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How to Overtake the Indian Armour ?

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well i hope you ever visited Pakistan till now , you must be agree in pakistan very large number of peoples are against pakistan army and leaders but they cant do any thing

IA is much ahead then pa in compare to Pakistan you know that very well ,

well we will not start first , but one thing i want to assure that if any major terror attack happen again then it will be last day for Pakistan

In a recent Gallup survey, 82% population backs Pakistan Military and consider them as saviors. What made you think they are against Armed forces?
In a recent Gallup survey, 82% population backs Pakistan Military and consider them as saviors. What made you think they are against Armed forces?

Not only Gallup but multiple other polls as well, which did include rural areas as well. IK is on second number.
this thread was such a nice and excellent initiative but it seems that pdf mods are sleeping this thread is a bull now and should be closed
1. You are taking me off topic, but I hope Mods will allow me to respond. Obviously you are totally tainted with what you see/hear being dished out night and day by the Western/Zionist media against Pakistan just because it has become a powerful state among the Muslims.

2. Forget about Pakistan and look at yourself inside India. According to Indian PM, one - third of the country is under Maoist insurgency. Add another one-third on account of Kashmir and NE. With one-third remaining, Delhi really has been reduced to the state of the last Mughals who were called Kings of Delhi by the East India Co.

wet dreams on NE. you guys really giving nice time....lol
Eliminate the “fog of war” to win a battle “system transparent right”, is very modern military strategists talked about one of the important military concept. Because the information capacity of modern warfare has become an important factor in joint operations capability. Such as the Indian military’s joint operations in the new theory, have been fighting over the past five elements at the end of the information capacity of up to the first. So, while modern war is a system based on operational information systems, but the basic rule has not changed, that is, eliminate the “fog of war” to win a battle “system transparent and rights”, such as winning the war “Tannangquwu.”.

Multi-dimensional one: to achieve battlefield awareness “transparent”

Training base in Pune Military Region, Ministry director, head a few meters high, tens of meters wide and a particularly eye-catching large matrix screen: exercise video images, terrain modeling animation, multi-dimensional battlefield, operational command instrument against the electromagnetic spectrum, combat and other types of battlefield information exponential curve, so dizzying, far from the "red" "Blue" panoramic view of the military combat situation.

Modern warfare is based on the information system operations, information capacity has not only become the primary factor in the ability of joint operations, joint operations have become the first ability. Thus, the desire to achieve all-round, the whole process, all elements of the overall jump in the joint operational capabilities, we must eliminate the “fog of war” to win the information war “transparent system right.”

view into the world military situation changes, set the grid armed day “multi-dimensional one” system of co-operation system, extensive use of information perception, not only accelerated the shift pattern combat effectiveness, but also to expand the depth of the battlefield information control, breadth and dimensions, so that perception of battlefield information in real time, real-time combat situation can be controlled, tactical logistics operations in real time, accurate navigation and positioning in real time, directing the process to real-time collaboration, operational assessment to real-time feedback, information, perception has become an important core combat composition.

The Iraq war, the U.S. military build three-dimensional, full-dimensional, continuous early warning system and information perception perception of joint operations, information systems, to closely monitor the implementation of military action against Iraq, effectively eliminating the “war fog “and achieved a battlefield,” one-way transparency ‘, completely captured the information war “transparent system of power”, making war asymmetric warfare, which won the war initiative.

Information Network array: data feedback “transparent”

Array of invisible information network quickly opened, covering the vast aspect of the joint exercise area. The main control room, the drill chart depicting vividly the spectacular giant screen at the top: Armored Pentium cloud of dust rolled up, ship fleet true to line, the air whistling hawk flying, Sword missiles fired at targets.

Modern warfare, captured on the battlefield “system transparent right” means to seize the battlefield initiative and, therefore, advantageous position to win the war to win the initiative.

