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Hundreds occupied Islamabad's Lal Masjid Friday, painting the walls red


May 21, 2006
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ISLAMABAD, July 27 (AFP) Hundreds occupied Islamabad's Lal Masjid Friday, painting the walls in their original colour and wrecking the official reopening of the complex after an army assault on militants. Protesters chased out a government-appointed religious elder who was meant to lead the first Friday prayers at the mosque since the military operation there earlier this month that left more than 100 people dead. The unarmed demonstrators, most of them former students of the mosque, flew flags from the minarets and pelted police vehicles with stones, an AFP reporter witnessed. Five or six people carrying buckets daubed red paint over the outer walls, which had been changed to a peach colour during government renovations, while dozens more unfurled flags and banners on the roof. “It is true that rowdy students have overtaken the mosque, they are not letting the prayers be held,” a senior security official told AFP requesting anonymity. Despite tight security, the students stopped prayer leader Imam Mohammad Ashfaq taking up his position at the mosque and used the microphone to deliver their own furious speeches against the government raid. “I was told everything would be peaceful. I was never interested in taking up this job and after today I will never do it,” Ashfaq told AFP as he left with a police escort. The students demanded the return of the mosque's chief cleric, Abdul Aziz, who is now in jail awaiting trial on terror charges, Ashfaq said. They chanted anti-government slogans adding that the blood of the mosque's leader Abdul Rashid Ghazi, who died in the assault, would “bring an Islamic revolution.” They also threw shoes at cameramen and reporters covering the event. “It is an unfortunate situation,” interior ministry spokesman Brigadier Javed Cheema told AFP. “We worked day and night to open the mosque for people to offer prayers but some people, mainly former students, are trying to create mischief,” he said. “We are monitoring the situation and will take appropriate measures to restore order. Security forces have not gone inside,” he added. (Posted @ 16:15 PST)
ISLAMABAD, July 27 (AFP) A suicide bomber blew himself up among a group of policemen near Islamabad’s Lal Masjid Friday, killing at least 12 people and wounding 30 others, a security official said. “A man detonated explosives strapped to his body among two rows of Punjab police constabulary members who were there on duty because of the unrest at Lal Masjid,” the security official told AFP requesting anonymity. “At least 12 people have been killed and around 30 wounded. Most of the dead were policemen,” he added. Blood and pieces of flesh were strewn around the site of the blast near one of the main markets in Islamabad, an AFP correspondent said. The explosion destroyed several nearby shops. “There was a huge blast. I have put the bodies of three civilians and three policemen in ambulances myself,” said an eyewitness. Interior ministry spokesman Brigadier Javed Cheema confirmed there had been a blast near Islamabad’s Aabpara market and said authorities were still checking details. (First Posted @ 18:02 PST, Updated @ 19:04 PST)
ya Asim you are right but there is also some fault of government...

Oh yeah, some fault of the government who were shouting on loudspeakers, "surrender and you won't be hurt" to kidnappers and extortionists in the Mosque. They shouldnt be so gentle with criminals.
Not like all the events have been carried out by common folk. It's the anti-government elements doing this to gain power. People don't orchestrate timed riots, somebody is doing it for them.

I for one refuse to become sheep and would side with the government of Pakistan. For I see one progressive, civilized entity up against suicide bombers and their sympathizers.
Eleven killed in Red Mosque blast

Reports suggest the bomb was aimed at police officers

At least eleven people have been killed in a suspected suicide bombing near Pakistan's Red Mosque, following clashes between Islamists and police.

It appears that forces inimical to the Musharraf govt is doing everything possible to make things difficult.

Little do they realise that they are not only trying to destabilise the Musharraf govt, but also in the bargain destabilising Pakistan!

It is time these fundamentalists are reined in.
I dont think the opposition parties can be blamed for this. They wont like to kill police and army personals. Its the extremists/taliban/AQ/jihadi groups with roots in various places across Paksitan thats behind it
The bombing was a separate incident, IMO. There are two forces with aligned goals - the political parties and the terrorists. Whether they are working in tandem that remains to be seen.

In Pakistan you don't have majority, you have a mob. The one who controls the mob, controls the government. Kinda like ancient Rome.

Gruesome scenes today. Half bodies and naked women lying on the streets of Islamabad. This is what the government is fighting to prevent in Pakistan and our folk are going to be stupid and oppose the government.

