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I miss Pervez Musharraf

I miss him also
look at all the above traitor comments surronded from portraying a opinions of Chor wallas
signifies their OWN life outlook - free money & rest all go to hell,
I am ashamed of these loser traitors Pakis ! THIS IS 1st TIME I SAID P*** lingo.
He did some good while made grave mistakes too…..a mixed bag
I miss him also
look at all the above traitor comments surronded from portraying a opinions of Chor wallas
signifies their OWN life outlook - free money & rest all go to hell,
I am ashamed of these loser traitors Pakis ! THIS IS 1st TIME I SAID P*** lingo.
Try addressing the points made rather than being angered. Learn about the guy you've been trained to fawn over.

He was Pakistan's ticket out of the misery that is holding back the country today but nobody realized it back in the day. He knew how important realpolitik is but the establishment shot him down.

We miss you, sir. :(
So you miss someone who overthrew a democratic government? Bent over in front of USA and allowed thousands of Pakistanis to die in drone attacks? Supported MQM in their destruction of Karachi? Didn’t improve any institution in Pakistan? Made money via corruption?

Do tell me why you miss him and others who liked the comment…

Slave mentality continues
All Indian Muslims love Musharraf as he was a Mujahir from India.
Honorable Musharaf Sahib was great

Unfortunately he made 1 error NRO and had he not made that error Pakistan would 500% better that current situation

When you have 200-300 Conspirators PML/PPP politicians and their henchmen and families , and money power the conspirator vs 1 man , Musharraf was taken advantage off

The problem is now the issue is really many conspirators vs 1 man and that is what Musharraf faced he was a military man did not understood the conspiracy against him he was "Conned"

Dhooka Diya Musharraf ko , that he will become President and then he was toppled from power
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No that was Zia, Musharraf comes second.

He was a Moderate president.He is the opposite to Zia he is the one who is solely responsible for 50k + deaths due to war of terror.His decision was to enter the war
He was a Moderate president.He is the opposite to Zia he is the one who is solely responsible for 50k + deaths due to war of terror.His decision was to enter the war
Another 35k killed during pml n Nawaz Era ...what about ganja humpty dumpty .. eh ?

Try addressing the points made rather than being angered. Learn about the guy you've been trained to fawn over.
Man i have YouTube channel,
I have made more content on Musharraf than any of these users.
A country without political stability can never develop economically.
Politicians must unite for the sake of national interest, so that Pakistani world is safe from ridicule.

He was Pakistan's ticket out of the misery that is holding back the country today but nobody realized it back in the day. He knew how important realpolitik is but the establishment shot him down.

We miss you, sir. :(

So you miss a Military Dictator and a US Stooge -- GREAT !! Have you tried emailing or calling him?? :lol: .....
as far as I am concerned, he is yet another of these corrupt Generals who have been destroying this country and keeping the Awam hostages since 1947 at the behest of their White Colonial Masters !
Mushi achievements.. More channels, HEC, Broadband, cheap IT imports, Wireless communication network,

cons: Attack of jamia Hafsa, inclusion in WoT, no protest on drone attacks, not charging tariff on NATO supply, selling own citizen, Balochistan operation, and giving NRO....
Mushi achievements.. More channels, HEC, Broadband, cheap IT imports, Wireless communication network,
Pakistani economy never recovered after Musharraf

He was Pakistan's ticket out of the misery that is holding back the country today but nobody realized it back in the day. He knew how important realpolitik is but the establishment shot him down.

We miss you, sir. :(

şaka mısın ya? Evet?
He was a good stateman. Best thing people loved about him was his Macho Man kinda quality through which he always handled local or international media. He allowed private media news channels to be get initiated through which thsoe poor hand to mouth print news reporters earned fame and truck loads of income prospects. He had that massive ability to convince others during debates, to speak and influence minds of others. But there was always "discipline, order, chain of command" side of him which civil society along with the idiotic infant electronic media wasn't ready to digest easily. Some of his policies in telecom sector, higher education or steps regarding acquisition of latest military hardware were well appreciated. That 2.5 eyed judge named Ifthikhar Ch along with his judicial activisim, professional dogs in media and WOT policies led Musharraf down. Can recall the words of Sheikh Rasheed. "Kala Burqaa, Kala Camera aur Kala Coat Musharraf Sahab ko lay dobaa".

It doesn't matter what people think about him, his media presence was unmatched even till today. I had always soft side for him despite all his shortcomings.
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