Current theory of foreign militaries in the new joint operations, more emphasis on information capacity and the role of the primary factors, and even a new revolution in military affairs has been fighting the last among the five major elements (ie, machine power, firepower, force protection, command capacity, information capacity) of the information capacity of up to the end of the first one.
was clear: efficient and accurate and reliable information systems to build, to enhance the combat capability based information system has laid an important foundation. In information technology, through to mobile and fixed, wired and wireless, system integration and system technology can be woven from the cluster communication, location information, text electronic data, audio and video information transmission as one of the “multi-play” digital network array, so as to armed forces to achieve tactical data link interoperability and win battle “system transparent rights” provide a powerful guarantee.

U.S. killed bin Laden watch live real-time news screen image so far impressed the whole world, and support from the “action” of the core technology is U.S. efforts to build information systems data link, and its powerful broadband technology enables real-time video transmission is possible.

Intelligent judge: for simulation operations “transparent”

Intense confrontation between the observation system, the implementation of precise operations. According to the intelligence director, the referee ruling order, the two sides battle situation and make timely judgments.
Intelligent decision information system known as the quasi-war “digital referee”, by laser engagement simulation systems, decision systems, and indirect fire fighting systems, fire-air combat simulation , can replace subjective decision, so roughly cut into a precise cut assessment evaluation, the military exercises with the science of “transparent ruler.”
Zhimiao weapon “to play laser”, aiming weapons between the “hit data” through “laser engagement simulation system”, according to the laser radiation intensity level quickly calculate the damage; the use of “smart ruling system “can make an accurate calculation, and automatic generation of combat damage effect and dynamic parameters of the” digital referee “system according to actual standards ruling, effectively eliminating the” miscarriage of justice, miscarriage of justice, Missing. ”
Relying on means to simulate actual combat simulation technology, has become the world’s military powers the main trend of the joint military exercise, and most representative of the U.S. National Training Center, the Army through its advanced integrated laser combat system, capable of killing, killing, destroying the time, place and extent of providing accurate information, even for nuclear biological and chemical weapons, bombs and mines and other lethal effect of dynamic assessment, the joint military exercises with the greatest of the “transparency” close ” actual combat. ”

Model assessment: system performance to achieve “transparent”

Chief technical control room of a base matrix screen, the combat elements of the troops in pie charts, histograms, graphs and other forms dynamic display, at a glance. Meanwhile, the "red" and "blue" armies fighting the index as the battle continued the process of change.
Use of auxiliary assessment model can be broken down into several hundreds of combat operations, and then refined into the weight of thousands of scores, so that the index of the battle to achieve a from static to dynamic, from qualitative to quantitative scientific assessment, and accurate access to the Internet anytime. By the theory of operations, command strategy to combat high-capacity integrated load testing, both to stimulate the innovation advantage, but also to make up the system “short board” and actually found the combat of “ability point” and fighting leveraging the “leverage.”
was clear: the current base of foreign military simulation war games are equipped with advanced computer simulation systems and training, monitoring evaluation system, thereby achieving a joint military exercise “full transparency.” Simulation system can display a variety of small arms, artillery, tanks, aircraft and other joint operations “effectiveness” can be realistically show ground combat, anti-air warfare, electronic warfare and information warfare and other operations, “real.”

System dispatch: against the rules to achieve “transparent”

"red" and "blue" fight is heating up, the directing department through the guide transfer control system implementation "transparent" monitoring, control terminal from time to time send and receive using a variety of dispatch instructions, operating system, state inspectors and other equipment against the rules and behavior in order to ensure compliance with the "real" requirements.
The integrated use of dispatch control system rules control, information control and process control and other advanced technology to achieve a “transparent” monitoring. Rules control: to ensure that each exercise based on “rules” to implement; information control: compatible with location information, decision information, dispatch information, so that the effective operation of the system; process control: the ability to effectively implement the whole “transparent” control.
Self-confrontation is not a free fight, against the rules to be implemented in accordance with. Is the so-called “rules as hard as iron, who touched who bleed,” never allow “walking a fine line,” Diamond Rule “loopholes” which is both peacetime and wartime, combat training one of the important part.
At present, foreign military training centers have a number of experienced and strict selection of excellent conditioning of the civil officers. They usually live together and forces during training according to “rules” strict implementation of the dispatch instruction guidance and control, to improve the quality and level of training plays an important role.

