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I am finally Elite

That's reserved for the Elite of the planet, not PDF.:mad:
same thing :coffee:

plus in real life, you cant really reach elite of the planet you are either born elite or adopted elite or married into an elite family...
original? Well, there isnt much time for anything most of the time I am in office or lab or waiting for sleep to hit me...soo not sure how much more original it can go
Sorry :p: Original means your main post or first post in this thread :-)
Congrast @Talon
oh oh oh soooo cute...thank you :woot:

Sorry :p: Original means your main post or first post in this thread :-)
Ahh...office was closing when I realized I crossed the elite border :angel:

Plus couldnt wait till someone notices so congratulated myself :ashamed:
same thing :coffee:

plus in real life, you cant really reach elite of the planet you are either born elite or adopted elite or married into an elite family...
Tell that to the NarayanaMurthys, Dhirubhai Ambanis, Richard Bransons, Mark Zuckerbergs and Bill Gatess of the World.
Tell that to the NarayanaMurthys, Dhirubhai Ambanis, Richard Bransons, Mark Zuckerbergs and Bill Gatess of the World.
well they are rich not elite....2 separate things ;)

Elite = a select part of a group that is superior to the rest in terms of ability or qualities.

Thanks Mate!! :tup:
which one's coat did you stich? :coffee:
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