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Hundreds occupied Islamabad's Lal Masjid Friday, painting the walls red


I see you are sporting a Bangladeshi Flag.

Is Bangladesh implementing the Sharia?

It appears you are living in history and think that you are the Chosen One to implement the writ of the election that Mujib won but did not get to rule and you want to organise Pakistan before it is too late.

It is for Pakistanis to decide what they want.

And from the photos that I have seen, it is not a decadent country.

Have you seen or met Sherry?

Or are you egging them and instigating them that they are not pious Moslems with the pious stuff you are posting, so that they self destruct?
With all respect to your views, I would say turmoil in the neighbourhood is never in the interest of anyone.

As an allegory, if a thief steals in the neighbour's house, it means that the thieves have hit the locality and you could be next. So, if Jihadis take over Pakistan, what is the guarantee that their influence will not spill over to India?

A Jihadi Pakistan would mean more turmoil in Kashmir and more of the foreign 'guest terrorists'.

And maybe more train blasts in Mumbai with a better record than their last one of 7 trains (IIRC) hit in 11 minutes!

The choice is yours. Musharraf or a Jihadi!

I prefer Musharraf.

Uncle Sam can do what he likes, but I won't be Uncle Tom. As Lawrence of Arabia had said when asked to show his palm for reading his fate, - I will write my own fate!

US interests need not be Indian interests.
This is some sensible thing what Pakistan (Musharraf) has been sending out recently to India and northern alliance rulers of Afghanistan but peace is not the interest of politicians on either side because first they incite hate and later they use it as political tool. Stupid are those who trust and follow the politicians or relegious fanatics..
You got some proof of that? lets not hit conspiracies quite yet..
Why Indians are reluctant to discuss the role of the presence of there commando units in Afghanistan and its increasing counsulates all over Pakistan border. I hope I will not be asked to post a link!
How come targeting only Chinese in Pakistan help any Islamic cause but it does serve Indian interests?
Pakistan is existing since 60 years and why Mullahs see only present government or society un Islamic, why not the rule from Benazir or Nawaz Sharif?
How does killing or attempting to kill government supporters in critical regions like Baloachistan or NWFP e.g. 'Razak Bugti' or Interior minister Aftab Sherpao can help Islamisation of Pakistan? but it does help Indian network previously run by A. Bugti or ANP.
We have seen during the red mosque beseige that media personals were free to travel in and around the illegal seminary and all those pictures were reappearing in the Indian media very religously, who ran the most vigourous and leading reporting of the event in the entire world. It perhaps has some commercial advantage in India but they always exegurated the events and at the end its clear they sensationalised the event on purpose. It means Al-Qaeeda terrorists and India are following same agenda hand in hand?
While during the same time India made historic defence deals with US and the media sensalisation kept Pakistan's key man Musharaff entangled with Indian soponsred terrorists of red mosque seminary.
Earlier, Pakistan's attempts to solve the red mosque issue politically and with patience delayed Indian defence deals.
If Pakistani intelligence may had visualise all this they could have easily see the TRIGER, which was kidnapping of CHINESE running there bussiness successfuly since last 20 years.
In this respect I praise how Indian intellegence work they immediately go to press and mention ISI, this shows how they began seeing the things.
The India media was using Geo TV footage and it was indicated so with its logo.

But then since you think all the ills in Pakistan is India sponsored, so be it.

The fact that you are very 'imaginative'm is so obvious by the rather far fetched imagery that the Red Mosque was engineered by India so as to keep the attention of Pak away from the nuke deal.

While during the same time India made historic defence deals with US and the media sensalisation kept Pakistan's key man Musharaff entangled with Indian soponsred terrorists of red mosque seminary.

After the Mumbai blasts where 7 trains were blown up in11 minutes no one had blamed the ISI. Another instance of a fertile and fevered imagination, if I may say where you claim that Indian int goes ISI blaming!
I was browsing the web in those days and found web is full of reports by Indian press and it was hard to find any report from Pakistani news paper or others.
Didn't you noticed that. May be some one other than me have noticed and may dare to confirm this.

You may call me imaginative but I call it another dimension and that's the sole purpose of forums to discuss an event from all dimensions.

