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Hundreds occupied Islamabad's Lal Masjid Friday, painting the walls red

True, RAW never started the Islamic fundamentalism but they certainly are using the northern alliance rule in Afghanistan to hire and train terrorists to blast bombs in Pakistan.
Do you think any Islamic fundamentalist will sanction this or neither does al-qaeeda in there usual style has accepted the responsibility of those attacks.
Who is it than??? I'm just linking the intelligence involved in selecting targets and timming, which suggest to me it has to be a highly organised organisation.
These are the basic questions for which my mind point only at RAW and not CIA.

I just found this news on this very forum. Police captured some bombers from Peshawar who were being paid by anonymous country to blast bombs at civilian places in Pakistan.

I suppose you could speculate that money and material might have been supplied to these people by certain "foreign" groups/institutions. But you should also add the Saudi's to the mix then. Are they not the primary financiers for most of the more virulent madrassas? Did they not pour money into them, along with Iran, when the extremist Shia-Sunni organizations were massacring innocent people? There are plenty of actors in this play with "interests" at stake.

But regardless, the issue is not so much that RAW or the CIA or the Saudi's are financing and supporting these people, it is the fact that we have Pakistanis who are willing to commit crimes and terrorist acts, allegedly under the influence of these "agents". If a RAW agent comes to me tomorrow and says he'll give me a million dollars to go plant a bomb, I am not going to do it. You know why? Because I respect the sanctity of human life, I respect the rule of law, as flawed and inconsistent as it may be, because I am in no position to judge the guilt of those whom I would hurt. There is a fundamental flaw in these people, that they are swayed so easily to kill and maim, to betray their country.

The job of the Devil is to tempt; it is the folly, and failing of those humans who fall for the temptation. Blame naught but those who would sacrifice both their nation and their compatriots for their "cause".
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Money alone cannot make you do suicide bombing. These suicide bombers are mostly pakistani's and brainwashed in pakistan by pakistani's. Even if the money is coming from saudi it was coming with the knowledge of pakistan govt who did nothing to stop it for very obvious reasons. We are expert in blaming everyone else for our fault. Nothing will change till we look inside and see where we went wrong. RAW, CIA ,NA are all easy scapegoats.Most of the people in Lal Masjid killed ,arrested were pakistani's. What was happening inside was no secret.
Money alone cannot make you do suicide bombing. These suicide bombers are mostly pakistani's and brainwashed in pakistan by pakistani's. Even if the money is coming from saudi it was coming with the knowledge of pakistan govt who did nothing to stop it for very obvious reasons. We are expert in blaming everyone else for our fault. Nothing will change till we look inside and see where we went wrong. RAW, CIA ,NA are all easy scapegoats.Most of the people in Lal Masjid killed ,arrested were pakistani's. What was happening inside was no secret.
Very true blaming others for what is happening isn't going to get us anywhere. At the end of the day it's Pakistani's killing Pakistani's. It's time for the media and Pakistani society to stand up and condemn these terrorist attack on Pakistan. The Pakistani private media has yet to outright condemn these attacks, they're more interested in sensationalising the governments mistakes, Pakistani people will march and take to the streets for the CJ and Democracy(which is perfectly reasonable) but don't protest against suicide bombings? It's time for Pakistani's to look within themselves and understand what is right and what is wrong.
Guys frankly I'm of the opinion that RAW is a completely useless organisation that does nothing. Its made up of mostly IPS cadre bureaucrats who just sit on their ***** and tap phones.
They couldn't even provide proper intelligence to our own army during the Kargil war. Training Afghan militants and sending them to Pakistan is beyond their capabilities and totally ridiculous.:crazy:

Yeah off course they are......RAW must be the only agency that is working for pakistan india unity.
It will only be a matter of time before a indian agent is caught.
Oh yeah, some fault of the government who were shouting on loudspeakers, "surrender and you won't be hurt" to kidnappers and extortionists in the Mosque. They shouldnt be so gentle with criminals.

yeah if your relative were there, then , had you given the statement like that
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