Comprehensive integration: integration of resources “transparent”

As night fell, the dense jungle of a highly integrated module of type field director, successfully opened. In addition to spatial concentration, but here the seats and facilities for all kinds of dispatch functions readily available. In the periphery, a variety of field-based mobile network dispatch system into the array, so that a distributed system of joint operations to achieve resource sharing.
the comprehensive field of highly integrated module of dispatch, the director, equivalent to the total integrated control room and studio in one room, under the conditions in the motor panoramic visualization, icon visualize three-dimensional terrain modeling and simulation exercises.
Simulation Combat birth of “artificial battlefield environment,” joint military exercise casting modern war “testing ground.” At present, the foreign military attaches great importance to the application of advanced scientific and technological means to generate a strong drive mode to accelerate the transformation combat, such as “effects-based operations” and “network-centric warfare,” combined to make an unprecedented joint operations to improve efficiency; use of virtual reality technology, you can even “Simulation operations. ” Therefore, relying on scientific and technological forces of change speech law and tactics to achieve a high degree of unity, has become an important trend.
For a long time, the military power play has been keen to explore the law and tactics to achieve a high degree of integration and reunification, trying to find the best tactics for winning the war. However, the ancient military strategists to victory in Mozilla, although the information war is a system based on operational information systems, can not change the basic rules of war, that is, eliminate the “fog of war” to win a battle “system transparent right”, winning the war such as “Tannangquwu.”
Indian Army of people think every army except their army is sleeping and not preparing themselves for future wars but they will be shocked if they try to attack Pakistan the response they will get will be enormous and even if China doesn't engage but still if it deploys large number of troops near Indian border when India Attacks Pakistan it will change India policy of attack and will also care about China

---------- Post added at 08:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:52 AM ----------

The Aircraft carrier is the most easy target to hit and if it gets hit really badly by our cruise and other missiles Indian Navy will loose half of its battle

we can't fight with mighty Pakistan, yes you have more advanced and sophisticated weapons . we are inducting 3 air craft carriers for your target practice. yeah we are inducting all our jets to put in show case right. we can't win a war with you, are you happy now. is your ego satisfied now. chill
Indian Army of people think every army except their army is sleeping and not preparing themselves for future wars but they will be shocked if they try to attack Pakistan the response they will get will be enormous and even if China doesn't engage but still if it deploys large number of troops near Indian border when India Attacks Pakistan it will change India policy of attack and will also care about China

---------- Post added at 08:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:52 AM ----------

The Aircraft carrier is the most easy target to hit and if it gets hit really badly by our cruise and other missiles Indian Navy will loose half of its battle

listne seneor i tried yesterday lso to make a point ill do it again with respect to india attacking pakistan that is and will remain a
conspiracy theory and about china factor in if godforbid it comes to a indo-pak war china will never attack india for the sake of their love for pakistan all it will do is giving free arms to pakistan & some harsh lip service and thats where it ends so in short you have to fight a war with india if it ever heppens
What Guidance does SH-1 follows to have precision strikes.
And KRL-122 is a cheap North Korean copy of the old Soviet BM-21.... nowhere it says it is GPS guided.

I gave u the links abt SH-1,WS-100 n KRL-122.. read them.

UAV (armed/recon) and UCAVs are two different things...
Unmanned combat air vehicle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Under development and deployed/operational has a lot of difference....

Oh great atleast now know the difference.

Abt developmen n operational? why post abt aura,lca? both r on drawing board while the ucav is still on paper.