This was not a puerly a technical discussion any way.

I never said India is responsible for all the ills in Pakistan so please don't put words in my mouth.
Though, I strongly suspect that India Army is organising training classes in Afgahnistan and sponsoring all those terrorists comming from Afghanistan. All the recent terror activities, there timing and targets were guided and decided by RAW.
Specially, targeting Chinese placing bombs in Islamabad, all serve Indian agenda of publishing stories linking Pakistan with terrorism.
I even suspect RAW is running even bigger game internationally i.e. specially in UK or Europe of course camoflaged as Muslims and helping fanatics through those camoflaged people.

After the Mumbai blasts where 7 trains were blown up in11 minutes no one had blamed the ISI
This is not true Pakistan and Muslims were blamed out rightly as usuall in the first press conference. Actually in this case India changed its allegations many times during the course.
Now, since you say so than kindly tell us, those hundered behind the bars belong to which terrorist organisation?
Heard of the Haneef case?

The PM personally took interest.

Also please check the thread on the issue in this forum.

Also please check the comment on APJ Abdul Kalam on the President of India thread here.

I don't know about Pakistan but in India there is a definite warm feeling towards Pakistan (one should have read the letters to the Editor in the Indian media about the US wanting to attack Pakistan to realise that you are divorced from reality!). And we treat terrorists with the same contempt as Pakistan does.

You opine like an Oracle with generalities and open ended infantile vivacity.

It is better you take it easy and look busy since you are living in the past.

Time to wake up and smell the coffee.
Batman stop blaming everything on RAW, they didn't start Islamic fundamentalism. The nutters don't need Indian aid to target Pakistan, they have plenty of resources and they believe God is on their side.

And if you think the British intelligence agencies would allow RAW to breed Islamic terrorists in England then you need a reality check.
Batman stop blaming everything on RAW, they didn't start Islamic fundamentalism. The nutters don't need Indian aid to target Pakistan, they have plenty of resources and they believe God is on their side.

And if you think the British intelligence agencies would allow RAW to breed Islamic terrorists in England then you need a reality check.
True, RAW never started the Islamic fundamentalism but they certainly are using the northern alliance rule in Afghanistan to hire and train terrorists to blast bombs in Pakistan.
Do you think any Islamic fundamentalist will sanction this or neither does al-qaeeda in there usual style has accepted the responsibility of those attacks.
Who is it than??? I'm just linking the intelligence involved in selecting targets and timming, which suggest to me it has to be a highly organised organisation.
These are the basic questions for which my mind point only at RAW and not CIA.

I just found this news on this very forum. Police captured some bombers from Peshawar who were being paid by anonymous country to blast bombs at civilian places in Pakistan.
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True, RAW never started the Islamic fundamentalism but they certainly are using the northern alliance rule in Afghanistan to hire and train terrorists to blast bombs in Pakistan.
Do you think any Islamic fundamentalist will sanction this or neither does al-qaeeda in there usual style has accepted the responsibility of those attacks.
Who is it than??? I'm just linking the intelligence involved in selecting targets and timming, which suggest to me it has to be a highly organised organisation.
These are the basic questions for which my mind point only at RAW and not CIA.

I just found this news on this very forum. Police captured some bombers from Peshawar who were being paid by anonymous country to blast bombs at civilian places in Pakistan.

It think RAW is just following in ISI's footsteps. ISI trains and funds Kashmir mujahidins.

You reap wat you sow :disagree:
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HI there, do u know one interesting fact. the guys who were painting the Ghazi Shaheed Red Mosque were mostly from the G sector. meaning they were a few students of the mosque while remaining were from islamabad.
i bet most of u would have cried when u would have seen the bones of innocent children being taken out of the debris of the Jamia Hafsa which the army had bulldozed with many bodies of children still inside. u know why they did it. actually they were thinking that people wont be able to find out the number of dead if the dead bodies are mixed with the rubble. sick and disgusting thought of the army.
HI there, do u know one interesting fact. the guys who were painting the Ghazi Shaheed Red Mosque were mostly from the G sector. meaning they were a few students of the mosque while remaining were from islamabad.
i bet most of u would have cried when u would have seen the bones of innocent children being taken out of the debris of the Jamia Hafsa which the army had bulldozed with many bodies of children still inside. u know why they did it. actually they were thinking that people wont be able to find out the number of dead if the dead bodies are mixed with the rubble. sick and disgusting thought of the army.

