deceitful character as you only can lie and scream in order to cover for your incapability to defend your arguments. And fortunately, everyone could witness that.

BTW, your hallucinations about a breeding race and a breeding space are disconnected from the reality of Israel's withdrawal again and again (in 1978-1982, 1994-1999, 2000, and 2005) for receiving a bit of peace with its Arab neighbours.

Singing the same old rotten 'you're an anti-Semite' song when the israeli threat is exposed. You can't fool the world forever. The days of incurring sympathy by staging dramas are over.
Only Arab and Islamic countries. The rest have full diplomatic, trade and economic ties with the country and recognize it fully. Take the foreign relations of Israel Map and see for yourself if you don't want to believe it. And trust me, they really don't really miss you guys in their list. Go on. Internet is your friend. Google it out.

Most countries have diplomatic ties with the US but does it mean they are all like israel or india? Not at all, not at all. Russians for example openly call israel the mother of all evils. Once in a while visit the Pravda or the Chinese forums, it will broaden your views.

Singing the same old rotten 'you're an anti-Semite' song when the israeli threat is exposed. You can't fool the world forever. The days of incurring sympathy by staging dramas are over.

You proved you are anti-Semite.

Only an anti-Semite like yourself has double standards regarding Israel and the Jewish people:

You singled out Israel as the only country in the world which is not allowed the have WMD, while you support tyrant regimes like the Iranian one and their right to have nukes.

You compared Israel to Nazi regime, although by any standard Israel is a liberal democratic country which preserve human rights and has a responsible policy, far better of most countries in the world, including Bangladesh.

And worst than anything: you think that the Jewish people do not deserve an independent state like all other nations, probably because you convinced yourself that they are inferior, particularly vis-a-vis Muslims and Arabs who has more rights on the Jewish historic homeland. I bet you are even an holocaust denier who think it is all a conspiracy for oppressing the Arabs/Muslims, like you friend, the villain who is now known as the Iranian President.

This is why you are anti-Semite. I do not why you are so insulted, you are in a good company with most of the crooks and degraded scams of our world.

Furthermore, you are a deceiver who cannot defend his own argument and chose to escape from any direct question. You really are one of the most pathetic anti-Semites I ever had the displeasure to encounter.
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