CH-3 has been ordered while Burraq is under development... n both r UCAVs.

India Currently has 1000 T-90s operational(Another 690 ordered)

1000 in service really? in 2 year india has now 1000 operational t-90s? must be the use of black magic? :rofl:

India as of right now....has around 400+ or -... of them in service n might-will get 1000 by the end of 2020.

248 Arjuns operational(Another 248 ordered)

And the sources r? initially ind army ordered just 120.. than another 120.. when did it order 248 more? post sources.
2100 T-72s (1000 Upgraded to Ajeya standards)

India operates 1800 t-72s not 2100.... and provide a source of the 1000 tanks with new thermal sights? even 1000 are to be upgraded it would take years..

Lol.. chechnya,iraq ...... shytty loader.. bit soldiers arms of... nice tank..:lol:

Thermal Imaging system for T-72 tanks - India - DNA

700 T-55
and other tanks
That makes 1248 modern MBTs

240+ arjuns
400+ t-90s
1800 t-72
and other obsolete tanks... indian armour?

And Pakistan Army has 300 Al-Khalids( Another 300 ordered)

Ordered in mid 2000s.. now in service.. with upgraded AK-I... AK-II will form the backbone of PA armour. 1300+ are to be inducted after 2013.


All are identical to T-84 ..it was further upgraded with help frm france.. fcs,thermal sights,DU(HIT)etc etc
300 Type 85-IIAP

More like 400...
400A l-Zarrar
600+ In service.
400 Type 69-II
400 Type 59

We had more than 1200+ in 1990... all are to be phased out with AKs n AZs.

A light tank which can be taken down a RPG-7 even.... If I remember carefully you claimed to have one... why don't you try it on some Al Zarar to see it for yourself than wasting them on Hunting.... :lol:

I remember 1 being hit by 8 RPGs,mines n suicide bombers in swat city... and the crew survived..

How do you have them already when.... they will make...

Are u going to war today? ... on call of duty game perhaps?

Name the BVR weapon used on those planes...

I provided links.. google them.

What am I going to do with that news until you have them.... will your commanders greet IAF jets with those news that China is sending 50 planes and talks of 5th gen. ones are on.... :rofl:

How many 5th gen jets does india have as of right now? and do u think PAF will not get 5th gen jets to counter them? u must be living in fools paradise.

Musharraf odered 34 how did that become 50-52 and 150 ??

2 Sqds were ordered this year also remember?

150 is the total fleet PAF will have till maybe 2016-18.

Where does LCA come into this ??... atleast it isn't imaginary as your JF-17 block III and IV and V...... and N-times...

Go read what i said again... Blk-II is around the corner n so is its stealthy variant.. and its been posted in various threads go read JF info pool thread.
Initially contract for 310 "T-90S" signed in 2001.A contract, worth $800 million, was signed on October 26, 2006, for another 330 T-90M MBTs that were to be built with locally-sourced raw materials.A third contract, worth $1.23 billion, was signed in December 2007 for 347 upgraded T-90Ms, the bulk of which will be licence-assembled by HVF.The Indian Army would begin receiving its first T-90M main battle tank (MBT) in completely knocked-down condition from Russia’s Nizhny Tagil-based Uralvagonzavod JSC by the end of 2009. In all, India plans to have 310 T-90S and 1,330 T-90M tanks in service by 2020 (total of 1,657 tanks by 2020)

968 T72M1 have been upgraded by the Heavy vehicles factory (HVF), While requests for proposal for upgrading approximately 1,000 other T-72's have been sent to various firms in Israel, Russia, Poland and France

---------- Post added at 06:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:51 PM ----------

I gave u the links abt SH-1,WS-100 n KRL-122.. read them.

Oh great atleast now know the difference.

Abt developmen n operational? why post abt aura,lca? both r on drawing board while the ucav is still on paper.

CH-3 has been ordered while Burraq is under development... n both r UCAVs.