Yes. Yes. I'm sure they cried buckets for the children who they could have sent out at any time during the long siege. But if they had done so then they wouldn't have had any human shields huh? Stop with the crap. If you have evidence of the army "bulldozing bodies" then please share it with us. Other wise be quiet as you are just talking rubbish because you want to believe they were right, when in reality they were fools to try and force their views upon people and use children as human shields.

True, RAW never started the Islamic fundamentalism but they certainly are using the northern alliance rule in Afghanistan to hire and train terrorists to blast bombs in Pakistan.
Do you think any Islamic fundamentalist will sanction this or neither does al-qaeeda in there usual style has accepted the responsibility of those attacks.
Who is it than??? I'm just linking the intelligence involved in selecting targets and timming, which suggest to me it has to be a highly organised organisation.
These are the basic questions for which my mind point only at RAW and not CIA.

I just found this news on this very forum. Police captured some bombers from Peshawar who were being paid by anonymous country to blast bombs at civilian places in Pakistan.

Yes of course Islamic fundamentalists will support these kind of attacks. Did you not listen to zawahiris recent message, have you not seen what's going on in Iraq? These terrorists are pure evil, they have no regard whatsoever for human life. AQ is not behind every terrorist attack in the world, there are numerous terrorist organisations or small time amateur groups who have the same ideology and are prepared and do conduct attacks against civilians.

So because a police chief claims that they were working for India does that mean his right? Do you accept his words without any proof whatsoever, is this man god?

I'm getting sick and tired of people trying to pin the blame on non muslims and playing the 'discriminated muslims' card. Wake up and smell the coffee ffs. These fuckers are muslims whether you like it or not, the sooner we begin to accept this the quicker we can find a solution and sort this crap out once and for all.
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HI there, do u know one interesting fact. the guys who were painting the Ghazi Shaheed Red Mosque were mostly from the G sector. meaning they were a few students of the mosque while remaining were from islamabad.
i bet most of u would have cried when u would have seen the bones of innocent children being taken out of the debris of the Jamia Hafsa which the army had bulldozed with many bodies of children still inside. u know why they did it. actually they were thinking that people wont be able to find out the number of dead if the dead bodies are mixed with the rubble. sick and disgusting thought of the army.

I am sure all would hate if children are killed. I appreciate your feeling.

But when they are used to destabilise a country and they come in the crossfire, who can one blame? I am sure the security forces were not deliberately aiming to kill children.

Actually the Kazi Gazi should have released and even ordered children and women to leave since it was obvious that the situation was getting tense. The Kazi Gazi should have displayed some good sense to realise that even if there was no shooting, the trauma would scar women and children for life! Could that be the reason why he did not release them? So that those who lived through this hell were scarred for life and would hate with all their heart and sense all forms of authority?

God has his own place and the governance of a country has its own place. One should have faith in God, but God cannot help those who do not help themselves and merely knopwing the scriptures does not a stomach fill, even though it maybe an exhilerating experience!

Therefore, would it be fair to blame the govt forces alone for the unfortunate deaths?

Are you sure that when the seminary was demolised bones of children were found? It is really extraordinary that the bodies should have been reduced to bones in a matter of a few days. Medically and scientifically it is not possible as far as I know. Could it be that those bones were of the dead killed in the Mosque by Kazi Gazi and his gang and of those who did not follow his instructions? These fundamentalists are known to be ruthless in implementing their writ and are said to be beyond emotion and niceties that govern life!



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Do you think any Islamic fundamentalist will sanction this or neither does al-qaeeda in there usual style has accepted the responsibility of those attacks.

You are right.

The Islamist fundamentalist and AQ are purer than the snow on Mount Etna!

I wouldn't be surprised that the uprising in favour of the CJ is India sponsored!

It is scary that India is taking control of the Pakistan's mind and Pakistan's religion and its mullahs!

Shocking that they have this type of a power!

And imagine this - the BJP's ABP got Musharraf to agree to having a dialogue on CBMs!
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