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HQ-9 Surface to Air Missile and Pakistan Air Force

It is world wide web my dear where you can search without asking for internal information. If an information do not exist on web, that means it is not meant to be by the source. And if you are found to ask for it, it means you have other intention. Knowing too much is also a liability, you know and asking for too much, is more than personal knowledge.

I think an elementary school's child knows the meaning of www.....I changed it to match the post with sarcasm. Is it fairly normal to run conspiracy theories? I don't come here often. So I thought I'd ask if an open thread exists on the subject I'm interested in. Sometimes, things aren't as complicated as we make them to be.
While I appreciate the input, will you also point me to any thread where any anti-missile / ABM systems may be getting discussed? Thanks again.

I am sure Baloch sahib will answer but, since you are looking for knowledge, I would personally like you to search and go through different sections on the Forum. Like military section, land warfare, air Warfare and many more defence Sections. You have to strive for your knowledge.
I think an elementary school's child knows the meaning of www.....I changed it to match the post with sarcasm. Is it fairly normal to run conspiracy theories? I don't come here often. So I thought I'd ask if an open thread exists on the subject I'm interested in. Sometimes, things aren't as complicated as we make them to be.

Sarcasm is the worst kind of conversation. Secondly, I didn't point any mistake but had my quite to express my opinion and for flow of sentence. Conspiracy theories are run by clueless people or deliberately done to divert and deceive others. I am not blaming you but explaining.
Thread ban. Select proper flag of your current location. No offense.

I am researching to find out if Pakistan is working on internal R&D projects to create a two layered anti-Missile system (or ABM directly). Talibans now have the basic rockets / missiles as reported today, with ranges like 20-30 km's. Per the history, it might be a real future threat to Pakistan.
So, some system sort of modeled like Israel's Arrow and Barak based on Chinese FT /HQ9 and SD-10 (hi - lo/medium) would make sense? I'd welcome expert opinions and internal knowledge about such a project.
There is a difference between a ABM and a Point defense LOMAD. Pakistan has no plans or any threat from the Afghan Taliban rockets. As far as the ABM is concerned, the cost effectiveness of a system versus having just 6 major urban centers to protect isn’t played out. The best protection to ballistic missiles of an adversary is to build many more of them to ensure MAD
Pakistan's air defence systems are quite pathetic for a country whose military is consistently ranked amongst the top 10 worldwide.
We don't have a free pass for US tech and aid. You are lucky.
Pakistan's air defence systems are quite pathetic for a country whose military is consistently ranked amongst the top 10 worldwide.

We dont get 3.8 billion in Military aid every year along with subsidized access to top of the line Military tech from EU and US. We also don't get brownie points for being alleged Halo cast victims.

Make that 4.8 billion in Military aid from next year.
Pakistan's air defence systems are quite pathetic for a country whose military is consistently ranked amongst the top 10 worldwide.
Debatable, every country develops and Acquires defence system specific to their needs.. case and point Isreal built an exuberantly expensive defensive system called iron dome to protect against very unsophisticated weapons from its enemies across the border. It really doesn’t have sophisticated enemies.

Pakistan on the other hand has to compete with some of the largest armies and air forces in the world. At the lower end of the spectrum in a border skirmish in February a few years ago, the country was faced with a possible strike of 56-64 aircraft along its borders. The eventual miss manged strike had 12 mirage 2000 aircraft which I believe, india missed its target on purpose by attacking trees to keep 0 casualty counts ( except for the environmental damage to trees and pigeon). Having point defence systems is a mistake they can be overwhelmed so fighter based defence gives Pakistan a lot more options. I believe the future of air defence for paksitan is armed anti aircraft drones which could loiter and provide point defence for a much longer period than say sam systems.

an example of the futility of this system is Indian s-300 sam not attacking Pakistani strike formations where 4 different ground targets were engaged. The same if true for numerous isreali strikes in Syria against s-300 and panzer air defence system and finally the Azirbaijans strikes against s-300 and panzer systems in Armenia


"China has provided Paskitan the HQ-2B Surface to Air Missile and the HQ-9 missiles. These are two stage missiles capable of intercepting high altitude targets like strategic bombers and spy planes and are equipped with countermeasures to defend a missile defence. HQ missiles have ‘expanded operational zone’, ‘shortened preparation time’, ‘simplified and mobile launch equipment’ and ‘ability to attack high speed targets’. HQ-9 is a long-range Surface to Air Missile to ‘counter high-performance aircraft, cruise missiles, air-to-surface missiles and tactical ballistic missiles’. "

The Sino-Pakistan Defence Deals: A Factfile | Official Website of the IIT Madras China Studies Centre


The source is Indian.

Pls no Indian sources..
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