1000 in service really? in 2 year india has now 1000 operational t-90s? must be the use of black magic? :rofl:

India as of right now....has around 400+ or -... of them in service n might-will get 1000 by the end of 2020.

And the sources r? initially ind army ordered just 120.. than another 120.. when did it order 248 more? post sources.

India operates 1800 t-72s not 2100.... and provide a source of the 1000 tanks with new thermal sights? even 1000 are to be upgraded it would take years..

Lol.. chechnya,iraq ...... shytty loader.. bit soldiers arms of... nice tank..:lol:

Thermal Imaging system for T-72 tanks - India - DNA

240+ arjuns
400+ t-90s
1800 t-72
and other obsolete tanks... indian armour?

Ordered in mid 2000s.. now in service.. with upgraded AK-I... AK-II will form the backbone of PA armour. 1300+ are to be inducted after 2013.

All are identical to T-84 ..it was further upgraded with help frm france.. fcs,thermal sights,DU(HIT)etc etc

More like 400...

600+ In service.

We had more than 1200+ in 1990... all are to be phased out with AKs n AZs.

I remember 1 being hit by 8 RPGs,mines n suicide bombers in swat city... and the crew survived..

Are u going to war today? ... on call of duty game perhaps?

I provided links.. google them.

How many 5th gen jets does india have as of right now? and do u think PAF will not get 5th gen jets to counter them? u must be living in fools paradise.

2 Sqds were ordered this year also remember?

150 is the total fleet PAF will have till maybe 2016-18.

Go read what i said again... Blk-II is around the corner n so is its stealthy variant.. and its been posted in various threads go read JF info pool thread.[/QUOTE]

please provide links
Initially contract for 310 "T-90S" signed in 2001.A contract, worth $800 million, was signed on October 26, 2006, for another 330 T-90M MBTs that were to be built with locally-sourced raw materials.A third contract, worth $1.23 billion, was signed in December 2007 for 347 upgraded T-90Ms, the bulk of which will be licence-assembled by HVF.The Indian Army would begin receiving its first T-90M main battle tank (MBT) in completely knocked-down condition from Russia’s Nizhny Tagil-based Uralvagonzavod JSC by the end of 2009. In all, India plans to have 310 T-90S and 1,330 T-90M tanks in service by 2020 (total of 1,657 tanks by 2020)

968 T72M1 have been upgraded by the Heavy vehicles factory (HVF), While requests for proposal for upgrading approximately 1,000 other T-72's have been sent to various firms in Israel, Russia, Poland and France

dear seneor why are you waking them let them think what they want its not going change there pethettik situation and as for our armour & its capabilities all the powers san china are having or already had war games with us so it hardly matters what pakistanies think of our power they will get a taste of it when time comes so just chill & let them have good time with there dreams thanks:tup:
Initially contract for 310 "T-90S" signed in 2001.A contract, worth $800 million, was signed on October 26, 2006, for another 330 T-90M MBTs that were to be built with locally-sourced raw materials.A third contract, worth $1.23 billion, was signed in December 2007 for 347 upgraded T-90Ms, the bulk of which will be licence-assembled by HVF.The Indian Army would begin receiving its first T-90M main battle tank (MBT) in completely knocked-down condition from Russia’s Nizhny Tagil-based Uralvagonzavod JSC by the end of 2009. In all, India plans to have 310 T-90S and 1,330 T-90M tanks in service by 2020 (total of 1,657 tanks by 2020)

968 T72M1 have been upgraded by the Heavy vehicles factory (HVF), While requests for proposal for upgrading approximately 1,000 other T-72's have been sent to various firms in Israel, Russia, Poland and France

---------- Post added at 06:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:51 PM ----------

Go read what i said again... Blk-II is around the corner n so is its stealthy variant.. and its been posted in various threads go read JF info pool thread.

please provide links[/QUOTE]

I did kindly read my previous posts.
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