The Lal masjid incident today was a pure sign of the anal nature of our "Namazi". There's so much of "My mosque, your mosque, my maulvi, your maulvi" amongst the worshipers that, "Allah" has become of secondary importance when compared to their "preachers".

If you don't wish to pray behind a particular maulvi, just leave. No harm in that, there are plenty of mosques. But they wanted to orchestrate a riot and they did and I'm to buy that Musharraf is to blame?
I wonder how long the government will wait to take action this time.one thing for sure this time every 1 in the mosques should be killed.and longer it takes weaker government is going to look.but they should send MMA to negotiate.just to make sure all Mullahs in when Missiles are to rain in.

just to make sure all is been taken care of once for all.Sick and tired of this Musshy better move and move fast this time Absolutly no negotiation and no one is allowed to come out they are breathing.

i would love to hear from mullah lovers what they say about this.
They are the extermists but on the other hand out side hand cannot be neglected specially frm our friendly nation india. The explosion in peshwar was conducted with the involment of a foreign agency as was reported in geo today to cause instability in pakistan and make it look like a safe house for terrorists.
To eliminate terrorism, you have to eliminate the fountainhead. Killing every rank and file jihadi isn't going to solve anything, because they will be replaced within minutes. But how do you do that ?

Like many of our Muslim members themselves admit, Islam is a whole way of life in itself, with precise rules governing everything from marriage to war to administration etc etc. So the question arises, how does Islam fit into the law of a nation ? If the laws of a country are different from the laws prescribed in the Quran, how is a devout Muslim supposed to abide by both of them ? Either the Muslim must follow the laws of his religion, or his state.

Unless, the law of the state is same as law of Islam i.e. Shariah. So how do we solve this contradiction ?
They are the extermists but on the other hand out side hand cannot be neglected specially frm our friendly nation india. The explosion in peshwar was conducted with the involment of a foreign agency as was reported in geo today to cause instability in pakistan and make it look like a safe house for terrorists.

OK lets then deal with these Terrorist the same way Indians deal with them.

you no what i don't understand is may be u can help me out.Any thing happens any where in the world Pakistanis are out in the streets for the ummah.last i checked Arabs have withdrawn 1.5billion out of our economy since the last time troubles started at lal masjid.i guess ummah is responding.

For some insane reason its so easy for Others to influence Pakistanis to go and destroy there country or at least do there best.

you no how other governments make sure this doesn't happen (not like Pakistan where it happens over and over again.while our minister sit in comfortable rooms trying to negotiate with anti Pakistan personals to solve it.)every time there is a sign of trouble its dealt with immediately and harshly.that shows people running the country actually give a rats Azz.

Chinese did the right thing in Tienanmen square.no one since then have dared to make trouble again.you no what that means.investor confidence in the government so they invest freely and happily.

simplest thing to do is these people wants to meet God.there wish should be our command.let God decide where they go or if he wants to meet them or not .as long as this ***** have left Pakistan Most will be happy.

OH yes and Zia's son and muallana fazul remain should be arrested and charged with anti state activities as most wanted terrorist was at mullanas house.other then carrying a banner fazul rehman and Zia's son have pretty much showed where they stand.Mushy wants to show he is serious this is where i would start public execution make examples.

Every mullah and politician Must show there net worth every year.when you find out what some of these mullahs are wroth a lot of sympathizers will get a sweet awakening.
To eliminate terrorism, you have to eliminate the fountainhead. Killing every rank and file jihadi isn't going to solve anything, because they will be replaced within minutes. But how do you do that ?

Like many of our Muslim members themselves admit, Islam is a whole way of life in itself, with precise rules governing everything from marriage to war to administration etc etc. So the question arises, how does Islam fit into the law of a nation ? If the laws of a country are different from the laws prescribed in the Quran, how is a devout Muslim supposed to abide by both of them ? Either the Muslim must follow the laws of his religion, or his state.

Unless, the law of the state is same as law of Islam i.e. Shariah. So how do we solve this contradiction ?

Americans have finally started to go after the fountain.after a long long delay they have run out of people to blame but the culprit them selfs.:enjoy:
Well said cheetah, I think the problem is again religion and people's loyalties to it rather then their own nation. Makes me sick. Instead of criticizing the bombers for their actions people make excuses for them and some even blame the government.
Right. I agree. Go in hard and fast.....go in without weapons but with tanks as back-up. If even a firecracker goes off Flatten the place.
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